RP: Battle of Guilds

Radehgieh looked over as a very torn up yet familiar elven girl walked in. He titled his head curiously. She looked a lot like..."Meladi," he said. He smiled and walked over. It was great to see she hadn't been taken prisoner although it did look like the thieves did some damage. "Meladi, are you okay? I'd thought the thieves had got you." Radehgieh said to her

((It's fine ^-^))
Meladi jumped, spilling mead on her hand. Her body immediately relaxed though, for she happy recognized the voice. She turned towards Radehgieh, wiping her hand off on her shorts as she did so. "I'm fine. A group of spies jumped me before the big battle. I can't believe we managed to end up in the same place. I thought you might have been killed but I wasn't sure and..." her sentence trailed off and she sighed. "I'm just glad you're okay." She took another big, stress-relieving gulp of mead.
Radehgieh laughed softly and ran his hand through his hair. "Yes, it has been quite chaotic these last couple of days.I'm glad to see you are all right as well." He glanced back over at Azriel, Godfrey and the thief girl. "Ah, we were planning to go back up north and seek assistance from the other elven tribes. Would you like to follow along?"
"Of course." Iris finished off the mead and beckoned for another to be brought to her. "Who are your-" She stopped short when she saw Natasia. "Why is she here?!" Her voice raised almost to a shout.
Radehgieh sighed. "Godfrey brought her along. Honestly I can't believe I'm traveling with one of them either." He said. "She's been okay so far. I think she's in more danger of the thieves guild than we are. To them it would look like she betrayed them." From what he knew the thieves guild was a guild you didn't leave on your own terms. If you left, you didn't leave alive.
Meladi looked back at him, her eyebrows knitted together. "And you honestly believe that we can trust her?" She quickly downed half of her new cup of mead. Today was not going well for her.
Godfrey looked toward Radegeigh who had began congregating with an Elf woman. He approached them when he overheard their bickering.

"Natasia is MY problem Elf, and you can trust me," Godfrey said as he extended his hand in friendship,"I am Godfrey Bodin, son of Ciniod, and you are?" He asked suspiciously, Radegiegh obviously knew her but Godfrey did not. He gripped his sword just in case but the elf seemed to be just suspicious of Natasia… which was understandable. The barkeep backed away from the counter fearing a confrontation.
Ah, so that was her name. Natasia. Radehgieh thought. He glanced between Godfrey andMeladi. He could feel the tension in the air but didn't do anything since he didn't think anything bad would happen.
"I," Meladi drank the rest of her drink, "am Meladi, second in command of the troops of the Hand of the Royally Divine. I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to take along someone from the Thieves' guild but here you are." She now asked the barkeep to get her a cup of tea.
An insult… she had spunk, Godfrey immediately respected the elf. He released the grip on his blade.

"I understand your sentiment toward Thieves and I share them, but sometimes you must take a chance in a world like this. I was there when she betrayed her kin and helped us escape their clutches. I ask not for you to like her… only to tolerate her. We travel with Radegeigh whether you like it or not, and we mean you no harm mistress of war." Godfrey replied. He hated bargaining but like he said, you must take a chance in a world like this, and he knew Meladi would be as good an ally as Radegeigh once a counter offensive was launched.
Meladi took a sip of her tea as Godfrey talked. "Well said, Bodin. I will still be joining you all, but don't expect me to go any easier on you both than I would any of my troops."
Godfrey chuckled and puffed his pipe, French inhaling the smoke. He smiled at Meladi, he was done drinking mead this morning.

"My dear, never have I expected things to be easy, but I am no ordinary swordsman. Radehgeigh will vouch for me… never mind the boasting we need horses and we need to leave." Godfrey said as he put his pipe out on his wrist guard.
"Well I'm glad that she is alright. By the way I need a crystal." Mel then turned to listen to Godfrey. "I have my horse hitched out front. I'm not sure where you all are to get one though. I've only ever been to the inn."
Radehgieh nodded. He only had two crystals left, hopefully they didn't need to use them that much. "Here," he said handing one to Meladi. If they used up those crystals they'd be left to fight without magic. Not that Radehgieh was incapable of fighting by sword or hand, he just prefered magic.
"We must make haste if we're going to make it north, the thieves guild is surely recruiting new members and larger numbers mean bigger problems. One of you Elfs should lead the way, but we mustn't linger here any longer!" Godfrey nodded towards the barkeep who was listening in in they're conversation.
Meladi took the crystal and replaced her old one with it. "I agree. Do you have a strategy yet, Radeh?" She picked up her tea and sipped on it.
Radehgieh shrugged. "I wouldn't really call it a stategy...I don't know where to get good horses at. If there's none here.. Maybe WestRidge? But that's quite a ways from here and is a bigger city than I'd prefer to go to at this time. We need to stay in small towns or in the woods. We'll need equipment for travel and perhaps new clothes. Let's travel to Wryvrin first. It's a small town-slightly bigger than this- that's only a couple hours away."
Godfrey patted the counter in agreement.

"To Wryvrin we go then, are you prepared to leave now, if so I'll follow whoever's lead." Godfrey said in a softer tone since the barkeep acted suspicious.
"I can lead. Radeh is the commander, but I'm better at navigating than he is." Meladi flipped her hair and got up ready to walk out. "I'll be by my horse when all of you are ready." With that, she walked out, her hips swaying as she gained more confidence from the mead.
Radehgieh nodded and looked over at the young princess who was still quite tired it seemed. "Let us leave then," he said. Walking towards the door with Azriel.
Natasia tilted her head at the new elf. What nerve she had. She smirked and raised a eyebrow, crossing her legs tighter and popping her chest out. She loved when people talked about her. She liked the attention, good or bad. She looked back at her drink, huffing a haughty breath of air, not even bothering to respond to her rude comments. Natasia could be such a pompous, better than you attitude, girl.

As Natasia stood up, she gave a devilish stare to the elf girl, standing next to Godfrey. "Just let me get my things... sweetheart." She finished her sentence, glancing around the room. She was obviously trying to start something. She went upstairs, grabbed her things and didn't bother changing out of her short, silk robe. "Ready."
As they left the inn Godfrey whispered to Natasia.

"Be gentle my dear, these elves may be our only salvation!" He said hoping she would see the sense in this considering her situation.
As the four others came out of the inn, Meladi mounted her horse. "I see that you all are ready. I think I saw a large stable over there." She pointed to somewhere in front of her. "We can go and see if we might be able to buy a couple horses." With that, the elf lead them all to where she saw the stables.

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