In Character

Alas tries to ignore most of what Blake says, but his anger of wanting to win an argument makes him listen as he still goes on. Vault? Never heard of it. Dragon slaves? Didn't hear of that one either.

"Maybe now those dragons learned what it's like to be a human back then, we learn mistakes from history mad'am." Alas tries to speak calmly, but you can hear an irradiation in his voice, as he's trying to suppress his anger. Make up? Make up what? 

"I would love it if you were to tell me how these great, good, big dragons made up for" Alas tone was childlike and sarcastic until he fell stern again,

"Killing thousands of our kind."

"Have you noticed there art many stories about people bot coming back from journeys to...where ever they waders off to? They always come back, saying how people with shiny skin brings them back, saving them from whatever predicament they were in. People with shiny skin could be one of two things. Nymphs, who don't leave the Shimmering Falls, or dragons, who you can see their scales shimmer in the sun," Blake explained.

"There are many other stories about dragons doing things like this. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying every dragon is good, but all deserve respect. Four dragons out of the I'd say at least ten fought us, and won. That deserves respect as an admiral foe." The woman took a deep breath, and a pause, before going to explain on nm ore thing. "The Vault, if you don't know, is where captured dragon who aren't sold for slaves or for their scales, are tortured and experimented on. Many don't survive, and a majority of the ones taken there are childern."

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"Lies..." is all Alas could say, he can't let this lady manipulate his mind. 

"You just say stories, fairy tales, I want to see the facts, if you truly think this is true, why doesn't any one else say this? It seems only you out of ever other seems to think how you think."

Alas tries to think.... "Dragons only show fear because they try to toy with you..." Alas starts to mumble gibberish after that, he places his shield back onto his back and rubs his templates with his left hand. 

"This must be the reason nobody takes you seriously. You are so closed minded, and you don't seem to know the basics. How did you not know about the Vault? And if you want proof that dragons have changed, look at me. I was raised by one," Blake said, giving him a sharp glare.

Alas thought about it.. Vault. It's probably that one place all those magicians go to? Still no clue about it. Mayb- Alas stopped thinking about the vault when he heard about the lady being raised by dragons. Even if he wanted to suppress it, he couldn't it was too much. Alas burst into laughter,

"Y-you? Dragons?" he chuckled a little, trying to collect himself when speaking. 

"That's truly funny, that answers all my questions I had."

"No wonder why your so protective of them, mayb-" He took a moment to think about it.


"Have you ever heard the tale of a dragon made of bones and lost souls?" Blake asled, ignoring his laughter. "Who's roar would rip the bark off trees and if you ever met him, you best not try to fight back less he take your soul?" She continued. "Well, those may be true to some extent, but he's a very gentle old man, very smart, and loves snickerdoodles." 

(Oh, Blake did explain to him what the vault is. @Dutchmann)
(I know, Alas was trying to think if he recalled of hearing something like what Blake described the vault.)

Alas has heard of a story of a dragon similar to that.

"Bones...." he rubs his chin, 

"Yes... I remember someone talking about that in my village before, but it was a soulless dragon that terrorized many villages near the woods. He was described to be undead like." Alas responded with as he looks at Blake, 

"Don't kid me with you being raised by dragons, out of everything you said, that one takes the cake of being mental, or maybe..." Alas ponders on the many things Blake said. Something dark grips in the back of his mind, he faced it before not so long ago. Maybe it's another one...

"Hanar, The Dragon of the Undead, saved my when my village was attacked by the demon dragon Yuma. I believe I was about seven when it happened. He took me in, trained me, and told me that if I wanted revenge become a hunter. The last time I spoke to him, was a few months ago." She said, running a than through her hair. She then pointed to the long scar on her face which cause her to be blind in her left eye. "This here is a permanent reminder of what happened."

"I guess there is one thing to do......" Proxi said sadly as the boy nodded. He was going to end her suffering, and bring peace to the horse. He gets up, and drew his blade, and drew it through the horse's heart. "We're sorry epona......" the fairy said in grief. Though epona is gone, she will be with them forever. He the cuts of bits of hair from her mane and tail, and puts them in a glass bottle. Darmani saw the events, and looked to Angelina.

"You are injured, young one, perhaps I can take you to someone who can soothe your wounds? I could also allow you to ride on my back." darmani said as the boy and fairy look at the man in red, "What were those wolves.....? Why did they look so...... Cursed?" Proxi curiously questioned as darmani sighed. "They were infected by the Frenzy Virus. And the only sources of the virus is a Shagaru Magala, and its juvenile form, Gore Magala." Darmani replied as alistair and proxi looked at eachother, and at Angelina. "She appears to only have a bad arm, is there someone who I can take you both to?" Darmani asked the girl. 

Angelina watched with a heavy heart as Alistair saved Epona from suffering. She hadn't even noticed her limp arm at her side. When Darmani spoke she instinctively shrunk behind A small tree that did nothing to hide anything. 

Dru shushed Suö "there there it's ok you're not dying now so it's ok. Can you talk cam you move?" Dru asked trying to keep his voice as calm as he could. Slowly the sand was setting them down near a now calm Asura. @Shiro kurogane

"Ehhhhhh, yeah i can talk. moving i can do but i'll be sluggish for a while." Sui answered Dru's questioned tiredly. 

Asura watched Dru and Suo land near him on a cloud of sand. He stayed silent.
The man looked up and saw the black hole. "Yeah I think you two humans should run. That looks like it'll cause some major damage. Hey girl, Best get out of your fight otherwise we'll get swallowed up. I have to save that guy in the thick of things." The Man ran into the battle to check on the injured Dragon slicing some humans in the process. "Hey can you get up or am I going to drag you out of here?"

@Safety Hammer @Flareshield @DarknessSpirit @Dutchmann

Violet used her powers to cool her hand. "It's OK Kage. I can use my powers to keep the pain in check. For now do whatever to close my wounds." Violets wounds were frozen so she could get Kage out but the ice was beginning to melt.


Baldur panted heavily, before collapsing to the floor, exhausted.
Alas fell silent... he didn't know what to say, 

"I-I... this is mind games!" Alas said out of frustration. He gives a hurt look at Blake, could he be wrong all this time? Dragons were good? No! His town stated it, he was taught it. 

"Maybe your a dragon! You could be playing games on me!" Alas said, his voice sounded more of a startled tone than anger.

"You have such a closed minded attitude, how did even become a hunter?" Blake questioned. "I used to think think the same as you when I was younger. For weeks after I was saved, I tried to esacpe, and attack Hanar, but I was injured and couldn't. He never got mad, he never snapped, never tried to hurt me. And I've met many different dragons just like him. Did you notice we were both spared by two dragons? One which you betrayed?"

Lance sighed deciding to get the older dragon up. But trying to lift keep him up and run was another story. "Oh god you are a lot heavier than you look. Well here

I was thinking you were light. Now attempt two!" Lance picked up Baldur using every muscle in his body. "Don't worry big guy. We'll get you to the others."

@Safety Hammer

Violet decided to converse with Kage. "So now that you're free and have a mate along with being reunited with your uncle what's next?"

Dru gasped in relief and hugged Suö tightly before relaxing realizing he might be hurting Suö. "Tell me are you sore or are you in pain and where are you in pain at? I want to see if I can help your body relax after that you me and Asura will find the rest of the dragons." Dru then glaced at Asura to see if he agreed. @Shiro kurogane
"Lecture me about betrayal!" he shouts at Blake, knowing that he just randomly shouted, he calms down seconds after..

"Sorry, listen, I'm really confused about a lot of things, I'm really stressed out. I'm going to the tavern at the town, I need to think about this one..." Alas said as his faced was hurt, he turned back around and started heading in the direction of...

"Wait, where are we?" Alas asked as he thought about where he was, he had no clue of where he was going.

"I have a what?" Kage asked, leaning back against a large near by rock which acted as a sort of shelter. "I don't have a mate do I?" She asked, more to herself than Violet. But, she shook her head, "I'm gonna tag along with you guys. I already said yes to that goddess."

Blake looked around. "Uhhh....I'm not really sure. We must have run in the wrong direction.' She ssid furrow in her brows. "Hmmm, guess we're staying in the woods until sinrise."

"So that was more than a dream. I had my doubts at first but it can't just be coincidence that we all had the same dream. I have to admit this to you and you alone but I'm afraid of what's coming. I know I'm older and should be brave for you but that can be your uncle and Asura's job." Violet was now wondering where Animal was.

@Mistory @FireMaiden
"Damn it..." Alas mutters, he's never really been lost in the woods before. He's been in it plenty of times, but he's never been lost. As a child he was always wary of where he was, maybe it was just too stressful that he didn't focus.

"I honestly don't know what to do first, any ideas?" Alas asked Blake

Dru gasped in relief and hugged Suö tightly before relaxing realizing he might be hurting Suö. "Tell me are you sore or are you in pain and where are you in pain at? I want to see if I can help your body relax after that you me and Asura will find the rest of the dragons." Dru then glaced at Asura to see if he agreed. @Shiro kurogane

"im the closest thing to a doctor here. that should be my words to you. i know how to fix myself." Suo snapped at Dru. He instantly regretted it though seeing as there had been no good reason for it. 

Asura didn't meet Dru's eyes or catch the glance. He'd already turned and started walking off in the opposite direction of where Kage's scent came from. "i'll... meet up with the group later." Asura called behind him without pausing.
Kage chuckled, "It's ok to be afraid. I know I am," She said softly. She than a hand through her hair, brushing some loos hairs out of her face. "What I did, did it hurt? I know it hurts humans a lot." She was talking about her using shadows to close the wounds, wanting to change the subject from fear.


Blake shrugged, "Depends on what you feel like we should do. We could look for some grub, I didn't bring anything with me."

Dru winced and instead of responding hostility he called after Asura "wait don't go she is in the other direction and I'm sure you know it, so why are you going away from her and the rest of the group?" Dru knew that he wasn't anywhere near a qualified doctor in fact he had only read a handful of books on basics of medicine and about medicinal plants and their uses. Dru stood up letting go of Suö "Suö if you can fix yourself then I'll have my sand carry you." @Shiro kurogane
Alas nodded to Blake, 

"I have some dry food rations on me, but I guess we can start with a fire, that sounds nice." Alas said as he started to put off his backpack and open it. Alas starts to rummage through the backpack, looking for a smaller bag full of dry food rations.

"If you want to chop down a tree, that sounds nice." Alas said

Angelina watched with a heavy heart as Alistair saved Epona from suffering. She hadn't even noticed her limp arm at her side. When Darmani spoke she instinctively shrunk behind A small tree that did nothing to hide anything. 

"Ehhhhhh, yeah i can talk. moving i can do but i'll be sluggish for a while." Sui answered Dru's questioned tiredly. 

Asura watched Dru and Suo land near him on a cloud of sand. He stayed silent.

Alistair walked up to angelina, and then held out his hand, then proxi spoke, "This person is trying to help us. I think we should take his offer, so we can get back to the others." proxi said as Alistair gabe Angelina a reassuring smile, he has not let anything get her yet, and he refuses to stop now. "I trust him..... He did repel those wolves after all." proxi added as Darmani surveyed the area for hunters, keeping his guard up. 
Dru winced and instead of responding hostility he called after Asura "wait don't go she is in the other direction and I'm sure you know it, so why are you going away from her and the rest of the group?" Dru knew that he wasn't anywhere near a qualified doctor in fact he had only read a handful of books on basics of medicine and about medicinal plants and their uses. Dru stood up letting go of Suö "Suö if you can fix yourself then I'll have my sand carry you." @Shiro kurogane

Asura already a good twenty feet away finally paused and looked at Dru. "...... she was scared of me, my berserker form. i saw it." He said the words with a grim finality. Nothing would stop him from going and nothing would bring him back to the group before he thought it was okay for him to return.

Suo stubbornly help on with his arms wrapped around Dru's neck. ".... sorry...." He mumbled just barely above a whisper. He hadn't meant to snap at Dru. 

Alistair walked up to angelina, and then held out his hand, then proxi spoke, "This person is trying to help us. I think we should take his offer, so we can get back to the others." proxi said as Alistair gabe Angelina a reassuring smile, he has not let anything get her yet, and he refuses to stop now. "I trust him..... He did repel those wolves after all." proxi added as Darmani surveyed the area for hunters, keeping his guard up. 

Angelina stared at Alistair for a moment before nodding silently. She still stayed close to Proxi and Alistair.

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