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  1. Merlin_Supreme

    Fantasy Bandits of the Pantheon Interest Check

    I want to claim a spot if still possible?
  2. Merlin_Supreme

    Fantasy An OOC as Old as Time (TaOaT OOC)

    i was thinking of making an owl character from the german fairy tail the owl but i was wondering can we be monsters or do we need a human form? @BackSet
  3. Merlin_Supreme

    Ronald & Rose Gaubert

    Name: Ronald Gaubert Nickname: “Ron” Sexuality: Straight Gender: Male Age: 38 Crush: N/a Personality: Ron is seen as reliabil, fearlessness, discipline, consistency,courage, motivation and skill Type: Dragon Hunter Likes: Hanging with his daughter, Training, and Sleep...
  4. Merlin_Supreme

    Fantasy The Elder Scrolls V: A New Rule

  5. Merlin_Supreme

    Fantasy The Elder Scrolls V: A New Rule || Characters

    -Name- Elizabeth Azubah -Nickname- Lady Luck -Race- Nord -Gender- Female -Age- 19 -Appearance- -Items- Custom Made Light Armour (x1) Arrow (x23) Bread (x3) Lockpick (x7) Water (x4) Sleeping bag (x1) Fancy Robes (x1) Amulet of Mara...
  6. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya looked up at the iron girl when she was talking about her parent while Tanya was searching the web for other information, she decided to try and make a joke "My father was a toaster" Tanya chuckled at Cassie. @sitanomoto
  7. Merlin_Supreme

    In Character

    (#Blacklivesmatter, not now it isn't)
  8. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya was sitting next to Kairi in the van while listening to music she uploaded into her data base not really listening to the people arguing. The music was barely audible to the people in the van since they were all talking.
  9. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya looked over Kairi's shoulder getting a little bit too close to see what she was putting in the van "So, wanna be friends?" Tanya blurted out trying to make her first friend while invading Kairi's personal space. 
  10. Merlin_Supreme

    In Character

    Hilda in her dragon form flew up into the air at the call of a dragon retreat she slowly circled in the air following the dragons while occasionally shooting a fireball at the advancing army. 
  11. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya got up and walked back to the van where she saw the two people that followed her so she decided to go and talk to them, Tanya went up to Kairi and chuckled "Good fighting out there" Trying to spark up a conversation and a friendship. @Kairikudo
  12. Merlin_Supreme

    In Character

    Hilda flew down the line of attackers landing on the other side were the dragons were running, She looked around observing how she could help them escape with her wings flexed up ready to swoop off into the air if the attackers got too close.
  13. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya was listening to music when two men ran through the door running away from the combat scene, Tanya reached for her throwing knife lunging it into one man's leg causing him to trip onto the ground. Tanya stood up and her arm changed again to the harpoon she used earlier, Tanya aimed it at...
  14. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya disappeared after the fighting started hiding behind the boxes and slowly sneaked her way to the front entrance leaving the fighting to them. Tanya sat next to the opened front door waiting for anyone to run out so she could tackle them or get anyone trying to escape. 
  15. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    After Tayna killed the other guard she stood up looking behind her at the two Tanya held the small metal ball in her hand and dropped it off the top while turning around closing her eyes and covering Kairi's eyes making sure she wouldn't be harmed by the bright flash. The small metal ball hit...
  16. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya paced around the scaffolding finding the two patrolling guards Tanya sneaked over to the first one and kicked his legs out from underneath him while choking him until he passed out, Tanya slowly laid his body on the scaffolding and crouch-walked to the next one when she was about half way...
  17. Merlin_Supreme

    In Character

    Hilda dove down through the illusion dragons and let her black fire pour down like a rain onto the archers shooting arrows hoping to stop them in the process, Hilda did a barrel role a few arrows sticking into her wings as she flew towards the group of dragons trying to help them escape from the...
  18. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya carefully crawled up to one of the ledges that led inside the warehouse, Tanya held out her finger and her eyes turned black as the edge of her finger lit on fire like a blow torch and the flame slowly sharpened down to a small dagger of blue. Tanya lifted her finger up to the hinges of...
  19. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya reached inside one of her combat uniform pouches and pulled out a little silver ball, "I got a plan" Tanya confidently said. Tanya held her hand up to the roof and her mechanic arm slowly opened up and a small harpoon appeared out of it. Tanya aimed it and then the hook flew out of her arm...
  20. Merlin_Supreme

    Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

    Tanya was pushed forward and didn't know what to do at first then she decided it would be best to just do her thing. Tanya leaned forwards against the warehouse wall her eyes turning a bright red as she looked through the wall, there was seven armed men on the first floor and two patrolling in...