Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

Kairi glanced over at the guys going after Lucas. While she did one of the thugs shot her in the shoulder. it seemed like her mood changed from being calm and level headed to filled with rage. The ice blade melted as fire formed in her hand. She shot the fire at the gunman that shot her. He yelled in agonizing pain before she moved her hand towards the guys going after Lucas. The fire seemed to follow as it pushed them back, giving them third degree burns and shoving them into the wall hard to knock them out

"T-the,  thanks ?" He said
"Mr. Volkov, you are not in boot camp neither are you on a battlefield. Addressing me as 'sir' will not be granting you many favors, if not less. So please try and get into the habit of acting like a normal person." Nemesis snapped, as he began operating on a cadaver.

Nikolai's face was eerily dull as he spoke, "Yes, s-yes," he amended himself quickly, glancing at the cadaver, back at Nemesis, and then to Virian, before finally settling his gaze at a point on the wall.


"I really don't remember your alias so, Kairi and Lucas go get the MG--" He was struck in the head with a club, followed by a deep scratch as a bullet almost punctured his neck, burning in the fire around his skull he turned around to see a large man, a gun held up at his forehead. "You've got to be kidding me." He said with a grin, rolling back he kicked the man's gun out of his hands before whipping a chain around the man's head, knocking him out before looking back to Kairi and Lucas. "Get the shipment, quick!" He exclaimed.


"I really don't remember your alias so, Kairi and Lucas go get the MG--" He was struck in the head with a club, followed by a deep scratch as a bullet almost punctured his neck, burning in the fire around his skull he turned around to see a large man, a gun held up at his forehead. "You've got to be kidding me." He said with a grin, rolling back he kicked the man's gun out of his hands before whipping a chain around the man's head, knocking him out before looking back to Kairi and Lucas. "Get the shipment, quick!" He exclaimed.

"Come on  Kairi quick" lucas said to her running tword shipment


The fifteen year old was quite enjoying the experience of being a hero. "It's Spydah Man!" One of the thugs exclaimed before she sent a foot to the man's face, immediately KOing him. "It's Spider-Girl, bitch." She said before ducking her head, a bullet firing into a nearby wall. "Now who wanted to hurt poor little me." She said slowly, turning around to a man shivering with a gun in hand. She webbed some too on the tip of the gun, walking forward she moved her hands over the man's chest before giving him a smooch on the lips, the man immediately falling as she'd bio-shocked him. "Eh, he's not too bad of a kisser." She said facing the others. Lucky Raymond didn't see it. She thought with a soft chuckle.
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Tanya disappeared after the fighting started hiding behind the boxes and slowly sneaked her way to the front entrance leaving the fighting to them. Tanya sat next to the opened front door waiting for anyone to run out so she could tackle them or get anyone trying to escape. 


The fifteen year old was quite enjoying the experience of being a hero. "It's Spydah Man!" One of the thugs exclaimed before she sent a foot to the man's face, immediately KOing him. "It's Spider-Girl, bitch." She said before ducking her head, a bullet firing into a nearby wall. "Now who wanted to hurt poor little me." She said slowly, turning around to a man shivering with a gun in hand. She webbed some too on the tip of the gun, walking forward she moved her hands over the man's chest before giving him a smooch on the lips, the man immediately falling as she'd bio-shocked him. "Eh, he's not too bad of a kisser." She said facing the others. Lucky Raymond didn't see it. She thought with a soft chuckle.

"No kissing the bad guys," Makayla called, punching a guy into another guy.


She chuckled, catching the guy Makayla had thrown she webbed another man into the group midair before cocooning the three into a blob. "Don't tell Raymond, 'kay? Just wanted 'em to remember me somehow, feel me?" She said multitasking she took out about three other guys as she chatted.


Two slender men, maybe twins ran off in the warehouse, scared of dying they pushed the large door open, attempting to run away. @Lady_Luck
"No prom-" A few bullets hit her face, and forehead, she looked at the men who had just shot at her, and picked up one of their buddies who was unconscious. "I was in the middle of a conversation!" She threw him at them, knocking them into a wall. Then looked back at Cassidy. "No promises."

@Nicholas Waldorth
Tanya was listening to music when two men ran through the door running away from the combat scene, Tanya reached for her throwing knife lunging it into one man's leg causing him to trip onto the ground. Tanya stood up and her arm changed again to the harpoon she used earlier, Tanya aimed it at the man and fired it sending the harpoon through his back pulling him back to her. Tanya unhooked her arm from the harpoon and walked to the screaming man on the ground who had the dagger in his leg, she pulled it violently from his leg and slid his throat walking back to the door blood stains on her face she sat down and kept listening to her music.
Dylan sat underneath an oak tree. He was practicing some new things to do with his powers. For the past few weeks he has been trying to manipulate the elements but each time he has failed. His theory: If he can take on the texture, what if he can remove it but still control it? Well that was the theory anyway.
Nikolai's face was eerily dull as he spoke, "Yes, s-yes," he amended himself quickly, glancing at the cadaver, back at Nemesis, and then to Virian, before finally settling his gaze at a point on the wall.

"You are going to be helping me refine the X-Gene along with the rest of the class. But you two will be receiving extra credit for this time right now." Nemesis said, before plopping an orange kidney into a jar. "You just need to order my store room."

Virian groaned, before pulling Nikolai into the store room. It was rows upon rows of body parts, organs, and animals in jars of formaldehyde.
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"You are going to be helping me refine the X-Gene along with the rest of the class. But you two will be receiving extra credit for this time right now." Nemesis said, before plopping an orange kidney into a jar. "You just need to order my store room."

Virian groaned, before pulling Nikolai into the store room. It was rows upon rows of body parts, organs, and animals in jars of formaldehyde.

Nikolai dragged behind Virian, entirely unperturbed by the plethora of body parts in the store room. "Smells. Like. Death," he commented in what was almost a groan. "Who is he?" he asked, curious. "What is X-Gene?"


A large boo, was heard from the crate that was told to have a bomb in it, out came the slender green spandex'd villain... Electro! "Well, well, well. Trying to ruin my shipment I see?" He asked in a ghoulish voice, zooming through the cables from time to time so no one would be able to attack him. "Well.... We'll see about that!" He exclaimed as the green goblin flew in from the side of the warehouse, breaking the steel wall he began to drop his famous pumpkin bombs.


He'd received word that the kids needed assistance for the mission and immediately looked to his list of student back ups. "Clark." He muttered before turning to the P.A Speaker. "Dylan Clark, meet at the underground bunker. You're used to it so it shouldn't be too difficult." He said before beeping out.
Earthy rock climbed Dylan's arm as he laid it on the grass. He could feel the texture moving up his arm and when he focused his mind he could feel it lifting. Dylan looked down and could see flecks of dirt just floating. He grinned then a loud voice rang over the P.A Speaker. The dirt dropped instantly and his arm turned back to normal. "Dylan Clark, meet at the underground bunker. You're used to it so it shouldn't be too difficult." You have to be kidding me, Dylan thought to himself as he got up. The first break through in weeks and he's being sent on some stupid mission. He sighed and started walking.

Few minutes later

"I'm home!" he shouted in the bunker.

@Nicholas Waldorth
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Hank didn't look up from what he was doing now. "Suit up Dylan, you're taking the hover cycle." He began. "Electro just ambushed the other students so you're gonna save their butts." He said, twisting around in the chair to face Dylan. "Understood? They're by the port of Queens in a warehouse. You'll know it when you come across it." He added.

Nikolai dragged behind Virian, entirely unperturbed by the plethora of body parts in the store room. "Smells. Like. Death," he commented in what was almost a groan. "Who is he?" he asked, curious. "What is X-Gene?"

"Dr. James Bradley, otherwise known as Dr. Nemesis is a mutant and an asshole. Greatest biologist in the world. Guy could shoot you with a bullet made of cancer." Virian said, as he rearranged a jar of eyes.

"And the X-Gene is the gene that creates mutants."
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"Suit up? Have you met me?" he snorted, "And no need for a hover cycle," Dylan added. He fixed his leather jacket and grabbed the bouncy ball. His arms and legs turned to the flexible, gooey texture. "Later boss," Dylan said giving a salute before slinging off. Dylan manoeuvred through the city. People looked on in awe as he made his way. Gaps and shouts could be heard through out like, "Look, It's Ruin!", "He's so dreamy!" Dylan ignored them though.

Dylan saw the warehouse in the distance. He leaped into the air and his arms and legs turned back to normal. Since he was so high in the air he started falling to the ground. Dylan merely smiled before his whole body turned into Diamond. The hardest substance in the world. He crashed through the warehouse roof and landed in a superhero position. The floor cracked beneath him due to the contact and a bang rang out through the warehouse.

Superhero position: (Imagine that but instead of Iron Man but a diamond man xD)


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