RP: Battle of Guilds

Meladi ran in after Travis and spotted Radehgieh swaying a bit, a dart was on the other side of the room. She quickly turned around and saw Natasia. "BREATH!!" she yelled and a gust of wind surged towards the assassin. Meladi then ran to Radeh and did all she could to lift the poison from his bloodstream and heal the cut while he was fighting.
Everything was a flash. Natasia had hit the Prince but she missed the other guard and there were more people rushing in. "Oh dear," she mumbled. She backed into the corner, lowering herself pulling her small throwing daggers from their sheath. "Let's have some fun, ya?" She threw a knife at a window, her escape route where she would take the Prince. She was not to kill anyone, just escape with the Prince. She threw a couple of knives at the numerous guards, fending off the guard with the flame sword with her own chain sword, whirling it through the air.

She couldn't hold off all of them. She was a sneaky assassin, not a knight. She grabbed the Prince by the forearm, heaving him him from the guard who tried to protect him. She threw a kick at the girl with a wind power. She proceeded to back out of the window herself, her again sword spinning in defence. She wished Black would have sent a partner.
Meladi dodged the best she could from the kicked, but since she had just finished healing Radeh, the worst of the kick hit her. She heard a snap and fell to the ground. The girl had kicked her so hard that a bone in her leg had been broken. She tried her best not to cry out in pain.
(Just have the Prince be rushed to the medical unit, Natasia will get him soon.))

Natasia laughed a twisted laugh as the girls leg snapped. She threw dagger after dagger from out of the window. She would have to get to the Prince again but that shouldn't be a problem. She hungover the edge of the roof darting to the medical unit. She had to tear down numerous guards, slicing through them and assassinating quickly. She was not about to let the Prince get away now.

Travis could hear the screams of his men getting cut down. Men he had trained with. Men he had fought with. Natasia was coming. He wasn't going to let her go through with this.

Lend me your strength my dear friend..” Travis whispered under his breath as he body began to light up. Quickly he was encompassed by his general battle gear, and his legendary lance, Zephyr appeared majestically within Travis' grasp. The head medic quickly began to work on the prince.
Radehgieh followed along watching for any sign of a threat. He knew that another was about to take place. He guarded the door letting the other guards stand closer to the prince. "Inferno" he said putting up walls of flames around all the entrances to the room
Natasia cursed under her breath. What would she do now? She needed the Prince. She began to panic. What would happen to her if she came back to the HQ without the Prince? She began flipping through the air, flinging daggers everywhere. She couldn't let the medic wake the Prince up. She flung a dagger at the medic, hoping it caught him in the head. She rushed Travis now, her martial art background coming into play. She threw kick after kick, her flexibility going above and beyond.

"I..need..him!" She yelled through struggling to fight. She backed up, taking her chain sword out, whirling it through the air. She looked similar to a rhythmic gymnast, graceful, flexible, and determined.
She is desperate. Her motions are getting sloppy,” Travis quickly analyzed the situation and continued to parry her attacks. She took a step back and brought out her weapon. As she did the medic fell to the ground. Dead.

You're making a mistake, there's no way you can get him from this place by yourself.” Travis explained to the infiltrator as he got into an offensive stance, his lance gleaming in the light.

If you come at me, it'll be the last move.” Travis told Natasia.
Meladi now sat alone in the Prince's bedroom. She wasn't sure what to do, not having been in this type of situation before. If only her healing powers worked on herself. "Well I can't just sit here." She slowly grabbed onto a chair, lifted herself up, and tried to put weight on her leg. A shot of pain went through her leg and she winced. Slowly, Meladi limped her way to the medical room and once she got to the door, she fell to the floor again with a loud thud. The pain was to much for her body to bear and against her will to stay awake, she fainted.
Radehgieh made a motion to all the guards and they surrounded her. He lit up his sword again and was ready to strike at any moment. He moved behind Travis. If she somehow got past him then Radehgieh would take her down.
Natasia felt her vision blur. Tears began to well in her eyes. She had failed. She struggled for words, gripping her sword and choking back a lump in her throat. She wondered if she would still have the intimacy she had with Black Eagle. Would she still be his swan? She glared at everyone, ready to attack her. They were right, she had a slim chance if not none. Natasia backed up slowly, grinding at her teeth. "Fine... have him. I'll get him... soon." With that she lunged up the wall, filling through the air and out of the castle.

Natasia stilled had to escape the castle grounds. She scaled up a watch tower and took a final look back. In her rage, she shot down many other guards with her darts and with that she leapt off the wall and into the near by village.
Travis watched as the assassin escaped gracefully and efficiently into the night. Quickly the medical staff ran back into the room and tended to the prince. “Tend to Meladi as well, she is wounded in the prince's room.” Travis ordered to some of the medical staff.

The young general turned and looked at Radehgieh in the eyes. With a judgmental look, he walked out of the medical center. “Tell me captain, how many casualties...” Travis asked his solider as he walked up to him outside the medical center. “We has estimated about twenty-two guards, and one Royal guard was killed, general,” the captain replied in a sad voice. “Go though the traditional funeral procedures, let me know where the family of the Royal Guard member lives, I will see to them soon,” Travis quickly replied as he walked away.

He headed up to the main watch tower and saw a scout looking into the distance. “Sire, she seemed to have escaped into a village to the east of us, what are your orders?” the scout asked Travis. “None, let her go. We've had enough deaths for one night.” Travis mumbled to the scout as he walked back out the watch tower.

Release.” Travis silently whispered as his armor and lance disappeared.

He headed for the Honorable people's grave yard.
Meladi was carried into the medical center from outside the door, still passed out. For once in her military career her face looked relaxed and calm. A nurse was not able to attend to her yet because all of them were still helping the prince. She laid still on the medical bed and breathed rhythmically.
Radehgieh walked over to Meladi. "How are you?" He asked her. They would have to stay at the castle longer than expected. She was in no condition to travel and they had to make sure the prince was kept safe.
Natasia was torn. She didn't want to see Black. She was ashamed. She had no choice though, that was her home. She was choking back tears the entire time. Her skills, apparently, weren't as honed in as she thought. She was sad but she had taken a good chunk of their men and of that she was proud.

Natasia untied her horse from outside the pub and rode out into the night. She was relieved to make it back to the thieves territory without being tracked down. Natasia definitely made an impression, that's for sure. She led her horse into the HQ stables and slowly entered, her head low, tears to strong to fight. She was nervous to find the outcome of her failure. Torture, neglect, expelled from the thieves guild? She prayed she wasn't punished with Blacks poison.
Radegieh sat and waited for someone to come tend to her. He knew he should go check on things with the other royals and nobels but he wanted to see if she was okay.
A nurse finally came over to care for Meladi. She made a splint for the broken leg and filled a cup up with water. "Here, give this to her when she wakes up and make sure she drinks some." The nurse hand Radehgieh the cup of water and walked back to commotion on the other side of the room.

After the nurse left, Meladi started to come to. Her eyes slowly opened to find herself lying in the medical center. She looked to her left and saw Radeh. "What happened? Is the Prince okay?" She tried to sit up quickly but found that she couldn't lift her head without searing pain.
"Yes. He's safe for now. The intruder left, some of the guards were injured. Just rest for now. " Radehgieh said and handed her the cup of water. "Drink this." Radehgieh had a few cuts and scratches but nothing worth worrying over. He grabbed a napkin from the counter and wiped away some of the blood.
She slowly sat up and took a few sips from the cup. Meladi's head hurt from hitting the floor but the pain in her leg had lessened. She set the cup down and saw him trying to wipe the blood away. "You're going to make it worse. Let me see."
Radehgieh shook his head. "It's fine, your in worse shape than me after all." he said then added in his thoughts So is a good amount of the royal guard. They would need to get more warriors and quick. This attack probably had all the nobles worked up and in a fret. He sighed, things just kept getting worse and worse.

Nileriel slowly awoke. His head ached and he felt incredibly weak. "W-what's going on?" he said in a daze. Almost instantly all the doctors and nurses ran to tend to him. "Sir you're awake, how are you feeling?" One asked. Nileriel sat up slowly feeling slightly dizzy when he did. "I'm okay. What happened with the intruder?" he asked.

"She left some of the guards were hurt, one was killed."

He sighed. This war was getting more intense really fast. Something big was going to happen he could feel it.

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