RP: Battle of Guilds

Ciel Phantomhived-

Ciel Sighed, the New's of The Castle Had Already Spreaded through out the area quickly. "I Expected this for sometime..." He Mumbled, standing. Ciel knew an Attack was Underway already, he knew that it would surely happen again. Ciel looked at the younge girl who stood before him. She spoke quickly, but Ciel understood little what she said. "Please Repeat The Word's you have Just Spoken." Ciel desired, his face plain of all emotion's. The younge Lady nodded.

"Sir Phantomhived," She spoke, pulling her red hair from her eye's. "The Castle had Been Attacked, Burned Even. The Prince and Princess are missing. General Travis is Dead, he was struck down on the battle field. Nothing is Right Ciel.." She Spoke in a German Accent. The Younge Girl ha Curly Red hair that fell to the middle of her back. She had lushes Green eye's that were filled with Sorrow. She was most likely another Peasent child who Ciel's Parent's had agreed to help her family.

Ciel nodded, "But Royalty are Missing. How Upsetting." Ciel spoke, glancing over at Ember who looked generally Upset.

"Younge Master!" Ember spoke, stepping up to him. "If Both Children are in hidding, wouldn't that mean the Thieve's had won?" Ember asked, crossing her arms.

Ciel shook his head, "Not Neccisarily, There is always a Chance and Hope." He mumbled turning his attention back to the younge girl.

"Marrisa, You must return home, another attack could happen at any time." Ciel predicted, sitting back in his arm char. The little girl nodded, as she ran to the door, followed by Ember and ran home.
Nileriel looked outside and saw the sun setting and suddenly realized he had no place to stay for the night. He sighed and Aseres tilted her head in curiosity. "What's wrong?" she asked. He looked at her. "Nothing," he paused standing up. "I should be leaving." Aseres stood up to, she frowned. "Aw that's too bad. I'll be on my own again...perhaps...I could go with you?" she asked hopefully and also rather quietly. Nileriel looked around the tavern contemplating the idea of bringing her along. She was clearly streetwise and that would be very advantageous to him and the glares she was getting from some of the guys in the tavern told him it was safe for her if she stayed here. He nodded. "Alright, come on." He decided he would head to Ciel's place for the time being. It wasn't too far and he needed to discuss the recent events with him. Ciel was his only trustworthy ally right now. They walked for a while and once they got to Ciel's manor he told Aseres "I have to talk to a friend real quick...I'm sure he wouldn't mind you tagging along but you also have the option to stay out here and wait." Aseres nodded and Nileriel went and knocked on the door.
Godfrey feared the worse as he heard no response, had they made it out, what if he had to go back. Suddenly he heard noises from some bushes. Godfrey drew his sword and looked to Natasia putting his finger to his lip. He slowly crept toward the bushes as they rustled again, he lifted his sword ready to strike. He came around and prepared to strike only to find Radegeigh and the Princess safe and sound. Godfrey sighed in relief and sheathed his sword.

"For goodness sake, I'm glad I found you. What's the plan?" Godfrey asked chuckling.
Radehgieh looked at them wondering the same thing himself. Where did they even begin to think of what to do now? "I guess we should go find the prince, like originally intended before the attack. But first lets just travel to a small town near here and keep quiet for a while. It's the best option right now if we don't wanna be taken prisoner by the Thieves guild."
Godfrey agreed, knowing the best the thing to do now was to lay low for a few days until it was safe to travel openly. Maybe they would get lucky and find the prince in the town also.

"Lead on Master Elf." Godfrey said. He followed Radegeigh to the small town when a thought crossed his mind, if one more thing came between him and a bed he would take his own life, the sun was beginning to rise and Godfrey was tired and just wanted to sleep.
They traveled along the paths until they came to the small town of Speararrow. Radehgieh led them around until they came upon a small inn. "We shall stay here for the night." he decided. Not like they had much choice- it was that or sleep on the streets.
They payed for some rooms but there were only two available. Godfrey bid Radegeigh and Azriel good night without revealing their identities and led Natasia into the room they rented, there was a chair, endtable, and a bed. Godfrey looked to Natasia and then the bed. He huffed a little.

"I'll take the chair, you can have the bed." Godfrey said. He sat down and propped his feet up on the end table, nudging around to get comfortable, and took his pipe out and lit it. He inhaled the smoke, then slowly and peacefully blew it out in a ring.
Ciel Phantomhived-

November kneeled next to Ciel, "What do you think ?" She asked, smoothing out her dress. Ciel shrugged but, kept his eye's locked on the fire place. "More Attack's Coming, no doubt, But---" Ciel's british voice was cut off by a small knocking sound that echoed throughout the mansion. Ember nodded at Ciel before rising. "More Tea in a moment, Younge Master." She replied, as her heel's clicked against the floor. Ember approached the door's, holding her dress up, so she wouldn't trip.

Ciel Studied Ember's expression, as it went from Normal to Shocked, then to Concerned. Ciel stood and walked to the door. "Younge Prince, What are you doing Here." Ember asked, as Ciel opened it wider. He caught a glimpse of the Younge Prince in normal wear. Ciel raised an Eyebrow at the younge lady that accompied him. "And Who have you brought With you?" He asked, not even bothering to see if was injured in any way.

Ciel turned to Ember, "Start a Fresh Pot of Tea, for Our Guest." She nodded, before shuffling off. "And As for You Two, Welcome In." Ciel turned and walked back to the Living room, leaving the door open as an Open invite to the Two that stood before them.
Nileriel walked inside and Aseres followed behind him shyly. She'd never been inside a place as nice as this. "Wow," she whispered. Nileriel followed Ciel into the living room. "I decided to leave the-" he stopped himslef glancing over at Aseres. "You can not repeat anything you hear, understood?" She nodded and he sighed relieved. "I left the castle. Do you know of what has happened since then? I imagine it has turned to chaos, they all probably think I was taken by the other guilds." Nileriel said and chuckled to himself.
Natasia was relieved to find the other two just outside of the castle. What a coincidence. She followed closely behind her savior, Godefrey. It was odd for her to be on the other side of the fence, bringing attacked by the thieves.

As she entered the inn, Natasia kept her head down, hoping no one would notice her as the trader thief. She walked swiftly to her room, her legs in a long stride, her feet picking up high. She observed the room. It would do. "Quaint," she joked to Godfrey. She raised an eyebrow at him when he told her she could have the bed. "Why, thank you..." She began undressing, leaving the bottom most layer of clothing to cover her skin. She slid into bed, smirking. "Night."
Ciel offered two chair's, brought out by Ember, to sit in. Both faced His Chair. Ciel bowed infront of the younge Prince, "Your Majesty." He said regularly, before sitting into his chair. Ciel maintain perfect posture in him doing so. Ciel waved forward Ember, as she brought out a fresh pot. Ember walked over to the table between the two chair's and set down two tea cup's. She took the pot and poured the freshly brewed Tea. Ember cursyed at the Prince, "Gynsion, Peppermint, Honey, or Spearmint in your Tea?" She asked politely.

Ciel took his drink, and sipped it. Holding the Tea cup in his Palm's he glanced at the Two. "Yes I've Heard. I Believe that The War has Taken Full Affect, Your Majesty." Ciel proclaimed.

Ciel set the cup down, "It is that Your General has Perished. If You Haven't Heard." He replied, brushing his hair over his eyepatch. "The Castle's Attack has Also left many of Your Men Dead. Your Sister...." Ciel glanced over at Ember, who stood broad. "We're Unsure. She may or May Not Be Dead. But Could Most Likely be in the Hand's of The Theive's Guild." Ciel Mumbled.
Radehgieh paced back and forth thinking to himself. "Sleep as you wish, Young Princess." he said glancing over at Azriel. She nodded and laid down on the bed and closed her eyes. Radehgieh sighed. From here on it was going to become very difficult. They had little in the way of money and every second they were at risk of being captured. What would they do first? Find the prince? The idea seemed impossible. They had no leads once so ever- not even a guess at where he could be. He could be in hiding, captured by the thieves or even dead. Radehgieh sighed again knowing the best thing right now would to get some sleep. He went over and leaned back in the chair closing his eyes not actually falling asleep for several minutes.


Nileriel was shocked at the news. He shook his head mumbling softly, "Everything is so much worse than I thought it would be. My sister..." The threat of tears sung his eyes. The fact that the general was dead was quite a shock as well. He sighed. Aseres was also aghast but of course for different reasons. "You...you're..." Nileriel glanced at her and simply nodded. "As I said, you will tell no one. To you, I am merely Rnalor the peasant from Black Thorn." She nodded slowly still trying to process everything that was going on. Nileriel turned back to Ciel. "Well then, I guess I won't be going home any time soon." He muttered.
Ciel twidled his Finger's, "No. You will Stay here, Prince. It is the Safest Place for you To Be." He replied, standing. "And Your younge Mistress that Accompy's You May Stay as Well. By What she has Seen and Heard, She too is in Danger." He replied, as he glanced over at the Girl with a cold Stare. "If Any Of The Thieve's Guild Find's out You were With the Prince, You would be taken Hostage. Now We Don't want that do We?" Ciel asked, his voice mockingly cold.

Ciel turned To Ember, "Would you Bring Them Fresh C.othing's before Dinner?" He asked, glancing back at the two. "And Prepare two Room's, They'll need Sleep after a Rough Day." November smiled warmly at the Geust, before mumbling an "As you Wish." And preparing to work.

Ciel sat in his chair once more, "Now Younge Prince," Ciel started, "Shall we Discuss Matter's that are at hand. The Subject's with the War, Your sister, and The Castle Attack." Ciel proclaimed, taking his cup at hand. Ciel sipped the Jasmine Flavored Tea, before beganing his task.

"I am Positive Now, Another Attack Will Be on it's Way." He spoke, his eye's glittering, which was the only sign of emotion on him. "The Castle Down fall has sent all Royal's into Panic and or Hidding. They will throw another attack, but this time it May be to your Citizen's." Ciel shrugged, considering the possibilities.
Nileriel nodded at what Ciel was suggesting. It made sense, he supposed. What Ciel said abou the royals either being in panic or in hiding caught his attention. "You don't suppose maybe that my sister is safe and just in hiding for now. Knowing Radehgieh he would've done something-anything-to keep her safe. Especially since Travis had died." He had to keep hoping his sister was safe.

Aseres glanced at them."I've..had some encounters with the Thieves Guild before. I believe that they'd try to first maybe negotiate- and by that I mean threaten- the smaller towns near the castle into obeying them. If they didn't then of course they'd most likely cause havoc to the town and set fire to it. Leaving the people there to die." she said.

"Hmm...Yes they'd probably think they've won the war. With most of our side dead, captured or in hiding and the castle is, I imagine, in pieces they'd probably try to take over the kingdom. But with that, It won't be long before the Thieves Guild's alliance with The Eastern Alliance is broken." Nileriel said.
Ciel Nodded, "Indeed you Both are Right." He mumbled, "Younge Prince, if your sister is alive and in hiding, the Thieve's most Likely think she is dead from the attack. And You Have Been Missing, For quite a while... They would believe that you have Fled or have expirenced Death As Well." He paused, "This would make them Stronger, They might come to Your Kingdom and tell all The Citizen that The Prince and Princess are Dead. This would make our People coware and give in. " Ciel proclaimed.

"They wouldn't Try to Fight, because all they care about is their Money." Ciel suggested, "Pathetic People..." he mumbled. "No, The Eastern wouldn't be to happy. And the Fire, as they know, would send the Royal's fleeing and begging at their feet. That's exactly what they want."

November walked in smiling, "Room's are Ready," She announced, holding a bundle of clothes. Ember handed the Young Prince a Pair of Silk Lennim's. Fit For a King, while she walked over to the younge lady and handed her a light blue, silk gown that could have fit a women smaller than her, "This is for you. I Know you are Used to Lesser, but I Hope you Can manage." Ember smiled to the girl. "You both May change in the room's Down the hall, if you please."
Godfrey awoke in a field of green, surrounded by trees, and he realized… he knew this place. He stood but felt as if he were shorter, looking to the bright blue sky he smiled and inhaled the fresh air. He began walking through the trees, excited and enjoying this familiar place. Suddenly he heard a scream and began sprinting towards a large smoke plume that was rising into the air. He came to a village, which also looked familiar, where people were running and shouting. A man scared Godfrey as he grabbed him. This man… where had he seen this man before?

"Godfrey run! Flee from this place my son and don't look back! Do you understand?" The man ordered. Godfrey nodded but before he could turn and run an arrow pierced the man's chest, barely missing Godfrey's face. He heard the faint voice of a woman yell the name Ciniod then his own name. He desperately searched for the woman but found her from a distance with a blade in her stomach. The hand holding it also carried a shield… with a single rose carved into it. Suddenly he was running through a burning forest crying and breathing heavily with horseman hot on his trail.

Suddenly Godfrey awoke startled, back in the Inn, Natasia still sleeping. He put his feet on the floor and his face in his hands… what could this dream possibly mean he thought. He sat up and lit his pipe, better to wait until all this has blown over, then he will ask Radegeigh. 
Godfrey could see the sun rising through cracks in the wall, he hadn't been asleep since the dream. He had sat there in the chair all through the night smoking his pipe and putting an herbal remedy into his forearm cut before bandaging it. From then until now he had smoked all of his tobacco. He looked to Natasia who was still asleep and thought of waking her, she layed there peacefully and just looked so… he decided to let her rest. Godfrey walked out of the room and to the counter where a barkeep stood there whistling. Godfrey sat on a stool and ran his hand through his hair before looking at the barkeep who had stopped whistling.

"Mead and if you have it some tobacco." Godfrey asked. The barkeep nodded as he walked away, he returned with a flagon of mead and a pouch of tobacco. Godfrey thanked him and payed him the fee. He lit his pipe and began smoking, taking a drink of the sweet honey mead, the best potion is a stiff one in the morning, Godfrey had always said that. The barkeep leaned in to talk to Godfrey.

"Don't mistake me for rude woodsman, but you travel with strange folk? Where were you headed if I may ask?" The barkeep asked politely. Godfrey took another gulp of mead.

"You may not barkeep, our business is our own, excuse me if i sound hostile." Godfrey replied politely. The man nodded with a smile and poured himself a drink leaving Godfrey to sit alone. He turned his head as he heard the door of Radegeigh's room open…
Radehgieh woke up after only a few hours of rest. At first he'd forgotten where they were and what had happened. He sighed frustrated as it all came back to him and looked over at the princess. He wouldn't wake her, he decided. She'd been through so much it would be unfair to wake her from the sleep she needed. Radehgieh sat there trying to come up with a plan. He'd been in this situation before and didn't even know where to start. All he knew was that for now they just needed to stay hidden and survive. He looked over as Azriel sat up yawning. "Good morning princess." he said getting up and doing a small courteous bow. She looked over at him, her solemn face was almost ridden of any expression. Just sadness was there. "Good morning..." she said softly, almost a whisper. It was almost heartbreaking, depressing really, to see her so sullen. Radehgieh looked at her sympathetically. "We should go meet with the others. When you are ready princess," he said. She got up. "Okay then, ready." she said. There wasn't much they could do about their haggard appearances. Not like they had had the time to pack up their things. Radehgieh nodded and they went outside to find Godfrey. "Hello, is..." Suddenly he realized he didn't even know the thief girl's name. "Is the other one up yet?" he asked.
"She still slumbers in the room, for a woman who is so dangerous she is… quite lovely… a sight to behold truly," Godfrey said dreamily as he smoked his pipe, he began to speak quietly,"tell me… what is the plan or… do you even have one?" Godfrey asked as he noticed the confused face on Radegeigh. He ordered a drink for Radegeigh, the barkeep brought it over and sat it on the counter. Godfrey slid it towards Radegeigh. "Drink up lad, no better way to wash down the blood." Godfrey said before finishing off his mead. He ordered a refill sat some money on the counter, he then turned to Radegeigh.
Radegieh took a sip of his drink, mumbling a thanks. "I haven't been able to think of where to begin. It'll be hard to stay hidden, people will recognize us. And we'll need supplies. Perhaps maybe we should travel to the north. I'm sure my brethren there would lend us a hand, and it would be safe there. But the journey is not an easier. Quite treacherous really. We'll have to go deep into the forest." Radehgieh said. He knew that it would be especially dangerous since the thieves had recently become more powerful.
Godfrey took this into consideration. The safest thing to do would be separate themselves from the castle, where the thieves guild is bound to be hoped up now. Maybe Nileriel had traveled north as well… they had no other choice really. Radehgeigh's kin would be invaluable in their troubles and could possibly help start a counter offensive against the Thieves.

"We mustn't worry about food for we are people of the woods, or have you forgotten the old ways of the Elf," Godfrey asked jokingly,"but there are other necessities we require. We should only enter smaller towns until we reach the forest, we should gather the necessary supplies that way. When do you wish to depart?" Godfrey asked, his mead was refilled and he took a gulp of it's sweetness. He then looked to Azriel and smiled sympathetically knowing she had to be in pain her parents were dead, and he knew that feeling all too well…
Radehgieh nodded. It seemed like a good enough plan. "I hope to leave soon." He said glancing around at the other people in the room. "Before people start recognizing us and are able to put names to our faces. " he sighed. "We won't be able to stay in one area for too long. So we'll need to be able to travel quickly. If we had horses it would be much easier than on foot."
Natasia lay silent, not moving. It had been days since she had sleep. As she slept, she would wake up, only to close her eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep. It was as if nothing had happened, like she was still a member of the thieves, like she had never attempted to kidnap the Prince. As she slowly lifted herself up, eyes half open, the memories came back to her. With a sigh, she lifted herself from the bed, her legs like a new born giraffes.

As she walked down stairs, she could hear the voices of the others. She didn't look like an assassin anymore. With her gear off, she looked like just another girl, fresh from her bed, her hair ruffled and slightly knotted. She felt the soothing morning air on her exposed skin. She was happy till see the rest of her little group, greeting them with a smile. "Good morning everyone," she said in humorous glee. "What's the plan for today?" She took a seat, crossing her legs, and ruffled up her messy, bed kitten hair.
Godfrey eyed her, she looked not dangerous but… rather beautiful. How long had it been since he felt the warmth of a woman.

"We must find some horses, journey north, and avoid detection by the Thieves Guild. Will you come along?" Godfrey asked while in the back of his mind he desperately hoped she would agree, he felt… attracted to her and wished only for her safety.
Natasia, still being tired, had her eyes half open in a drunk like state. She stared off smiling, thinking. Oh how she was tired. She whirled her finger around, signaling the bar keep. As he came to her, she smiled a charming smile, and ordered a cup of tea. Natasia had done this many times before, using her snake like charm to get what she wanted. Of course, the tea was free of charge. "I still got it," she mumbled.

Natasia glanced at Godfrey, through the corner of her eyes. With a smirk she said, "Of course I'm coming with you. I'm an outlaw remember? I need protection." She giggled, sipping at the steamy liquid the bar keep set in front of her. She winked at him, making sure she wouldn't have to pay for her refreshment.
((I'm so sorry I haven't replied. I did not get any alerts this whole time.))

Meladi was absolutely beaten up. Spies from the Eastern Alliance had caught her in the woods the day of the war at the castle. The warrior managed to kill most of them off, but there was still one more when her crystal ran out of power. Instead of directly killing her, the spy decided to fatally wound her and leave her to suffer until death. After the spy left, Meladi used the faint power from the crystal that was still pulsing through her body to make her body heal the major injuries. It took so long that she was not healed in time to fight in the war. Now that the war at the castle was over, her crystal out of power, and everyone was gone, Mel decided to go to the small town of Speararrow. The inn's bar always had the best mead and she desperately needed some now. She rode her horse into town by morning, hitched it by the inn, and walked in where the bar was. Her head was already hazy from being sore and still in pain from the tons of scratches and bruises on her body as she sat down at the bar. "Mead," the elf demanded. The barkeep handed her a large glass of mead as she put the money for it on the counter. Mel took a big swig of it as soon as she could grab it.

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