RP: Battle of Guilds

The overcast from last night's storm loomed in the sky. It was near mid-day. Travis had rode all though the night, and found a traveler’s village under the control of the Thieve's to stop at to get some rest and conduct the other half of his plan. He set off his horse at a near by stable, and walked into a small pub.

He sat at the corner of the bar and ordered a local ale. Travis pulled a piece of hand-made paper, ink feather and a ink dish from his bag. He began to write slowly as he took sips from his drink

First, I would like to apologize to you, my King. I failed as your subordinate to adequately protect your son and daughter. Though Commander Radeh is the supreme commander of the troops, the prince and princess were my responsibility. I had sworn my life to protecting those two and failed. I know you would say something along the lines of “It was not your fault.”, but it is my sire.

I will get back the princess, and seek justice from those who are responsible for attacking the Scarlet Rose.

To Commander Radeh,

I have attached the map of the alleged hideout of where the princess is being held. I hope you can construct an adequate counter attack to retrieve the princes-

Travis stopped writing as he saw a group of suspicious figures looking toward him, analyzing him.

Travis paid for his drink, and stuff the note into his pocket as he stepped out of the pub. Once outside he headed to where he left his horse to stand idle. Travis could sense men slowly closing in on him.

It seems as though the Thieve's guild had guards on duty in this town.

Travis smirked as he reached into his cloak and pulled out his General's medallion. Only three were created, and Travis had the only one being put to use. The other generals have fallen in battle. He quickly wrapped the medallion around the note, and stuffed it into the saddle of the horse. He untied the horse from where it was being held and brought the horse's face to his own.

“Go back to the Scarlet Rose, make haste,” Travis told the horse as it immediately galloped towards the direction of its homeland. Some guards tried to stop the horse, but it was too fast and successfully left the town.

Travis looked around and could see he was slowly being surrounded by cloaked figures, but no one was coming too close. They knew who he was and respecting his abilities. Travis laughed at what was happening.

This was going to be fun.

He quickly ran back into the busy parts of the town, he would have to hide until the right moment...
Black rode his horse to where the warrior was; a town controlled by them, and spotted several of his men lurking about, seemingly waiting for him. Riding up to them Black slipped off the horse and went toward one of the men. When his men recognized him they immediately bowed down.

“Where did he go?” Black asked.

“To the busy part of town sir, but I must warn you, he is Travis general of the Scarlet Rose.”

From the moment one of his men told him about the warrior back at the guild Black had a feeling it would be Travis, and it turned he was right.

With a nod Black strode off to find the General, it looked like things were about to get very interesting. As silent and quick as the wind he lurked in the shadows and scanned the busy street, when he saw a blue/green haired person in Scarlet Rose apparel he knew it was him. Grabbing his poison coated daggers he aligned one up with the running figure and threw it at him. The dagger rode through the air like a speeding bird but quicker and more agile.
Ciel Phantomhived-

The Guard motioned for Ciel to Enter, stepping out of his way. Ciel walked in, holding himself tall. As soon as he reached an rightful Distance, Ciel stopped. Ember followed behind, moving her dress out the way of her dashing heel's. She smiled warmly at the Prince, while Ciel managed to stay stone faced. Ciel dropped to one kneel and bowed, "Your Majesty." He quoted, in his British accent, before standing once more. The Kid may have been relentless, but he was still polite. Ember stepped foward, "Younge Sir." She replied, picking up her dress by the tip's and curtsying. Ember glanced around the Prince's room, for possible escape's if something went wrong. If.

Ciel stood tall, sheading hi coat, he handed the black fur to Ember. Revealing his wear. An white, long sleeved button down, tucked firmly into a pair of black slack's. Ciel pulled off his top hat and handed the item over to Her once more. He remained quiet parshially, as he brushed his dark hair away from his eye patch.

Ciel straightened his shirt, before glancing at the prince. "A Little Tierd are We ?" Ciel questioned, glancing at the women beside him, Ember. "But, Let's Get to Matter's." He nodded, as if agreeing with himself. "Today's Attack pushed forward's some theories about the Princess's Dissapearence," He mumbled, "For Example, the Attacker managed to bypass all your security, and God know's you have a lot. That only mean's you have a leak. Someone or Something are working with them, but still managing to go under the radar. Which mean's it could have been anybody who knew you'd be here today. " He paused, to make sure the prince followed. "This Could have been A Noble, A Royalty, or Even one of Your Guard's..." Ciel allowed his word's to trail off as he glanced at the gurd's in the room.

One Stepped forward, "Are you accusing us of Betray---" His word's drowned short, as Ciel raised a hand. The whole time his poker face remained intact.

"Please," Ciel Spoke, "Allow me to finish." He rep
The loud and filled streets of the village filled Travis' ear, but he heard something slice the air around him. He quickly turned around just to see a dagger being chucked at him. Travis quickly grabbed a thick wooden block sitting next to him at a merchant’s shop, and chucked it at the dagger, watching both item ricochet into the air. He could see the outline of his attacker, and he didn't like who he saw.

Travis could feel the surrounding atmosphere become colder. It was the Black.

The young general grinded his teeth together. He needed more time.

He grabbed a cloak at the merchant’s shop and ran towards the opposite direction of black, sneaking between the bodies of shoppers.
( Continued )

*Replied, dropping the hadn that he currently held raised. "With Such, I Reccomend you be moved to an safer hide out, Like in the Peasent's town Maybe. No Thief woul dream of Placing Royalty in the Low life area." Ciel spoke, glancing to Ember who nodded in agreement. "Plus, in other matter's, the Thieve's had attempted to kidnap you. Which could mean a few possiblities A) The Princess has Perished, B) An Grand Master of Thieve's are Trying to take over the Scarlet Rose, or C) Your Sister is working against you. Now, in any way all three are possible. But of which are true ?" Ciel asked, questioning himself. Ciel paced back and forth.

Stopping, he glanced at the Prince. "Now, in the such unlikely event of you and your sister's passing, who would be next up for crown If you haven't of planned this, the Theive's will take the land as their own. And surely cast out the rich. Do you have any relative's close by, perhap's ?"
Natasia had been moping around the HQ. How could she have failed? She had the drop on him. The Scarlet Rose was better than she thought. She rushed to her room, throwing off her gear in rage. She pushed her palms to her forehead. The Scarlet Rose would pay eventually. She dropped her hands and slowly rocked back and forth in daze, her eyelids droopy. She had spells like these where she would sort of snap and have fits of rage and weirdness. She slowly grabbed a knife and walked over to the little princess.

Natasia giggled as she slowly made her way to her. "You know... I almost got him. Your brother." She sat down next to her and began to stroke the girls hair. "I used to be so jealous of you. Your life and your looks." She paused and looked off in a blank stare thinking. She slowly raised the knife and outlined the princesses lips. "I'm not jealous anymore. In fact I pitty your sheltered life." Natasia began to giggle again. With that, she flipped away the knife and stood up. "Your lucky I can't harm you. It would be a shame if your little face was cut..." She walked out of the room, her daze gone, her anger back.
Black mentally sighed when Travis blocked his dagger ‘he has skill I’ll give him that,’ He easily admitted to himself. Though now that Travis knew he was being attacked and probably knew by whom he’d have a bit of trouble, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. As he watched Travis grab a cloak and run through the crowds he internally snickered at how heavily he ran and then swiftly ran through the shadows, following him. Leaping up to a porch he threw his other poison coated dagger at him, this time from above. The silver and gold dagger rushed through the air, as this poison dagger was a bit different, it's poison decreased the victim's senses making everything dim and shadow come to life, and shadows were one of Black's many advantages. If this didn't hit him than no matter, he had plenty more.
The guard unhappily tried to say something once more but Nileriel said "Let him speak." He wanted to hear this as the same thought had came to his mind once before. It was hard to vocalize these things to the public because of people's reactions. Of course everyone was going to take offense to it, then the accusations would start. After the accusations everything would to pure chaos- more so than it was already. If that happened then the Scarlet Rose Guild would fall apart. If there was someone, an inside source for the Thieves Guild, they had to be taken out quietly. More than that they had to be taken out silently with as few people as possible knowing. Nileriel wanted to send the guards out so they could talk in peace- if it was one of the guards he certainly didn't want them around for this conversation- but he couldn't send them out. They would refuse since they were so edgy because of the recent attack. Nileriel looked at Ciel and listened to him continue his point.

(Imma add more one sec...)

The very idea of his sister being dead sent chills down Nileriels spine and quiver with anger. If those bastards killed her... he thought to himself not even being able to finish his threat for vengeance. But still, he had to hope for the best. He nodded along to what Ciel said and thought perhaps he was right- that it was safer somewhere else and also if something happened who would take his place as heir to the throne? "I can't think of any close relatives..." he shook his head. If he and his family died it'd be a chaotic fight to see which noble could take the throne first and then there was the other guilds too. Everything could fall apart because of him he realized.
Travis reached an open square when he turned and looked to see if Black was on his tail, which he probably was. He watched as another dagger was thrown at him. Travis quickly threw off his cloak and rolled to his right side, watching the dagger slice the air of where he was standing a split second ago.

He looked up at Black, who was on top of a building staring down at him.

“Where is the honor of attacking an unarmed man?” Travis asked the leader as he saw subordinates coming from all corners.
Black glared at him, he wanted to retort so bad, for the general’s sense of honor was infuriating him so much, he would say something back, maybe something along the lines ‘isn’t honorable, it’s to survive,’ If shadows weren’t supposed to talk. His men were already coming to his aid, all of them coming lurking out from the darkness though they wouldn’t be any use to him. Now was the time for him to show Travis he was going for the kill. From his cloak he grabbed his dagger he used for combat, the dragon claw design on the hilt shone with a deadly gleam. Jumping down from the porch he lunged at the man, fully intending on killing him.
Travis watched as he saw Black leap from the building, and skydive towards him. Travis smirked and extended his right hand in front of himself, while getting into a fighting stance. Wind began to pick up around Travis, his aura was swirling around him. It had been a while since he had danced with an opponent of Black's prowess.

“Zephyr, my dear friend. Aid me, give me STRENGTH,” Travis yelled through his teeth as his body began to illuminate, his armor majestically covering his body. His legendary lance appeared in the firm grasp of his hand, the blade gleaming.

Travis did a quick 360 spin and jumped towards Black, their blades meeting in the air.

After the initial contact Travis stepped back and looked at the enemy leader.

“I have a proposition. If you're willing to listen.” Travis asked smiling.
Ciel Phantomhived- ( Zhia I'll be back in Ten Minutes Alright ? )

Ciel glanced at each guard square on the face, Could one of them be an Spy ? Possibly, but maybe not. The look on the Prince's face, confirmed the suspicion that He had had the smae thought's. "Now, Of Course." Ciel spoke, "Doubling security would create more panic amound the Citizen's. How to remain quiet and bring in protection is the problem." Ciel nodded to himself, he was a lot smarter than he appeared. "Now, Younge Prince. I Would lead to believe that more attack's were not planned, seeming that they had sent one of their best Assasinator's. But!" He announced, "That won't mean there won't be more." Ciel mumbled.

Ember stepped forward, "Sir Phantomhived, Excuse my Interruption but what about the citizen's, the attacker's would surely...." She trailed as he nodded, agreeingly."Your Right Madam Ember, attacking the kindom. Brilliant." Ciel stepped forward and turned bac to the prince, "Sir, if you do go amoung the hidden, they would surely attack your Town's men and women to bring you out. In Refusal, the Thieve's would most likely try and turn them against you. Believing that you have ran out on them. Hmm...." Ciel hummed, glancing up as he began to drown in thought.

Ciel seemed to have thought everything out, so far, but yet something still felt missing. The missing link, which was exactly ? Ciel even seemed puzzled, although his feature's still remained calm and cold.

Ember placed her wrist onto Ciel's shoulder. "Younge Master, we Must be off. " She chimmed giving The Prince an apoligetic look. "Ah, I See Lady Ember. Prince," He bowed once again, "I must be off, but we will have close survalience on thing's around the city. If you need me, I will be at My Mansion. Please," He nodded, "Don't hesitate To send a guard to fetch us."

Ciel retrieved his coat and top hat from Ember. Placing them on, as he turned to the door. Ember led as they walked out. Before completely gone, Ciel dipped his hat and nodded off to the Prince. "Please, no Hesitation." Ciel remarked, before stepping away.
Wind started swirling around Travis; it seemed he was showing him his true power. After chanting something Black saw armor appear on him and a lance come in his hand ‘Interesting…very interesting’ Black thought as he fell through the air and their blades met. Though Black looked at him with his neutral expression, but was actually mentally cocking his head in interest, when Travis backed away. At hearing him saying he had a proposition Black thought for a second ‘Hm, he might have something useful to say that I can use against…how foolish of him.’ Still pointing his dagger at him Black nodded at Travis for him to tell him what his proposition is.
Travis watched as Black accepted to listening to him speak.

“It's simple really. You give back the princess back to the Scarlet Rose. In return, you get the head of the last remaining general serving under the Scarlet Rose.” Travis spoke clearly and pointed at his own head.
‘So Travis was on a suicide mission this whole time…I should have known.’ Honestly Black would have laughed out loud, the value of the princess’s life was more valuable than Travis's by a landslide and she was easier to mold like getting information from her. Black continued to weigh his options, if he did spare Travis and bring him back to base to kidnap him so he could interrogate him he probably wouldn’t say anything if he this easily put his life on the line. However when he thought of that his eyes widened ‘that’s right the recipe…’ Everything seemed to fall into place, the recipe ‘The Truth Serum ‘that Face brought him. With the plan forming Black knew what he had to do. Black than swiftly ran up to him with his dagger pointed at him, though it didn’t seem like it, his intent was to knock him out.
Travis watched as Black didn't answer to his reply and attacked instead. His plan had failed. He needed Black to bite the bait so he would take him to his base. Thoughts clicked rapidly in Travis' head as he met blades with Black.

Something was off though, there was something missing from the blow, almost as if Black wasn't intending to kill him. Travis slightly began to become wary of the situation. Was another high-profile enemy around? What was happening.
A metallic sound rang through the air when their blades met once again. Feinting his dagger toward Travis’s chest he took his other hand and made a blow to the general’s head. That blow wouldn’t be enough though Black Eagle knew so he dropped down to the ground and kicked him in the legs hoping to trip him. It was probably apparent now that Black wasn’t intending on killing him, but it didn’t matter. As long as Travis didn’t know the reason why he wasn’t than Black’s plan was safe.
Nileriel sat and thought to himself about the situation. One wrong move could ruin everything and completely destroy the Scarlet Rose guild. What was worse, all the pressure was on him. Everything could go completely right- or wrong- because of him. He sighed, this was all just too much. He hadn't even wanted to be part of this war and now everyone in the Scarlet Rose depended on him.

Radehgieh was patrolling the area looking for all the places enemies could invade. He needed to figure it out quickly in case of another attack. The nobles didn't make his job any easier though, always coming up harassing him about their safety and protection.
Travis missing half a beat was his mistake. He slowly ducked to dodge the blow to his head, barely missing it. But he got swept under his own feet, and fell on his back. He watch as he saw guard jumping from all corners, and Black was looming over him. He thought quickly, "release", Travis whispered under his breath and watched as his armor and lance disappeared.

(I gtg for now, so say you captured me, or something)
(alright and see ya)

Black watched as Travis's armor and lance disappeared, his men were coming closer as the enemy was now defeated. Quickly to make sure he didn’t escape he pinned down the general and then hit him on the head with the hilt of his dagger hard, knocking him out.

After that he stepped back to admire his work and then barked some orders “I need someone to bring him back to base, make sure he’s tied down, gagged, and his room locked.”

His men, who were still looking at what he did in amazement nodded at the order and grabbed the limp body. One of the hooded thieves than produced a rope and rag from his cloak and than binded him up and gagged him. Once that task was completed they dragged his body towards a few horses and threw him onto it and then saddled up on their own horses as one of the men got on the one the general was on. Meanwhile the townsfolk were scuttling along; not wanting to be a part of this, as they were quite scared of Black and his men, but his Guild also offered very good protection to the townsfolk as well. Climbing on his own horse Black Eagle rode back to the guild, wondering what he would do with Natasia.
Ciel Phantomhived-

As Ciel walked down the street, Ember strolled next to his soundlessly. "Younge Master, You May have applied the coat to thick for his Majesty." Ember suggested, keeping her smile that danced across her structure. Ciel nodded, but remained quiet, listening to what she had to say. "He is Still a Teenager with so much pressure. Who could bare this much ?" She mumbled, turning her attention to a small child that ran to his mother. The child was wrapped in a small wool coat to remain warm. "He hasn't cracked yet," Ciel replied, but this time his voice wasn't cold, it had turned almost to sympethetic.

Ciel cleared his voice, "The Young Majesty has us for back up, if he even need's our help. But, I do suspect Foul play at work November." At the recognition of her full name she slightly cringed. Ciel walked quietly, before approaching his mansion.

Ciel stepped up to the door's, only to have Ember sway them open. Ember stepped in first, she observed her surronding's before welcoming Ciel in. "Please Younge Master, Relax and I'll bring you a glass of Tea." Ember spoke, shutting the door behind. Ciel handed Ember his coat andHat, before sitting in an arm chair near the bland fireplace. The flames licked at the wood and coal as Ciel stared off at it. He rested his head on Ciel's hand, brushing the hair away from his eye patch.

Ember reappeared with a small china cup, scented with the delicious scent of Peppermint. Ciel took the cup with a simple nod of the head, and sipped the sweetened liquid. Ember retrieted into the kitchen, as Ciel stared off at his Parent's portrait. Such simple time's, ripped away by the wooden eater's. Ciel though, glancing back at the fire place.
Natasia had been lying on the floor, blankly staring at the princess. She had gotten word that Black had went to take down a guard from Scarlet Rose. So they were were making a comeback. Her mind raced. 'What can I do?' Her mind was blank. She was thinking of going to help Black with his endeavor when she heard the horses returning.

Natasia stood up and peered out the window to see the thieves return with a past out man: the guard. "Well done, Black." She smirked to herself. She had to hand it to him even though he was ruthless. She backed up and sat at the table, crossing her legs, waiting for them to enter with the new prisoner, her new toy.
Black led the men to where the princess’s room was. He figured he would put him in the same room she was in, for it would make for an interesting show when the princess saw him and when Travis woke up bound and gagged where the princess was. Opening the door he let the men carrying the body throw it in the room and leave, he wasn’t in the least bit surprised that Natasia was there. Azriel gasped in shock to see the general and quickly went to his body to see if he was breathing. After feeling his pulse she let out a small sigh of relief and then started rambling on how heartless they were.

Ignoring her Black glanced at Natasia and gave her an order “Meet me in my room immediately and lock the door on your way out.”

He then walked out of the room into and went in his room, expecting her to follow.

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