Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

I leaned my elbow onto the table and rested my chin in my hand.Looking at him eat I said,"How can you constantly eat? I get sick to my stomach just watching you eat. Were the hell do you put it all?".
Christian looked at her with a frown. " That's not quite the question you should be asking." He looked at the her. " I'm constantly staying fit with excercise and work so i use up alot of carbs and calories." He lifted up his shirt. " See." He exposed his chest and abdomen.
I blushed brightly and said,"Wait! I didn't mean it like that!" I hung my head and sighed,again I've managed to stick my foot in my mouth and it was only my second day here.I looked back up and said,"Sorry,guess I have a great way with words huh?".
Christian stuck out his tongue as he put his shirt back down. " Yeah i knew exactly what you meant. Just thought i should tease you for that comment." He looked at the clock. " So you got any quirky comments for me ?"
I looked at him and blinked,"Quirky comments? About what? You know exactly what kind of effect you have on the girls here.You play like you don't notice but I know you do.You like teasing us,don't you?".I gave him a smile as I raised an eyebrow.I was having fun messing with him now.
Christian thought for a moment and gave a frown. " No, i have no idea what you're talking about. " He leaned against the counter. " I really doubt i have any effect on the girls here. Cause if i did trust me i would be more then happy to at least try to make an effort."
I shook my head and smiled.I got up and walked over to him,"Oh you didn't notice Andrej giving me the evil eye every time she sees me? Or how she mutters under her breath about me? Every time I talk to you or look at you? You effect her a lot,and that was why she was upset last night.She doesn't like you talking to me. Can't say I blame her,you are quite enjoyable to look at and be around". I gave him a smile and winked as I turned from him and walked back into the dinning area.
Christian watched Lilith leave. Maybe she was right. I mean he did get along with them a lot better and it was better then the random hook ups his parent were setting up for him. Maybe if he found some free time. He would try to find time for them. He watched as the shuttle pulled up. It was time to go .
I blushed brightly as I walked into the dinning area,I can't believe I just said that to him.I put a had to my forehead and sighed,he probably thinks that i'm such a loser now.Just as I was second guessing going the shuttle pulled up in front.I chewed on my lower lip,pondering if I should still go now or not.I might have ruined Christian's plans after that dumb move I just pulled back in the kitchen.He might not want to have someone and dorky as me representing him at the expo.I sighed yet gain for hundredth time today.
Christian walked past Lilith and gave her a peck on the cheek. " Come on we're going to be late. Lets gets to the shuttle. Or we may miss the trip. " He took everyones bag as he took a few trips to make sure everyone got set for the trip.
I stood there stock still as I let what just happened sink in. "Did he really just do that? ". I blushed to high heaven and willed my feet to move so that I didn't look like a complete idiot. I slowly walked out the door and waited for Christian to be done before I got on the shuttle. Once he was done, I picked a seat towards the back, that way no attention was brought to me and maybe he wouldn't see my bright blush.
Christian got in the front of the shuttle and they headed to the Airport. He bought the tickets and gave them to one another. " Alright the plane leaves in a bit so if you need to do anything let me know. " He looked around the airport till he found the gift shop. He looked around at all the items. They were cheap knick-knacks nothing really sparked his interest.
I sat down in one of the seats,and pulled my book from out of my bag. Since we had a little bit,I figured I could read a chapter or two to pass the time. As I opened the book,my mind wandered to what had happened before we left. I placed my hand gently to my cheek and blushed furiously. I shook my head and thought,"Gah! Stop reading into it too much,he was probably just being nice,it didn't mean anything". Although that's my mind said,my cheeks and stomach said otherwise. I sighed and closed the book,knowing in this state I wasn't going to get much reading done. I folded my legs underneath me,and looked out the window at all the planes.
(It's been a while, huh?)

Andrej couldn't help but eye Christian and Lilith. He had pretty much given up though. The new girl could have him. She spent the rest of the time in the restaurant checking her bags and filling through her fashion magazines. She lit up when she saw the summer dress she was wearing.

The group was off then, heading for their flight. Andrej was excited as he had never been on a plane before. He gave his luggage to Christian and took a seat, two away from Lilith. They wouldn't talk much to each other, she was sure. She flipped through her tablet, awaiting their departure.
( yes ,yes it has.)

Christian brought back a few drinks and placed them on the table. " I got some drinks if you are interested. " He sat down next to Andrej. " You've been awfully quiet since this morning." he replied with a smile. " Is there is something on your mind ?"
Andrej slowly set down her tablet. She turned her head to him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, nothing," she said sarcastically. "It's just that you seem to be especially fond of Lilith..." She her self wasn't sure of what was being implied. She tightly crossed her legs and held her eye contact with him, curious of what he would say back.
Christian looked at Andrej with a small laugh. " I was trying to make her feel at home in my restaurant. Just like i did with you. Or have you forgotten the chocolate cake that put the smile on your face ?" He got up and sat next to her. " I really was hoping that you two would get along. But i guess i have no choice but to try a new technique. "

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