RP: Battle of Guilds

"Oh, shut up. You should know I don't care." Meladi smiled at him and grabbed his arm. "Nothing I can't fix. Breath." Her crystal activated and she traced each of the scratches. Each one healed without a trace of it left behind. There was still one deep cut that her touch wouldn't heal, so she leaned her head down and as her lips softly touched the cut, it healed instantly. "See? No problem whatsoever!" She let go of his arm and smiled at him again.
Travis slowly picked up the shriveled and dead flowers from the flower basket, and replaced them with fresh flowers from one of the many royal gardens that surrounded this particular graveyard. In the center of the graveyard sat a large and magnificent tombstone. The young general stood in front of the tombstone silently looking at the engravings. A slight downpour began, water droplets bounced off the polished granite floor, a thunder boomed out from the horizon.

How many years has it been, three?” Travis asked the tombstone as if he was talking to his old friend. Flashbacks of past adventures and battles enveloped the young man's mind, and of course that one fateful battle.

I miss you, my dear friend. A day never passes with out a thought about you. You were my leader and my dearest friend.” Travis slowly explained as he looked at his friends tombstone with a blank face. “Sometimes I want to leave it all. Maybe become rouge. Life out in the mountains by myself. Maybe even try to find a wife even. You used to tease me all the time about that. Telling me I was too hard on myself for not exploring love.” Travis chuckled at his last statement.

Thing have been going south lately, I can't even protect the princess and prince...” Travis knelled down onto one knee. “My next move is not going to be something I'm usually fond of”, Travis explained. “I'm gonna get the princess back. Mark my words.” Travis abruptly and turned around facing away from the great tombstone. “Farewell, I might see you after a couple moons, general”, Travis mumbled under the tongue as he set out for his quarters. The rain began to pick up pace.
"Now if you'll excuse me," Meladi took the splint off her leg and got out of bed, "I'm going to go patrol. Like you should have been doing instead of worrying about me." She winked at Radeh and walked out of the medical center. "Even though I couldn't heal myself right away, I'm sure glad I didn't have to stay out of commission for more than an hour." Mel laughed. Her powers were so strange. She couldn't use her healing abilities on herself, but after a rest she is always back to normal. This had only happened once when she was fifteen, considering it was the only other time she had more than some scratches. She saw Travis in the hallway, wet, and heading to his quarters. "Hello General. Decide to take a swim with your clothes on?"
A familiar voice interrupted Travis from his thoughts as he saw Meladi approach him in the corridors. “Well I can still look good after being drenched. Can you say the same for yourself?” Travis asked in a playful tone, while giving her a slight smile. “You seem to be doing well after our skirmish...” The young general was interrupted as a lieutenant came rushing into the hall. “Sir Travis, I have the information you have requested!” The older lieutenant exclaimed as he bowed towards the two people.

Good, come to my quarters.” Travis replied to his lieutenant. “Get some rest dear Meladi, though we lost this small battle, tomorrow brings a new day.” Travis told her as he walked off with his lieutenant into his quarters.

Are you sure you want me to tell you here, general, others might--” The lieutenant struggled with his words. “Do not stall friend, continue.” Travis interrupted.

The lieutenant cleared his throat and began to speak.

We found out the general location of where they are keeping the princess.” The lieutenant pulled out a map marked profusely. “The scouts you've sent have deemed her to be around this area in a 10 kilometer radius,” the lieutenant explained as he pointed at a red circle.

The place seems to be quite conservative, but many big names have been said to be near the vicinity of this circle, a solo mission would be deemed quite....fatal.” The lieutenant had guessed what the general planned to do with this sensitive information.

How many years have you served me, my friend?” Travis asked as he patted his fellow solider on the shoulder. “Many sire.” the old man stated. “Do you trust my decisions.” “Well of course.”

Tell the Royal guard to make love to their wives or gals, and to tell their children they love them.” Travis explained as he walked into his chest and began collecting vital belongings. “Sire I don't seem to understand what-”

I want the best men you can find around the king and prince all hours of the day and night, I can trust you my lieutenant.” Travis told his subordinate as he had his back to him while he continued to pack. “Sire, I don't-”

In four moons, If I am not back in four moons..... Prepare my funeral, make it as subtle as you can.”

Sire, please I don't--”

Augustine.” Travis zipped up his bag and turned around to see his lieutenant. “Stop with your words...” Travis let his words trail off as he once again pat his lieutenant on the shoulder.

He could see his subordinate's eyes begin to tear up. “Of course, commander. As you wish.” Augustine bowed his head and let the young master walk out of the room.

Travis quickly headed for the stables.
Meladi had crept to Travis' closed bedroom door and heard the conversation. I can't believe he would just leave his troops to go save her. He's so stupid. She rolled her eyes as she kept listening. When she heard all she needed to, Mel went back to the medical center where Radeh still was. "Hey, I...um...might be gone for a little bit. Just patrolling the area. Okay? Bye." She left before the commander could give an answer and quietly made her way to the stables where Travis was.
Travis finally got to the stables. Thankfully it was dead at night, so only guards saw the Travis walk into the stables. He saw his favorite horse, and sat his bag next to the horse. He began to take off his robe, placing it in a basket near him. He unlocked his belt as he felt a familiar presence come near.

Dearest Meladi, it's late. Shouldn't ladies be sleeping?” Travis asked as he continued to take off his clothes. He eyed a traveler's clothes hanged up next to the horse. Hopefully they fit.
"Now, when have you known me to be a normal lady?" Meladi leaned against the doorway of the stables as she smirked at Travis. "I'm not going to let you go alone. It's a suicidal mission if you do."
The traveler's clothes fit well enough. It consisted of a black gown and cloak. Hopefully it would adequately disguise him, though Travis' was pretty well known, because he was so young to become a general of the Sacred Rose.

Well, I can't say I don't want a pretty elf coming with me on an adventure.” Travis winked as he picked up his bag and hung it over his shoulder. “Your Commander would have my head, I advise you go back to him.” Travis explained as he looked at Meladi.
"I told him I would be patrolling the area for a while. Besides, if he did find out it would be after we saved the Princess." Meladi finally walked into the stables and stood right in front of Travis with her hands on her hips. "You know I'm not going to take no for an answer."
Travis walked up to Meladi, and stood across about a foot from her. He was about a head taller than the elf, he looked into her eyes. He could see she was true in her words.

Travis with his free left arm, extended his hand and held Meladi's hand onto his chest. “Can you feel my heart beating?” Travis asked, adrenaline had rushed into his system. “Only the princess is going to make it back from this journey.” Travis explained to Meladi as he continued to hold her hand onto his chest.
Meladi felt his heart beating faster. She looked at her hand as she felt it beat then looked back up into his eyes. "I'd rather die out there with you then you not have anyone out there to die with you in battle." Her face was blank but her eyes showed that there was no way he would leave without her.
Travis let Meladi's hand fall as he took a step away from her. “You're very stubborn.” Travis scolded at Meladi in a very serious tone. “There's not glory in what about I'm to do on this mission, if anything I am being a coward.” Travis explained.

If you keep persisting on coming with me, I'll have to disarm you.”

Travis quickly removed his cloak and threw it behind his shoulder.

Come alive...” Travis whispered. Suddenly his body become enveloped in his battle gear, his legendary lance at his hands grasp.

As it stands you're at a disadvantage, close combat isn't your strong suit we both know that well..” Travis let his words slowly and articulately leave his mouth. “I beg you Meladi, you must leave me be.”
"I-," Meladi for once couldn't speak. She looked down at her feet. "You're the only one here who isn't a stupid prick besides Radeh and I can't talk with just him. He still thinks of me as that silly girl I was when I first joined! I-I just can't let you go alone!" She looked back up at him, trying to calm herself down. It was very rare to lose her cool like this. "You know what? Leave! Just leave! I don't even care anymore!" she shouted. Mel breathed deeply and pulled her cloak out of her bag, fastening it around her quickly. "Good luck." With that she walked out of the stables and headed straight to the forest line.She pulled her hood up over her head, the rain already soaked through her whole cloak, and walked into the dense foliage.
A sigh of relief came from Travis as he saw Meladi rush out of the stable. “Release.” Travis mumbled, his armor and lance once again elegantly disappeared. He put back on his cloak and put on the hood. He paused for a second, maybe he had been to harsh on Meladi. But, he knew he had to do this alone.

He saddled up the horse with his bag and mounted the horse. He slowly led the horse out of the stable and into the rain outside. Thunder and lightning roared, and limitless rained seemed to pour down on the hidden general.

“Godspeed” Travis yelled as he commanded the horse to run into the night. He was headed off towards the direction the assassin took off.
Ciel Phantomhived-

Ciel had watched the chaôs unfold, quietly. But once it was over, and everyone had fled, Ciel shook his head. "Noble's..... Worthless." Ciel mumbled, uncaring to those who were listening. Ciel stood, as Ember followed his lead, "Shall we Visit the Prince ? He Must be in Need of company. No ?" Ciel asked,walking off toward's the hall. Ember followed quickly, smiling a beautiful smile like she alway's did. "Yes Sir," Ember spoke sweetly. Hidden in the back of the castle was a single door, gathered b three guard's. Ciel approached, but one approached quicker.

A Guard, with light blonde hair, and crystal blue eye's stepped forward, holding a weapon nearly as big as he was. "No Entry, Sir. Please off With You!" He said, Stern and proudly. The man's finger's nervously gripped around the hilt. This was a sign to Ciel that he could use.

Ciel bowed, "I am Sir Ciel Phantomhived, with Malady November Rain," Ember curtsyed, with a flash of an smile. "We are No Threat, But are only here to discuss Matter's with the Prince himself." Ciel proclaimed, his expression was still unreadable.

The Blonde Guard glanced nervously back at the other's, "I-Is that So ?" He asked, but his voice shook. Why was this man so nervous ?

Ciel Nodded, "It is, Now please allow me through." He said allowed, stepping forward.

"No!" One Yelled from behind, raising his weapon. Ciel held up his hand's camly and stepped backward's. "We Must check if he is willing to hold Guest." The Man reminded. Ciel, seeming unfazed, nodded by the new's and gave him a sign of 'Go Ahead.'

An Guard kncoked lightly on the door, before sticking his head through it. "Sir, We have a Visitor. An Ciel Phantomhived and his Accomplis. Shall he be granted entry ?" The Guard asked, glancing back at Ciel. Almost daring him to do something, or give him a reason to use his weapon.
Nileriel had been resting in his room, still quiet disoriented from the earlier incident. When the knight asked if it was okay for Ciel Phantomhived to enter he nodded. He was curious as to why Ciel was there since it was rare that he ever saw him. If any other person had come to his room at that time-besides the guards-he would’ve said no. Any of the other nobles or royals would’ve only been there to complain and ask what he would do for their safety after kissing up to him by asking if he was all right and pretending to actually care.
Meladi walked all throughout the woods; if she wasn't able to go with Travis then she would have to patrol the area like she said she would. She pulled her cloak off and put it in her bag, letting the rain run down her body. She needed to make a campsite, but she wanted to just keep walking as long as she could. It was all she could do from following him into certain doom.
(oh sorry about that, I sort of figured Travis would try to infiltrate the guild, here I'll type something up just give me a sec)
(I wouldn’t say Natasia is going unpunished…*coughBlackisgoingtopunishhercough* also this is my interpretation I guess, if you want I can delete this and you can post what you were going to write, seriously I will gladly delete this)

As Black was reading the recipe one of his men started rapidly knocking at the door, which meant real danger since no one had the guts to interrupt him unless something serious was happening. Quickly putting the parchment on his drawer he opened the door and greeted the man with a stoic expression.

“Sir,” The man breathed “There have been sightings of a powerful Scarlet Rose warrior heading this way.”

At the name Scarlet Rose Black mentally cursed, that meant Natashia failed him, but he’d deal with her later. It seemed like his plan was already falling apart, good thing he had a backup plan.

“Is that so…than I’ll think I’ll have a little chat with the Scarlet Rose warrior,” Black responded coldly.

The man looked like he wanted to protest but upon hearing Black Eagle’s cold tone he held his tongue. Slipping on his black cloak Black headed out to the stables and saddled up a black horse, one that he trained himself to be as quiet as the night. Once the horse was ready to go he jumped on top of it and went into the direction the Scarlet Rose warrior was spotted.

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