
Protagonist said:
The character is approvable, though it's more likely that kind of character would end up working with the raiders (which actually is an option, if you like). Also, keep in mind that if our characters find out about your sinister past, it won't likely be pretty.
Yes I know that, but thank you.
Alright, you're approved. Would it be alright though if you're character didn't show up until tomorrow (in-RP time, that is)?
Yeah that would be better, allowing for you guys to get acquainted and then I can pop in making everyone anxious and on edge.
-Name: Jack "Jackie" Adams

-Age: 11 1/2


-Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Obviously a student, he has also played baseball and has been in gymnastics and karate

-Starting equipment: His baseball bat and a jacket (if that counts??)

-Skills: Basically what it says in the 'Child' thing... xD ...Getting into small places, he's quicker and more agile than adults, and he can swing a baseball bat pretty freaking hard

-Bio: Raised in the city by his mother, father, and older sister, he had a pretty typical life. When it happened, he was walking home from baseball practice and ended up climbing a tree to escape. Pretty mature for his age, though he is still young. Can be bratty at times, though overall a good kid. Likes exploring and having fun...especially playing sports. He claims he's not afraid of anything, but there are times when his fear is pretty obvious, though he'll deny it most of the time.

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