Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

Hearing her name Tawni would turn and walk over to Andrea. She quickly looked over the table she had set and smiled tilting her head to evaluate them further. "Oh Andrea these look just fine, very good job. Have you trained with anyone yet, or is this your first day?" She knew that someone would be shadowing her tonight, to see how she waited tables and such, however Tawni usually went above and beyond for her tables, being trained in five star restaurants and such. It would seem with the help of the two new-hires, who were actually fast even if it was setting tables up, they had finished ahead of schedule. "Alright lets go to the back and make sure that we have everything we are going to need, you know basics, clean cups, ice, and all that jazz" Tawni would wait for Andrea to walk with her into the kitchen, once again smiling at Christian with a little hint of pink in her cheeks. All the while humming a sweet and melodic tune.
Gade's eyes shifted to the hand on his shoulder before going back to the chef. He nodded in understanding before smiling. "Oh, okay." He racked his brain for memories as to who had given him the job. He blinked before remembering having spoken to a rather nice woman named Mrs. Lee. "Your mom hired me." he answered.
Andrej beamed inside. His first job and he did great! He didn't want to seem amateurish in front of everyone so he kept his glee to a pleasant smile. "Oh no, this is my first day," she responded to Tawni. "I guess you could call me fresh meat." He giggled and followed Tawni to the back. He didn't know how somone could be so nice. Andrej certainly wouldn't have been so kind. It was a lesson to him to be far kinder to people as it can make their day. "So tell me Tawni, what are the basics of table serving? Anything special I need to know?"
" Ah..." He looked at him. " I can see why." He looked at the clock and then to the group of people coming at the door. " Show time." Christian seem to change. As a sparkle of determination filled his eyes. " Twani i want you to work as host tonight till the new girl gets a feel, I'll give you the top section so you can juggle serving as well. " He looked at Gade. " You take middle with Andrea anything you need to know just ask. Twani or Maiken." He headed for the Kitchen. " Maiken you have outside tonight so let us know if you need a hand. "

Christian put on his apron " Lets get this party started. Tawni open the doors everyone else get them in, out, and happy."
"Alright," Maiken called, after hearing where he was stationed. He tied his hair back. Today was supposed to be slightly warmer than he was used to and he didn't want any unneeded heat gathering at the back of his neck. Wiping his hands of non-existent dust, Maiken headed out to wait for customers that would surely come.
Those almond shaped eyes sparkled with happiness, everyone was always so nice to her. Tawni didn't understand how others had a hard time with people. She would clap her hands together and press them to the bottom of her chin as she thought about the question asked. "Well my secret is to always be nice and understanding, because even if you mess up well, people are more willing to except a mistake if their server is overly nice to them. But Bella Mia standards are to always offer specific dishes, such as appetizers, entrees, desserts, and beverages. If you have a table over the legal drinking age ALWAYS keep their drinks filled and offer them a second glass of wine or adult drink.... Hmm what else... OH! Let me get you a handbook, I will be right back" A little squeak of excitement escaped her as she scurried to the office and fiddled with the drawer. Hmm.. it was stuck again, she bent over and pulled hard until the drawer came open with a screech and she lost her balance and fell to the floor. "Oof" Tawni's placed her hand on her butt and sighed. Why am I so clumsy, she got up and walked back to the others with the packets in hand "Okay I have new server packets" She would hand one to Gade and another to Andrea. There were all sorts of lists and helpful rules in there.

And it was show-time. She nodded her head to Christian and turned on her heels "
and don't forget to smile" Tawni winked at Andrea and Gade before scurrying to the door. She unlocked the doors and welcomed the first guests.

"Welcome to Bella Mia, I'm Tawni, did you have a reservation? Uh huh What was the name? Oh yes, Raymor for two, if you will please follow me this way" Tawni would walk them through to the middle section and set the at a sweet two-top. "Your server will be Andrea tonight, please enjoy" She then returned to the front podium, speaking to the new host "There are usually at least two people waiting by the locked doors. But now there should be a few minuet break let me show you how to use the book and system" Tawni smiled and looked to the door to make sure no one and sneaked in on her.
Gade nodded, took the packet from Tawni, and grabbed one of the notebooks to write down orders before going to his area. He set the notebook down on a table and searched his pockets for some bobby pins. Pinning his hair away from his face, he grinned and took the note book again. Waiting time, he thought.
Tawni continued to explain the book to the new host "So the time is listed first, then the second column has the last name, then the third has for how many people" That was basically it. She was pretty sure the girl had heard section assignments "Umm here are two couples, so you take this reservation to Gade and I'll take the next to Maiken outside. Okay" Tawni grabbed two menus and spoke to the guests "Taylor, party of two? Alrighty if you'll please follow Ichigo she'll seat you." Then the young girl greeted the next couple "Did you have a reservation? No, well that is perfectly alright let's go ahead and get you back" She grabbed two menus and walked them outside to Maiken's section seating them exactly how she had done the first table. Walking past Maiken she would bump into him in a fun way "You're up mister" She giggled and continued back to the podium to see how the new host was doing.

((that way everyone gets a table/ ALso I am heading to be if any want to NPC seating tables please do.. Just remember Tawni is happy and peppy/ see you tomorrow))
Maiken plastered on an honest smile and nodded to Tawni. He catered to the guests in a swift manner, smiling and even laughing as one cracked a joke as he handed them a menu. Since he didn't have anyone else to take care of at the moment, he was able to bring the customer's there water quickly enough before taking their orders. "Thank you, I'll be right back then."

He went to hand the order to Christian, still smiling. Now that there were people, he didn't have as much of a problem to keep a friendly appearance.
Andrej became alive now. He was nervous but didn't dare show it front of such high class people. Andrej took the server packet with a thankful smile and stuffed it into her apron, which was handy with pockets galore. He watched Tawny with admiration. She definitely knew her trade. Andrej stood up extra tall, chin leveled, and a graceful girly charm about him. He had had to look as feminine as possible so as to not let anyone in the restaurant catch onto his secret. It was a very small chance though.

Andrej shoved a couple of other essential into his apron and was right behind Tawny as she introduced Andrea as their server. Her face lit up with fake glee. It wasn't to much though. His first few words were shaky but deep down, Andrej was having fun with this new experience. "Hello, my name is Andrea and I will be your server tonight. How about we start off with a few drinks and appetizers?" Andrej listened closer to their words more than he had ever listened to anyone's. He could not screw up his first orders. He nodes his head after each order, showing his attention, and scribbled orders into his booklet. Once the first set was done, Andrej beamed at his customers. "Alright, I will be right back." With that, Andrej turned on his heels and went straight for the kitchen. She felt like she did ok but she wouldn't know till it was all said and done. She looked around for the wine bottles. The table had ordered a moscoto. Once found, which was surprising seeing as she didn't know the place very well, she lifted it up onto the Palm of her hand and headed back out to her table, pouring a glass for each person. She placed the bottle down and walked back to the kitchen. Once there she sighed of relief. "Well I didn't screw up to bad I don't think," she said aloud.
Gade smiled as he reached his first table for the night. "Hello, my name is Gade. I'll be your server for the night. Any questions, just go ahead and call for me." He placed menus in front of both of the customers. "Why don't we start with some appetizers and drinks?" He listened intently and jotted down the orders(two salads; one no tomato, the other extra dressing)and the Pinot Noir they requested. "I'll be right back with your drinks."

He made his way back to the kitchen and grabbed two wine glasses, along with the bottle of specified wine. He placed them on a tray and handed the orders to Christian. He noticed Andrea and gave her a polite nod and smile before making his way back out with the wine.
(Goodness, you visit your parents on mothers day and everyone starts without you!)

Casi was almost never late. It was as much a matter of principle as part of the fact that at her first job she realised that that sort of thing just didn't fly. She'd been working at Bella Mia Grill for nearly a year now, and thus far she'd been doing a much better job of being at the very least punctual (if not early, as she had some pretty specific tastes for how her area was set up and generally liked to have everything ready well before she actually started), but life happened. And, unfortunately, life had decided to happen to her today in the form of her sister having a nervous breakdown and calling her right before she was going to get into the shower. As such, she found herself slipping in the back door a few minutes late (thankfully she generally stayed later, given her penchant for not only helping with the main courses but trying to completely take over the dessert section - it was her speciality after all!), hair still damp but neatly pinned tied back with her bangs pinned up.

"I am so sorry," she called over to Christian as she grabbed her apron and hastily tied it about her waist while walking over to the sink to scrub. "Samantha had a freak out and our parents weren't home or something - I don't know, I don't really talk to them much, you know? - and, well, long story short I had to do the good big sister thing while trying to get ready and I promise it'll never happen again, ever, honest."

She was mortified! It was rare for her to be late and she tried really hard not to be. But, well, whats done is done, right? Right. Drying her hands she moved over to her area (or, rather, the area she generally took up so that the two chefs could communicate easily without bumping elbows and getting in each other's way) and looked up to her co-worker.

"Whadda we got?"
((Wahhh you miss so much when you sleep v___v And I ACTUALLY read the whole thing :3 Now I gotta read more when I come back from school! :c))

Ichigo stayed back from everyone. It usually wasn't like her. She's usually talktive. It's probably since that she's the youngest or second youngest because are two people who are eighteen here. She was still excited to work here though. Looking up at the beautiful chandelier or looked out the windows to see who was coming she just listened to people's conversation. "It's fine.... You're just going to do just fine.." Muttering to herself. Ichigo just waited at the desk and looked at the reservations. Don't be a clutz today... I will do just fine...
Christian looked at the orders and smiled. " Don't worry about it. You just owe me Cheesecake later Casi." he laughed. " Okay i need Fresh Garlic bread as well as two Vegs. for a rib-eye mid-rare. Give me two side of pasta for a chicken Marsala and Spaghetti meatball. And we need a Signature Dessert Special of your choosing. " Christian was juggling between the grill and the stove. He remembered his father words about stay focus and cooking with passion. He carefully suggested his ingredients and placed them in the pan. The fire rose within the pan and Christian smiled. The aroma of the Kitchen were starting to form and this made Christian smile." He took the two Steaks and placed them on the Salamander to keep warm. Then lowered the pans to a simmer is first few orders were ready to go just was waiting on the side item.
"Will do," she said, flashing him a grin before moving to her counter and putting on a pot of water on boil before starting up on the bread and prepping for the vegetables. "Coming right up, give me six minutes on the bread, twelve on the veg. When do you want to plate the pasta?" she asked without looking up from her work.

(sorry for the short post have to get ready for work orz)
It was so overwhelming. Andrej was waiting to take the rest of his tables orders and was taking a breather in the kitchen. Could he handle this? He looked over everyone. There was a girl she hadn't seen yet, a chef, who was apparently late. She, to, knew her craft. He looked at the other server. Blade, was it? She nodded and smiled back. Then she emerged from the kitchen again, pulling himself together. He noticed something about this place. It was so romantic. Everyone seemed to be madly in love. 'Must have been the decor,' she pondered.

Natasia pulled out her order booklet again and began writing. This time it was chicken tortellini with a vinaigrette. "Lovely choice," she said confidently, regardless of the fact that she had no idea what it was. She glided back into the kitchen and read off her list to the chefs, mainly to Christian. It was weird to tell him food orders seeing as she hadn't even introduced herself. After reading her list, he paced to the front again, waiting for his next table.
As Maiken waited for the order to be made, he went to refill requested cups of water. Since it was still a bit early, there weren't many drinks to fill so that job was soon done for the time being and he set the water jug down on a server's cart. Just as he went to go check if any of his orders are done, however, something hit his head. Blinking, Mai bent down to retrieve a small cherry tomato that were used in the salads.

"What...?" He asked himself and turned to see if someone were trying to get his attention. All seemed normal, and there weren't any small children around to pull a prank. "...Odd." Shrugging it off, Maiken went and threw the tomato away before going to gather the readied plates and gently setting them in front of the outdoor customers.
Christian put up the first few orders out to be taken. " Order up. Get them while they're hot. " He took the pans and began to wash them while waiting for the next orders. He carefully walked around Casi knowing how she felt about her area. He could see people pour into the restaurant . This was going to be a great night.
Ichigo started giving people their tables. "Hi, my name is Ichigo. I will be your host tonight," She smiled brightly. "If you need help with anything please call for me," Ichigo walked away and left the servers doing the rest. Walking to other tables eating she asked them "Is everything okay?" Of course, it's annoying but she's just doing her job. She went back to the desk and waited. As soon as someone came in she would say "Welcome to Bella Mia. Do you have a reservation? If not that is perfectly fine," She would always ask with a bright smile and a cheerful way.
Reeses Cup was just making her way to the restaurant since her shift was just starting as well as Jonas'. They pulled into the parking lot and Reeses Cup was the first out and in through the staff only door. "Hey guys, sorry I'm a bit late, Jonas was taking forever to get ready." She huffed with a smile on her face as her brother entered behind her. "Yeah, yeah. Blame it on me." He chuckled, rolling his eyes as he straightened himself to get ready and start working. "Okay, any tables open for me yet?" Reeses Cup asked.
"So Ichigo any qustions so far?" Tawni would ask sweetly and tilt her head to the side making her short hair fall a little unevenly. She would look through the book and then pull out a clipboard "Okay, well this floorplan is how we mark the dirty tables and the clean ones. Just take this dry erase marker and mark it with a D or C hehe" The sweet girl would walk back to the podium to answer the ringing phone and greet a group that came in. "Welcome to Bella Mia I will be right with you" She would hang the phone up with a smile and turn to her customers "Alrighty, how many? Fantastic let's go this way" Tawni pulled menus and walked the guests through the dinning room to a table in Gade's section. Explaining the specials to the couple and bowing slightly to excuse herself politely. Tawni had returned to the podium to see Jonas and Reeses "Ichigo and I will start seating you now, hurry and get ready. Oh and I hope you have a great night in tips" Tawni was always so sweet to everyone, she would lightly pat Ichigo's shoulder to go check on the other tables and the servers to observe how they were doing. She bit her lip as she saw Maiken holding a little tomato. How odd. She continued into the kitchen smiling over to Christian and Casi "How are ya'll doing thus far? Do you need me to go on a wait?" she was always thoughtful of her back of house, they handled the whole restaurant while the servers were able to split it up among themselves.
Christian looked at Tawni. " You can go on the floor as a sever now. I think Ichigo can handle things herself now." He looked out. " And by the look of the crowd they are gonna need you. We have five hours left and they people going to stop till they're full and happy." Christian gave a small laugh. " Besides with a smile like yours you should be getting tips like crazy."
Still not a break but Andrej was becoming more and more confident. He walked now with a sway in his step, probably helping with the already feminine appearance. He held up the "ok" sign to Christian as he took the tortellini. He lifted it up onto a serving tray and set the edge on her shoulder. She was out again. She had a slight ache from the fake smiles she had to give everyone. She spotted an empty, left table and went to the back to get cleaning supplies. She knew she should continue serving but there were plenty of servers and the table would be needed soon. His heels click clacked on the tile loudly. "Why did I want to wear these again?" He grabbed a cloth and a spray bottle. After wiping the table and seats down, He set them back into the supply room and went to go serve a new table. "Hello, my name is Andrea," he would say, slipping up some times and almost saying his actual name. He knew his employer knew, Mr. Lee, therefore Christian must know since he was Mr. Lee's son.

(This he/she stuff is so confusing to write -_- )
"Oh.. Okay then," Ichigo smiled. Seems like she's on her own as a host. She continued her job and thanked people for coming as they left. "Please come back again if you enjoyed it," Ichigo waved good bye and started cleaning the tables and dropped the dishes and cups off at a sink. Walking back to her desk, a lot of people suddenly came in. "Okay, one second I'll be right with you for a second," she gave them empty tables and made sure they were nice and clean. She started walking back and forth pretty fast and was getting a nice workout. Luckily, she gave everyone their tables and they didn't need to wait that long. She kept a smile all the time so she would look like she's glad to help them.
Tawni leaned forward in a grateful bow, she loved serving more than anything, her short brown hair flared as she spun around before Christian could see the blush on her cheeks. Why did she find him so cute. It must be this place Bella Mia. She walked up and spoke with Ichigo "Dear I am being put on the floor, its show time darling, I know you'll do fantastic" The lead server would walk to her section and straighten her tables. While waiting to be sat she would polish silverware. It wouldn't be long before she got one table which she happily greeted. "Welcome to Bella Mia, what are you celebrating tonight? Happy anniversary! Well let's start out by celebrating with a nice glass of Resiling?" Her smile was wide and showed her perfectly white teeth. The couple agreed and Tawni continued her little script "Would you also like me to put in an order of stuffed mushrooms for this special occasion?" With a nod from the couple Tawni scurried off to the kitchen and hung up her order for her app. She then went to the bar and brought the two glasses of wine to the table on a tray with the pitcher of water as well. She set the glasses down and then filled their water glasses "Do you have any questions on the menu?" Man she was so good at what she did.

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