Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

Hearing Tawni's reply, Reeses Cup giggled. "We're not customers silly, we work here!" she replied. She smiled to Tawni and headed to the back where the orders were waiting to be served. "Well, I'm heading to the kitchen, holler if you need me!" she called out. It was for everyone to hear, but mainly her brother. She waved to a few of the other employees as she made her way into the back kitchen. Jonas waved dismissively to his sister as he took his place where he usually was for his hosting job as he waited for customers arrived. He looked around to see all of the other staff busy and cleaning as well as serving. A group of people entered after a few minutes and Jonas greeted them with a smile as he guided them to their seats. "Welcome, please have a seat. A few of our servers will be with you shortly." he informed them before making his way back to the front of the building to greet more customers.
( but it's so interesting i love the versatility)

Christian looked to over to Andrea. He went to the dessert side watching to see if Casi would try and attack him for being in her section. He took a piece of Chocolate Cake, Drizzled with Chocolate and shaved with Chocolate. and place it beside him waiting for Andrea to come forward.
(Why, thank you!)

Andrej scurried fourth, getting the signal to serve the delectable dish. She gave him a warm smile. He deserved recognition. He practically ran this place, he was a good chef, and he was nice, even if they hadn't even talked yet. Everyone here just made her giddy inside. She wondered if it would turn into a high school situation. Would drama develop? Probably. These people still hadn't seen Andrejs dark, catty, seductive side yet. The thing was that she hadn't seen there bad sides yet either. She would try her hardest to just be nice absolutely always. He grabbed the dainty cake in the palm of his hand, his fingers placed alone the bottom of the lip of the plate. He did his signature, fake smile and complimented the good looking customers and there good looking dish. "Please, do come again."
Looking at Tawni with her amazing reply, Ichigo felt like she wasn't doing anything right. It isn't time to be negative Berry. Stay strong and try your best! She looked up at the chandelier and was ready to continue her job. Being the youngest here felt like she couldn't do much as if the older people can take over her job. Of course, that's just her. She waited for the more customers to come and if they aren't people coming, she would clean empty tables for people who would come or would check on people eating. "How is everything? Would you like to have some desserts after your meal? I will get a server to get your order if you still have more room for desserts," Ichigo smiled adorably.
Christian finished off the the mushrooms and placed on the counter. " Order up." he called out as added the sauce and granish to make the plate look more elegant. He grabbed the another slice of cake from the dessert counter. He was impressed. Twice and not being smacked at by Casi it had to be his lucky day. He waited till Andrea got close to the kitchen and took a spoon full of cake placed it in her mouth. " Lets see if we can make that fake smile into a real one." he replied as he leaned against the wall.
Tawni had turned into a waiter-woman or something she had gotten several tables and was waiting on them without a notepad. SHe was flawless as usual though. Dancing into the kitchen she'd retrieve the mushrooms "OH Christian these smell amazing" she would grin and then watch as he fed Andrea cake, oh ever the charmer she quietly 'tsked' knowing how all the workers were flirtatious here. She giggled and returned back to the dinning room. Serving the mushrooms and getting the order. Tawni actually stayed pretty quiet for a few moments of harshness. Just doing her job, right now the staff didn't matter to her. A little while later all of her tables had been served dessert and she was checking them out "Thank you for celebrating with me tonight at Bella Mia, enjoy your evening and please come see us again" Again that fantastic smile was on her face as she left the dinning room and fell into a chair in the kitchen "WELL! what a lovely night" she would lay the back of her hand against her foorhead. Her feet hurt, and it was possible that more people would come in...but she liked to have a few minuets to catch her breath.
Andrej was just waiting for his next table to open up when bam! Christian just fed her cake. Her eyes snapped open wide in shock and her face exploded with blush. The taste was exquisite. Andrej grabbed fork, biting off the cake. She looked shyly at the ground. Was it a reward? "Th-that's really good!" She finally looked up at him, his lean body leaning on the wall. She actually almost moaned. He had to get out of there before something happened. She didn't want to give her self away though. She concealed her shyness and smiled charmingly at him. "Thanks," she said simply. She glanced around. Did anyone see that? Andrej was beaming now. This was just great. A hot guy just fed her cake! Would he have done the same thing if he knew her secret? She gave him a final wink and walked back out to the floor. Christian got what he wanted: a real smile.
Gade took the salads to the table and hurried off to wait on the other tables that he needed to attend to. As he walked back to the kitchen with his new orders, he took a glance around the restaurant. The atmosphere was so... romantic. Maybe it was just the way the place was decorated, the way the waiters carried themselves, or perhaps it was just the restaurant in general. Either way, Gade could sense all the love in the atmosphere. He walked into the kitchen just in time to see the chef feed Andrea something, though Gade didn't know what it was. He paused at the doorway and rose an eyebrow before shrugging it off. Not my business, he told himself. He walked over and handed Christian the order. "Make sure the Chicken Parmesan has no pepper in it." he said.
Ichigo was tired already. I don't think I can take it much longer... When is it almost over? She sighed. She already made twenty-two dollars because of the tips. It was a lot in her opinion. "I guess I'll let Tawni collect the rest of the tips.. she deserves it more than me," Berry muttered to herself with a smile. Ichigo continued her work before Bella Mia Grill was about to close. "Thank's for coming, Please come again," She waved at the customers with a friendly grin. "I wonder how Angel the cat is doing. I hope he's fine by himself right now..." Ichigo worried about her kitty. "No time to think about that, there are some customers I need to check on," Ichigo dashed to table to table to make sure everything was fine. Oh gosh.. my feet hurts a lot....
Christian smiled and got back in the Kitchen. A waiting orders. He enjoyed seeing the servers happy and like his father said. Happy Servers lead to Happy Service. He tapped on the counter awaiting the next over. He saw all the customers happy and smiling. He took a look at the Anniversary couple that just left. The women looked as if she had just fallen in love with the man. And the Guy was all over infatuated like this was his very first crush. This was why he enjoyed working here he loved to see people happy.
Once out of the kitchen, Andrej had to stop, take a deep breath, and shake it out. "Ok, calm down. That didn't happen." She smiled again but this time it was real. She thought the whole situation was lovely. She went ahead and cleaned up a few more tables. After that he served another table, a late night, date night couple. They were fun and energetic and gave Andrej a large tip. He smiled as he counted his money for the night. His first night and he had made a nice sum. He noticed the pain in his feet. "Alright, I will never ware these shoes to work again." He went to break room of the establishment and took out a gel insole, placing one in each shoe. He stood up feeling much better. With that he grabbed a few more fruity desserts and shuffled them out to the young couple.
Christian took the order from Gade. " Not a problem. He quickly flatten the chicken and put it in the fryer. He put on his special seasoning remembering not to put in the pepper. As the chicken changed golden he quickly took the chicken out and placed a fresh slice of mozzarella cheese on the chicken and let it set in the oven. He took the pasta that was ready. And put pomodoro sauce on the pasta. He pulled out the beautiful Chicken Parm and placed it on the plate with the garnish finish. He placed it on the plate with a smile. " Order Up." he replied with a smile.
Gade nodded and took the plates. "Thanks, man." he said before once again leaving the kitchen. He placed the orders at the right table and left the bill at another table. All these people seem so infatuated with each other, he noticed as he passed by a middle-age looking couple. The man had salt-and-pepper hair, his gaze was set intently and lovingly on the woman in front of him. On the other side of the table, across from the man, sat a blonde woman. She was also staring at her partner, her blue eyes calm and adoring. Neither of them were paying any mind to their food. Gade smiled and turned back to work, grabbing two more menus to set on the table for a newly arrived couple.
Tawni had been doing side work the whole time since her section had been closed. She was in the dish pit stacking plates to take back outside and listening to the the guy in the dishpit tell her jokes and stories. "You are so funny" she would smile at him and continue polishing the plates and stacking them on the cart before her. Her brown hair had begun to fall and stick to her head as the humidity got it "Oh no.. I look a mess" she would say to herself but the dish guy still had compliments for her. She'd slowly grow quiet in a polite way and push her cart back through the kitchen seeing that Casi and CHristian were still cooking. She'd leave her cart near a wall, not wanting to walk through the dinning room with messy hair, and go back to cleaning the server station in the back. Filling ice and emptying the tea into pitchers so that she could clean the larger ones. She was a busy bee tonight, and with generous sum of money she had been giving, well, Tawni could go out tonight if she'd like too. Smiling as she saw Ichigo she'd stop her in the kitchen "I think you did an amazing job, you'll be the best hostess here in no time" She walk back into the kitchen and sit on the hotline to see how everyone's night had gone. "Soooo everyone! How was it?" Tawni was still so perky, it was so unnatural. "I love this place...goodness I love LOVE" the college student would grin from ear to ear.
Ichigo just stood and watched people come and go. "A lot of people are getting along quite well. But why am I just so shy near people older than me?" She thought to herself. Berry grabbed plates and cleaned tables before more customers come. She wasn't so sure what time it even was. Guess she was so busy, she lost track of time. She went into the kitchen and put the dishes in the sink. "Keep up the good work guys..." She said softly in a childish voice. She walked out the kitchen door and looked at the reservation. "Weird.... Some people made reservation but never came. They probably forgot," Berry said to herself. The phone rang. Picking up the phone she said, "Hello, you're talking to one of the hostess in Bella Mia Grill. Would you like to make a reservation? Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, you said tomorrow at 8:25 at night for a table of eight. Okay, I hope and and your family will enjoy it over here. Thank you for picking Bella Mia Grill. Have a good night sir," She hung up the phone and wrote the reservation down. "I hope tomorrow is as busy as today," she giggled.
Christian looked at the clock twenty minutes till closing. He was impressed with the turn out. They were quite busy from their regular days then again. His father did post up some new promotions lately before he left. He decided to clean up around the Kitchen. He would wait for any other orders to come in.
Andrej had watched the couple she had been serving pay the bill and leave. The night was pretty much over. Her first day was gone in a flash. Now she needed to clean up the place with everyone else and get up out of this dreamy place. She couldn't stop smiling. She had made more money with this job than any other she had. She could see her in this place for a while. Her hair was sweaty now and her uniform was gross and sticky. "Ugh." She walked back to the kitchen with the accumulation if others. "Tonight was good. Is it usually like this?" Andrej began thinking of all of the workers becoming a big group of friends and going out to see movies and things together. She already loved these people. She looked around at the good looking group. There was so much diversity. She looked a Christian. The same cake taste filled her mouth. She got the sudden urge to tell everyone about her situation but quickly suppressed it. If someone asked, she would be glad to tell but other than that, it was off the table. Andrej let his pale blonde hair down, ruffled it and let it fall over his shoulders. "I'm so tired!"
Gade walked to the back after seeing off the tables he had. They had all left either with big smiles on their faces, or staring at their companions. An exhausted smile had found its way onto Gade's face. "Tonight was a good night." he said, tired. He doubted there would be any new customers this close to closing time. He looked at Andrea and nodded as he unpinned his hair, letting it fall into his eyes. "So am I, but I got a decent amount of tips." He pulled out the wad of cash that had accumulated for his good service. "Like ninety bucks." He stuffed it back into his pocket, not wanting to seem like he was bragging. His gaze went back to Andrea and he wearily blinked. "How did you do?"
Andrej looked up with eyes half closed. She was so tired. She would need to learn to get more sleep. "I got about.." She pulled out her wad from her apron and flipped through counting silently and quickly. "About 72. Not that much but it's my first time so," she trailed off. She got up slowly, her long, giraffe like legs, wobbly. She went to her purse and pulled out a tang top and short shorts. With that, she changed in the employee locker room and came back out. He didn't realize that it might have looked a little suspicious. This was because he didn't have a 'womanly chest'. Maybe they would just think he was just flat chested. He looked in the mirror, blew himself a kiss, and turned back to the others. "So we can't leave a little early?"
The place was clear and all the servers and staff had did a job well done. Christian smiled. " ALRIGHT GUYS!!! I'M TAKING ORDERS WHAT DO YOU FEEL LIKE EATING LET ME NOW!!!"
Gade watched Andrea go, but he quickly caught himself and looked away. When she came back he turned to Christian, his eyes pleading. When he heard the suggestion, he blinked. "What? Eh.... What?"

(Eh- Short post. e n e)
Tawni would pull off her server jacket as Andrea walked out in a tank top "Great idea" she was wearing a purple and black tank top that fit her nicely and showed her curvy figure. Pulling the bobby pins from her bangs so now her hair could fall freely. It was always so comfortable to get out of serving clothes. "Well we can all leave after the place is clean, and Christian love cooking after shift meals" Tawni smiled and walked over to the line to see Christian "Hey remember that eggplant you made me, it wasn't fried, but healthy and amazing" she would say softly "DO you have time to make it for me?" She would bat her eyelashes at the chef and wait for his response then turn around. "Andrea, I am sorry to put you on the spot, but I just wanted to say that you are very beautiful, I could never walk as gracefully as you do" she would yawn and move to a side table in the kitchen. She had begun to polish her silverware once more. After the back of house was done, they would only need to place the chairs on top of the tables. Tawni would sing as she worked with the cloth her voice was lovely as she sang in spanish softly to herself.
Christian was already at work. He already had a feeling that she would call that out. After a few minutes he had the Eggplant Sautee ready and out on the counter. " There we go Twani fresh and ready." he replied with a smile. He winked at her. " This has started to become quite a popular dish thanks to you."
Andrej was happy to see Tawni change to. She liked having good ideas. Andrej got up and began cleaning as Tawni suggested, polishing off the tables and wiping down the chairs. When she heard Tawni compliment her on her beauty and her walk, she froze. These people were just so nice. She looked up at Tawni, blushing and giggling. "Thank you sooooo much!" She trotted over to Tawny and gave her a quick hug. "I would die to have your eyes," she said to Tawny. His mamma had raised him to always give compliments when given a compliment. Andrej wondered a moment. He thought that it was funny to be secretly a guy but was still such a pretty woman. Let's face it though, everyone there was gorgeous. Andrea finished cleaning up the tables and walked back into the kitchen. She stood next to Christian. "I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves," she purred. "Maybe your parents told you about me?" She mentally crossed her fingers, hoping that if so, his parents didn't go into detail to much. "Oh and I'd like a cute little cupcake." Andrej was always in the mood for sweets.

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