Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

Well everyone else had their good days Tawni was just that one pure soul. Now don't get it wrong she had her secrets too and those would all be revealed in time, Tawni was a sweetheart but she was no good girl. As Andrea came over and hugged her Tawni wrapped her arms around her and smiled. She was a little bony in the chest area but hey not everyone was blessed all around. The short haired server would lower her head at the compliment "Awe...thanks." Tawni walked over and grabbed her eggplant "Oh yummy" she would pause "Hey don't give me the credit you are the fantasmic cook sir" she'd then take her plate and sit a the little table where her silverware was and eat slowly. "Gade" she would call out "Why don't you come sit near me? We all like to hang out after shifts" she would smile and stab a piece of eggplant with her fork.
Christian went over to the pastry counter and took three of the fresh baked cupcakes. He placed the chocolate drizzle on one. Strawberry on the second. And the last a vanilla twist frosting. He placed a small ensemble of fruit on the side of the plate and topped it with whipped cream. He looked up at the ceiling. " Andrea...calm sweet had a elegant sense of style and grace. If i'm correct my mom hired you." he placed the plate on the counter and smiled. " I think they got it right."
Andrea was way too bashful. She blushed and smiled in a way that said, 'oh you.' She dipped a finger nail into the whip cream and licked it off. She then proceeded to eat the rest, taking bites of the cupcake, then the fruit and so on. "Your mother is a very lovely woman." He said matter-of-factly. She sat down with Tawni, careful not to get the table dirty again. "So why don't you guys tell me about yourselves? I'd love to know more about you guys." She paused, remembering the romantic mood the whole night. "Did anyone else see how practically everyone was head over heels? This place is so...full of love. It's as if it's blessed or something."
Christian took a look at his phone. And there was an instant frown. " THERE THEY GO AGAIN!! " he looked at the Janitor. " Close up the place for me will ya." The janitor nodded. Christian looked at his crew with a smile. " It's been a great night. For those i couldn't cook for i apologize but i have some business i have to attend to. You guys have fun and i'll see you guys again tomorrow." He walked out the kitchen with a sigh. Once again his parents had signed him up for a surprised dinner date with some random girl.
Ichigo looked at Christian as he left. She just giggled and left right behind him. She grabbed a cab quickly and hurried to her apartment. Berry pushed the door and went into an elevator. Living on the sixth floor is sometimes troublesome. Kids would be running down the halls with friends or would be kicking and throwing balls. Ichigo thought it was adorable, but sometimes it can be annoying. It's night so they should be asleep right now. The elevator dinged and Ichigo saw it empty. She went down the hall and went to her room which was 6-17. She opened the door and say Angel lying down on the couch just watching TV. "I forgot I left the TV on.. shoot," Ichigo closed the door behind her. "Angel, come here," Angel came jumping off the couch and ran to Berry. It was a Scottish Fold kitty, it's always energetic.
Tawni would also stand and take her dishes back smiling at those who remained. "Well guys it was a great evening but I have a feeling my dog is lonesome" she would smile and wave to everyone before leaving. She'd pull her bike from the back of the building and ride to her studio apartment. It was all she could afford with being in school right now, college loans were a pain. Walking up to the third floor after chaining her bike down outside the building Tawni would walk inside and collapse on her little red couch. Pebbles her blue greatdane would run over to her and lick her face happily then run to the door and sit. "I know I know, let's go for a walk shall we?" she'd walk over to the small table and pick up the fish food, dropping some in for Swimmer, then pick up the pink leash and doggy-poo-bags "Alright let's hurry this time, I am exhausted and I have class in the morning" she would fasten the leash onto Pebble's collar and head outside into the cool night air.
Andrej had finished his cute little cupcakes cupcakes saw everyone start to leave. He stood up and stretched. "I gotta get out a here before I crash." She grabbed her things and walked out the back, smiling and waving at everyone. It was a good day. She had a great job and amazing co workers. She actually looked forward to tomorrow. She trotted over to her run down car (it was all he could afford for now) and piled in. She drove off, finding herself in traffic and slapping her forehead with frustration. Once home, she undressed, grabbed a glass of ice tea and sat in her small living room. She flipped through her tablet, a gift from his mother, and caught himself up on the latest news. Andrej never went to bed when tired. Only when he did what he wanted to do that day. in the bathroom, she wiped off her makeup and fell into her bed, falling asleep instantly.
- The next day-

Christian was up and at it. Cutting and preparing for tonight. He carefully gather all his items and begin to make the pomodoro. He loved the aroma and it put his mind at ease. He looked at the clock. There was plenty of time before work. But he wondered who would show next.
Berry was ready for work. "By Angel! Be good okay?" She turned around and faced Angel. Angel made a face that said "Take me with youuuuu!" Ichigo couldn't resist that face so she looked away. "B-b-b-but I can't.... I'm umm sorry. Here play with your toys," Ichigo smiled. Throwing all his favorite toys on the floor, Angel was already busy playing with them. "This should keep you busy. Now be good. Bye, Mommy will miss you," She left and closed the door making sure it was locked. It was crowded and the kids were playing kickball. Ichigo caught a ball. "You're OUT!" The kids laughed. "Stay awhile Ichigo! Come pway with us!" A little boy said. Ichigo chuckled and waved good bye. "I can't. Sorry, maybe later," And the elevator went down. As soon as she made it too he lobby, she hurried and looked for a taxi. When she arrived to the restaurant, she waved hello at Christian and asked about why he left early.
Christian waved back and then shudder. " I was set up with another one of my parents blind date." He stuck out his tongue. " It was like getting my teeth pull. Another pretty face with no substance. It couldn't end soon enough." He took a sip of the pomodoro sauce. " Fantastic." he replied with a smile.
The morning was lovely and refreshing. Andrej awoke with bright eyes."Time to go to my favorite job ever!" She dropped it like it was hot, and went to the bathroom. She took a quick shower, applied a natural look with her assorted make up utensils, and straightened her hair to its full length, just below the shoulder blades in the back and just below the collar bones in the front. Her shift wasn't for another three hours but she was bored and she absolutely loved the restaurant. Andrej would have a nice brunch at Mia Bella before his shift. He wanted to wear something nice as all the other patrons did when eating there. He went to his minute closet. "What to wear.... ah ha!" She pulled out a black, low necked cocktail dress that reached high up on his thigh. Along the bottom was a thin, see through material that was in ruffles. He pulled out a mid torso, fur overthrow and a pair of hot pink pumps to go with her clutch. She knew fashion more than the restaurant business. Her high class out fit didn't go with her run down car so he hailed a cab and arrived soon after. She went throughout the front entrance now, feeling different and high class. She smirked and strutted to a near by table. The host must have known she worked there. She had fun imagining which worker would come serve her and wondered if they would be surprised to find him eating there.
Christian looked around. " There was no servers in sight but there was a customer sitting at the table. He decided to go up and take the table himself like he use to when the place first open. He walked up and smiled. " Why good afternoon welcome to the Bella Mia how can i help you."
I walked out of my new loft and took a deep breath of the nice warm fresh air.I walked over to my bike and strapped my bag to it.Slipping my leg over the bike,I threw my helmet on and pulled the visor down,keeping the sun out of my eyes.I started it up and drove to where my new place of employment was going to be.

I pulled into a parking spot and pulled my helmet off and sat it on my bike.I walked into the front door and looked around for the person in charge.I seen someone talking to a customer,so I waited on him to be done so I can ask where my new boss was.
Valentina walked hastily down the street, headed for the Bella Mia. She was already late, having overslept that morning and getting lost on the way there. Someone had already entered through the front before her, but she took the route through the back door. Not seeing anyone yet, but hearing people talking in the main room, she walked off to the staff locker rooms and started changing as quickly as she could, hoping no one would have noticed she a little late if she hurried.
Christian looked over to the girl. " Oh that would be me. I'll be with you as soon as i get her order. Make yourself comfortable while you wait."
I nodded and took a seat at one of the empty tables.I looked around the place as I waited and was very impressed with the atmostphere.It was very calming and warm,and just made you instantly happy being here.I just hoped that my new boss was happy with the woman who chose to hire me.

I nervously played with the zipper on my jacket as I waited for my new boss.
Andrej chuckled and looked up at him, moving the hair off her face. "Why, hello Christian. I thought I'd eat a little something here before my shift starts." She slid her fur off her shoulders. "I'd like a parmesan stuffed ravioli." She smiled up at him. It felt weird to be on the other end of the serving table. "Oh and a glass of lemon water." She wanted a wine but was a year under the drinking limit. She sat back in her chair, keeping her posture, and crossed her legs. She looked over at the new employee, nonchalantly. She wondered if she'd get along with her to.
Christian nodded and left for the kitchen he got Andrea her lemon water and after a few minute brought up her order. " Here we go enjoy." Christina moved over to the new girl. " Hi my name is Christian and i guess you can call me your boss. " he replied with a smile. " So what is your name.
Andrej smiled and took in the fantastic aroma. He figured Christian might say something else to him but Christian was very professional and had business to attend to. Her mouth dropped open in a seductive attitude, almost trying to intimidate the new girl. Andrej wasn't completely jealous but she liked to get the boys attention. She didn't want to seem to greedy for attention so she just sat back and sipped her water, sneaking glances at the new girl. Andrej was slowly piecing away at the Italian meal in front of him until finished. He slowly got up from the table and glided over to the bar, still sneaking glances at the newer employee.
I snapped out of my day dream at the sound of my bosses voice.I blinked a few times and cleared my throat,"Oh hi,it's Lilith.I believe i'm your new Host",I said standing.I extended my hand out and gave him what I hoped was a warm smile.
Christian gave a small bow. " It's a pleasure to meet you. And glad you can join our group. I hope you'll enjoy yourself here and if you have any questions please feel free to ask. We don't open for a few hours can i get you anything ?"
"Oh no,i'm fine,but thank you very much.If you don't mind me asking,is there some place I can park my bike? I don't want it taking up a customers spot".I pulled my keys from my pocket and waited for him to give me an answer.I also hoped that he didn't mind that one of his employees drove a motorcycle.
Christian thought for a second. " Don't worry about it. We have plenty of parks available so don't sweat it." He went back into the kitchen. " Are you sure there isn't anything i can get you." He was working on a new dish but he loved to help.
I shrugged and put my keys back into my jacket pocket."I just have one more question,where can I change into my uniform at?".

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