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  • Users: Tykn
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  1. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasias heart was racing now. She nodded at Radeh. "Ya," she said in a hushed yell. She reached into her secret belt that wrapped around her up most thigh. She pulled out two knives, her eyes turning to slits. Cat like, and poised, her movement covering up ant sign of tiredness.
  2. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia was ready for bed now. She rose from her little rock. Slipping her robe around her shoulders. "Ah, I'm so tired!" She lightly, slumped down in front of the fire, laying on her side, the fire heating and illuminating her long body. She was drifting in and out of sleep when she heard...
  3. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia had nearly fallen asleep on her horse many times before they all stopped to make camp. She was relieved to find that she didn't need to stand guard. In her mind, a beautiful woman doesn't stand guard, but gets her much needed beauty sleep. She dismounted her horse, rather sloppy than her...
  4. Tykn

    The Spire (Open)

    Natasia looked nonchalantly at the group if people. She enjoyed learning about them. "Well you all know me already..." She looked blankly at the floor smiling. She had told them that she the spire gave her her extremely pale complexion and that she was a rhythmic gymnast, making her a...
  5. Tykn

    The Victory Force - Resurrected!

    {... Sure :)
  6. Tykn

    The Victory Force - Resurrected!

    Name: Heidi Kurkova Age: 17 Alliance: Dark Force Ring: Heidis ring is a platinum band with a clump of crystals at the end in an odd formation. This ring gives Heidi the power to control water. Bio: Heidi was the daughter of German, high class, business people. She enjoyed her life in...
  7. Tykn

    Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

    Andrej slowly set down her tablet. She turned her head to him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, nothing," she said sarcastically. "It's just that you seem to be especially fond of Lilith..." She her self wasn't sure of what was being implied. She tightly crossed her legs and held her eye contact with...
  8. Tykn

    Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

    (It's been a while, huh?) Andrej couldn't help but eye Christian and Lilith. He had pretty much given up though. The new girl could have him. She spent the rest of the time in the restaurant checking her bags and filling through her fashion magazines. She lit up when she saw the summer dress...
  9. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    (Grrr... I missed a lil bit, huh?) Natasia had grown absolutely tired of the elf. She wanted respect and yet she didn't give much. Natasia only smiled a condescending smile and stroked her hair, getting it back to its silk like state. She was happy to have Godfrey with her. He seemed to be the...
  10. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia stood tall, glancing around the stable. "Hm," she pondered. She ran her nails through her morning hair and walked over to the nearest horse. Her steps were shorter despite of her usually long gait. Swinging her leg over the pure white mare, she smiled, happy to be on a steed. "Let's go...
  11. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia tilted her head at the new elf. What nerve she had. She smirked and raised a eyebrow, crossing her legs tighter and popping her chest out. She loved when people talked about her. She liked the attention, good or bad. She looked back at her drink, huffing a haughty breath of air, not even...
  12. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia, still being tired, had her eyes half open in a drunk like state. She stared off smiling, thinking. Oh how she was tired. She whirled her finger around, signaling the bar keep. As he came to her, she smiled a charming smile, and ordered a cup of tea. Natasia had done this many times...
  13. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia lay silent, not moving. It had been days since she had sleep. As she slept, she would wake up, only to close her eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep. It was as if nothing had happened, like she was still a member of the thieves, like she had never attempted to kidnap the Prince. As...
  14. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia was relieved to find the other two just outside of the castle. What a coincidence. She followed closely behind her savior, Godefrey. It was odd for her to be on the other side of the fence, bringing attacked by the thieves. As she entered the inn, Natasia kept her head down, hoping no...
  15. Tykn

    The Spire (Open)

    Natasia admired Juras being straightforward. She lifted an eyebrow and smiled. She stepped forward, turning on her toes to the rest of the group. "Well if we're introducing ourselves, my name is Natasia Ucklov. I'm a rhythmic gymnast. Not professionally of course, but anyway, the storms gave me...
  16. Tykn

    Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

    Andrej was delighted. He set down his things and headed for the feast. "Thank you!" With that she gorged in eggs and bacon while wondering of her trip. She looked around. She did a little happy dance in her seat. "So when do we leave? I'm ready to get out of here!" With that, she picked up her...
  17. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia was horrified. She could here and see the carnage from her cell. It was scary to think of all the dead. She tried to find a way out but could not. She kicked and heaved and still no progress. She was afraid that she would burn in the castle ruins. That was when Godfrey came to rescue...
  18. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    It was strange to enter the castle the way Natasia did. She was nervous of what would happen. She carefully studied the room like every room she entered. Its what a third did. Always looking for exits or entrances. She listened closely to the orders given and surprisingly stayed quiet. Her...
  19. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasias head fell to her hands. "There not my comrade anymore!" She yelled annoyed. She was riding away with the people who she was to be torturing. She wore a long dark cloak to hide her appearance. People everywhere knew her. The deadly beauty who led an attack on the castle. She would have...
  20. Tykn

    RP: Battle of Guilds

    Natasia slowly got up, her long legs shaky. She followed closely behind Godfrey, her head held down in shame. She had to get over this. Her head snapped up Godfrey. "Just follow close. I'll get us a horse..." She took the lead, her hips swaying. She thought about her possibilities and chances...