RP: Battle of Guilds

Radehgieh looked around for the owner of stable and found him tending to one of the horses. "Excuse me sir, but might you be willing to sell us a few of your horses?" He said. The guy looked up at him and nodded saying, "Sure just pick out one you like and we can talk prices later." Radehgieh looked around at a few of the horses and decidedc on one he liked. He looked to see if the others had picked one yet.

Nileriel and Aseres both nodded saying "Thank you." and went and changed in the rooms down the hall. Once they came back out they went over and sat with Ciel again. "Thanks for letting us stay here Ciel...I hate to intrude on you. We'll leave soon, it might be troublesome for you to let us stay here just in case the thieves guild is looking for me." Nileriel said.
Godfrey looked over the horses and found a mighty steed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.d360b47758740bf938ade8c8d437d530.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.d360b47758740bf938ade8c8d437d530.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He saddled the horse and mounted her, patting her neck as he guided her out of the stable.



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Natasia stood tall, glancing around the stable. "Hm," she pondered. She ran her nails through her morning hair and walked over to the nearest horse. Her steps were shorter despite of her usually long gait. Swinging her leg over the pure white mare, she smiled, happy to be on a steed. "Let's go, shall we?" She smiled and giggled, nit in an innocent way, but a mature, mocking way.
(just because I find it fun I might as well post what Azriel's horse looks like too.


After paying the man and mounting his horse Radehgieh followed them outside. He nodded looking over at Meladi. "Lead the way." he said.
Meladi gave Natasia a death glare before turning her head to Radehgieh and nodding. She lightly pushed her heels into the side of her horse and started in the direction they were to head. The elf wasn't sure how she felt about the new company. She was always used to having just Radeh with her, or also a ton of troops. She glanced at the group out of the corner of her eyes.
Radehgieh followed closely behind Meladi and then caught up riding beside her. He could tell she wasn't pleased with the fact they had to bring the others along. "You okay?" he asked awkwardly. Outside giving orders and discussing strategies Radehgieh didn't usually talk to people that much so his social skills were a little weak.
Godfrey couldn't help but feel unwanted, if Radeh was her friend why not trust his judgement? He decided to remain quite and follow respectfully and quitely. He lit his pipe and looked off into the distance, thinking of the adventures that lay ahead of him. He thought of the dream, until then he could not remember exactly what happened the day his village was destroyed. Did the scarlet rose really do it, there was a shield with a rose after all he thought. He puffed his pipe and remained to himself giving a confident smile to Natasia.
Meladi sighed. "Yeah. I'm just not used to interacting with outlawed ex-thieves and going on adventures with people I just met." She smiled slightly, trying to make light of her situation. "I just kind of wish I could go home and pretend like none of this ever happened."
"yeah, don't we all?" said Radehgieh chuckling. He totally understood Meladi's opinions about all this but it was probably best for them to all stay together right now, given the situation.
Godfrey watched as the elves talked, it seemed as if the tension was losing strength and be relaxed a little. He puffed on his pipe and blew smoke rings into the air.
Meladi laughed. "If only I had a home to go to and the fact that I don't want to just abandon you." She played with her horse's mane, as she rode.
Godfrey looked around enjoying the sights, he turned to look behind them but was startled to see some riders coming from behind them, and they were coming fast! Godfrey drew his sword.

"RIDERS TO OUR REAR!!" Godfrey yelled to the others as he turned his horse to meet the riders.
Souma was relaxing under a tree when he heard a shout he got up and looked around and saw a small group about to be attacked from the rear and thought looks "like I could possibly earn a couple bucks even in a remote place like this" Souma then hopped onto his horse and rushed to the group led by the man who just shouted the warning he reached them with a couple seconds to spare and quickly asked them I know there isn't any time to explain who I am but want some extra help?
"No thanks, kid. Why not leave this to the professionals?" Meladi then took out her bow and an arrow from her quiver as quick as lightning. Her horse turned to face the new enemies and pulled the arrow back. When she let go, the arrow flew and hit a rider straight in the heart. She quickly reached back for another arrow.
Meladi had killed a rider already, she was skilled with a bow, four to go Godfrey thought as he charges the riders. He meets blades with one and knocks him off his horse, Godfrey rears up his horse and stomps the man. Godfrey met blades yet again and fought with the woman on horseback!
Kid huh, if you underestimate me I'd say you'd regret it but you wouldn't be alive to do so grandma younger doesn't necessarily mean weak you know. Souma said that while at the same time quickly withdrawing his blades and then reflected an arrow from the side that would have hit her, he then laughed and said leave this to the professionals eh last I checked they didn't drop their guard so easily. Souma saw the man who he assumed was the leader charge the remaining riders and figured it was over as there was only a few remaining so he went off to the side a fair distance away from either groups and watched to see how the remaining events panned out.
Meladi immediately took out the rider with a crossbow and the only one left that Godfrey wasn't fighting. "Breath," she whispered as she rode around near the side of the remaining rider. She then threw a gust of wind at the woman, which knocked her off the horse so Godfrey could kill her. "Who were you calling grandma, kid?" Mel rode up to the boy, an arrow pointed at him. She was letting her sassy side get to her, but she knew she couldn't kill the boy.
Godfrey leapt off his horse and plunged his blade through her chest and into the dirt. He twisted it until she lay their dead. He mounted his horse and approached Meladi.

"Shall we continue, madam elf?" Godfrey asked jokingly. He could see she was a valuable ally and wanted her to accept him. He looked over at the stranger then to Meladi."and what of the boy? It's your call." Godfrey said as trotted back over to Natasia, who he had grew very fond of.
Souma shrugged and replied Who was I calling a grandma? I don't know who else it could possibly be but the person in front of me who judges people on age besides from this distance I'm pretty sure I'd win so I'd remove your arrow if I were you. Souma threw a quick punch but stopped right at her chin and said fighting you from a distance I'd have problems but if you get this close I don't even need to try besides in the first place all I did was offer you some help I don't really know how that warranted you calling me a kid and completely brushing me off.
Meladi looked down at his fist. "You know the only reason I said no was because I didn't know if you could fight or not. I never judged you on your age." She pulled the arrow off of her bow and put it back in the quiver. "I joined the troops when I was just 15 years old." She got off her horse and looked down at the boy. "But you are pretty naïve. You don't even know what other powers I hold. It's not just using a bow and arrow." She lifted her hand, wind pushing Souma against a tree and keeping him pinned there. "So just to be clear, you can't always be sure of anything until you have observed everything about a person, and even then there is no guarantee." Mel let him go and then walked back over to her horse, mounting it quickly. "You have a lot to learn, kid." She then turned to the group. "Come on everyone. We don't want to waste time." Mel turned back to the direction they were heading and her horse started to gallop down the path.
"Sorry guy!" Godfrey said as he galloped off with his group. He had skill with a blade but he is hot tempered and that could bring about disaster. Hopefully he takes Meladi's words to heart and betters himself.
"Not bad" Souma thought pinned up against the tree but he felt the flow of wind was weaker towards the left side and was able to move his arm from the elbow down so he gripped the hilt of one of his blades and flicked it in the direction of the elf while she was leaving landing right in front of the horse surprising it which in turn forced her to fall off and broke the needed concentration to keep him restrained. He then ran over to them pinned her to the ground and said the attempt wasn't bad but you really cant be sure of anything until you observed everything about a person and even then there is no guarantee mockingly. He then got up released her from the hold picked his blade out of the ground and said Thanks for the interesting show but I can tell when I'm not wanted I wish the best for you on your travels.
Meladi got up from the ground and could feel her blood temperature rising. "DOES BEING A COMMANDER GET NO RESPECT ANYMORE?!" She yelled as loudly as possible at no one in particular. Her blood temperature still rising, Mel walked over to her frightened horse. "It's okay Little Tyke. It's all okay." Her face was completely red as she tried to calm herself by calming her horse. She pet her horse's head and finally felt him calming down. She felt hot, angry tears start to try to push their way out of her eyes, but made them stay back. She got back on her horse and looked at everyone. "Let's go." She then looked down at Souma and smiled. "Maybe one day you won't be so naïve." She dug her heels into Little Tyke and he started to gallop away once again.

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