RP: Battle of Guilds

Meladi pulled back another arrow and hit Taryn directly on where the creatures nose would be, hoping it would stop it. As long as her horse was not taken, Mel would be okay.
Emmendil entered his commander's tent and bowed low before he was permitted to rise.

"Ah, there you are. I want you to take a few of your best men out on a reconnaisance as soon as possible. How soon can you leave?" The commander was a plump man, not suited to battle but Emmendil respect the man; he was intelligent and had a talent for gauging the measure of a man in seconds. He had taken on Emmendil as his personal aide after a mere two days after they met and had slowly brought him up the ranks until he was captain of the mercenary auxiliary regiments.

"As soon as I know where I'm heading and for what I'm looking for." The commander grunted his approval and pointed to a map.

"North. Thus far the Thieves Guild have been serving our plans well but a counter attack from the Royally Divine is coming. We need to know what they're up to." Emmendil glanced at the map, committing the area the commander's finger pointed at to memory.

"I'll head out immediately, sir. I'll be back within the week." The commander nodded and turned away, dismissing him. Emmendil bowed briefly and then exited the tent, calling to one of his men to gather his best six marksmen. They left before te sun had properly risen, horses pounding the dirt road beneath them as they headed north.

((In case it's unclear, I'm sending him towards the other characters with some trophy characters for the kill.))
Ciel nodded, He knew good and well that the younge Prince's option's were difficult. Each held so much burden the clipped onto it. Ciel waited quietly, sipping the last of his tea. Ciel placed the cup down, and turned back to the fire place. "Both Options," Ciel spoke, as he watched the flame's dance across the Cherry wood. "They're very impotant. Your Sister's fate is Consequencily to Important to the Scarlet Rose. But, without the Scarlet Rose, you and your sister are just Peasent's as well as all your towns Folk." Ciel announced, watching the Nileriel's expression. Ciel's expression was calm, as ever, but even in his eye's you could see hint's of displeasure and dismay.

November pressed her lip's together, as she trned to the younge lady. "Hm, it seem's as you are uncomfortable Younge mistress." November went a small closet next to the bedroom and brought back four towel's. Ember placed the four on the bed, before beginning to fold them. Placing the neatly managed square over her arm, she glanced up startled. "Help ?" She mumbled, puzzled. "You want to Help out? But, that's not what an Heir does." She replied, returning to her form. November placed the towel's on her dresser. "Clean up in the bathroom down the hall, supper is in thirty after. "
Taryn threw her head around at the arrow piercing through her nostril and right above the other. Her jaws snapped several times, just hoping the arrow would fall out. She knew it would be stuck there forever, and she may be able to get the other arrows out, but this fight wasn't over. Taryn reared, spreading her wings around the camp-fire, she rose into the air, spreading the fire, and breathing her flames around the camp ground. They were trapped. All all she wanted was blood. She knew they weren't going to give up. The horses jumped rapidly, and they just wouldn't give up. The most annoying person was the girl. Taryn's optics set upon the one with the bow, and closed her jaws upon her shoes, dragging her up.
''Sir, are we hunting the enemy or just scouting?"

Emmendil turned back to lock at the man in question. He had found it was always better to answer these mercenaries when looking them in the eye or else he might and up with a blade in the back by a ladder climber after his position.

"Just scouting, if we come upon an enemy scouting party we shall avoid detection if possible."

The disappointment on their faces was palpable. He ignored them, the commander had wanted then to scout, not open up a new front with a hitherto un- antogonised enemy. They rode in silence, all reserving their energy in case they did end up having to fight.

It was at camp that evening that Emmendil had his first battle of the mission. He hadn't expected it to be from his own men. Sadly for them he had never trusted them and before long his former men lay deed at his feet, a shallow gash along his cheek the only injury he had sustained; a lucky lunge that had nearly taken his eye. A quick examination of the corpses and their belongings revealed letters proving they had had ties to the Thieves Guild.

Never should trust a mercenary.

Rather than risk being found with the bodies Emmendil remounted his horse, having let the others free, and continued on north. His destination was not far.
Godfrey drew his bow as the creature encircled them with flames, he fired an arrow off into it's left wing, and a second unsuccessful shot towards the right. He couldn't believe it… how could his night have gotten this bad? This was just not his week, he thought of what to do but was confused having been put into this situation abruptly.
She dropped the girl, looking to the man. She pushed her head against his, eye to eye. Barely able to speak, she growled out words. "Let me take a horse, and I will stop my force... Or I will set your bodies in my fire, and use it as a warming pyre..." She hissed, huffing.
Godfrey sneered at the creature eye to eye,

"Foul beast, I do not fear death and having a horse is more important to me than eating it is to you!" Godfrey almost growled at her. He slowly drew his blade again and readied it to fight.
Slowly, she backed off. Her spines and large jaws went away, and she stood there, her eyes glittering with persuasion. "You wouldn't hurt a woman, would you?" She fluttered her eyelashes, and stepped forward.
Radehgieh glared at her. It was hard but he could see right through her glamours. "Don't trust her!" He called to Godfrey. He grabbed his sword holding it towards her.
Godfrey was almost in a trance before he heard Radeh, he readied his sword and grimaced at her.

"Do you wish for me to slay you Temptress!?" Godfrey yelled at the creature.
Emmendil heard the sounds of battle echoing, warping strangely, through the forest. He pulled his horse to a stop, the spare he had brought just in case he was pursued protested before also halting before bowing down to crop at the grass.

"Don't trust her!" The voice resounded all around him but Emmendil's sharp hearing ascertained the location of the source. He yanked at the rains of the spare horse, interrupting its lunch, and put his heels to the horse beneath him. Cantering towards the fight he saw a woman facing off against two men, weapons drawn, and another woman who was scrambling to her feet.

Dropping off his horse, grabbing his bow on the way down and stringing it all in one smooth motion, he took a few steps towards the group and strung his bow, noching an arrow and aiming at the two men.

"I'm not sure what's going on here but it's hardly chivalrous for two armed men to corner a lady. How about you tell me what's going on here and, if I like your answer, I won't put an arrow in your throat."
She looked to another man. "You... Why are out here by yourself, you can get dangerously hurt..." She smirked, taking a few steps to him. He looked like a leader, and she knew he was. And she also knew how inportant it was to kill him.
Something about the woman's eyes and hungry expression made Emmendil reevaluate the situation, maybe the men were the ones at a disadvantage, not the lone woman. As she got closer he could smell the faint scent of magic rolling from her skin.

She's no normal woman.

Turning his bow on the woman he sidestepped so that he was closer to the other men, in case she proved too much to handle.

"How about someone actually tells me what's going on? I've had my fill of death today."
Meladi quickly got up from where the beast had thrown her. Now, she saw a beautiful woman trying to tempt the men in the company. "It seems to be some sort of shape-shifting siren." She drew another arrow from her quiver and readied to shoot once again if need be.
Taryn eyes turned on another person, whom to seems to walk on their little chat. "Oh, it's nothing... It's just I'm going to spill out any moment..." She smiled darkly, a deep growl escaping her throat. "So.. It's either you hand me a big mound of food, or take a horse, orr... The beast will set you in it's fire, and use it as a flaming pyre." She smirked. She was hungry. Very, hungry.
((Okay, guys, so sorry I've been MIA and never threw in my starter here. I forgot last night -_- Anyone want to give me a quick recap of what Ciel and friends have done in the last couple pages so I can jump in? I already got a basic summary of the rest from Zhia))
Emmendil didn't like the way the woman's eyes watched him; he was clearly the prey. Every instinct in his body told him to loose an arrow right at her forehead. Calming himself he slowly released the bowstring, relieving it of tension and letting the bow hang at his side; the arrow still noched just in case.

"I've got a spare horse over there. Take it, if you will, and leave in peace." Pointing at the second, smaller of his horses. Better to avoid a fight by using the resources available to him than risk possible injury or even death. He was deep in enemy territory by now and he could not afford to be wandering around unable to fight to his best ability, especially as his support had turned traitor and had consequently lost their lives to his blade.

The woman seemed to consider his proposal, her hesitation made Emmendil's right hand instinctively reach for the noched arrow, ready to pull and loose at a moment's notice.

Now, her expression changed completely. She eyes went into a glittering look, to slits desperate for food. She looked at the horses. "Give it to mee....." She hissed, spines growing on her back, her form changing into a wyvern.
Emmendil recoiled from the transformed creature before him.

"Just give me one moment." He said whilst edging around to the horses. He led his own, the stronger and healthier beast away before slapping the flat of his blade on the rump on the sacrificial animal. It reared up, neighing in panic and fear before charging towards the wyvern.

"Take it, he's all yours!" Yelled Emmendil, fingers still ready to loose an arrow at the wyvern's head in case it proved too greedy.
Radehgieh watched carefully, his eyes unmoving from the beastly girl to see if she stuck to her word and only took a horse. He was ready at any moment to attack if she didn't.

Nileriel turned his head and thought a little more on the subject. "I rather have my sister," he whispered. "If nothing else, I rather have her! I don't care if all those arrogant fools die, it's not I ever cared about them anyway!" A tear slipped down his cheek. The nobles had never cared about him either. If anything they just were waiting for him to possibly disappear so their children could have a chance at the throne. The only people the members of the scarlet rose had ever cared for was themselves. They didn't care about the peasants who worked so hard to please them, the elves who's clan numbers had been cut back greatly because they defended them, or any of the servants who attended to thier every wish everyday. The realization of this sickened Nileriel. Had he been like that to? He probably he had, he was raised to think the same way they did. But he didn't want that anymore. Maybe the Thieves were right. Even if they weren't it didn't matter. From then on Nileriel made the descision that the reign of the Scarlet Rose guild was over.
As the horse turned to her, she opened her jaws, closing onto it's hide. "One who feeds me... Will be followed..." She smirked, closing her teeth into the horse and flying away to a spot not far from them, and feasted, her belly hungry.
Rei huffed, severely annoyed with the fire surrounding them. "Really? You had to use fire!" She shouted at the pounding sounds of wings disappearing in the distance. She began stomping out the flames and grumbling in anger.
Radehgieh sighed looking around at the mess their little campsite had become. He looked at the two who had joined them. "What are your names? Where do you come from?" he asked them. Now that the beast girl was gone they still had to deal with the other two. Would it turn to a battle? Or would all these matters be resolved peacefully? "I am Radehgieh Silverseer, High elf and Commander for the Hand of the Royally Divine."

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