RP: Battle of Guilds

Natasias breath caught in her chest, as her guild members walked in. Her heartbeat raced and her hands grew clammy. She was pleased to see the new prisoner but oh so afraid. She jerked her head to the side, hearing Black. "Here we go..." She wined. She stood slowly, trying to hide her fear. She lifted her chin and walked slowly to Blacks room, doing as he instructed, locking the door. She glared at him. "I'm sorry... I almost had him. They were just to quick to realize I was there." She paused. "You'll be glad to know that I took a large number of men," she inquired with a bit of hope that that would relieve his anger a little.
Black shook his head at her ramblings, although he didn’t believe in second chances, he figured that he could hold onto her for a bit ‘After I’m done with her though, I’ll get rid of her permanently,’ He thought.

“No need to apologize my swan,” Black told her “After all that was my fault, I should have sent you backup, but because of you I now have the general, who is equally useful.”

Black than took her hand gently and continued “Because of your efforts I need you to do a very special job for me, when Travis wakes up I need you to torture him in front of the princess to the brink of death. You may use any tools necessary. Just make sure he feels as much pain as possible.”
Natasias eyes grew wide. 'That is so not what I expected,' She thought. She smiled with relief. She was ecstatic to feel his hand hold hers. The connection wasn't completely lost. She quickly bowed to him. "Thank you my Lord." She listened closely to his next instructions, wincing at "special job," as she had failed the first special job he had given her. This job however, was extremely easy for her to do. She ran through sick, sadistic ways to torture him. "No need to worry my Lord. Torture is as easy as it gets. She leaned close to him and lightly kissed his cheek. To far? She didn't think so. "You won't regret keeping me around."

With that, Natasia headed back into the room of prisoners. She eyed the new general. She would glance at him and back to the princess, trying to suppress laughter. She would have fun with this. She sat in a chair at the other end of the room, eyeing them, waiting.
A ringing sound eerily awoke Travis, as he slowly opened his eyes and gained his conscience. The ringing was from the the blow to the head he received from Black, he felt a searing pain in his neck from being knocked out cold. Travis first met his eyes with a dimly lit candle, he could tell there was someone sitting in front of him, but he couldn't tell who it was just yet. His vision slowly came about.

Princess Azriel noticed Travis was awake, and hugged his bound body and sank her head into his chest, crying.

Travis realized he was gagged, and his hands bound behind his back. However, he felt the outlining of his crystal bracelet around his right wrist. “Nevel you bastard, I'm gonna buy you a drink after this is all over...” Travis slowly thought as he eyed Natasia, who was watching guard.

Travis quickly collected his thoughts and evaluated the situation. His plan to get into the hideout worked, however he had to be caught and knocked out. He would have to make do with the situation.

At least he was close to the princess with what seemed only one guard. He also had his trump card under his belt, but he would have to wait for the perfect moment to strike.

He coolly looked back at Natasia, and gave her a wink.
Natasia watched Travis awaken and giggled when the princess hugged him. "How cute..." She stared at him, a devilish smile on her face. She cocked her head to the side when he winked to her, scowling. She stood up slowly and walked up behind him, bending over to talk in his ear. "Its to bad I have to torture you." She giggled and twirled a knife around two fingers while walking around to his front. She looked over him, calculating where to make her first move. She glanced over to see if the princess was still watching.

Natasia held the knife out, placing the tip on his cheek. She began to trace a shallow cut down his cheek. She lifted the knife and cut horizontally on his other cheek. She was like a painter working on a canvas. She moved closer to him, purring in a way. Her hand lifted again, reaching it around the back of his neck. When she pulled her hand back, she made another cut up his neck. She smiled. Inching closer, she licked the blood from his cheek, smearing the other cuts in with her other hand. She backed up and evaluated her work so far. Satisfied, she moved in again, this time her intentions being his limbs.
Black nodded in recognition when she thanked him and kept his stoic face when she kissed him. ‘Oh I won’t regret keeping you, after all I’m going to kill you after I’m done with you,’ He though coldly. Walking by the room where Natasia, Travis, and the princess Azriel was he knew Travis had woken up. It was hard to surpass a cold laugh, for soon he would have the general spill every secret. With that Black walked back to his room and took out the recipe. He should start gathering items for ‘The Truth Serum.’ It turned out the items needed for it were common, but the recipe was very complicated, involving a lot of effort in the maker’s part, though it didn’t matter to Black, as long as the potion did its job. Now that he had everything from the recipe to Travis he went to the storage room to get out the supplies to make it.
Nileriel got up and decided he would walk around. Though he didn't want to be bothered with everyone he figured he should at least go and see how the situation was being handled. "Wait, where are you going Young Master?" Said one of his guards. Nileriel rolled his eyes and said arrogantly, "I don't believe I have to answer to you." The guard was quiet but managed to mumble. "Well sire...we just want to keep you safe..." Nileriel sighed. "Whatever." he said and walked out of the room. He walked down the long hallways. It seemed they had guards patrolling each of them now. Even the injured guards were on duty. He almost felt bad. He didn't really have a scratch on him but here he was strolling around in luxury while these people who had risked their lives and gotten hurt were still working hard to protect him.

But he was the prince so what was so wrong about it?
A light rain began to fall outside of the mighty castle, Godfrey's boot smushed into the mud, his gaze locked on the foreboding keep. He pressed on hoping that his search for answers would end here. As he approached the main gate, two guards halted his advance.

"State your business here at once!" The larger guard demanded. Godfrey removed his hood and looked at him blankly.

"I am Godfrey Bodin, son of Ciniod, I journey from the south woodlands to offer my services." Godfrey replied. The guard looked him up and down.

"What services?" The guard questioned.

"I am an experienced tracker and a capable swordsman, I wish only to find a decent paying job." Godfrey explained. The guard seemed to be in deep thought. He then looked to the other guard.

"Inform Lord Nileriel, he may have use for this one." The guard lightly chuckled. The other guard ran toward the castle to carry out his orders. The larger guard looked back to Godfrey. "You can wait here with me, woodsman." He offered, Godfrey nodded in agreement and began to wait. Maybe now he would find some answers.
Nileriel walked to the main hall of the castle where all the nobles chatted amongst themselves nervously. It quickly quieted once he entered and everyone looked towards him. He looked at them annoyed and now regretting he'd come out of his room. "Go about your business." He said dismissing their attention. A guard came up to him.

"My lord," he said to Nileriel with a short bow. "There is a visitor who wishes to see you and have your counsel." Nileriel nodded curious who would come to the castle at such a time. He followed the guard to the gate.

"This is him," The guard said.

Nileriel looked at the man and said. "Hello, what brings you here?"
Godfrey examined the man, he seemed young, and slightly arrogant but it mattered not.

"I am Godfrey Bodin, son of Ciniod, I've heard that hard times fall upon your guild and your sister is missing. I offer you my blade and knowledge of tracking to help remedy this problem for you… for a fee of course." Godfrey proposed to the royal. He showed no fear or submission in the presence of the royal, no man ruled Godfrey, but he still wanted to seem friendly and bowed respectfully to him.
Nileriel nodded and considered his offer. A tracker would be extremely useful in finding his sister so he felt compelled to accept. The problem was how convenient it was. Was it a trap perhaps? He'd have to be careful. Though, if this man could find his sister then it would be worth it no matter the cost.

"Yes, very well then." he said to Godfrey, then to the guard,

"Have someone prepare a room for him here, make sure guards regularly patrol that area too." He supposed it would be a good idea to keep a close watch on him just to be sure he wasn't a spy.
Godfrey humbly thanked his host and was escorted to a room, he entered and his jaw almost dropped, this was by the far the nicest place he had ever been. To a royal it would seem dull and inadequate, but Godfrey was used to sleeping under the stars or in rickety taverns but this, this was definitely better than waking up to a pack of wolves or a gang of bandits. Godfrey settled in and find a most comfortable chair to sit in next to the window. The rain had stopped and the world seemed at peace. He pulled out his pipe and began smoking, waiting until he was called on by the prince.
Nileriel walked back to his room knowing the gossip about the new resident would soon start.

Radehgieh was busy patrolling the castle when he heard the nobles talking about a new resident at the castle. He was suspicious and listened in more. Most of it was complaints about how poor and unruly he looked and how it tainted their "pureness" or whatever. He didn't care about that though. To them anyone with a lower social status was filthy and trashlike. He decided to go see for himself. He asked a few guards where the man's room was and then went and knocked on the door.
Godfrey turned his head slightly at the knocking from the door, he wondered who it could be. He walked to the door, pipe in mouth, and opened it. There stood an elf, he looked and saw that this elf was a warrior. Was Godfrey in trouble or was this some treachery. He invited the elf in.

"Please enter, Master elf. Are you here on behalf of the guild?" Godfrey asked. He could see the elf was sizing him up.
Radehgieh nodded. "I am Radehgieh, High Elf and Commander of the Hand of the Royally Divine." He introduced himself. He looked the man over, twisting his crystal between his fingers. The man was strong but he sensed no danger-yet. "I'm here on behalf of the guard of the Scarlet Rose guild. Just standard procedure, what with there having been an attack recently."

(gtg for the night see you tomorrow :) )
Godfrey inhaled smoke from his pipe and blew it in the air.

"Of course, I will say that I have no intentions of putting myself in an undesirable situation inside your own fortress," Godfrey gestured to the walls," now, can you enlighten me on the kidnapping so I can begin my search." Godfrey asked. He hit his pipe another time then tapped it on his leather wrist guard, dousing the ember within it. He looked to Radehgieh and waited for a response.

(Goodnight, ill be ready for more tomorrow)
Andrew Snow prowled the court yard looking for some young whelp not training as he had instructed him. His morning drills being done, Andrew had little better to do for it was not quite lunch, but the lords and squires need be clean for their lunch meal. Andrew kept to the shadows, little as they were in the near mid day sun, in search of this little boy. He had a pretty good idea where the child was hiding, the cellars. Andrew was almost to the cellar door when it burst open and out flew the little boy he had been looking for. The child was a quick little devil, he feinted left, then right and at the last possible second slid under Andrews feet to get away, for now. As the child was running away Andrew looked over to the castle gate to see the prune Nileriel talking to some ranger type, a roamer of the forest, likely a tracker for his sister, Andrew thought to himself and of little concern to him. I am the master at arms for hand to hand magic combat, let the others keep their metal and bows, let them have their traps and tricks, ill keep my art. Yet, despite all that, Andrew could not help but follow and find out what he could. It could not be said in truth, that Andrew was not a curious man, when he was not training boys to become men and artists in combat, he was reading, studying, learning all he could, secrets from the royal family, not big secrets, but secrets none the less. Andrew followed not far behind as the tracker was escorted to his room and shown in. Andrew had found a good spot to his well hidden in the shadows, against the glare of the sun streaming in from the window, and he waited. A strange smell seeped through the door, the sweet smell of pipe tobacco. After a time Radehgieh came to the room to discuss maters with the tracker, this interested Andrew, if he was sent to talk with the tracker, the prince must either be desperate, or have thrown some trust on this tracker.

Sent from the dusty mountains of afghannyland
Travis' stallion finally made it back to the castle of the Scared Rose. A guard out front noticed a familiar looking medallion on the top of the saddle where a person would be riding the horse. As the guard got closer, he noticed it was Travis' medallion, with a message enclosed. The guard hurriedly grabbed the message and medallion and ran to where Commander Radeh was. "Sir, I have a message, it seems to be from General Travis." The guard present the note to the commander.


Travis closed his eyes when he felt Natasia lick the blood from his cheek. She was toying with him, almost being erotic about it. The princess ran to the wall behind them and sat, her knees to her face. She was scared. What was she going to the young general?

Travis looked back at the assassin when she took a step back from him. He mumbled through the gag, hoping she would un-gag him so he could speak.
Ciel Phantomhived-

A Loud Banging echoed through the hall of the Phantomhived Manor. Another knock followed second's later, this one more fluent. November clicked her heel's against the cold tile floor as she headed for the main door. Ciel, however, sat quietlly as he pulled the tea cup's to his lip's and sipped the Peppermint beverage. Ember pulled open the wooden door and peered out, "Hello ?" She inquired, glancing at the guest who had arrived. The girl that stood before Ember had Strawberry blonde hair, that rolled into neat curl's off her shoulder, and the center of her back. She blinked her Crystal blue eye's, before replying "Hello, I Am Esperanza... Essie for short, I Am here to inquire the attention of Sir Ciel." Essie spoke, with the hint of an Spanish Accent. Ember gripped the door, as she glanced at the younge lady who had gathered before her. "Sir Ciel is Quite Busy, Please Attend back at a more convient time." Ember spoke sweetly, giving Essie an Sly smile. "But you See Ma'am---" Her sentence was cut off by an Quick, "Let her in." From the younge Master. "As You Wish," Ember remarked, "Come on in Esperanza."

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