Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

Andrej stopped what he was doing completely and stared at him. "No, actually everything's not okay." She paused, seething. This was good. She was getting her aggression out. "The new girl walks in here and practically steals-" she stopped. 'I sound ridiculous right now,' She thought. With that, she forced a small smile and looked at him. "Thanks for asking." She picked up her appetizer and ushered it to its table of lovely date night couples.
Christian looked at Andrej. " She steals....what is she talking about ?" He looked at the the sections. Andrej and Lilith were both equal with tables. Maybe it was some equipment that was taken from her. He wasn't quite sure but he would like to find out.
"Casi I believe you are as big of a romantic as I am, but I haven't seen a ring yet" she would wink and take her dessert out of the kitchen. Placing it on the table she would smile, then bow, then return to the other tables. Checking out one and then clearing plates from another. Tawni felt like she was on her game tonight. Her brown hair would sway against her head lightly as she walked. As she passed by Andrea and Dante she would notice a little tension. Walkign to the dish pit she woudl put her dirty dishes down and then walk back to the doorway waiting for Andrea. "Hey girl" she would say softly and place her finger under her chin with a large goofy smile "Keep your chin up, no matter what, it makes everyone wonder" she would wink and gently apply a little pressure on her chin to lift it up

Tawni would continue to the dinning room and greet her newest table with a smile. She had sld a lot of the specials and hopefully they would all be recognized for their good job. Ah romance was in ther air, Tawni was not sure, but she could feel something going on between the staff. Even feel something inside of her. It seemed Bella Mia wanted to play games with the staff again. Of course even if there was love among staff it usually didn't last because so many people were in and out of restaurant work. But Tanwi knew one day she would find that special someone.
Maiken continued on servicing the customers. After the rather odd encounter with Tawni, he had wanted to ask her what was wrong but she had already gotten back to work by the time he knew what to say. Oh well, I'll just have to think faster next time. If there's a next time. He smiled back at a cute couple who had just ordered the special. It's gotten really popular, really fast, he supposed. Though Mai hadn't sold as many as the others, he didn't mind. He was in a good enough mood from his chat with Casi.
Christian continued to watch the people pour in. They still had another hour and a half till closing. But he didn't mind he loved the atmosphere but Andrej had him worried. He looked around and when he saw Maiken he motioned for him to come over.
Maiken had just cleaned up after a messy group's mess when he saw Christian urging him to come forth. He held up a finger to show that he needed a minute to finish up before he wiped his hands on a dish towel and walked over to the Chef. "Did you need something?"
Andrej giggled when Tawny gave her the chin up advice. Tawni always made her smile. She was right to. One's chin must be held high to be confident and the best you can be. She shook out her anger, pulled her shoulders back, and walked in the graceful sway she had been complimented on. She was selling food like it was going out of style and that put a real smile on her face. She had sold her fifth hearts desire and she thought that was pretty good.
The dark-haired waitress would run the entree for her most recent table and refil everyone's wine or drinks. She ran around and continued to check on all her tables before noticing she still needed to clean one or two. Gracefully walking through the dining room almost as if she were dancing in a straight line she woudl gather dirty dishes and then continue into the kitchen.

Tawni stayed busy pre-bussing two of her tables so she was walking back and fourth from kitchen to dinning room. After two trips she came back to see Maiken and Christian talking to one another. Being the sweet and fun girl that she was Tawni would walk ove rto the two guys and stand on her tippy toes peering between the two guys heads. "Hey, secrets don't make friends" she was of course just kidding and trying to make them laugh. She was down to two tables that were happily eating so she could spare a few minuets of talk if the two men didn't mind her there.
Christian nodded and gave Maiken a debit card. " I'd like you to take Andrej out and put everything on this card. You don't have to if you don't feel like it. But i just think she could use some one to put a smile on her face. " He gave Maiken a smile. " Please i promise if you do this. I'll even let you drive my dad's fro tonight. "
Maiken shot an awkward glance at both Christian and Tawni. Handing his head slightly, he handed the Chef the card back. "I'm really sorry Christian, but between my jobs and housework I haven't got the time," he said apologetically. His schedule was tight as it was; plus, he knew that he wasn't the right person for the request.
Christian looked at Maiken. " My father hired you because he knew you would always help ones in need and show common courtesy. " If you do this for me. Whatever you make tonight in tips i'll triple. No matter what it is i promise."
Well it seemed that the two men were not in a joking sort of mood at the moment. "Wrong kind of moment huh? I'll try again later" she would still smile and tuck her hair behind her left ear and spin around on her heels in a circle and face the opposite direction. Waking to the back of the kitchen to wash her hands really quick before getting back to her tables. Her large brown eyes watched her hands as she scrubbed to make sure they were clean. She would dry her hands on a towel and then walk back through the kitchen and into the dinning rooms checking on her tables. They were all happy and one was ready to leave, giving her another short break. After Tawni was finished checking them out she would begin to pre-bus that table as well, walking back into the kitchen to drop off the dirty dishes. She'd walk to the little table and grab her bottle of water and take a drink from it. She had gotten a little bit of a hot flash so she was trying to cool herself down.
Maiken's lips thinned into a small frown as Tawni left them to talk. This must mean a lot to Christian if he had to pull that sort of card on... With a dejected sigh, Mai concluded that he would have to take the night off from this second job, or at least accept the fact that he would be very, very late. "... Fine," he mumbled, "but are you sure this won't turn out to be a disaster?"
Christian smiled and patted Maiken on his shoulder. " That choice is up to you my friend. " He went into his pocket and gave the keys to his father Viper Gt. " Be careful it has a tendency to get in your blood. Just show her a good time tonight. And i'll have everything set up when you come on your next shift i promise."
Tawni would set her bottle of water down on the table and look down at her shoes. One was untied so she knelt down and began to tie it while observing the staff. There was something going on and she really couldn't put her finger on it. She wondered why people weren't as amused with her as usual today, perhaps they were having off days. She would finish tying her shoes and shrug her shoulders and walk to look over to her section without theme seeing her. She didn't want to bother her tables because they seemed to want to have private time. Tawni stood in the doorway to the kitchen and just gazed out at all the couples and she couldn't help but smile. She loved Bella Mia for this reason! Everyone was so full of love and happiness when they came here, she couldn't help but have her spirits lifted a little by the sight of all the happy people.
Christian looked at the clock. It was now closing time. He watched the last few guest leave and he leaned against the wall. It was another successful night as usual. He put a sign onto window. That said they would be closed for the next few days. He had a reason for it but he wanted to tell the staff together. " Hey guys when you're done i need you guys to listen up. I have something important i need you guys to know."
I covered an yawn with the back of my hand as a set of customers walked out the door.This place was really hoping tonight,I wondered if it was always this way. With the short little break I had inbetween customers,I looked over to see Christain talking to one of the other workers.They seemed to be in some kind of heated conversation.I wondered if something was wrong.The worker seemed to be getting a bit annoyed but after a moment he looked like he decided to give up on whatever the arguement was.I shrugged and told the last customer good night.

I watched Christain put the closed sign on the door,and seen that we were going to be closed for a few days.I frowned and wondered what was up.Then he said that he needed to talk to us.I finished up the few things that I needed to get done and then walked over towards him.
Christian looked at the crew. " For the next few days there will be a dining expo in Hawaii. My parents usually go but since they are touring Italy I have to take there place. But as always my parents don't leave without there severs so if there is anyone interested in joining me let me know. "
I shook my head and blinked a few times.A trip to Hawaii for a few days! That sounded awesome.Trying not to sound too eager I said quietly,"Sure a trip to Hawaii sounds like fun.That is if you don't mind having a awkward hostess on your trip".I waited until he was done talking to the other servers,to tell him my decision about tonight.
" Tomorrow we will be closed but i'll be here to see who is interested so we can get our tickets for the trip. So you guys thank you so much as always and have a safe night." Christian smiled and head into the manager office to look at the charts. " Impressive i'm gonna need a new truck for next week. On top of that i'm also going to have to add on the ingredients for Casi's awesome cheesecakes. " He made a few calls and placed the orders in. He was proud the success of his workers. They almost topped his father's former crew record.
I nodded and walked into the back to change out of my uniform.I sat there for a few minutes and sighed.Maybe going to Hawaii was a bad idea.I didn't fit in with the others quite that well.I shook my head and grabbed my keys and bag.As I walked through the kitchen I stopped and said to Christian,"Well good night then.Guess I'll see you tomorrow?".
Christian looked at Lilith. " Where are you going ? As i recalled you said you wanted to talk. Not only that you still haven't picked where you want to go tonight. Or told me how you liked your first day." He gave a smile. " Now is a perfect opportunity to do so ?" He pulled back the second chair so she could have a seat.
I gave him what I hoped was a warm smile.I so rarely smile that I'm never sure if my smiles come across as friendly.I sat down in the chair that he pulled out for and placed my hands in my lap."It's really okay,I know you're busy and everything.Besides I didn't think you really were serious.As for my first day,well the start of it was a bit rough.But i think it ended pretty nicely.I mean the customers are great and they always seem happy.I wonder what is it about this place that makes them like that.I noticed it when I came in after a few minutes.It's like there is something in the air,that just makes people happy.So yea,I think I'm going to like working here".
Christian nodded. " Which means I won my bet and you owe me a bike ride. " He laughed. " But what you say is true. He pointed to the picture of his mother a father both in wedding clothing behind the bella mia which looked more like a dump then what it did now. " They got married right here. This place was just a worn out night club that people wanted destroyed. My dad and buying as a wedding gift for them both. They both worked there butts off making this place feel like there own and when they did. That's when it became more then a restaurant. They say since it was built with love everything that comes out it is love." He chuckled to himself as he picked up the picture. " That is if you believe in things like that."
I smiled as he talked about his parents.There was a tenderness in his voice that you don't hear very often from kids talking about thier parents.This whole place was kinda weird,it was even effecting the head Chef.I stood and said,"That's a very sweet story.It looks like they are really in love.And I think they're right.It's hard not to feel happy and in love while being here.But I'm a girl so I'm supposed to think about things like that.Anyways,yea it looks like you won.Just let me know the day,and we can take off".

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