Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

Christian looked over to Lilith. He thought for a minute. He went brought a few chocolate covered strawberries from the pastry section and placed it in front of Lilith. " You know sometimes it's something sweet can get rid of the sour." He put his hands on his waist. " A beautiful girl shouldn't frown."
Well, it was true that Maiken was more inclined to chat once someone brought him into a conversation. With a wide smile, he took Casi's hand and shook it gentle before releasing. He felt immense gratitude towards the other for her help and all. Huh, it's been awhile since I've made a good friend. "Thank you, for everything," he said, "and I look forward to it."
I looked at the strawberries and then looked up at Christian.I gave him a small smile that turned into a small blush in a matter of seconds.I quickly looked down and placed my hands in my lap.Clearing my throat I said,"I just don't think i'm fitting in very well here already.It's bad enough that I try to keep my distance from people in general,but I would like to make at least on friend here".
Christian looked at her with a smile. " Well consider it done." He grabbed the whipped cream and placed it on the strawberries. But then the can stopped. He looked and pressed the nozzle only to have a jet stream of it whipped cream to his face.
I watched him swirl the whipp cream onto the strawberries,and smiled.Man,he really knew the way into a girls heart.Then the can stopped putting out whip cream,so I figured he was done.I looked up at him to thank him and seen the confusion on his face.I frowned myself and said,"Christian are you....".I stopped myself just as he was sprayed in the face with whip cream.I couldn't help but smile and laugh a little.I stood up and grabbed a rag to wipe his face off.I blushed slightly at the beautiful color of his eyes.I shyly looked down feeling like a idiot.
Christian took the rag from Lilith and smiled. " Thank you very much. " He licked a bit of the whipped cream from his face before wiping the rest off. " I should have thawed the can off. " He replied with a laugh. Christian looked at Lilith. " Whats wrong....is there something on my face ? " He replied before giving his face another wipe.
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Val said, turning from the kitchen and walking towards the main room, greeted by a sudden burst of laughter that made the girl flinch a bit. She looked around the room to see two others having a chat at a table. It made her wonder when the restaurant was opening, and how many others would still be arriving.
I gave him a fake smile and said,"No,it's nothing,sorry.Uhm,thank you for the strawberries,it was very kind of you".I sat back down and nervously played with the hem of my shirt.I felt like such an idiot,and I probably looked like one as well.I sighed and leaned my arm on the table again.I let out a light chuckle as i looked at the strawberries.I picked out up and took a bite out of it.I closed my eyes at how wonderful they tasted.They were the perfect texture,not too hard and not too soft.And the chocolate coating wasn't too thick either,it was a nice combo.Man,Christian really knew what he was doing.
Christian sat next to her. " So are we going let intimidation get the better of you. I mean you're really cute i'm sure customers would love to see that smile. " He sat next to her smiling. " But...we need to make it real. So i make you a wager. If you're interested ?"
I gave him a sideways glance and raised an eyebrow,"Oh? What kind of a wager?".I took another bite of a strawberry,once I chewed it,I said,"By the way these are awesome.You'll make a great house wife if you continue this".I chuckled a bit at my own joke.
Christian laughed. " You're funny." He put his hand on his chin. " If you enjoy working here. You have to promise to take me for a bike ride sometime. And if you don't i'll let you decide the wager."
I raised a brow at him and said,"YOU wanna go for a bike ride? You sure the other employees won't look at you in a bad way?".I turned sideways so that I could better conversate with him.He didn't strike me as your normal boss,but then again nothing here was really that normal.
" The better question is do i care what they think of me." Christian took the whipped cream and ate it. " It's my life and my choices i don't see what they have to say or do have anything to do with me. Let them think what they want it's not going to change me." He rubbed his head. " You still haven't gave me your side of the wager."
His eyes were huge. Andrej was doing cleaning in the kitchen area and the tables just outside of the kitchen. He saw them gorging on strawberries and whip cream. He was furious. The girl was supposed to stay away not flirt. He didn't take his eyes off of them, his nose flared, face slightly red. He was squeezing the cleaning detergent so hard, it squirted on the floor, which he eventually cleaned up. He practically snaked the cleaning detergent on the bar and went to the back to work on inventory. He grumbled angrily. "Girl thinks she can walk up in here-" she trailed off and thought for a moment. Was Christian even aware of the effect he had on woman?
His answer took me by surprise.I didn't expect him to be that open about his opinion about the other employess.I shrugged and said,"Fair enough.I don't know what my wager is yet.But i'll keep you posted".I licked some of the whip cream from my finger and gave him a wink."See you around".I stood up and walked back into the dinning area.
Christian smiled. It was always good to see his severs happy. Like his family always said. A happy sever means happy service. He cleaned up the mess and remembered about the filet he looked at it. And saw it had cooked to perfection. He cut the filet and his eyes went wide it was amazing but it was missing something. He looked at the strawberries he quickly fused it with a few others and made a creame sauce with it. He took a bite this time and literally fell on the ground. " Wow!!!!" he couldn't believe the flavor he had witness it was perfect."
"Don't mention it," Casi responded before hopping up, grabbing her box, and heading back into the kitchen to put her treat in the walk in crisper and grab her apron to start service.

(And insert a bit of a time-skip here as I've obviously missed some time but hey let's just act like she was in the kitchen the whole time, yeah?)
I seen two other employees talking as I walked into the dinng room.I was fixing to walk up to start getting my things together at the host booth but then I seen the girl that didn't like me.I was very tempted to walk back into the kitchen,when I remembered what Christian told me about our deal.I steeled my spine and held my head high and walked up to my booth.I put everything neatly into it's place,my OCD'ness starting to take effect and got ready to plaster that smile that the customers wanted to see.
Maiken glanced over at the clock and sure enough, it was just about that time of day. He vaguely wondered where some of the other servers were - but since they still had time, he didn't ponder about it too much. Still smiling and blue eyes twinkling, he stood and fixed his appearance. Hopefully the day will continue going down the right track.
Andrej emerged from the back as it was almost time to start the day. She took a clean skewer from the kitchen and twisted his through her hair, creating a bun. She didn't have a band in hand and she had learned to make a bun with a chop stick. She cleaned herself up a bit. Waiting near the entrance for her customers, she cleared her mind of Lilith. "I can get used to her."
Christian walked out the kitchen with two steaks to form the shape of an heart covered in the multi-berry cream sauce. " Hey guys listen up. I have a new special called hearts desire that i want you to try. I'm adding a competition along with it. Whoever can sell the most of our special these next few days will get something special courtesy of me and the family."
A competition? In no way was Maiken a competitive person. He's seen people go ballistic if they've lost. But the others here do seem pretty easy-going so it might be fun... Not to mention the fact that the special seemed ideal for their lovey-dovey customers. "Seems like a good idea."
Andrejs heart melted over the heart. "Aw, it's so cute!" She smirked, thinking of ways to get people to buy this "hearts desire." It should be easy with this romantic atmosphere and almost strange way everyone fondled over each other. Andrej would use his charm. His mind wandered as he guessed at what the prize was.
Val watched people crowd around Christian, who announced his brand-new special as well as a competition. That looks great! she thought, peering over from a table or two away. It seemed just like her brother to come up with something like this from the top of his head. "But what's the prize, I wonder...?" she thought aloud, pondering over the possibilities.
"Dunno," Casi answered as she came out of the kitchen herself, despite the fact that she wasn't the one being asked. "But I'll throw something sweet in to top it off, since I can't compete from back there." She tipped her head in the direction she just came from. "Any cake, pie, or otherwise sweet treat you want, even if you want flavours that've never gone in dessert before."

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