Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

Christian looked at Lilith. " How about now. My car is being loaned out at the moment and i could use a ride home. If not i understand. I can always grab a taxi."
I looked at him a bit surprised.I hadn't expected him to want a ride this soon."Oh uhm.....yea sure I guess.Uhm,I guess i'll wait for you in the dinning area then".I smiled at him and walked through the doors.
Christian grabbed his dad helmet he kept in the top shelf in case his mom brought her vespa and walked out into the dinning room. " So you ready to go ?" he asked Lilith as she took off his uniform shirt to show a solid black tee under it.
I blinked a couple of times at him and shook my head."Uhm,yea let's go".I tried not to blush at his attire.I walked out the door and waited for him to lock up.When I walked over to my bike,I put mine and his bags into the side bags of he bike.I pulled my helmet on and climbed onto it.I waited for him to climb onto the back of it.I started it and waited for him to put his helmet on.Turning around some I said,"Are we all set?".
Christian put on the helmet and smiled. " I'm good to go. Gio is gonna finish closing after he does his last minute check at the bar. So lets see what you can do. "
Tawni had heard the news about Hawaii, it was very exciting but she didn't know if she could leave Pebbles alone for that long. Luckily she had made a lot of money the past few days as well because taking a few days off would usually have put her very far behind in her bills. The dark-haired server would nod her head in a small bow and turn to begin making sure everyone's section was clean and orderly. She noticed had the new girl, what had her name been again?, stayed in the office with Christian and turned her head. Tawni always had silly thoughts anyways so she shook her head and took down her list to write down things that people did not do to her standards. It took her a little while before she was actually finished checking everyone's stuff and then doing her own things in turn to get out of there. She would elave shortly after Christian and Lilith.

As Tawni got home she took her dog for a walk then fed her fish. She would change into her pajamas and lie on the couch turning on the latest celebrity scandal. "I wonder who is going to go to Hawaii.... I'll go if someone I think I will have fun with goes" she would yawn and stretch her athletic arms up towards the ceiling. She'd fall asleep and wake up early to get ready. It wasn't every day that people got to see you outside of work clothes. Tawni did her make-up and hair all nice and pretty, she dressed herself in a strapless sundress that fit her very well showing off her curves. The dress was a beige color with dark green palm tree leaves patterned all over it. She walked into the restaurant and looked around to see where the meeting or whatever would be held. she wore a sweet smile and carried a black purse on her left shoulder. On her feet were green wedged heels that had little gold rhinestones on the toes.
Andrej flipped his lid. "Hawaii!? Oh my God!" She did a little jump up and down. "I'm soo excited! I can't wait!" She was obviously going. She ran to a couple tables and put away some dishes. With that she waved to the people still in the restaurant. "I gotta go pack!" She realized that she taken a taxi and went out to the edge of the street in order to hail a taxi. Her mind raced with thoughts of what she would pack.

Once home, Andrej changed into a lace overthrow, grabbed a candy bar, and sat on her small living room floor, sorting through her things she would take. She had picked her finest outfits and shoes. She also packed basic necessities. She barely got any sleep, thinking of the fun vacation she was in need of. It would be even better with her new friends. She had never been to Hawaii.

Andrej woke up bright and bushy tailed. He didn't want to steal the show from the other girls anymore so he dulled down his makeup to a natural look. He slid on an outfit made for the breezy winds of Hawaii. She wore a strapless dress with ruffles that flowed around endlessly at the bottom. It came mid thigh and along with that she wore her bamboo wedges. She grabbed her bags and was off to the restaurant. She hurried in, an ecstatic expression on her face. She saw Tawni and her face lit up. "Hey girl! I'm so excited! You ready?"
Tawni would be looking at her toes and smiling at the cute little design painted on them. She really was a rather girlie girl at heart. Her large brown eyes would look up at Andrea and she'd giggle softly and wave. "Well I am not sure if I am going yet, I am all packed just in case, but I dunno" she would frown a little "My cousin said she'd keep Pebbles, my dog, I've just never been away from her" Tawni was a sweet girl when it came to her pets. Also Tawni was pretty OCD and anal retentive, she would pack or prepare for anything that may happen just so she wasn't caught off guard. Her short brown hair would fall around her face, it was straightened and on the right side there was just one small ponytail to give it a little something extra. She couldn't wait to grow her hair out long. She had started thinking that maybe short hair made her seem boyish. "But I am happy you are excited Andrea" there was somethign about Andrea that she really liked. Tawni hoped that if she decided to go to Hawaii that she'd get to know soem of the new people better.
Christian smiled as he walked into the restaurant. " Good morning girls it seems you beat me here." He went into the kitchen and begin to cook. After a few minutes he came back with Egg Fritta, Sausage, Fresh Muffins, Ham, Toast, and pancakes. He place a platter next to the girls . " Help yourself there's plenty."
I smirked when he said that and sped off from the parking lot. I didn't want to scare him too much so I didn't do the usual crazy things I would normally do. Once we reached his house I dropped him off and took off to my house to things ready for the trip.

The next morning I drove up to work and pulled my helmet off. In the lot I seen a few cars and thought god thing I wasn't the only one here early. I unzipped my jacket and walked through the front door. As I walked in I hit a wall of the best food I've ever smelled. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. Seeing Christian there cooking I smiled and said," Hey were closed and you're still cooking? Don't you ever have any fun?".
As soon as his shift ended the night before, Maiken had went to search for Andrea in order to fulfill his promise to Christian. Of course, the girl had left as he was looking for her for a good half-hour, something about packing for a trip the Chef's was offering. With a dejected sigh, he went to his second job.

The next day, a sleepy-Mai yawned as he opened the doors to the restaurant. He had came to return Christian's car keys and credit card. He found the other serving fellow workers a nice breakfast. Maiken held the items to-be-returned in hand as he politely waited for the new girl and Christian's conversation to end before speaking to the cook himself.
Christian looked at Maiken with a nodded. " It just so happen cooking can be fun. I enjoy it everything about my cooking." He folded his arm and cave a smart smirk.
I shook my head and smiled at him ." You know a break every now and then won't kill you, boss". I patted him on the shoulder and walked back into the dinning area. I took a seat at one of the empty tables and set my helmet on it. I slouched in the chair some, and crossed my hands over my stomach and enjoyed the smells that were coming out of the kitchen. He could work some wonders with all that food in there. The guy was a genius when it came to food. I closed my eyes for a moment and just enjoyed the atmosphere of the place.
Andrej was delighted. He set down his things and headed for the feast. "Thank you!" With that she gorged in eggs and bacon while wondering of her trip. She looked around. She did a little happy dance in her seat. "So when do we leave? I'm ready to get out of here!" With that, she picked up her plate and set it in the back, and came back to her seat.
Christian smiled. " we have preparation to leave tonight at 5pm. But once we get there you guys have three days to have fun and relax. Well at least you guys can i have to check into the convention and see what the fuss is all about." He crossed his arms. And looked at the girls. " i expect you to behave. Lets not get into too much trouble. So if you want you guys can come back this evening when the shuttle arrive or stay. Its totally up to you. I got some closing things to do. " He went into the office and changed into his muscle tee and headed outside with his tool box in hand. The chairs need a new wood polish and repair.
I sat up and grabbed my helmet off the table. Stretching a bit,I yawned and and walked out the door. I stopped and looked down at Christian,"Hey boss man,you know you work too much".I kneeled down next to him an put my helmet on the ground,"It's not going to kill you to take a day off,ya know?".
Christian looked at the Lilith. " I have to keep this place in tip-top shape. And to be leaving in three days. I gotta keep this place in tip top shape." He took the drill and re-aligned the chair. Then got up to the table. " I have fun. Cooking is fun. This entire place is fun. And when i get to hawaii the expo will be fun. You guys enjoy yourself with the attractions and whatever else hawaii has to offer." He wiped the sweat from his head and went to the next set of chairs.
I shook my head and walked back into the building.I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.I sat the gallon of water onto the counter and grabbed a glass.Scooping some ice into the cup,i poured the water into the glass.I put the gallon back and closed the fridge door.I walked back outside next to Christian.Kneeling down I said,"At least try to keep yourself from getting dehydrated".I handed him the glass with a smile.
Christian smiled. " Thank you." He took the glass and gulped it down in a second. " Look if there is some time during the the expo i can be free. I'll make some room to enjoy yourself." Christian replied. " He fixed the next set of chairs and moved on to the next one. " I'll be alright just got a few more sets left."
I shook my head and smiled,"I'd pay to see you lighten up.I don't think you know how,boss man.".I went and made him another glass of ice water and brought it out to him."I'll be back in a few mintues,you better be done and not doing anything else".I took my helmet and walked over to my bike,got on and started it up.I took another look at him and shook my head again.I sped off the the gas station.When I walked in,I sighed at the wonderful feeling of the cold air.I grabbed me something to drink and grabbed a few things to munch on.I grabbed a few things for Christian as well.I paid for my stuff and the gas.Then went a filled my tank up.
Christian looked at the clock they still had two more hours to kill. He finished up everything and decided to make a light snack. He looked at the the kitchen and began to cut up vegetables. He smiled as he smelled the aroma of the kitchen. He quickly made a few dozen tortilla chips and put them in the oven to back.
I pulled back up into the parking lot.I pulled my helmet off, grabbed the bag of goodies,and walked into the building.I smelled something from the kitchen and smiled, shaking my head.I walked into the kitchen and crossed my arms."And here I brought you something to snack on.I should've known that you would fix yourself something.Guess that's what I get for being nice".I chuckled lightly at the end of my sentence.
Christian looked at her. " I work in a restaurant everything i need is right here." He smiled. " Sorry why not just save them for the trip." He stirred the salsa and placed it in a large bowl. Then took the chips out the fryer and spread them around the bowl making a barrier. He took one and scooped the salsa then placed it in Lilith's mouth. " Why go to the store when you have a chef."
I blinked a few times when he stuck the chip in my mouth.I chewed it slowly and smiled. Swallowing I said,"True but I was also trying to do something nice for my boss.By the way those taste great".I sat the bag on the table and sat down.
Christian nodded. " What can i say i aim to please." He took a chip and ate it. " Feels like it's missing something though. I'm not sure why but it just feels like it could use something else. " He ran through the spice rack to see his ingredients. He grabbed some pepper and dashed a bit into the salsa. After he stirred it and tried it again. " That's better."

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