In Character

The man looked up and saw the black hole. "Yeah I think you two humans should run. That looks like it'll cause some major damage. Hey girl, Best get out of your fight otherwise we'll get swallowed up. I have to save that guy in the thick of things." The Man ran into the battle to check on the injured Dragon slicing some humans in the process. "Hey can you get up or am I going to drag you out of here?"

@Safety Hammer @Flareshield @DarknessSpirit @Dutchmann

Violet used her powers to cool her hand. "It's OK Kage. I can use my powers to keep the pain in check. For now do whatever to close my wounds." Violets wounds were frozen so she could get Kage out but the ice was beginning to melt.

Black hole wha- Alas turns around, to see what has been going on during the fight between he woman. It's a black hole? That's ancient magic! It takes a wizard almost their entire life just to even pull a small on, and that?! He can't help but stare at it, it's... huge, abnormal, something no other than what Alas assumes a dragon can do. How did the humans back then win against this? He almost gave up hope, how can he fight this? It takes an entire guild to "try?" Alas thought that this was enough, was it? 
Not only strength but speed as well? Dragons, demons? Who gives a damn anymore! This creature must go down! Alas tries his best to defend himself against the woman's rapid attacks. Managing to defend himself against some of it, however, most do manage to hit him. Nothing major expect some slices, and a nice little cut against his chest. He continues to fend himself until he gets really pissed. 

"Enough!" Alas shouts as he swings the mace at the woman, this time he charges at her while he does with his shield up.


Thorn hardly dunked under the swinging mace in time, but also caused her to not see the shield, Thorn looked up to see the shield slam into her form, making her lose balance and fall on her back, reminding her of the arrow hole in her thigh, Thorn then staggered to get up. 
Blake graoned as she slid a few inches. "Maybe because my blade has not been drawn this entire battle, or maybe the fact your friend over there," She nodded over at Baldur, "Needs assistance, and a lowly human is not worth your time."

Kage though for a moment, "I don't think so. With yout other wounds, I could've frozen them, or used shadows to keep them shut until we could treat them properly," She said quietly. "I could try to use the shadows to relive some of the pain."


Mentioned: @Safety Hammer

Baldur panted heavily, before collapsing to the floor, exhausted.
Alas snapped out of his awe of the black hole and knew what he must do. What he's really good/bad/meh at doing, running. 

Alas turned around and started to dash in the opposite direction of where the black whole was happening, it was a slow process at first, he didn't know why, but he felt the need to push his body forward, as if something is dragging in him. Alas ignores most of the people/dragons as his one goal right now was to get out of here! 
Alistair kept riding forward, and getting deeper into the woods. Then there was a distorted howl as a pack of wolves appeared, with discolored fur, black smoke oozing from their body, and a thick black goo dripping from their maws, topped with bloody, red eyes. luckily, link is protected with his blessing from the elven gods, which protects him from all harm inflicted by evil, and angelina is protected by the necklace, which does the same thing. Epona rears up as the wolves got closer. "Alistair!! What do we do!?" Proxi shouted as he dismounted the horse, and drew his blade. "Are you crazy?! You will be killed!!" proxi shouted as the boy comfidently smiles, and puts on the Fierce deity's mask, and began to fight the growing pack, with taking multiple wolves out with each swing as beams of energy fly from his blade.

There were a couple wolves who attacked Epona, knocking down the horse, and throwing Angelina off. The wolves mauled Epona as she whinnied out of fear, pain, and agony. Alistair heard the horse crying out, and screamed out of rage as his sharp canines were bared, and charged the wolves eating his mount, and struck them down with one blow, their heads laying inches from their bodies.

One of the wolves, much bigger than the others, came up, the smaller ones backing off. The alpha growls, and bares his fangs to Alistair. Flapping was heard as Darmani soon landed in dragon form, powder flowing through his body like a flame. He charged the alpha, and rammed him down into a tree, then he went airborne, and exploded in a massive fiery inferno, incinerating the alpha, and any other wolf caught in the blast. The survivors flee, leaving a trail of ooze behind. Darmani reverts to human form, and walked up to the enraged, and confused boy behind his mask. "You could have been killed, lad. But luckily i came in to intervene." he said, looking up at the boy's face. "You are quite courageous, and I give you my commendation." Darmani said in a fatherly tone as alistair took off hi mask, and after reverting to his original form, he looks at epona, and sadness wipes any other emotion away as tears ran down his cheek. His best friend, loyal steed, was dying. "Epona..... No....." proxi said in a saddened tone. Alistair walked up to the dying horse, and collapsed onto his knees as he started to cry.

He then hugged the horse as he cried. Darmani watched from a distance. He had a similar loss 20 years ago, so he could relate to the elven boy's grief. @Shiro kurogane

( this was the biggest reply I have made ever.....) 
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(I am really hopping there is a forest near someone so I am not all alone, I also hope this is a good way to bring my character in. Though I have No clue what is going on now so... ya, lol)

Ash’s scales glistened and glittered in the sunlight as she yawned stretching her limbs and her wings. Her’s and her sisters den was behind her-a cave. Her belly rumbling slightly, she spread her wings and took flight, soaring above the treetops. She could feel the wind beneath her wings, she shifted her cranium to gaze downward, in search for food. The scent of an animal wafted to her nose. She followed the scent, descending downwards and soon she landed, her paws touching the softness of grass, crunching ever so slightly under her feet. After following the scent for several miles she soon caught a glimpse of a deer. She curled her lip, she could almost tastes the flesh on it. It’s head is down, jaw chomping away at the fallen leaves and grass. Prowling behind it, she flexed her talents, waiting for the perfect time to slaughter it.

The deer halted, its head lifting, gazing around the forest, its jaw still working on the patch of grass and leaves between its jaw a few slip from its mouth and land soundlessly on the forest floor. It was growing suspicious its eyes were about to scan the forest in her direction, she cannot allow that. She snarled, leaping on top of the deer, she dug her talons into its flank, it cries out. The scent of blood fills her nostrils, her sisters would not go hungry tonight. The deer struggles, desperately trying to escape the dragon's wrath. She simply tightens her grip, sinking her fangs into the deer's neck, snapping its throat. It’s body twitches, making no more sound, is shakes once, twice, before falling limp under the dragon's weight, withering onto the forest floor. The dragon grinned satisfied her kill, time to take it home to the sisters. 

[SIZE= 16px]@Anyoneclosebye[/SIZE]
( @Betweengoodandevil Tis night-time, well, around 4 am in the morning. And all the dragons are currently in a forest fighting dragon hunters, and trying to escape. Also, you guys are so nice for waiting on me. I'm so sorry, today is the first chance I've had wifi cause the fuck nuts at Time Warner haven't turned my wifi on yet, so I'm not at home rn, so I'm only on for a few hours.)

"This may hurt," Kage said softly.  She had done this many times before, and knew that humans found it extremely painful, but maybe to a dragon it wouldn't be so bad. Kage didn't want to hurt Violet anymore than she already was. Once the ice was gone, multiple small strings of shadow began to close the wounds most deadly, sealing them shut much like thread would. And since they were safetly away from the battle, Kage could do this without much worrying.

Blake nodded at Lance, lowering her sheild. "You have my thanks." She muttered this as he ran off to help his comrade. Then looked at Alas, "Come on! There's no shame in running from that! Long as you fought in the battle!" 

@Baku @Flareshield @Dutchmann @Shiro kurogane @Ellieroan @DarknessSpirit @Mistory @Safety Hammer @Emperor Of Embers 
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Violet felt her wounds closing up. Kage must have done this before due to how precise it felt. "Thank you Kage. Right now the only thing that remains is my headache but we can't do anything about that. Should we wait for the others or keep running?"

"I think we're far enough away for us to wait for the others," Kage said with a soft smile. "Besides, I'd feel bad if we left them behind." Kage looked around, "I hope their ok."

Alas looked at Blake and nodded in acknowledgement,

"You're right..." Alas said, wanting to mope about it, but best not complain for, he's not dead and his honor is still... somewhat intact. His breath started to shorten, he wasn't really a fit man for running. He grips onto his mace and took a moment to realize the battle. 

"All those people died..." Alas mumbled, he wanted to act out in a fit of rage again, charge back into the battle and attempt to avenge those who have fallen. 

"Damn those dragons."

Alas looked at Blake and nodded in acknowledgement,

"You're right..." Alas said, wanting to mope about it, but best not complain for, he's not dead and his honor is still... somewhat intact. His breath started to shorten, he wasn't really a fit man for running. He grips onto his mace and took a moment to realize the battle. 

"All those people died..." Alas mumbled, he wanted to act out in a fit of rage again, charge back into the battle and attempt to avenge those who have fallen. 

"Damn those dragons."


"Don't damn them just yet. Most of them didn't even fight back, they ran," Blake said.
"It's probably because they cannot fight, maybe they're the ones who uses all this... trickery.  I bet most of those can't even fight right. But those...." Alas can't help but think about how pointless it is to fight whatever can do...that. 

"I don't know how to fight those... abyssal dragons." 

 Asura's blackhole reached an even larger size yet again. Nearly anything and everything was being sucked into it. In his berserker state Asura barely registered the hunters were retreating now after seeing the blackhole. No longer seeing the need for it, Asura set to work neutralizing his blackhole. Which was much harder than it was to create one, one screw up and himself along with the whole forest would be gone on the blink of an eye. The progress was slow but after an hour Asura had gotten the size down to the same size as a small rock. Now that he was done, his form of pure black melted away to reveal him normal human form. Now he had a decision to make, return to where Kage and the others were... Or go back to being on his own. He's seen Kage's look of fear towards him, caused by his berserk form and triggered from his anger at Kage's saying 'who cares about my safety'.

Suo cracked an eye open only to shut it again. "ow" He whined still having not realized Dru was holding him. 


Alistair kept riding forward, and getting deeper into the woods. Then there was a distorted howl as a pack of wolves appeared, with discolored fur, black smoke oozing from their body, and a thick black goo dripping from their maws, topped with bloody, red eyes. luckily, link is protected with his blessing from the elven gods, which protects him from all harm inflicted by evil, and angelina is protected by the necklace, which does the same thing. Epona rears up as the wolves got closer. "Alistair!! What do we do!?" Proxi shouted as he dismounted the horse, and drew his blade. "Are you crazy?! You will be killed!!" proxi shouted as the boy comfidently smiles, and puts on the Fierce deity's mask, and began to fight the growing pack, with taking multiple wolves out with each swing as beams of energy fly from his blade.

There were a couple wolves who attacked Epona, knocking down the horse, and throwing Angelina off. The wolves mauled Epona as she whinnied out of fear, pain, and agony. Alistair heard the horse crying out, and screamed out of rage as his sharp canines were bared, and charged the wolves eating his mount, and struck them down with one blow, their heads laying inches from their bodies.

One of the wolves, much bigger than the others, came up, the smaller ones backing off. The alpha growls, and bares his fangs to Alistair. Flapping was heard as Darmani soon landed in dragon form, powder flowing through his body like a flame. He charged the alpha, and rammed him down into a tree, then he went airborne, and exploded in a massive fiery inferno, incinerating the alpha, and any other wolf caught in the blast. The survivors flee, leaving a trail of ooze behind. Darmani reverts to human form, and walked up to the enraged, and confused boy behind his mask. "You could have been killed, lad. But luckily i came in to intervene." he said, looking up at the boy's face. "You are quite courageous, and I give you my commendation." Darmani said in a fatherly tone as alistair took off hi mask, and after reverting to his original form, he looks at epona, and sadness wipes any other emotion away as tears ran down his cheek. His best friend, loyal steed, was dying. "Epona..... No....." proxi said in a saddened tone. Alistair walked up to the dying horse, and collapsed onto his knees as he started to cry.

He then hugged the horse as he cried. Darmani watched from a distance. He had a similar loss 20 years ago, so he could relate to the elven boy's grief. @Shiro kurogane

( this was the biggest reply I have made ever.....) 

Angelina picked herself up from where she'd landed after having been thrown off. Her right arm hung limp at her side and swung lazily as she walked over to where Alistair was. She  hadn't known Epona long but she had loved the horse for protecting Alistair. So she too fell to her knees crying softly and wrapping her one good arm around Alistair.
"It's probably because they cannot fight, maybe they're the ones who uses all this... trickery.  I bet most of those can't even fight right. But those...." Alas can't help but think about how pointless it is to fight whatever can do...that. 

"I don't know how to fight those... abyssal dragons." 


Blake stopped running and glared at him, "How do expect to he a successful hunter when you don't even respect your prey in the slightest?" She questioned. "Those dragons were taken by surprise by fifty hunters armed to the teeth, I noticed the ones who ran were the childern, and the girl who had no weapons. The ones who stayed to fighf, fought to keep the hunters away from them. If you can't respect a powerful foe, you don't deserve to engage them in combat."
 Asura's blackhole reached an even larger size yet again. Nearly anything and everything was being sucked into it. In his berserker state Asura barely registered the hunters were retreating now after seeing the blackhole. No longer seeing the need for it, Asura set to work neutralizing his blackhole. Which was much harder than it was to create one, one screw up and himself along with the whole forest would be gone on the blink of an eye. The progress was slow but after an hour Asura had gotten the size down to the same size as a small rock. Now that he was done, his form of pure black melted away to reveal him normal human form. Now he had a decision to make, return to where Kage and the others were... Or go back to being on his own. He's seen Kage's look of fear towards him, caused by his berserk form and triggered from his anger at Kage's saying 'who cares about my safety'.

Suo cracked an eye open only to shut it again. "ow" He whined still having not realized Dru was holding him. 


Angelina picked herself up from where she'd landed after having been thrown off. Her right arm hung limp at her side and swung lazily as she walked over to where Alistair was. She  hadn't known Epona long but she had loved the horse for protecting Alistair. So she too fell to her knees crying softly and wrapping her one good arm around Alistair.

"I guess there is one thing to do......" Proxi said sadly as the boy nodded. He was going to end her suffering, and bring peace to the horse. He gets up, and drew his blade, and drew it through the horse's heart. "We're sorry epona......" the fairy said in grief. Though epona is gone, she will be with them forever. He the cuts of bits of hair from her mane and tail, and puts them in a glass bottle. Darmani saw the events, and looked to Angelina.

"You are injured, young one, perhaps I can take you to someone who can soothe your wounds? I could also allow you to ride on my back." darmani said as the boy and fairy look at the man in red, "What were those wolves.....? Why did they look so...... Cursed?" Proxi curiously questioned as darmani sighed. "They were infected by the Frenzy Virus. And the only sources of the virus is a Shagaru Magala, and its juvenile form, Gore Magala." Darmani replied as alistair and proxi looked at eachother, and at Angelina. "She appears to only have a bad arm, is there someone who I can take you both to?" Darmani asked the girl. 
Dru shushed Suö "there there it's ok you're not dying now so it's ok. Can you talk cam you move?" Dru asked trying to keep his voice as calm as he could. Slowly the sand was setting them down near a now calm Asura. @Shiro kurogane
Alas snapped at Blake this time, he's tired of being questioned of something he views dumb to ask. He stopped running as well and stares at Blake.

"You dare tell me that dragons are good!" Alas shouts as he grits his teeth. 

"Now you listen here! I don't know what fantasy world you were born from, but those dragons are monsters! Demons! Treat them with respect and fair fight?! They tortured us back then! They ruled us back then! You dare say that we should respect powerful beings like them!" Alas couldn't help but raise his voice out of anger. 

"Dare bend a knee to those beasts! They are not our kind! They didn't treat us like our kind! They manipulated us! We fought then before so we wouldn't be slaves to those anymore! So you dare give them another chance?! I refuse to accept your outrageous view on this...." Alas was going to continue, but he felt the urge to just fight this lady with brute force... but that's wrong for him. Alas just turned around and continued to run, seemingly faster than before, Alas furious at everything that happened today. 

"You're bitching about soemthing that happened over 200 years ago! You wanna know something?  The reason I respect dragons, and refuse to harm an innocent one is because I promised someone. I promised them I wouldn't hurt an innocent dragon the way he didn't harm an innocent human," She said sternly. "You wanna know why I also don't ,in if a dragon attacks me? Or attacks other hunters? Do you even know what the Vault is, or how many dragons are slaves right now? Do you even know what they've done to try to make up for their ancestors?"

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