Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

Christian looked back at Casi with a smile. " So then it's settle. " He looked at the clock with a smile as he saw cars begin to park outside his window. " Alright people ready up. It's show time. " He walked back into the kitchen his section was up and running and he couldn't wait to see how well his special would do. He looked over to Val with a smile. " Try and take it easy today. The server will help bust the tables. You know how packed this place can get. " He gave her a quick hug and looked over to Casi. " If you're running out of anything let me know i gonna order a few things soon." He put on his apron and he got ready for the dinner rush.
"Will do," Casi confirmed, then paused. "Oh and Christian? there's something for you in the crisper - it doesn't exactly fit in with the vegetables so you shouldn't be able to miss it. You did say I owed you," with that she offered a wink and moved over to her part of the kitchen. She'd leave him to discover the box and it's carefully sealed up treat she had made for him earlier in the day. In it, Christian would find a single serving rounded key lime cheesecake glazed with her own concoction of a sauce and topped with carefully hand decorated chocolate slices just thick enough to hold up their own weight. A masterpiece, if she did say so herself.

(Image found here: http://www.ghyslain.com/sites/default/files/Key Lime Cheesecake.png )
((So sorry I have been away you guys :( Had to move and it took forever then the internet people had written down the wrong apartment number and got mad at me for not being there... but anywho I am back now lol))

Tawni ran inside Bella Mia just before opening time. Her brown eyes were wide and her cheeks held a little pink flush to them. Her athletic legs moved swiftly into the kitchen and to the mirror set up in the back so she could check her appearance. Yes, her uniform was perfect it was just her flushed face, she took a deep breath and rearranged her short hair and braided the usual little braid that hung near her left ear. She would then turn around and notice everyone and greet them with a sweet smile and a awesome "Hey everyone!" she'd walk closer to the kitchen staff and try to find Christian. After finding him she'd bow slightly and apologize with honesty "Oh I am so sorry, I am never late ever, but I took Pebbles for a walk in the park and well she saw a stupid cat and like... chased it! It took me an hour to catch her she even broke her leash..." She was pretty sure Christian knew she had a Great Dane and would understand that Pebbles is a rather large and strong dog "It took three other people to corner her." She took another deep breath and bowed her head, she'd have to stay clear of that park for the next few days. SO embarrassing.
Andrej returned to her post near the front of the restaurant, ready to take the first customers and ready to sell the new special. She really wanted to impress Christian ever since Lilith showed up. She smiled warmly at Tawny, happy to see her again. He really forgot about his androgeny and reminded himself to just be careful. He was happy just the way things were. He began to wonder if his relationships with his co workers would change if they knew. He also wondered if the restaurant workers would begin to feel the strange romance of Bella Mia.
Christian smiled . "Don't worry about it. It's good to have you. We're gonna need all the help we can get tonight. With the new special." He pointed to the steak shaped into a heart. " Its the new special and were holding a little contest to see who can sell the most." He looked into the crisper and opened the boxed. " Well, Well Casi...you outdid yourself. Looks like i actually may be in your debt after this one. He took a bite from the cheesecake. " Excellent i love it Casi."
I straightened my uniform got my pen and book ready and made myself look friendly. I was thinking about this competition thqt Christian was having with us,when his little wager came into my mind. Since his end of the wager was,if I stayed on he would let me take him for a ride on my bike,I'm going to make mine that if I don't like working here then I get to invent the next special dish. In my mind that sounded like a pretty good deal to me. I'd have to tell him either on my break or at the end of the night. I was really excited to tell him now. Thinking about it put a genuine smile on my face as the customers began to come through the doors.
"It's lovely!" Tawni would smile at Christian and the Casi and turn on her heel to head towards the dinning room. She had to make sure all of her tables were perfect for the diner service, she wanted her customers to have the best experience they could ever have. The lead server would run her hand down her uniform to make sure that it was neat and wrinkle free. Her brown eyes would look around at the other servers in dinning rooms and smile sweetly although not really getting into conversation at the moment. She had severe OCD when it came to how her tables were set up. She did everything but measure the distance between the cutlery .Tawni pulled her towel out of the side pocket of her serving jacket and polished a little spot on a plate humming softly to herself.
"Nah, you don't owe me anything. I was late yesterday, remember? Totally all on me. We're even now, though, right?" She questioned, waving off his compliment. Not to sound full of herself, but of course it was excellent - desserts were, after all, her speciality, and it was rare that they turned out poorly. Hell, it was rare that they turned out just plain good (a prospect that, after her years of culinary training, would have horrified her, especially concerning a dish as simple as a cheesecake). There was a reason she asked for criticism over compliments - compliments made you complacent, criticism made you improve. And there was nothing she wanted more then good, solid (preferably constant) improvement.
Christian almost seem to turn red a bit. " This flavor is fantastic." He looked over to Casi. " I want you make this for the restaurant. I promise it would sell . HECK it might just sell out." He looked at Casi. " I'd be more then happy to help it would be a huge order. I would do anything to help."
"Really?" Casi asked, her usual smile spreading out into a full-on beam. "I'd love to add it on, and it's no trouble to make - I'll just have to make them the night before so they have time to chill and set - we can glaze and top them before serving. As long as you're okay with me staying late I'd love to have my creation on the menu."
Christian nodded. " Then it's a deal. Whatever you need just let me know." He was glad to have some one like Casi on his team. He took another bite of his cheesecake. He knew it would sell.
"I'll leave you a shopping list by the end of the day, okay? And you can just order everything I need along with the rest of our supplies." She agreed, tying up her apron and heading over to the sink to wash her hands.
Maiken watched as people began to enter and walk towards the host/hostess stand, waiting to be seated. A certain couple stood out from the rest, though. At first, the pair seemed to be standing next to each other awkwardly. But that awkwardness was soon dissipated as soon as they entered because they immediately brightened with large smiles on their faces. The rather tall male had his arm wrapped lovingly across his girlfriend's waist not like after. Maiken didn't see a ring on either of their hands, so he assumed they were dating. But how strange was it that they appeared to be madly in lone with each other now when just moments ago, they were obviously awkward?

(Sorry if there weren't supposed to be any customers yet - I can change it if I need to.)
I smiled warmly at the customers,seating them and enjoying their happy moods.Despite what had happened earlier today,I felt very happy to be here for some means.I guess it was the customer's cheerfulnes that made me cheerful.My next customers was this very cute couple.The girl looked so timid and shy to the point that it was adorable.They seemed a bit nervous but after standing there you could tell a change in thier moods and they instantly became all sweet and loving to each other.It made me smile but made me sad as well.

Once I sat them,they looked at each other so lovening that it made me feel lonely.I sighed and went back to my post t take care of more people.Maybe it was a mistake to work at a romantic resturant.I shook my head clear of those thought and put my smile back on and began seating more people.
Christian looked over to Lilith. He came from out the kitchen and looked at her. " Is everything alright ?" He was worried. One of the things he could read was how his servers were feeling. It was something his family was good at.
Andrej went to work, a little more professional today. She didn't really communicate with any of her co workers and still felt a little upset. She worked fast, not forgetting to use her right name. She smiled at everyone, pulling happiness from the atmosphere. She fed off the romance and used her charm to sell the special. He would occasionally go around, cleaning up tables and such. He wasn't very happy with the fact that he had to communicate with Christian, the nonchalant flirt. She gave quick precise orders and that was that.
Casi was, as ever, hard at work during service. It seemed that when things started moving in the kitchen they didn't stop until shortly after closing, and today was no exception. She allowed for brief smiles up at the servers when they came back to give orders, but there was little time for more than that. As she heard Andrea's - or so she thought the other's name to be - order up list she nodded and gave a quick, "Gotcha, thanks! Gimmie six on the appetisers fifteen on the main course" in response. Given that Christian was out of the kitchen checking on... someone, she couldn't see who, that left her to man the main station until he got back.
I looked over when I heard Christians voice.I gave him a nervous smile,trying to hide the saddness."Yea,i'm fine.Sorry just have the first day jittersI guess.Sorry to worry you.Oh I thought about out little wager,and when you get the time i'd like to talk about it.That is if it's not okay".I looked down at my books nervously.
Tawni was on her third or fourth table of the evening and had not really seen too much out of the usual. Everyone was in love. Everyone. Her most recent couple had come in for their second date, but looking at them you would think they had been together for a long time and were extremely happy. They sat in a booth on the same side the gentlemen with his arm placed over his lady's shoulders and cuddled her close to him. As if he didn't want to share her, even just a little bit. The short-haired server had managed to sell three of the special dishes so far. Her brown eyes would smlie at them as she brought their bottle of Toresella Pinot Nior and served it them, pouring the wine over her wrist with a white towel on it, not spilling a drop. On her way back to the kitchen Tawni checked on her other tables to see how they were doing. One was on desert, the other had just gotten their entrees, and the third was waiting for their food. She'd walk through Maiken's section and accidentally bump into him. As he'd turn around to look at her she would absentmindedly pull at the small ponytail hanging from the right side of her head and lift her head to look up at him and apologize. "Oh Maiken I uh-" she was cut off and just gazed into his eyes. She didn't know what had happened she had talked to Maiken all the time for the past year or so since they had worked together for so long. She had never been tongue tied before when it came to him. Was this Bella Mia getting in her head? She shook her head and then completed her sentence "Sorry Maiken" she'd smile and then disappear into the kitchen smiling at Casi and Christian. "Miss Casi ma'am I need a romantic order of chocolate cake" she'd smile and wink at Casi playfully. She loved talking to the staff and occasionally goofing off. Tawni would spin around twice and then stretch her arms up towards the ceiling. Man chasing Pebbles had tired her out more than she thought.
Nodding at the request from Tawni, Casi carefully finished plating the appetizer she was working on and checked the status of her meat for a main entrée item (the pasta attached would be made in a moment as she didn't want it getting cold) before turning to get to the other's request. As most desserts take a while to make, the cake had been made that morning and set aside under cover to stay moist and firm without the hours it would take to back them on an individual basis. Taking the cover off, she carefully sliced the extra large slice - after all, a romantic order was meant to feed two, not one - and placed it on a plate. From there, she whipped out an icing flute to add an extra rim of icing to the back, and then a second one to spot it with small red hearts that complimented the deep brown chocolate originally attached. The flutes were capped off and put back in an icebox to chill while she whipped out a bottle of pre-made (again, earlier in the day before service) raspberry sauce with which she decorated the outer area of the plate with a series of interconnected heart shaped swirls. Six identical dollops of whipped cream evenly spaced around the plate and topped with a drop of the same sauce finished off the dessert and she moved to set it up on the counter for Twanii.

"Order up!" She called, then looked to the other woman with a curious glint in her eye. "Special night for them, do you think? Did he give you anything to put in her glass or is it just a regular date?" Perhaps it was the restaurant's air - or her own tendency to fall into romantic daydreams - but she couldn't help but get excited over guests on their dates when they seemed like a perfect couple. Bella Mia was well known for being a go-to spot for engagements, in part because there were more than a few unexpected ones. It was probably just part of the ambiance - the restaurant did have a very romantic atmosphere about it - but either way Casi always liked to know. "If he pops the question - only if he asks her - say it's on the house, okay? I'll pay for it, if the boss isn't okay with it going out free."
Christian looked at her with a smile. " Of course. I'd be more then happy to." He looked around leaned into her ear. " How about dinner tonight after work. We can go wherever you or we can stay here and i'll cook for you. Your choice." He walked back into the kitchen. And looked at the orders. " Casi you're already on a roll i guess i got some catching up to do." He put up the entrees and set them on the grill followed by the chicken sauteed in the pan. He placed the vegetables on the side. " I need to sets of pasta and give table thirteen a complimentary desert it's his girlfriends birthday. He want's to make it nice. Thank you very much Casi." He placed the first couple of order up for the servers to grab. " Order up " he called out.
I blinked a couple of times,making sure I heard him right.I blushed to high heaven once his words sank in."A dinner date with Christain?! Oh my freaking god!".I tried to calm myself enough so that I didn't look like a fool in front of the customers.A million thoughts went through my mind as I waited on our customers,and I hoped that I didn't look too goofy to them.It was just that after what he said,I couldn't bring myself to stop smiling.For the first time in such a long time,I might actually enjoy having dinner.

I smiled to myself once again as I waited on the next happy couple that came through our doors.I actaully felt as happy as they did for once.I didn't have to fake my smile for the rest of the night.
Christian looked over to Andrej with a surprise look. " Is everything alright. You don't seem to be you happy self. Is there anything i can do to help ?" He was worried he didn't like it when there was tension between his severs he tried his best to make everything alright.
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