RP: Battle of Guilds

Radeh silently took the note and skimmed over it. "Excuse me for a second." He said to the man. He stepped away and read the note more thoroughly. He sighed shaking his head. Things had just gotten much worse. "Take this and alert the royal family. But nobody else." He said handing the guard the letter. He went back over to the man's room. "We have a lot to discuss, we'll be needing your services immediately."
Godfrey wondered what the note was as he repacked his pipe and lit it. Radeh sent the guard off and returned to Godfrey. Work was at hand.

"What would you ask of me?" Godfrey said with a smirk, ready to prove himself.
"We need to find the Thieves Guild's hide out. They have taken the Princess Azriel and now the last General of the Scarlet Rose guild's troops." Radehgieh said. They needed to plan an offense attack immediately so that meant knowing where they were. If it was possible he also wanted to rescue the princess and Travis.
Godfrey paced back and forth, blowing smoke in the air, as he thought about his next move. The thieves guild was full of dangerous people, riff raff and thugs. He thought if he did find the hideout he would blend in just fine.

"Do you or your people have any leads to get me started on the trail?" Godfrey asked. He stopped pacing to listen to Radeh.
"Maybe. What would you need?" Radehgieh asked. He'd met many trackers and very few used the same methods. He glanced at the man. Although Radehgieh hadn't yet had the chance to find much about him he just had to trust that he wasn't dangerous and/or posed a threat to the kingdom. It was a crucial time in the war and they couldn't spare a moment for things like that.
"Just a horse and a point in the right direction." Godfrey said as he began strapping his sword on. He pulled a hatchet out of his pack and placed it through his belt on his rear. He tightened up the strings that held his leather wrist guards and boots together. He twirled his cloak in the air as he fastened the leaf pin around his neck.
Radehgieh nodded. "Okay. I'll have a few of the guards go with you...and I think I'll actually go myself." He said. Once they knew where the thieves were hiding they could plan their attack. He went out into the hall and said to the guard "Go get Cethitn and Haktir and tell them to get ready. I need them to come with me and the tracker on our little trip. Also please alert the royals about this."
Godfrey asked to be alone for a moment before their departure, Radeh complied and walked out of the room shutting the door behind him. Godfrey kneeled at his bed and looked up.

"This may be it my fallen brothers, this royal may be able to give me answers, I will avenge you all, I swear it upon my honor." Godfrey whispered, he then stood up and made for the door. Before opening it he paused. Did he have any honor left? Maybe this would answer that question as well. He composed himself and opened the door to Radeh waiting there.

"Let us go, I shall take your lead." Godfrey said. Radeh began down the hall followed by Godfrey. Nobles they passed in the hallway gave dirty looks to Godfrey, but he didn't care, they were worthless in his eyes.
Ciel Phantomhived-

Ciel Brushed the hair, lazily over his eye patch. It seemed that he does that a lot. The Younge Girl, Esperanza, sat across from him. She held a tea cup similar to his, but remained perfectly quiet. November stood back near the door, she held her arm's crossed and listened closely. He could see she wasn't happy with a visitor that she didn't recognize. Ciel sipped the peppermint tea, before setting the china onto a table to his left. Ciel leaned back in his chair. "Why Is it that you have decided to visit me ?" Ciel asked, crossing his arm's over his chest.

Esperanza rose, after setting her tea cup down. Quietly she bowed. Esperanza wore an old fashioned gown. It was a Dark Grassy Green dress, that fell to her ankle's. The sleeve on the right arm was slightly ripped. Esperanza sat back down in her seat before clearing her throat. "Sir Phantomhived, I Am From the Thieve's Guild. And Being a Close Friend to your Parent's I have only to Inform you of The Rumor's that have been Capivating down the street's." Esperanze announced in her accent. Esperanza's Blue eye's glittered, it was an rare event to see A Chico with Blue eye's. But Obviously Not Impossible.

Ciel nodded understandingly, His expression was still bland even though she had mentioned his parent's. "Such As?" He asked, leaning forward.

Esperanza smiled kinderely, "You are Curious just as your father," Esperanza proclaimed, pushing her hair from her eye's. "But, As I Was Saying. Rumor's have Surfaced about The Capture of not only the Princess, but Also The General." She replied, her eye's changing into a lighter state, as though she was daring him to testify.  
Ciel Phantomhived, Continued-

To The Younge Prince,

Sir, Must you Most Likly have Figured out that Your Younge General has Been taken under the hostage of the Thieve's Guild. As I Have Seen another attack coming for some time, I Can only predict this is not the end. Please, if You Haven't taken my Advice Quite yet, you should. Make The decision of Going into Hiding for your own Protection, or to Stand Tall and Defend your Kingdom. As My Parent's Loyalty have Advised me, I Will Stand By Your Side With Whichever you precieve. In The Name of the Lord and All Holiness. I Bid you Good Luck!


Ciel noted the playful gleem into her eye. "Ah, I See. The General has Fallen into the Thieve's hand's, how Tragic. But Has the Prince found out yet ?" Ciel asked, picking the china up and sipping the last of his tea. Ember rose and walked kinderely over to his table. She quickly picked the tea cup up and walked to the kitchen. Esperanza shook her head sourly, "Oh, I See. Then I Must Contact his Younge Majesty." Ciel spoke, pulling supplies out. Ciel began to scribble in the book before handing her the note. "Please deliver this." Ciel spoke, leaning back.
Natasia was going back in, a more serious look on her face. She cut across his wrists, making sure to jot cut a vital vein. Looking up with a smile, she heard him gag or mumble. Was he choking? She was to torture him, not kill him. She lifted a hand, ripping the muffler from his face. "There, that's better." She giggled and looked over to the princess. She looked horrified. Good. Natasia reached for a needle and injected in a serum. This was supposed to cause horrible hallucinations, tremors, and increased bleeding. She dangled it over his skin, smirking.
Radehgieh left with the man and two other guards. "We'll take you as far as we know.." he said and they started towards a small town that which they had tracked the Thieves to before but never found their hideout 
Nileriel was shocked and upset by the news of Travis. Hearing about Radehgieh's small trip to find where the Thieves guild hid he felt nervous. If they lost Radehgieh they would most likely lose the all the help of The hand of the royally divine and lose the war. He recieved Ciel's letter and at first he really didn't want to read it- he was upset enough over all that had happened so recently. But he knew it'd most likely be of help in regards of the current situation. He read it quickly and knew Ciel was right. But what choice would he make. To run away and hide would be cowardly and might also put the Scarlet Rose in a state of chaotic panic. But to stay wasn't any better. He made up his mind- he would leave.
The horseman stopped a ways out of town. Radehgieh trotted over to Godfrey.

"This is where we take our leave." Radehgeih said. Godfrey looked toward the town, then back to Radegeigh.

"I need specific details elf, my job can cover many things but you must be specific. I do not want to die just because I'm thinking what to do next. Forgive me if I sound hostile, what is it you need me to do." Godfrey explained. Radegeigh looked at Godfrey curiously.
Radehgieh nodded as this was understandable. "The guild is made up both of humans and creatures of all kind. They are poor but sneaky and fairly skilled in combat-especially ambushing. Even though, like I mentioned, they are poor they do do have a charisma that makes them seem fairly trustable which is why nobody ever sees their attacks coming. They are like snakes really- beautiful and charismatic but quick and deadly.
Godfrey nodded and trotted toward the town halfway he looked back and they were gone. Okay find the hideout, if possible infiltrate the hideout and secure the kidnapped royals, if all else fails ride like a madman to the castle Godfrey thought to himself as he made his way into the town. This was definitely a good place to start if your looking for thieves. He figured the best way to find information was at he local pub. He rode up to the place which was rickety and old with a sign that was half broken and the wood rotted. Some men stood around on the corner of the building but left as Godfrey dismounted his horse. He tied her off and walked inside. It was a dark little hole in the wall, but Godfrey had seen worse. He approached the barkeep and sat on a stool.

"I'll have a flagon of ale sir." Godfrey gave his order to the barkeep. The barkeep leaned in close to him.

"It's small town you know, lots of undesirables who would think crossly about you riding in with an elf." The barkeep whispered with a devilish grin. Godfrey grew a wild look in his eye, the barkeep nodded and went to get him a drink. Behind him Godfrey could hear the door open and multiple footsteps behind him. They stopped directly behind Godfrey. Three men by Godfrey's count. One of them grabbed Godfrey's shoulder, but he countered by grabbing his arm and twisting it, spinning the man around and onto his back. The other men drew shortswords and readied to attack. Godfrey kicked he man on the floor in the head and drew his longsword in one hand, his hatchet in the other. The men charged him yelling and swinging their swords. Godfrey disarmed the left one with his hatchet and sliced his chest and spun around meeting blades with the one on the right all in one motion. He slapped him with the flat side of his hatchet and ran him through with his blade. He turned to the barkeep who was shaking and spilling the ale in his hand. Godfrey placed some coins on the bar and the barkeep hurriedly handed him his ale. Godfrey, ale in hand, picked up the man on the ground and sat him in a chair. Godfrey pulled a stool over and sat in front of the man.

"What's your name… thief?" Godfrey questioned. Holding his broken arm the man looked at Godfrey knowing he should just answer the question.

"Marl… my name is Marl." Marl answered.

"Marl, I am Godfrey, I take it you are from the thieves guild," Marl nodded yes, " you will tell me where the hideout is." Godfrey demanded.

"It's in the woods, a single room lies somewhere within, but leads to passages. That's all I know I swear." Marl said fearing what Godfrey what Godfrey would do. "You can't tell them I told you, they'll kill me!" Marl added. Godfrey stood and looked down at the man.

"You won't have to worry about that." Godfrey said coldly before he drew his dagger and slit Marl's throat. One less to worry about. He looked to the barkeep, who dropped a glass and held his hands up. Godfrey chuckled and left the pub. He mounted his horse and headed towards the woods. 
Once he reached the tree line Godfrey dismounted his horse and tied her off to a tree and patted her soothingly. He set off into the woods on foot. It had been a long time since Godfrey had roamed the wooded places of the world. His work brought him to more desolate places usually. He searched the ground for any tracks but for a while could not find any. If these thieves were capable enough to cover their tracks, they were a higher threat then the thugs and pickpockets in the town before. He was losing daylight and it was close to sunset. He thought he should stop and make camp but something pushed him on. He searched for thirty more minutes until he caught a break. Someone got sloppy Godfrey thought to himself as he knelt next to the track. Someone had been dragged through here the track was feint but he could tell someone tried to cover it so he knew it was fresh. He followed it until he reached the shack the thug had described. Eerily the sun had set when he reached his destination.

He entered the shack quietly and slowly. The floors creaked and the room seemed dead, like it had never been used. Immediately Godfrey noticed a trapdoor beneath an animal skin rug, he pulled the rug and opened the door. He thought to himself your a fool Godfrey Bodin, but began going down anyways.
Travis watched as Natasia pulled out a strange looking needle. Whatever it was coated with, would most likely hinder his chances of escaping. “Hey darling, would you mind bringing me a glass of water? Seeing as how it's my last dying wish...” Travis put on a smile and winked again back at the assassin. He needed to be alone with the princess, even a single minute would be most valuable. “I promise I'll forgive you for all the love marks you gave me...I'm just dying of thirst darling I can barely breathe”, Travis added.
Natasia stopped and glared at him with her eyebrow raised. "Excuse me?" She paused in disbelief. "Darling? Your kidding right?" She giggled, thinking this was just peachy. "And if you don't shut up I'll give you more 'love marks.' Got it?" With that she painfully obliged, walking out towards the back of the little hideout. "Ya I'll get ya some water alright," she grumbled. She snuck the needle away, below her constricting belt.

Natasia filled up an old, dingy looking bucket with water from a pump outside. As she lugged it back up, it was as if something was wrong. Could someone be here? She hurried up the back steps and into the room. Seeing no one, she slammed the water on the floor next to Travis. "There... now back to this." She pulled the needle back out.
Travis counted the seconds it took Natasia to come back into the room. He calculated the distance between this room and the outside. The outside world didn't seem too far away, so the room they were in was probably towards the back of the hideout, there must be an exit near the back. Travis saw Natasia bring a decently sized bucket of water, and her posture was a lot more attentive to the surrounding she was in. "Seeing as how I'm bound, I won't be able to drink the water.... do you want to pour it down my mouth for me like a good girl?" Travis asked coolly with sly eyes. He needed her to either come close or unbound him for a second.

Travis eyed the princess, he could see streams of tears sliding off her cheeks.
Natasia was hesitant and looked at the two. She slowly picked up the bucket, a few drops on the floor. As she inched closer she said, "Well I'm definitely not a good girl but if need this so much..." She held it over him, tipping it with delicate fingers, sending a few drops to his mouth below. She looked over to the princess and set the bucket down. "You won't be needing any of this."
The corridors were dark but dimly lit, Godfrey slowed his breathing so not to alert anyone. He stepped lightly through the dank tunnel. Suddenly he heard footsteps and hid himself in the shadows. A shapely young girl passed by carrying a bucket. Godfrey decided to wait for her to return. After a while she returned with the bucket now full with water. After reaching a safe distance Godfrey followed silently behind. She stopped and looked as if she were nervous or being cautious. She continued on followed by Godfrey until she entered a room. Godfrey listened as he heard the bucket slam on the floor and voices began speaking. From the sounds of it the princess and general were inside. Godfrey weighed his options, save them now and avoid coming back for a battle or leave and return with the Scarlet Rose. What the hell he thought to himself as he drew his blade and entered the room. The shapely woman turned to him…
Nileriel got up and ready to leave but then suddenly wondered how he should go about this. It wasn't like nobody would notice and the whole castle was under intense surveillance because of recent events. He knew how unlikely it was the guard would let him leave and so he'd have to sneak out. It wouldn't be easy but he knew of a few areas where he could easily make his escape.

He wondered what to bring with him. Of course some clothes and money but would he need anything else? How much money would he need? There was so much planning needed for this but he only had a short amount of time. If he was going to be able to do any of this he would need to be alone first. "Please leave and tell the guards patrolling the area to leave." Nileriel said to the guard. The guard opened his mouth to say something but Nileriel cut him off. "I want to be alone for a while."

"But Young Sir... we have orders to guard you and not let you alone." The guard said uneasily.

"And now you have orders to leave." Nileriel said simply. The guard looked as he wanted to say something more but he didn't, he just sighed and quietly left. As soon as the door shut Nileriel grabbed a knapsack out of one of his drawers. He picked out a pair of average looking clothes- nothing that would make him stand out- and put in there. He also took a few hundreds worth of royal gold pence (Approx. like $2,500 more or less). He pulled on a cloak, grabbed his bag and peaked outside the door to see if any guards were around. From what he saw none were in the area. That was good he opened the door further and walked out, heading towards the dragon stables. He would say goodbye to Mindmaster and then leave the castle.
After setting the bucket of water down yet again, Natasia headed the footsteps of a man. Then the scrape of metal. He had taken out his sword. She was nervous as she could nit mess up this time but spoke in her cocky confidence. She popped a hip out and giggled before turning around. "Why, hello." She smirked and slid a couple if knives to her palms, throwing them all in a fan pattern. "Die you royal swine! I can't loose this time!" She kicked Travis farther back, up against the wall, distancing him from the attacker.
The woman was quick she threw one of her knifes into Godfrey's shoulder, pain rushed quickly but adrenaline began pumping through him. He pulled the blade out and dropped it on the floor. The woman looked at Godfrey noticing he was different than the average guard. He charged her and rammed the hilt of his sword into her nose. She winced in pain but returned a blow to Godfrey's wounded shoulder. He backed up holding his wound and she kicked him against the wall. Godfrey regained his composure and swiftly maneuvered toward her resting his sword on her throat, breathing heavily, she looked him in the face and devilishly grinned.
Travis got knocked back against the wall. He saw a stranger attack Natasia. This was the blessing he was waiting for. Travis quickly jumped up, still bound to the chair. He smashed his back against the wall behind him, smashing the chair into bits.

“Lend me your strength, my dear friend. Zephyr come out..” Travis whispered under his breath as the bracelet bound to his wrist began to illuminate. He felt his familiar battle armor stick onto his skin, he could feel Zephyr, his lance appear in between his bound hands. He quickly stuck the lance against the ground and twisted his wrists in opposite directions, causing the pressure from the lever created his lance to snap his bounds. He quickly ran over to the princess and and held her hand with his own. “My dear, I will get you out of this place.” He told her in confidence.

Travis looked back at the fight going on, he watched, waiting for a moment to strike.
Nileriel walked through the stables over to where Mindmaster lay. He opened the gate and knelt down next to him petting his head gently. "I'm really gonna miss you." He whispered feeling the sting of tears in his eyes. Suddenly the reality of his situation was setting in. He was leaving everything he'd ever known and loved. There was no way to know when he'd come back- if he would ever be able to. Now, more than ever, his future was uncertain. Mindmaster looked up at him with sad eyes, seeming to understand what was going on. He nuzzled his snout against Nileriel's leg. "I'm sorry," Nileriel said hugging Mindmaster. "I have to go." He stood up, petting his beloved dragon one last time and then walked towards and exit at the other end of the stable.

(Too dramatic? I hope it isn't....)
Natasia was at deaths hand, a blade against her neck. Her nose was not broken but definitely bleeding. She grimaced, her eyes half closed, tears strung on her cheeks. She couldn't fail again. She would no longer be needed and black would kill her. She had to either win or go into hiding.

"Please," she choked out, "don't hurt me." She was doing something she wasn't familiar with. She was begging, pleading. She was afraid and this time she was the vulnerable one and she let it show. Her seductive, snake like attitude was still apparent though. It lived in the way she breathed and grounded her body, trying to break free. Seduction was in her genes. She tried to pear around. She felt even more helpless now that Travis broke free. "Take me with you if you must!"

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