RP: Battle of Guilds

Godfrey saw the anger in Meladi and he knew the feeling all too well. He rode up next to Meladi, yet again smoking his pipe.

"If you don't want to talk that's fine, but are you alright? I know this all must be stressful…" Godfrey asked, he knew that asking could trigger an outburst but he traveled with this woman and just was concerned.
Meladi slowed her horse to match Godfrey's pace and sighed. "Yeah. He just reminds me of me when I was his age. I was so naïve and I almost died because of it. That's when I realized I had to shape up and actually think about what I was doing. I just wanted to help him, but he was just too much of a prick to realize he isn't perfect." She was finally cooling down. "I just got so angry and I wanted to kill him. I technically had the right. Even though he didn't seem to strike to kill, he still attacked."
Godfrey nodded in agreement. He puffed his pipe again.

"Aye… I know exactly what you mean. I was very angry in my youth and made some unwise choices… after being stabbed and sliced one too many times I learned… maybe that is what it will take for the boy. It is strange though he resented being called a boy so, we all begin to experience violence at a young age in these lands? He will learn and you have given him one of those lessons." Godfrey said. He nodded politely and returned to a trot next to Natasia.
(Grrr... I missed a lil bit, huh?)

Natasia had grown absolutely tired of the elf. She wanted respect and yet she didn't give much. Natasia only smiled a condescending smile and stroked her hair, getting it back to its silk like state. She was happy to have Godfrey with her. He seemed to be the only one hear who liked having her. However, Natasia didn't care whether they liked her. She was just happy to be under their protection.

As the attackers came quickly up the packs rear, Natasia didn't even bother pulling out a weapon. Instead, she watched. If they don't like me then they must not want my help, she thought. Once the attackers were taken out and she took notice of the new boy, she lifted her chin and rode tightly next to Godfrey.
(same here)

As they continued on their journey Radehgieh got lost in his thoughts. It seemed as though they were all plenty capable of taking care of themselves but this was only the beginning of the journey. He hadn't seen his brethren in 2 years and it always had seemed each time he went to visit the trip got more and more dangerous. They were traveling in a group so it would be safer than traveling alone like he always did but with the thieves guild out to get their heads he couldn't help but worry over it more than normally.
Meladi realized that with the small delay, they would not make it to their destination by nightfall. As only elves could see well in the dark, she started to think it would be a good idea to just make a camp when night hit. They could split night watches up between Radehgieh, Godfrey, and herself. She would, of course, take whatever shift the two of them did not want. Even though she was second in command only to Radeh, Mel thought it would be a good idea to even let Godfrey choose a shift before her. She thought of the dangers that could come to them in the night and realized that she should just keep her focus on the present.
Radehgieh thought to himself for a moment. "I will take the 2nd shift. I think for now, Godfrey, you should take the first shift while it is still somewhat light outside. Meladi and I can take the 2nd and 3rd shifts when it will be darker. Also we should leave earlier, I think that would be wise. That way we don't have stop in the middle of our trip again like this."
"That's just what I was thinking. When do you think would be a good time to stop?" Meladi turned her head slightly so she could see Radeh but also keep her eye on the path.
(( Okay, Thank You! i'm Slow xD ))

Ciel walked the two walk off before he turned to Ember, "Please be sure their room's are ready, They may stay for a while." Ciel spoke, sipping his tea once more. Ciel watched as the two returned, dressed more apprehensivly than before. "Ah, Much Better." Ciel mumbled, setting down the Tea cup. As Th younge Prince spoke, Ciel's eye's glittered, "Trouble ?" He repeated, Ciel's face lightened up for about a second, before returning to it's normal shade. "The Thieve's guild has taken all it can from me," He announced, "Whatever they try, won't do much harm." He replied, mainly talking about loosing his family and original home in the house fire.

Ciel crossed his arm's, "Now back to Matter's." Ciel proclaimed, glancing up at the Strange Girl roughly. "And if You Trust the younge lady that accompie's you, then she may stay. Otherwise she could join my Lady November here, for cleaning up before Supper." Ciel announced, glancing at the younge lady questioningly.
Nileriel looked over at Aseres. It seemed pointless to send her away now, she'd already heard so much. But if Ciel still doubted her then it was probably better to have her out of the room for a while. "Aseres, would you please..?" He didnt even finished but it seemed she understood. Aseres nodded and followed November.

"So, what are you thinking Ciel?" Nileriel asked.
Ciel leaned back in his chair, "Now that those matter's have been Apprehended," He mumbled, interlocking his finger's. "I Was thinking about a Mission to Locate your sister, or What's left." He replied, glancing at the prince with a lighter expression. "It would be for the best." Ciel mumbled, "She could be either alive and captured, or alive and hiding like you. But overall she may as well be dead." He announced, "No Matter what, if we don't find her, she is as good as dead." Ciel cocked his head and waited for the Prince's reaction, as he grabbed his tea cup. Slowly sipping it, Ciel placed the cup back down.

November walked elegantly down the long hall's in the mansion, with the younge lady following behind her. Ember approached a corridor's with three door's. Ember entered the first one. Inside was a bedroom, with silky whte blanket's. Rolled over an fancy cherry wooden bed. To the left was a Wide window, with gray curtain's that made the room dim. Ember walked over to them and pulled it apart. Allowing fresh light to glitter in. Not bothering to make contact she spoke, "I Know you are not very familiar with Royalties way, but as long as you stay, please consider yourself one. You May Bathè As much as you please. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are served at specific time's. And all Your Silk clothing are in the drawer to the left. If you need anything, please ask. This will be your room. Mine is next door."
Nileriel sighed and put his face in his hands. Though Ciel was right, he just couldn't accept that. If Azriel was dead then he didn't know what he'd do. His sister meant so much to him. She was his only friend ever since she was born. Though all the nobles had children he never really played with them. It required too many formalities and proper etiquette. But with Azriel none of that mattered since she was his family. He didn't have to try and impress her or kiss up to her so he could earn her respect and loyalty. If he lost her he lost his only and best friend and his only sister. It was just too much to even imagine. "I have to find her," he whispered.

Aseres nodded. "Okay, thank you." she mumbled, standing there awkwardly. In all her life she'd never been to a place so nice, had never even been able to imagine it. She'd never even had a stable place to stay, not since she was 4. Ever since her mother and fathered died she'd been on her own. At first she stayed in the town. Everyone knew her and felt sorry for her so they helped her out and gave her food and things she needed. Still, she slept on the streets. But after a couple years the town was raided and she barely escaped with her life. She could remember not even being able to sleep, lost in the middle of a strange forest. She'd been terrified of all the viscious creatures and the possibility of someone finding her and attacking her. After being too scared to sleep for two nights in a row she decided that she didn't want to have to be scared anymore. She started teaching herself how to fight and traveled to Shrouseraph. There she'd met another rogue who accompanied her on her journey until he was killed in the middle of the night by a mysterious group of people. Ever since then she traveled on her own, always just barely escaping the clutches of trouble. Though she had such a rough past, her future was starting to look brighter ever since she met Nileriel. She was thankful to him and didn't want to cause him trouble. She hoped he didn't end up like everyone else she'd ever been close to. No, she thought. Not this time.
Ciel watched the younge Prince approach deep thought's, Ciel held his Tea cup and watched the Younge Sir. "Indeed this is all very overwhelming for you Sir, but all in all you need to come into a Verdict." Ciel announced, stirring the drink with a small spoon that was placed in his drink. "What would suit you more; Protecting Your Kingdom or Rescuing your Sister. It is an Hard Descision." Ciel muttered, pulling the small china cup up to his lip's. Ciel's dark brown hair fell over his eye and left eye patch. "If you need time to decide on your descision, Dinner is soon. We could discuse after then, if that suit 's you properly." Ciel suggested, leaning back in his chair comfortably.

November glanced curiously at the younge mistress that accompied the prince. "Is there something wronge Younge Mistress? You have that samw gleam in your eye that My Master has when he think's about his Desceased Family." November spoke, approaching her bed and quickly smoothing over the blanket's. November glanced at the Younge lady who had an odd look apon her face, Ember could tell she was bothered.
Nileriel looked up at Ciel. Of course he'd rather rescue his sister, his kingdom was pretty much gone now by the sound of it. What was the use of protecting something that wasn't there? He supposed he had his pride to fight for. He'd probably be seen as a coward and selfish if he didn't try to win his kingdom back. If he tried against the Thieves Guild and won he'd be seen as a hero. If he failed, then he'd be forever infamous. It was in deed a hard descision, as Ciel had said. "I don't know what to do..." he mumbled. The results had ups and downs either way. He could save his kingdom and his reputation. This would be good for all his people but he might not ever see his sister again. He might not know what even happened to her. Or he could find his sister-dead or alive- and have peace at mind and closure but fail his kingdom.

Aseres jumped snapping back out of her thoughts. "Ah- it's nothing." She said quickly and then sighed. "Did you need any help with anything?" she asked.
Taryn was dressed in a silky garment, it had leaf patterns everywhere, and had a short skirt. She is deep in the forest, and the nearest village is miles away. she sat on a big boulder, and let out a soft, soothing noise that anyone would kill to hear it. It's like she belonged in some big stage and dressed in a tacky dress. But, that's not what she wanted. She wants to be appreciated for her beauty and voice. She would never tell anyone her secret weak spot, because, well, she can't risk it. Not even telling a man right before he dies. Because that man's soul is still active, and able to give the word out.

She continued to sit, sending an array of soothing noises. But the beast inside her was eager for blood, really. After five unbearable minuets, a rogue soldier came out from the brush. He seemed to be on a mind control, well, that's what it looked like. He dragged his feet closer, and closer, until he began to crawl up the boulder she sat on. She turned to him, putting her head against his, until he screamed alloud, as horns began to peirce into his belly. Her head thrashed him into the air, and God knows where he went. She crawled off the rock slyly, her wyvern-like body snapping down trees because of her tail. She was tired. She became the beautiful woman once more, and laid on the floor.
Otaro walked along the edge of the lake thinking to himself about the recent events going on between the guilds. Everyone in the Hand of the royally divine was really nervous right now. Nobody had heard from Radehgieh and it had been about 3 days since the attack on the castle. If Radeh had gotten captured or for that matter if he had been killed then it was going to be a problem.
Godfrey looked to Radeh as he packed his pipe with tobacco.

"I'll take the first watch, just find a place for us to make camp." Godfrey said, he knew he could see well in the dark but decided not to press it with the elves. He looked around at the landscape, when their weren't battles being fought and castles being besieged, these lands were truly a sight to behold!
She soon awoke, the beast inside her was clearly hungry. Her head soon grew into this large, grey thing with spines growing out of it, and they shaped into horns, hands became bigger, as her fingers became the arms with webbing between it, tail bone grew into a scaley rope with spikes at the ends. Her nostrils puffed with smoke, as Taryn lifted her heavy, grey body into the deep night, trying to pick up a scent of a man or a deer. At least something that's easy to get and that can fit in her mouth.
Radehgieh nodded and looked around. "Why don't we just set up camp here. It's out of the way and not too deep into the forest. I think it will be fine." he said. More than the location being fine Radehgieh was just too tired to travel anymore. They got off their horses and looked around the area a bit just to make sure it's be okay. "Yeah, this will be fine." He paused. It would be a rough night. They didn't have much by means of warmth or comfort. "When we get to Wryvrin we will get more supplies." he added quietly after a moment of thought. He decided for now he would make a small fire to keep them warm. He gathered up some twigs and leaves and set them on the ground. Holding his crystal he whispered "Inferno," and lit the pile of twigs.
Reito wandered aimlessly through the forest, her eyes scanning for edible berries or fruit. The nearby animals crooned and called to her, but she ignored them, she had to find food. She wandered deeper and deeper until a small light caught her eye. She focused on the light and crouched low, slowly making her way forward until she saw a group of people surrounding a flame. Travelers. Warrior travelers. Must be from one of the guilds. Best to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't burn the whole forest down. She kept herself hidden behind a bush, resting against a tree and watching them.
Godfrey looked at Radeh oddly.

"What are you doing?" Godfrey asked slightly confused. He gathered some stones and placed them around the pile of burning twigs. "You'll just start a forest fire like that.… sorry I'm a little tightly winded at the moment." Godfrey explained as he went to keep watch… alone. He sat up against a tree and smoked his pipe, softly humming a melody he learned when he was young.

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