RP: Battle of Guilds

Godfrey thought deeply about what she said. Was it a trick? She had just tried to kill him and from the looks of the general she was just torturing him. Godfrey grimaced and then sighed, removing the sword from her neck.

"If you truly yield, your fate is not mine to decide. We will be heading to meet up with the scarlet rose at their stronghold. If you wish to join us you can, but no funny business or ill run you through, what say you?" Godfrey offered.
“Tread lightly newcomer, there is a very strong presence in this stronghold. We must move swiftly if we are to escape now.” Travis spoke up from where he was standing. Did Radeh hire this guy? Whoever he is, he's pretty good. “Also, I say we leave the girl here, she is too dangerous for us to handle”, the General added. He still held hands with the princess.

“Travis, I'm scared...” Princess Azriel dug her face into the young General's back. “It's ok, princess. We will get back to the kingdom soon enough.”
Nileriel walked along the a hidden path, just to be sure he wouldn't get caught. It was quiet but somehow even in the peace he was completely on edge. He now realized he'd forgotten to get a weapon of any kind and was easy prey to any common thief. He fair in hand to hand combat but it was most definetly not his strength. He sighed frustrated. This was going to be a lot harder than he thought. It came upon his thoughts to stop by Ciel's manor but he decided for now it was best he was the only one to know about his whereabouts.

He made his way to a small town which he guessed to be the town of Speararrow, since that had been the direction he was headed. It was a tiny town, that seemed empty and barren. This was much different than the nice luxuries at the castle but he would have to make do with it. He made his way over to a small tavern called the Howling Harlot Tavern. The uncleanliness of the place bothered him but he was tired from travel and the next town was a good couple miles away. He kept the hood of his cloak on as he entered the tavern. There weren't a lot of people in there but the people who were their looked anything but friendly.
Godfrey had troubled thoughts now. She honestly seemed scared, but maybe he was right, after all Godfrey had just met her in a fight.

"I will take responsibility for her actions." Godfrey said sternly. He then turned back to her and waited for a response.
Travis visibly looked troubled. He didn't want to bring the assassin. He saw her kill his men. He saw how cunning she was, how ruthless she could me. He knew he was in debt to his man however; he would have to listen to what he said. “Find, lead the way stranger”, Travis finally replied. He held the princess close to his body. Anything from here on out would be for live or death. He wouldn't let her go.
As the sword was lifted from Natasias neck, she dropped to the floor in tears. She had had failed again and Black would be after her. Why was she always on the chopping block? She looked up at the two, at their mercy. "Please let me come! He'll kill me if he finds out that I have failed him again." She shuddered. She was now an outlaw of her own guild. She had known this place ever since she was a tiny girl. Everything she knew changed. Her loyalty to Black, everything. She already missed Blacks touch.
When Radehgieh got back to the castle he immediately went to see the prince to tell him about what he'd assigned the tracker to do. He was surprised to find that none of the guards were patrolling near Nileriel's rooms. It made him worry a bit- but then it wasn't unusual for the prince to send away his guards. He knocked on the door.

"Young Prince, it is Radegieh. May I have a word with you?" He asked. There was no response. Radehgieh knocked again. "Young Prince...?" He opened the door and walked into the room. Nileriel was nowhere to be found. He ran out of the room to look for Bpumir the guard in charge of guarding the prince. Once he found him he asked, "Where is the young prince Nileriel?" Bpumir tilted his head.

"I thought he was in his room."
"Let us leave then." Godfrey said as he turned and left the room, sword in hand, this wasn't apart of the plan but nothing ever went according to plan for Godfrey. He made his way carefully hoping not to meet more thieves, his shoulder still had pain and the girl could doublecross. He thought for a moment, we need horses, she would know where to get them and how to avoid the guards if she was loyal to them now. He turned to her.

"We need horses if we're going to escape quickly, you will have to lead the way, I'm putting my trust in you. No one will harm you while I breath." Godfrey said.
Natasia slowly got up, her long legs shaky. She followed closely behind Godfrey, her head held down in shame. She had to get over this. Her head snapped up Godfrey. "Just follow close. I'll get us a horse..." She took the lead, her hips swaying. She thought about her possibilities and chances. She could have simply ran off into the deep forest and gotten away but she was safer with the Rose.

There was an old abandoned barn, decrepit and seemingly empty. This is where the thieves kept their stallions. As she came upon the old place, she smiled. "And here we are, the stables." She stepped over fallen ruble, pushing open the tilted, derailed barn door. Inside held the many compartments of horses. There were to be no thieves here as no one was deployed on any mission lately. Natasia walked quickly, opening up six cages. "Take your pick."
Radehgieh honestly felt as if he was about to go crazy. But he calmed himself. There were still a few places he needed to check before he could believe that the worst had happened. He went and searched the whole castle, especially all the places Nileriel had liked to hang about. Still, the prince wasn't anywhere. "Oh god, what has happened?" Radehgieh said to himself exasperated. This was extremely bad, what was he going to do? He knew he had to alert the King and Queen immediately. Oh their poor souls. Radehgieh thought. As if losing their daughter wasn't enough. Now they've lost the only child they have left.
Godfrey was relieved that she had decided not to betray them. He mounted a horse and exited the barn. He rubbed his shoulder, a throbbing pain had come over it. He let them know they would ride with speed to the castle, it was dark out and an ambush was harder to spot. He nudged the horse forward and before long was in a sprint. Halfway through the ride he felt light headed and became unstable. Suddenly without warning he tumbled to the ground violently. Laying on his stomach he wasn't badly injured but he was almost unconcious.
Travis carefully analyzed the situation. How could they have gotten out here so easily? Where were all the guards? No way Black would leave this place so open... Travis looked around at the surrounding forest. Suddenly the escort fell to the ground. Travis saw a bush slightly wavier. Or did he? I could have sworn that bush started to- Out from another opening of the forest an arrow came spiraling towards Travis' face. He quickly rolled to the side, and watched as the arrow stuck onto a tree. He could see that the arrow was drenched in poison. He held his lance up to the assassin’s neck. “There are people out in the forest, tell me now. They are your comrades are they not?” Travis held the princess to his side, his eyes lingered between the fallen stranger, the princess, the assassin, and the people in the forest. He had been backed into a corner.
Natasias head fell to her hands. "There not my comrade anymore!" She yelled annoyed. She was riding away with the people who she was to be torturing. She wore a long dark cloak to hide her appearance. People everywhere knew her. The deadly beauty who led an attack on the castle. She would have surely been shot down by her once was comrades. She dismounted.

"This shouldn't be too hard." She threw three knives in a fan shape, taking out three of the forest members. She whipped around, slicing through two more with her chain sword. Her fighting style was strange. Every move was a spinning, acrobatic feat. With the thieves down, she rushed to Geoffrey. "You must get up, there coming now!" She looked around frantically, leaping onto her horse.
Godfrey shook his head and came to. He stood up and made for his horse. He then noticed something was rushing towards him. He drew his sword and spun around slicing the thief across his face and chest. Godfrey turned and mounted his horse, more arrows began to fly. He had his horse in full sprint when he noticed the riders behind him and his allies. They rode through the night being chased by the cutthroats. Suddenly the walls of the Scarlet Rose castle came into view, they picked up speed. As they neared the walls arrows flew from the walls and pierced their pursuers. The gate started to rise and they rode into the courtyard of the castle.
Nileriel sat down at a table by himself. All the people in the tavern eyed him suspiciously, it made him nervous. He looked around for anything he could possibly use as a weapon, just in case he needed to. Across the tavern a girl, not human a creature of some kind, got up and walked over to him.

"Hello, haven't seen you 'round here before." she said. Nileriel just nodded.

"What's you name?" she asked.

"N-" he stopped. There was no way he could give her his real name. "Rnalor." He said, making the name up as quickly as he could. She smiled. "Ah, nice to meet you, I am Aseres."

As Godfrey and the others were dismounting their horses, some of the guards noticed the assassin and immediately drew swords. Godfrey drew his sword and stepped in between them.

"She is with me, you won't touch her as long as I live, send for Radegeigh immediately!" Godfrey demanded. The guards were confused but they sent someone to find Radegeigh and summon him to the courtyard. Godfrey hoped that he would have leniency and offer asylum to her, she might be willing to help out if she was truly done with the thieves guild. The guards who remained still had their swords at the ready, nervous about the enemy inside their defences.
When the guard came to Radehgieh he sighed, "This better be important." he said. The guard nodded. "The tracker has returned. With the woman who attacked earlier." Radegieh was shocked. At last some good news. He quickly followed the guard back to the front gate. Indeed it was true, they had returned- the tracker, Travis, Azriel and they even took one of the thieves. It was miraculous! He smiled. "Good work.." he said and paused. "Travis, Princess Azriel, welcome home. Come let's get you all inside and to the healers quickly." He looked at the guard trying to decide what to do with the thief for now. "Take her and place her in a cell for now. Don't rough her up or anything yet though." he said to the guards. Later he would tell them of the bad news but for now it was better just to get them healed and settled in.
Godfrey reluctantly let the guards take her since Radegeigh instructed them to be civil with her. Was Godfrey a fool for bringing this woman along, only time would tell. He followed Radageigh to a room occupied by a few healers and guards. One of the healers attended to Godfrey's shoulder.

"You are lucky, that almost got infected and your arm was out of its socket. You should be all right for now." The healer said as he finished mending Godfrey. He thanked the healer and stood up, he then walked over to Radegeigh.

"Can I have a private discussion with you?" Godfrey asked feeling the pain subsiding from his healed wound.
Radehgieh nodded hesitantly, looking over at Azriel. The king and Queen were there with her, hugging her happy she was safe. He wondered how long it would be before she asked for her brother. He led Godfrey out into the hall instructing the guard to leave for the time being so they could talk. "I was meaning to talk to you anyways but what is it you had to say?" Radegieh said.


Aseres sat down across from him. She giggled. "You can't act so jumpy here. Your practically begging to get robbed." Nileriel narrowed his eyes at her wondering what it was she wanted, surely she hadn't came up to him for no reason.
Godfrey sighed hesitantly.

"The girl we brought with us, I promised her she would be safe here, she helped us escape. The thieves guild would surely have killed her if we left her back there. What I'm saying is just see if she's willing to cooperate with you. If she gives you trouble I will take responsibility for her actions." Godfrey proposed to the elf. "And I also have a request. You seem like someone who can find things out. When your through with my services instead of money, I would like you to find me some information." He ended his proposal.
Something wasn't right. How was it that they so easily got out of the hideout. Who was this character? Questions zipped through Travis' head as a healer was tending to the wound in his back. He saw as the royal family had all gathered. The King looked over to Travis, and gave him a slight nod with a smile. Wait a second.... Travis stood up from where he was sitting. He grabbed his lance and his armor. "We need to get ready for battle, the enemy is coming." Travis announced his order with a stern voice. Everyone looked confused, how would he know that? A guard quickly ran into the room.

"The Thieves Guild and The Eastern Alliance have come! They are here to fight!"

Travis shook his head. He should have seen this come sooner. The moment he was captured, he knew the enemy would order troops to attack the castle. They had barely made it before the full assault team had came.
Radehgieh nodded. That was fair enough. "I don't know what is you'd like to find out but I'll do my best to get that information for you." He paused lowering his voice "The prince has disappeared. Its odd because it seems no foul play was involved and its unlikely it was the Thieves guild.."
A puzzled look came over Godfrey's face. He was about offer a suggestion when a guard interrupted them abruptly.

"Radegeigh sir, we're being attacked, the theives guild and eastern alliance prepare for an assault as we speak!" The guard reported nervously. Godfrey drew his sword and looked to Radegeigh awaiting orders.
Radehgieh sighed frustrated. "Prepare the troops, spare a few guards to stay here with the nobles and royal family. Go, as quickly as you can. Use all and any weapons, give the elves, dwarves and warlocks their crystal. Hell, unleash the dragons! We can't afford to lose this battle right now." he said to the guard. He looked at Godfrey. "I don't expect you to fight this battle rather I wish for you to help me with the other matters at hand. But if you wish to fight along side us then so be it."
Godfrey pondered on the offer. He wanted to build trust so that he may get the information he seeked quicker. He cracked his neck and twirled his sword.

"It sounds like you could use all the fighters you can. Where do you want me?" Godfrey said, with some regret.

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