RP: Battle of Guilds

"It's fine, only for a little while, I'll keep it tamed." Radehgieh said laughing softly. He wasn't too concerned, working with fire was just as natural as breathing to him. "Though if it makes you guys too nervous, I can put it out.." he added.
Rei nodded in compliance with the man who started the fire. Please do. You'll keep the forest up all night like that, and I won't be able to get any sleep. Her eyes darted from person to person, observing their weapons, and their body structure. If she got discovered, and they were ruthless, she would have to either fight, or run. Either one could get her killed, so she needed to play scenarios over and over in her head to find the best possible escape routes.
Taryn kept flying through the air, picking up distant scents that seemed to be miles away, but it wasn't worth it. For a little while, she kept flying, and flying.. until a grey puffyness flew into the air like a black smoke. But really, it was black smoke! She inched closer by the second, flying through it leaving a whistle in the air, and a broken smoke stack. The stack regenerated a little further on, as she kept flying around it, looking down as orange flames were barely seen.
Natasia had nearly fallen asleep on her horse many times before they all stopped to make camp. She was relieved to find that she didn't need to stand guard. In her mind, a beautiful woman doesn't stand guard, but gets her much needed beauty sleep. She dismounted her horse, rather sloppy than her usual grace, and found a small rock where she perched her self. She gazed into the fire, stroking her hair, feeling the chill of night air on her legs. She began wondering about her guild and her old master, Black. She still wasn't sure of the whole situation.
Meladi took care of her horse, making sure he was secured for the night. She was just glad that everyone agreed to taking a shift so that Natasia didn't have to take one. Mel still in no way trusted her with her own life or anyone else's. She walked over to Radeh and sat down next to him, not entirely ready to go straight to sleep, she let her mind wander.
After she decided that nothing was happening, she flew down closer, and closer, until her talons could rip the tips off the treetops. Seeing a small opening to the forest floor that was a small distance away from the smoke. She landed through, ruffling the branches. She growled lightly, looking to the source of light that seemed to be the only thing lighting up the whole forest. Taryn spotted out some figures around the fire. And the best yet... There were horses.
Natasia was ready for bed now. She rose from her little rock. Slipping her robe around her shoulders. "Ah, I'm so tired!" She lightly, slumped down in front of the fire, laying on her side, the fire heating and illuminating her long body. She was drifting in and out of sleep when she heard something. It was odd. She could hear the whoosh of something overhead, as if something was flying. The sound of leaves rustling filled her ears as she sat up, her face keen with concentration. "What is that?"
Taryn was now literally drooling over the source of food there was. She stared at a big horse, and in her mind she saw it as some cooked royal dinner. She took a step closer, the wyvern-like body almost dragging itself across the dirt. Her flanks puffed with the desire of food, and tail slapping the ground at times. Taryn's neck puffed, and her spines stuck out. She took another step, crunching some twigs, then stepped back.
Radegieh sat up quickly hearing the twig snap. Instinctively he reached for his crystal. Looking over at Natasia he said, "You hear that?" he whispered. Slowly he stood up. It could've been a small, harmless creature, sure. But more likely it was something bigger or an enemy. He narrowed his eyes, peering into the bushes. He could just barely make out the outline of it. It was human sized...but didn't look quite human.
Natasias heart was racing now. She nodded at Radeh. "Ya," she said in a hushed yell. She reached into her secret belt that wrapped around her up most thigh. She pulled out two knives, her eyes turning to slits. Cat like, and poised, her movement covering up ant sign of tiredness.
A low growl escaped from her throat. The heavy beast took another step back, making a few things crunch. She stayed as silent as possible, her flanks puffing harder than usual. She looked at all of them, and knew they were to attack if they got a view. If they got closer, she would become that manipulating, beautiful girl who would kill a man in an instant. All she wanted was a horse.
Meladi stood up slowly to see if she could see whatever made the noise. She took her bow and then an arrow from her quiver, then raised it to where the noise came from. She saw the dragon-like shape of the creature and kept the arrow pointed at it. "I suggest everyone stay at the ready."
Taryn, now furious for they had caught her, she kept stepping back, and walked to another point around the camp, making it seem like the creature was everywhere. She finally stayed quiet, looking at them. She waited until they were done keeping their senses up, and that's when she'll make her move toward a horse.
Meladi followed the creature with her eyes, for she could see extremely well in the dark. "Don't think you can fool me," she whispered.
She finally opened her mouth, baring her teeth in an unpleasant way. Almost like she is demanding them to kill themselves, or be killed. The spines on her back stuck up, and a loud hiss sounded. She couldn't take any more waiting. She needed food. And if she doesn't, she'll burn the whole area if she has too.
Godfrey drew his sword and watched the shadows closely, the light from the fire made it difficult to adjust his eyes to the darkness, everyone was at the ready, and he was just waiting for the creature to make a move. The hunter in him knew that creatures who stalk the forest use the darkness well, weaving in and out of trees, confusing their prey.
She couldn't wait any longer, letting outa loud growl, she slyly stepped out from the darkness, revealing a large, bulky wyvern body with spines everywhere, and her eyes set upon the horses. She hissed at everyone, and if they made an attempt to get close, she roared. And took another step toward a horse, as it kicked high in fear and defense.
Not wanting to actually kill the creature, Meladi shot three arrows at the legs and hindquarters. She ran in front of her horse, guarding it. "It's after the horses, guard them!" Mel got another arrow at the ready.
Godfrey rushed to the horses and pointed his sword at the creature.

"Foul beast!! Be gone or I will plunge my blade into your gullet!!!" Godfrey yelled at the creature.
Feeling a sharp pain in a few spots, she scoffed in a painful manner, and looked to them as they barged in front of her. The fire in her belly raged with anger. Hunger is life, and life is playing 'hard to get'. She roared loudly, that it seemed the trees jumped back from the noise. Her nostrils puffed out with smoke, and streams of it coming out from her jaws as well. Taryn growled in the man's face, telling him a sign of contempt. (Contempt means anger or mad, right? xD )
Rei jumped from the bushes, between the new found animal and the travelers. "Stop! You'll burn down the forest! I don't care if you rip each other to shreds, just leave my forest alone!" She huffed in agitation and held her hands up to both parties. Her eyes scanned the creature, taking in its massive size. If she indeed needed to fight it off to keep her forest safe, the size difference would help immensely.
She was just about to blow. Her heavy head looked to another person. Taryn scanned her, no sign of a threat! She shuffled over to the human, snapping her jaws in an attempt to catch it in her mouth.
Rei hissed, her eyes narrowing and her hand reaching out to the creature. "Calm down, I'm not trying to hurt you."

Taryn jumped at the hand as well. She spilled a bit of flames from her mouth, but after a long, foodless night, she was tired of their nonsense. She slapped her tail toward the other girl, spit some fire to the man who threatened her, and tried to move forward, almost setting her jaws upon the nearest horse.

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