RP: Battle of Guilds

Black’s eyes shone when Natasia showed him her undying loyalty from kneeling down and kissing his knuckles he knew she would make an impression on the Scarlet Rose. When she left he went to the Princess. Azriel glowered at him and clenched the piece of parchment, which had black spots of ink on it marking the entrances. The body was still there to, barely alive, and still trembling in pain.

“I see you finished the marking the map,” Black commented.

“Yes...I-I did…but you will not succeed, that disgusting women you call you call your swan is nothing but a disgusting pigeon!” Azriel spat.

Black ignored the comment though he let his thoughts curse her ‘If she is a pigeon than you are nothing more than a pig.’ Though he would never insult back as throwing insults was a meaningless fight. Taking the map he left quietly and then entered Natasia’s room and found her twirling a dagger in her skilled and careful fingers.

“My dear swan the map is complete,” He informed her while handing her the marked map “I will allow you use of the Guild’s supplies though I expect you to be out in no more than two hours, however I don’t think you’ll have any problem coming up with something in that time frame.”
(Whoops I totally read the whole meeting thing wrong, I thought Radhe was prince...D:)
"Why do we even have to be here? We both know that all they're going to do is complain and demand that we up security. I have half a mind to just stay here and make them stop being such prats." Meladi played with the crystal on her simple bracelet. She glared at the royalty around her and wished that she could put them in their place. Of course, that would just bring about more difficulties for everyone but it didn't hurt to dream did it?
“We’re here to basically make an appearance and reassure them. I don’t like it either but it’s just something we have to do.” Radehgieh said. He looked and saw the prince was arriving. The meeting could finally start. Nice of him to finally show up. Not like we have anything better to be doing while we wait for him to take his sweet time getting here. Radehgieh thought bitterly.

Nileriel walked up to the front of the room to announce to starting of the meeting. He was very reluctant to even be part of this but his father insisted saying that he needs to learn his responsibilities as a prince. “Quiet down please. We will now start the meeting.” He said. Everyone turned their attention to him.
Natasia could hear the faint mumbles of the princess and Black speaking. Just hearing her voice made Natasia want to strangle something. She was surprised to see Black enter. "Done? Good. The sooner the better." She took the map in her hands glancing over it. "I hope these aren't wrong. I'd kill her if they were, I swear I will." She looked up at Black, a devilish twinkle in her eye. With that she geared up.

Natasia slid on her leather padding, still allowing grace and flexibility. She began to wonder what kind of rewards she would receive for completing this feat and shied away from the punishments if she didn't. She grabbed a dozen throwing knives and another dozen of needles filled with a poison that would make the Prince fall into a deep sleep, which would allow her to steal him away.

Natasia was out the door of the HQ and headed for the stable. She grabbed her favorite horse and packed her knives away. "Alright, lets get this done, ya?" She swung a leg around and was up on the horse. She pulled a long black cloak over herself and was off, riding into the rain.

Natasia planned to use her acrobatic abilities to enter the castle from high above and then take the Prince by surprise. Once entering the territory of the Scarlet Rose, Natasia tied her horse up to a near by pub and then would make way to a small woods near the castle and scope out the area. She perched herself high up in a tree and removed the hood off her head, counting out guards. She would enter the castle through a secret escape route to the stable.

Natasia made her way to the edge of the underbrush and packed her dart blower with a dart of quickly executing poison. With that, she shot at a guard near the forest edge, hitting him in the neck, sending him down. She advanced to the edge of the forest, seeing the castle grounds, well guarded in a time of war. She loaded her blower again, firing at a guard or swordsman near the castle wall. That is where she would scale the wall and enter the castle domain.
“I’m sure you all know of the recent attack on Foghollow.” Nileriel said. The very mention of the attack caused whispers everywhere among the crowd. “I assure you that we won’t stand by and do nothing. We will up the defense and put more warriors out there to fight against the Thieves Guild.” He wanted to also mention they’d get Azriel back but right now he knew they just cared only about their protection. “Commander Radehgeih,” He said addressing the elf. “What can you do for us?”

Radehgieh looked around as all the eyes turned to him. “I plan to of course add warriors to the castles defense and start training more for offensive attacks. Er..The problem is finding enough of them and getting crystals and weaponry for all of them. Our numbers are getting cut down every day because of the Thieves guild and Eastern Alliance’s advancing attacks.” The nobles chatted amongst themselves now. “Why are we paying them for this? If they aren’t capable do we even need them..?” they said. Radehgeih glared angrily his hand on his crystal.

“Quiet everyone.” Nileriel said. “We’ll supply you with whatever it is you need, please do your best.” Radehgieh nodded and the prince walked out of the room. The meeting was over.
Blake watched Natasia ride her horse until she disappeared over the horizon. It was still raining heavily but that didn’t matter. Soon he would have the prince in his clutches, and then the games would begin. Walking to the princess’s room he opened the door not making a sound, so the princess didn’t notice him. Azriel was staring at the body of the man, who was still alive, but an inch from death. The man was probably in the worst pain of his life ‘What a pitiful yet beautiful way to die,’ Black commented to himself.

Decided to get Azriel’s attention he murmured her name softly making her jump in surprise. It looked like she had been crying, her eyes were red and puffy plus her shoulders were trembling.

The only reason he walked into her room was to give her a fair warning “Soon princess….soon.” He said before walking out and leaving a terrified princess behind.
Meladi started for the exit, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. All of a sudden, she stopped and looked quickly around her. "Radeh, something isn't right." She started for her bow but realized that it might startle the people still in the room.
Radehgieh nodded, he sensed it too. Something was off, they couldn’t leave yet. He rested one hand on the hilt of his sword and the other he held his crystal with. “Meladi, the prince.” He said. If anything they needed to protect te royal family first. Nobles came second. As calmly as he could he walked over to the king and whispered. “Something isn’t right. Stay calm but be alert.” Now he just had to alert the rest of the warriors on defense. He caught the nearest guard. “Go tell every guard to be on alert and patrol the area thoroughly.”
"I'm going to the roof. I'll be able to see the forest line and everything below. Can you come up there when you are done down here?" Meladi messed with her bow hanging by her side. As soon as she got up there she would be able to ready herself.
Radehgieh looked at her. "Yes, unless something happens quicker than we're expecting." He looked around for the prince but he was nowhere to be seen. He started walking around the castle not really even knowing where to begin looking. He wondered if he should look for the prince or start helping to secure the area first.

Nileriel was heading to his room. This whole mess-even though it was only a couple of minutes- had tired him out. All he wanted now was just to be alone. He didn't even bother to stop and chat with the nobles, he'd done everything he needed and wasn't planning on doing any extra talking.
Natasias heart beat was quick with angst. With a swift run she made it to the castle wall. She had waited for a near by guard to be relieved. She thought to herself, pleading, 'Come on Natasia, do not let Black down.' Natasia scaled the wall, her grip an amazing feat. Her small fingers intertwined and locked into every crevice. One at the top, Natasia poked her head over the top, scoping out the castle. "Damn guards," she grunted. There were so many.

Natasia lifted a long flexible leg over the wall like a pretty spider. She lowered herself, gripping the top of the wall. "Alright," she mumbled, and with that she dropped down, twisting and landing on her feet, most cat like. She scurried along the wall and into a large pin holding the castles supply of swine. She removed her cloak and set it down, allowing her body to be fully sly and sleek. She took out her long dart blower from its sheath on her back and loaded. She aimed through the wood of the pin and fired at a guard near the stables. A success. Now she had to quickly assassinate the second guard before he noticed. Without moving the blower, She popped in another dart and fired, landing a hit in the same spot as the first stable guard. She smirked and made her way around the edge of the pin and to the stables. 'This is going great,' She thought with glee.

Once at the back of the stables, Natasia climbed up the back and swung down over the lip of the edge and into the stable. She reached out and grabbed each guard, pulling them into the shadows. She pulled out the map, looking for the location of the secret exit. She moved slyly to the cleaning pin, moved numerous stacks of hay, and found a small hatch. "Aha!" She lifted it quietly and lowered herself in. "Well at least she didn't mark the wrong places." Natasia made her way through the small, cave like escape. "Black is going to love me." She whispered, her voice shaking in excitement.

Natasia had made her way through the secret passage and emerged through a small hole that seemed to lead to a library. Luckily it was empty. She stood up, brushed herself off, and went straight for the walls, scaling hundreds of the book cases covering the walls. Once at the other end of the library, Natasia moved up and gripped a ledge to a bookcase and lifted herself up to the second level of the library. She didn't dare use the creaky, telling stairs. She crouched low, crawling to a door that led to the rest of the castle. Once the door was closed without a sound, Natasia found herself looking down on a room with tons of people in what seemed to be a town meeting of sorts. The problem was that the meeting was over and the Prince had just left. "Damn," she mumbled. She scurried along the wall to the rest of the castle in search of her target.
Meladi quickly made her way to the staircase that led to the roof of the castle. As soon as she was out of sight, she unhooked her bow from her belt and pulled an arrow from the quiver. The area seemed secure but she still felt like something was wrong. She went to the edge of the roof and that was when she saw a guard down with a dart in his neck. She looked to the forest's edge and saw another down. Knowing she must act quick, Meladi ran all the way to the front side of the castle and looked down at the guards in front of the entrance. "Hey! Two guards down on the east side of the castle! There's someone here and they might already be inside! Let's move!" She started yelling commands to the troops to guard all sides of the castle.
The air in the small room shimmered before a figure appeared, Vaas stood near a large cot that sat directly across from a door. The small room was bare except for the cot and a large chest that sat at the foot of the cot.

Vaas smiled as he turned towards the door, his shadow stone always did make for quick travel back to the guilds main hideout.

He moved forward pushing through the door, the unlucky guard who had been traversing the corridor stumbled back holding his now bloody nose with both hands. "Dammit man, watch whe-" He stopped coming to a standing position and froze. He knew this man, he knew his reputation and getting on his bad side was his last wish.

Vaas didn't pay much attention to the man as he turned to walk the way the man had been heading. He turned suddenly on the man rushing towards him, stopping inches from his face. "So friend! Where might our glorious leader be? Speak quick swine or my blade just might slip."

The man's face went white as he starred at the face mask of the young man still hanging loosely around Vaas's head. "H-he was w-with the p-p-prisoner last s-s-sir," he stammered, sweat beginning to bead on his brow.

"That's a good boy." Vaas quipped as he patted the man on the head as he spun away to head in the direction that the princess was being kept. After a few minutes he came to face a door, voices coming from inside.

“My dear swan the map is complete. I will allow you use of the Guild’s supplies though I expect you to be out in no more than two hours, however I don’t think you’ll have any problem coming up with something in that time frame.”

I wonder who he's talking to, Natasias most likely. Our dear leader does as quite an affinity towards that one. Vaas thought to himself as he grabbed for the handle pushing his way into the room. "My lord, I bring secret communications from the Scarlet Rose as ordered." He stepped forward, swinging the door shut behind him, it shut with a loud bang. He came to a stop several paces away reaching into his cloak to grasp the sealed parchment, a quick motion and he had extended it towards Black Eagle.


On golden wings they flew, the cold wind rushing by. The giant feathered dragon dipped low gliding above the three tops towards Foghollow. It's rider, a beautiful woman with long dark blue hair who wore worn leather armor and a long fur cloak. She carried a flail across her back, the three spiked balls hanging by foot and a half long chains.

She didn't keep a tight grip on the dragon, understanding his moments and adjusting to them to keep herself balanced right before it's wings. The dragon was Scion, a rare specimen even by dragon standards, it's large form was covered in golden feathers and it seemed to slice through the air without resistance.

Olivia Voleran was a dragon rider captain of the highest regards. Her and the strange dragon that she rode, Scion were a dangerously skillful pair. Here they were returning to Foghollow on news of the princess's kidnapping. Olivia had been off to the north exploring vast uncharted areas and had only stopped for supplies when she had received the news. There was little open conflict these days, mostly back alley dealings and assassination attempts, nothing that would require her. So she took her leave of absence, choosing adventure over paperwork.

Foghollow quickly approached, Scion rising with the wind currents as he completely spread open his wings. He passed low above the residential homes headed towards the palace, he approached quickly towards the main doors banking right at the last moment, circling around the palace. Scion snapped open his wings using the wind resistance to slow him dramatically. He touched down gently near several other dragon riders, lowering himself to the ground.

Olivia dismounted, running a hand across his strong neck as she turned towards the palace. She would get her answers soon enough.

A few gasps resounded around her as a few of the new recruits watched her and Scion's aerial display. Their dragons, red, green, blue, they all seemed to pale in comparison to hers. They watched in silence as she made her way up the steps towards the palace entrance.
Travis walked from where he was standing and sat on his seat next to the King's throne. The King's throne room was empty except for his majesty, a group of Royal Guard members and Travis. Travis reflected on the events that just occurred. The words spoken between Radeh and Meladi, the words spoken between the nobles, the message Radeh and the prince gave to everyone. Honestly everything has become a mess since the princess was kidnapped, Radeh and the prince have lost a step in their touch, and Meladi has become rash.

Silent as always, Travis”, the King chuckled as he looked to his side over at the young general. “Just thinking, sire..” Travis replied as he let his words slip from his mouth. “Do not be too hard on Commander Radeh, even though he beat your bid as commander,” The king replied to his general. “You know I never wanted to be the supreme Commander sire, not after what happened to.....him, I have lost interest in leading mass troops.” Travis explained to his king. “Ah, yes I miss our dear friend as well, but fear not, I believe in Commader Radeh, and I know if all else fails you can lead your troops to glory once again.” The king rejoiced.

Travis once again was lost in his thoughts about his old general and dear friend, who had lost his life in battle. War was a terrible thing, yet it let the demons in every living thing come out and play. “The prince's life is more important than my own, Travis. You should be by his side and not mine. I know you think of him as naïve and unable to rule, but he will take my place someday, someday I fear soon.” The king told Travis as he interrupted his general's thoughts. “You will always be my first priority my king, and of course the other members of the Royal family.” Travis replied with a slight smile to his king. “I think of you as my own son, Travis. I know you know that and though we do not share the same blood I value you just as much as my son. I believe you two can do great things together.” The king replied with the same slight smile.

Radeh came to the king and whispered into his ear and quickly left. “I'm afraid the defenses have been breached, someone is coming into the castle,” Travis spoke the thoughts that were in the king's mind. “I will stay here, do not fret.” Travis added. He could feel the evil intent of someone near the castle, he feared a fight might break out soon.

The King laughed to himself, even some of the Royal Guards turning to see what the commotion was about. “Ah, you're starting to become him every day, but I wish you could go to my son's side, he is more important.” The king told Travis. “If I see my calling to it, my king.” Travis replied as he leaned back onto his chair and went back into his thoughts.
Radehgieh saw guards qucikly moving about the castle. Something's happened. He thought to himself. He had to find the prince. The nobles were starting to worry now- not in a complete panic but there was a lot of talk. Radehgieh ran through castle halls, his sword drawn now. He had to be ready. He spotted the prince walking towards his room and raced towards him. "Prince Nileriel, there's an intruder in the castle. " He whispered. "I will protect you."
Black turned around quickly when he saw that Vaas has entered. He was adorned with a face of his victim as usual. Black’s expression didn’t change, his usual poker face greeted him, though his eyes shone with a tricky glint. He then took the parchment from Vaas and scanned it, just what he wanted. It was a recipe, a secret recipe that only Scarlet Rose knew, and the concoction it made was very important.

Nodding to himself he took out a leather bag from his cloak filled with currency “Here is your payment,” Black informed him while holding up the bag “You will find ever coin I promised accounted for.”

With that said Black Eagle carefully folded up the recipe and handed Face the bag, then he quickly nodded at him before heading to his room to examine the letter more thoroughly.
Natasia slapped her forehead. "Damn it, they know I'm hear." She could hear and see the guards rushing around, giving orders. She had to find him. Natasia was winding her way through complex hallways with swiftness and grace. She was nothing but a shadow. She thought to go to the prince's room next. She made a b line and headed for the royal chambers. She sunk a throwing knife in her hand, ready for an attack.

Natasia crawled through numerous vents, ending up just above the prince's room. She would enter the room and wait for him to enter. He was near, she knew. Natasia dropped down, heart pounding, excited. "Don't let Black down." Everyone knew Natasia was there now and the Prince probably had guards with him. If Natasia pulled this off, she'd go down in history, the beautiful but deadly Natasia.
A message an item in a bag was slipped into the king's throne room. A royal guard read the message and quickly ran over to Travis to give him the item and the message. “We have an intruder in the castle, an assassin from what it seems, general,” the guard remember explained to his leader. Travis looked into the bag and saw a familiar blow dart. He knew who it was.

Tell twenty of the Royal Guard to come into the throne room, protect the king,” Travis told his troop as his stood up to leave. “Is something the matter, Travis?” The king asked as he saw his subordinate stand up. “I am going to your son's side. My personal men will protect you my king, please do not worry this will all be over soon.” Travis replied as he quickly walked out the room, his cape slightly flapping in the air.
Radehgieh followed the prince inside his room, deciding that was safest for now. He kept his sword drawn and stood by the door. "The windows are all closed right?" He said. Nileriel nodded. They were safe for now. Radehgieh hoped Meladi would be able to find the intruder before they found them.
Meladi jumped off of the roof, landing right in front of the line of troops. She ran inside to look for Radeh and the prince. All of the people inside had been safely corralled into different rooms and all the troops knew to move out of her way as she sprinted down the halls. Meladi made it to the Prince's bedroom and knocked on the door. "Radeh? Your Highness?"
Natasia saw him. She saw her target, the Prince. She was overjoyed. 'I can do this,' She thought. The Prince was in her trap. Other than the guard, the Prince was practically hers. She giggled and peered through the duct, an animalistic, twisted glare on the Prince. She didn't want to kill the guard because she wanted it to seem like she wasn't there. She slowly pulled back the vent and set it beside her. Her heart was pounding. She lifted the dart blower and aimed at the guard first. She slipped in a sleep dart and fired. She quickly reloaded and shot at the Prince. She could only hope she made the hit. She dropped down into the room, her cat like abilities kicked up to full.
Travis quickly bolted through the corridors of the palace, he knew exactly where he was going. “He better not be in his room.....” Travis snapped under his tongue. He knew she would only infiltrate the palace if she had the blueprints to the castle. The king not being her prime target made it simple enough to know who she was after. The prince's room was the last place the prince needed to be, and the priority place the assassin would pick to make her move.

Travis got into the final corridor and saw Meladi standing in front of the prince's room. “Damnit!” Travis spat as he moved past her and busted into the room.
The dart just barely missed Radehgieh. It scratched his shoulder but that was it. The other hit the prince. Radehgieh felt a little dizzy some of the poison was in his blood stream. "Get in here Meladi!" He yelled not having time to open the door. "Inferno." He whispered activating his crystal. He used some of his power to coat his sword in fire and he started his attack on the intruder.

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