RP: Battle of Guilds

Radehgieh was surprised Godfrey offered to fight. He thought for a second- they'd probably try and have people sneak in. "Go down to the dragon stables, there should still be a few other guards down there but I get a feeling they'll try to get in through there." He said
Travis stepped out of the stables. He could see soldiers lining up in their formations. Their numbers have severely diminished over the years. It was understandable. Years of war. Shortage of food for the common people. It was a bad time to live in this world. Travis got onto his horse and rallied in front of the men he would lead into battle. He roughly estimated about two-hundred men under his command. He saw his lieutenant, Augustine come out from the ranks. “My lord, I am happy to see you are well.” Augustine gave his general a bow.

“My dear friend, it is nice to be back, tell me how many enemy troops are waiting for us outside?” Travis asked his man with a smile.

“Well sire, there seems to be a good number. About one-thousand foot shoulders, and another five hundred archers. These numbers do not include their higher ranking officers sir.”

Travis could see the worried look on Augustine. He loomed over to see the eyes of his men. The Royal Guard. Every single one of them looked tired. Countless hours of being on patrol. Now they would have to fight an almost certain death wish. “Thank you Augustine.” Travis rode away from his lieutenant and rode in the very front and center of his troops.

“Have you made love to your wives in the past couple of moon men. Have you told them you love them?” Travis boomed his voice across his ranks. “I hope you did, if you can see fear in my eyes then you are correct. I am very afraid.” Travis paused and looked up into the dark skies. “I am afraid I won't be able to lead you to victory, that is my fear. Most of us are going to die on this night” Travis rode up and down the ranks, hitting his lance against the tip of the spears of his spear men. “I can promise you only one thing, that these fools made a mistake choosing our Guild to attack. Will you lend me your strength, and fight through hell with me?” Travis let his voice roar towards his troops. They unanimously approved of their general. “YES GENERAL, LEAD US.”

Travis turned around from the Royal Guard. A single tear fell from his bloodshot eyes.


Travis roared as he marched through the open gate, towards the sea of enemies.


The Royal Guard ran behind their General.

The waves of men clashed.

War had begun.
Godfrey nodded and dashed for the stables. Once there he met with the guard who reported nothing. Suddenly a crossbow bolt landed in the throat of one of the guards and five fighters appeared from the wall. Assassins! Godfrey cursed to himself before two of them charged in his direction. Godfrey drew his hatchet and disarmed the first fighter, then sinking his blade into his stomach. He kicked the fighter's shortsword from the ground into the air, caught it, and flung it into the second ones throat. Godfrey pulled his sword from the first dead fighter's gut and made his way to the other three who were overwhelming the guards. Godfrey slashed one across the back, only to infuriate the man who spun around and attacked Godfrey viciously. Godfrey blocked and countered, receiving a cut along his left forearm. He swept the fighter off his feet with a kick only to engage a female warrior. They clashed blades fluidly, like it was a dance, the other two invaders joining in the fight. Godfrey fought them simultaneously, his hatchet was knocked from his hand, forcing him to rely on just his sword. He slashed the woman stomach causing her insides to spill out and blood to flow, he knocked the sword from the man with slashed back's hand stabbed him killing him instantly. The third and final fighter was swift and agile, he fought almost like Godfrey's kin but after violent minutes of steel colliding the man had fallen to Godfrey's blade. He panted heavily, gripping his forearm which was burning with pain.
It was strange to enter the castle the way Natasia did. She was nervous of what would happen. She carefully studied the room like every room she entered. Its what a third did. Always looking for exits or entrances. She listened closely to the orders given and surprisingly stayed quiet.

Her cell was cold and dingy, almost as if it was made from a cave. The guards followed their orders, not bothering too much but their grip was often unnecessarily tight and they just couldn't resist getting in her face, making crass comments, in which she would reply with a witty, sarcastic comment back. There she sat in her cell, twirling her dagger when she heard the rumble of outside. Had someone led an attack on the castle?
Radehgieh rushed to the roof of the castle. He looked down, horrified by the large army that attacked the castle. Their chances of winning were slim. Holding his crystal in his hand he whispered "Inferno." And used his power to surround small sections of the army in fire. This would slow them down for a while. Suddenly an arrow whizzed passed his head. They'd spotted him. As he ducked down an arrow hit him in the shoulder. He groaned in pain as he pulled the arrow out. Hopefully it wasn't poisoned. 
"What is it that you interact with me for?" Nileriel asked. Aseres simply smiled and said "Just for temporary company. I travel alone and so being alone it gets lonely." Nileriel nodded, that was understandable. He hadn't thought about how lonesome traveling by oneself could be. Still he was reluctant to trust her no matter how kindhearted she seemed.
“Give it up General, there's nothing you can do”, A massive man with a battle ax mocked Travis. The young general was surrounded. He had been fighting for what had seemed like hours, but was probably a single hour at most. He could see that only about half of his Royal Guard were standing, and even then his numbers were diminishing quickly. Travis' armor was battle-worn, visible wounds could be seen, blood was trickling down Travis' face from a slash wound.

Travis spun Zephyr around himself, a gust of wind began to pick up behind him. The enemies surrounding him began to fear and act weary, they didn't know that true potential of the general's strength. Travis jumped to the large man with the ax, and be-headed him with ease. Suddenly all of those around him put up their shields and got into a defensive position. The skies became almost pitch black, Travis turned around and saw a rain of arrows heading his position. The young general smirked. “Cowards.” Travis whispered as he jumped into the air, facing the arrows. He deflected a large amount of them; however one pierce his right shoulder, another his left thigh. Travis landed back on the ground, he quickly broke off the arrows and dived deeper into the battle field.
Radehgieh pulled his hand away from his shoulder and was surprised by the amount of blood dripping from his hand. But he couldn't let his injury slow him down. Holding on to his crystal he looked over at the battle happening below. He tried to focus on just a couple of the enemy soldiers and once he did he used his magic to engulf them in flames. He did this a couple more times before his crystal ran out of energy. It took out a bunch of them but there was still many more. "Damn." He muttered to himself. He got up and ran back inside the castle to find another crystal and grab a sword. Heading into the armory he looked for any possible weapons left. There was a long light sword and a couple of crystal. He sighed relieved grabbing the sword and the crystals. Now he could fight them head on.
Godfrey rushed to the walls of the castle and witnessed carnage on the battlefield.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.7c8fa1559b0530e8bd787da13fee47bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1230" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.7c8fa1559b0530e8bd787da13fee47bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He could see General Travis in the thick of it and their numbers were dwindling, suddenly a ladder lifted to where Godfrey stood, he immediately hopped on and slid down knocking several soldiers off. He hit the ground fighting as he was swarmed. He chopped and hacked his way to General Travis who was in the thick of it. A man raised his two handed sword in the general's blind spot but Godfrey cut the man down and winked at the General.

"I can't be there to save you every time General!" Godfrey chuckled as he fought side by side with Travis. Fires, yelling, and the clanging of metal was the only noise in the night.

(I thought I just had to put that picture here for the battle!)



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(ooohhh Loove the picture)

Radehgieh lit up his sword with flames. "Ah, it's been a while since I've had a good battle to fight." He mumbled. He didn't have much time to appreciate the moment as suddenly soldiers all rushed at him swinging their swords wildly. He swiftly ducked and dodged and countered. All he headed further into the fighting he thought to himself This isn't just a battle, this is a war. He swung his sword cutting into his enemies limbs, piecing there internal organs and things. The castle grounds had become an area extreme brutality and bloodshed.
Travis gave the swordsmen an appreciative nod. Twice his life was saved by that man, he would repay him. Travis' eyesight started to become blurry. Poison tipped arrows, the general thought as he cut down two men in front of him. It would be a matter of time until Travis would be immobile.

After that moment, he would surely die.

The young General could feel his movements becoming slower. It was as if there was a split-second delay between what Travis was seeing and what he could physically feel. A spear impaled Travis in the chest, it broke through the armor and a good couple inches of the blade were inside of his skin. It took him a minute to initially feel the wound, and when he did he quickly slashed down his attacker. Another arrow zipped through the air, towards Travis' head. The arrow gashed its way deep through Travis' right cheeks, blood spluttered from the wound.

Travis knew he would not last long, his remaining soldiers saw their general dying. They quickly gained a boost of morale and fought on for the honor of their General. They all knew they would be dead in a matter of minutes.

With all the might he could, Travis threw his body back into the middle of his enemies. Most of the foot soldiers backed away in fear, a majestic light illuminated from Travis, as he made his last stand. Enemies were slashed in half, fourths. The wrath of Zephyr roared, the legendary lance knew his master's end was near. A sword sneaked into the side of Travis, stopping him in his tracks. From the look of his enemy, he could tell it was a high ranking official. A spear impaled itself into Travis' chest. Another went into his stomach. Another went into his back. His enemies surrounded him. Laughing and cheering as they watched the general get on his knees, his eyes started to become clear like glass. Blood trickled from both ends of his mouth.

Suddenly, with one graceful motion Travis beheaded those that pierced him, and the gust of wind that followed from his blade, almost magically, slashed and dismantled soldiers in the surrounding vicinity.

Travis feel on his back, his eyes looking straight into the dark, fire light sky.

Everything became dark.
Nileriel sat there looking around the room unsure or what to say or do.

"So where do you come from?" Aseres asked. The question made Nileriel want to sigh. He really should've planned out a hidden identity. "I come from Black Thorn." He said. Aseres looked at him wide eyed. "Oh. Wasn't Black Thorn recently attacked. Did any of your people make it?" she asked. He shook his head so he wouldn't further need to make up anything too detailed about his home life.

(Aw, poor Travis. Really sad actually...Will post again as Radeh in a sec and feel free to make another character if you want Gray) 
Radehgieh watched as Travis fell. It saddened his heart deeply and not just his but all of the men fighting for the Scarlet Rose. It seemed as if for a moment there was some slight peace, a moment to take in the situation and all the soldiers for the Scarlet Rose were empowered with a rage by the death of their general. Like wild beasts they attacked the soldiers of the Thieves Guild and Eastern Alliance. Striking as powerful as tigers and as quickly as snakes their fighting spirits shown whole and true.
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General Travis was dead, Godfrey was stunned by the mighty warriors fall. He rallied the men to fight on, forming a wall of shields, swords, spears, and axes to defend the gate. The battle wasn't over by a long shot, the enemy clashed with the defensive line like a wave on rock. In memory of the general they pressed on in a frenzy but also now they were outnumbered and against the odds. Blood would form a river this night.
They fought bravely and fierce, but the numbers were too great. The line faltered and a retreat into the courtyard rallied the invaders. An arrow pierced Godfrey's leg but his adrenaline was flowing violently he snapped it with his sword, a man knocked him to the ground. With all his might Godfrey kicked the man with his good leg and stood to face the horde with what little was left of the brave men who stood at the ready, knowing death was surely upon them. 
To Godfrey everything had gone silent, the enemy still were charging, the guard were bracing for the impact, but yet it was eerily silent. Just like that the noise returned with the clashing of men. It was brutal, one by one the guard were falling none would surrender they would rather die, it would seem that this was imminent. No man could be called a coward on this night. A guard grabbed Godfrey.

"Leave!!! Find Radegeigh and save the royals!" The guard shouted but an arrow pierced him through the neck dropping him to his knees. Godfrey turned and began to look for Radeh, he picked up a bow and a quiver full of arrows, and dashed into the now burning castle.
Radehgieh had ran to go find the royals. It was heart crushing, the scene of the castle and he started to lose hope. Every hallway he went down he found more dead guards. "You've all fought well. Rest in peace." he said. He ran to room where most of the nobles and royals were hidden. Some were dead, most he'd figured had been kidnapped. They yelled at him angry, "Why didn't you protect us? You're a failure as a commander!" He glared at them. He wasn't going to take their insults. They were on their own now, it wasn't worth it to him to waste lives protecting a few stuck up nobles. He would find the princess though and protect her. He had to do that, for Travis. Travis had died trying to save the royal family and Radehgieh wouldn't let his death be for nothing.
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Godfrey rushed through the halls desperately searching for the princess and Radegeigh, Godfrey stopped instantly and thought of Natasia, she was still locked up! He rushed off in a frantic haste as fires and looters began to fill the castle. All but a few of the guard were dead. Godfrey looked down halls as he sprinted through the castle until he saw two heavy armored guards protecting a door. He ran to them, luckily they recognized him.

"Tracker, you have to take the princess and find Radegeigh, the castle is taken." One guard said as he opened the door revealing the princess crying and terrified. Godfrey nodded and went to the princess.

"You must come with me now, no one will hurt you, let us make haste princess." Godfrey demanded.

"Where is the General?" She said sobbing. Godfrey couldn't tell her the truth, not yet.

"He's defending the gate, we must find Radegeigh and go!" Godfrey pleaded. She nodded and took his hand. They were running, running like their life's depended upon it, which it did, a woman tried to slash at the princess but Godfrey knocked away the blade and cut her face, dashing away on the desperate search. They were rounding a corner when they ran directly into Radegeigh knocking them all to the ground. They got up quickly not knowing what was going on. Godfrey raised his sword but paused.

"Radegeigh?" Godfrey lowered his sword, " we have to release Natasia and find the royal family NOW!" Godfrey explained.
Radehgieh glanced at Godfrey and nodded. "You're right." he said. The nobles looked at them. "What about us?" they said irritated. Radehgieh started to walk away then glanced over his shoulder at them. "You're on your own now." He said and continued walking to find Natasia and hopefully the rest of they royal family.
Down the hall a soldier began to charge towards them, Godfrey pulled out the bow, and fired an arrow clean in the man's heart. Godfrey looked at the princess who was terrified, her home was burning, and knew what had to be done.

"Radegeigh you must take the princess and go, I will release Natasia, where can we meet?" Godfrey said.
Radehgieh thought for a moment. They had to meet somewhere secret and safe which basically meant there was almost nowhere to meet and make a safe escape inside the castle. Somewhere outside the castle then Radehgieh thought.

"There are some paths hidden behind the castle. You can easily get to them from the prison cells or the dragon stables. Meet us there." He said. He gripped his crystals tightly in one hand and took the princess's hand his other and they headed off to get away from the castle. "Inferno." Radehgieh said to be ready for any enemies that attacked them.

As they headed down the long hallway an enemy soldier came running at them. With a flick of his hand Radehgieh enshrouded the man with fire burning him to death in an instant and they continued to run. Right before they got to the stables they encountered a wall of flames as high as the ceiling that would've been impossible to pass if not for Radehgieh's powers. He spit open a section in the fire so they could pass through. They ran throught the stables and out into the bushes behind the castle.
Godfrey made his way to the prison down below. Everyone was dead, it was a horrific sight to behold but Godfrey knew how to deal with that kind of pain. He raced down the stairs leading to the cells where Natasia was imprisoned. The fires hadn't reached down here yet. He went to open the warden's door when it was flung open knocking him onto his back. A massive man lowered his head to exit the office, keys in one hand, and a war hammer in the other. He chuckled and placed the keys on his belt. He swung the hammer around knocked a pillar loose, Godfrey was terrified but he would never back down. He drew his sword causing the giant man to turn to him with a ground shaking stomp and a booming battle cry. Godfrey moved swiftly and made the first strike, cleaving the left hand off completely, the giant swatted Godfrey away and howled in pain. Godfrey landed against one of the cells colliding with the metal bars. He rose quickly and charged again, the giant swung the hammer downwards barely missing Godfrey and cracking the stone. Godfrey stuck the tip of his blade through the bottom of his chin and out of the top of his head, instantly killing the behemoth. Godfrey recovered his blade and took the keys off the corpse, he noticed a light had appeared at the stairwell… and smoke! He opened Natasia cell and led her out through a door to the outside and through the dragon stables. As they ran screaming and glass breaking from the heat came from the burning castle, but they just kept running. Godfrey found the hidden paths after a few minutes of searching and began to look for Radehgeigh feeling an overwhelming sense of relief.
Natasia was horrified. She could here and see the carnage from her cell. It was scary to think of all the dead. She tried to find a way out but could not. She kicked and heaved and still no progress. She was afraid that she would burn in the castle ruins. That was when Godfrey came to rescue. She witnessed the battle with the big man in awe and heaved her way out of her imprisonment, running with her savior. "I'm so glad you found me!"
They were safe, for now, but they had to find Radehgeigh and make sure he and the princess were safe. Radegeigh was an elf so he knew how to cover his trail and Godfrey knew it wasn't safe to be yelling out names in the night but he knew that most elves used a sort of bird call when they had to communicate hidden. He made a call that resembled an owl, which was a signal for safety, he just hoped Radegeigh was trained in this and would heed his call. He crouched down and waited for a response.

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