Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

"Aren't you knida young to be dateing?" He said not even knowimg their age
He looked over to Makalya and the other boy. "Hey! One of you come with me so we can go kick some ass, will ya? Standard bloody procedure!" Uncnonsciouly referring to S.W.A.T. tactics manuals again. "I swear sometimes..." He muttered.
He looked over to Makalya and the other boy. "Hey! One of you come with me so we can go kick some ass, will ya? Standard bloody procedure!" Uncnonsciouly referring to S.W.A.T. tactics manuals again. "I swear sometimes..." He muttered.

"Yep, on it!" Makayla called, running over to him. "Well, asses will be kicked."
"I done all I can do. But I wanna watch just in case"  he said following them 


Electro frowned, zooming out of a cable behind Dylan he kicked the teen's head, shocking him as his body hit his. "You've grown weaker, Ruin. You've beat me once but once is once!" He exclaimed, sending an electrical beam to the teen's body, attempting to fry him.

"Wait who?" He asked

"I think they're dating."

"Well I think I know what to do..." she smirks before charging at Electro with a spear in her hands
"Post up, I run you cover, then you run I cover. We keep going like that until we reach the baddies." He said. "Ready?" He asked, readying both magnums.


Electro looked up to the girl as he was speared in the side, being sent back into the wall he pushed up, electricity forming all over his body he attempted to shock the girl in her gut.
[FONT= 'Courier New']Raymond[/FONT]

He looked back to the others, gasping as he came face to face with electro. He quickly jumped back as a pumpkin bomb fell down, killing the thug in front of him but sending him back a couple feet. "Crap." He muttered, looking up to the Green Goblin. "Hey get down her coward!" He exclaimed, generating a chain towards the hover board he was on. It lit up, the gasoline on the vehicle causing it to blow up as the goblin fell down on his ass. "Bingo." The fiery rider said as he charged forward. He had to quickly move from side to side due to the pumpkin bomb but as he attempted to punch the villain he slipped out another bomb onto his palm, sending him back as well as breaking his arm. "Spider-Girl! Back up!" He exclaimed as the villain neared.


[FONT= 'Courier New']She looked back to Raymomd, eyes widening she ran towards the goblin, a frown on her face. "C'mere you green-skinned loser!" She yelled, striking him in the back with her foot. The goblin began firing more bombs before she dodged them, webbing them midair she sent them back to the goblin's face, blowing up in his head it sent the villain back. "Get up, Rider." She said with a sly smirk as Raymomd reached for her hand. "I saw you kiss him." Raymond commented as they looked to Electro. "Err.. " She stuttered. "We'll talk later." He said, running off to take out more baddies.[/FONT]


Electro frowned, looking to the teens he narrowed down his eye brows. "You kids can't take me down! Give up now and l--" He looked to Green Goblin's unconscious body with a frown. "That loser. Come at me dweebs." He taunted.

He looked back to the others, gasping as he came face to face with electro. He quickly jumped back as a pumpkin bomb fell down, killing the thug in front of him but sending him back a couple feet. "Crap." He muttered, looking up to the Green Goblin. "Hey get down her coward!" He exclaimed, generating a chain towards the hover board he was on. It lit up, the gasoline on the vehicle causing it to blow up as the goblin fell down on his ass. "Bingo." The fiery rider said as he charged forward. He had to quickly move from side to side due to the pumpkin bomb but as he attempted to punch the villain he slipped out another bomb onto his palm, sending him back as well as breaking his arm. "Spider-Girl! Back up!" He exclaimed as the villain neared.


She looked back to Raymomd, eyes widening she ran towards the goblin, a frown on her face. "C'mere you green-skinned loser!" She yelled, striking him in the back with her foot. The goblin began firing more bombs before she dodged them, webbing them midair she sent them back to the goblin's face, blowing up in his head it sent the villain back. "Get up, Rider." She said with a sly smirk as Raymomd reached for her hand. "I saw you kiss him." Raymond commented as they looked to Electro. "Err.. " She stuttered. "We'll talk later." He said, running off to take out more baddies.

"What the hell am I? Chopped liver?"
"Willyou shut up im trying to have them not murder you" be said to electro 


"Arghh." He yelled in frustration, moving both hands into the air. "You've won this one, but I'll return." He clarified, zooming into another wire, his goons began to flee the warehouse, one even had the decency to kick the goblin's body.
"Just run to that next set of crates!" He said as he watched for any thugs. "When you get there, watch for any thugs while I run up!"


He sighed, watching the thugs leave the ware house, he kicked at the bodies on the side as he walked down. "Let's head back to the academy." He said bluntly, his hands in his pockets as he said this.


She continued up with Raymond, scratching her hand she nodded to the rest of the group. "We should go, yeah." She said in agreement.



He sighed, watching the thugs leave the ware house, he kicked at the bodies on the side as he walked down. "Let's head back to the academy." He said bluntly, his hands in his pockets as he said this.


She continued up with Raymond, scratching her hand she nodded to the rest of the group. "We should go, yeah." She said in agreement.


Lucas signed "ill get the van ready" he said walking tword it     

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