In Character

Violet knew to well what Kage was referring to. "Kage you should know Asura would never dream of hurting one of us. And I'm sure he would torment himself if he hurt you. We all have something like that in us. And when we are forced to drag that out we become just like Asura. Chances are he won't be the only one to do that. If anyone is threatened I will hold nothing back. I will leave a trail of shattered bodies if it means to protect you and the others." Perhaps Violet knew she would one day have to give in to the dragon inside and probably go berserk during this journey. But her question was if she could stop herself like Asura had done.

Lance simply replied to Kage. "Old man here decided to go after the big honcho of the guild. The damage you see here is from his confrontation. I have to admit as crazy as this bastard is he knew what he was doing. And I can't help but respect a guy who's willing to go into a life or death situation for the sake of others."

@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden
Kage sighed, "He hasn't changed," She muttered. "Do you think you cold me him a bit closer? What I'm doing to help Violet is extremely short range." She said. She can hold at leat three people's wounds shot with shadows at a time, but they have to be close by. "And Violet...thanks."

@Safety Hammer @Baku
Asura followed after a moment of pause. He both wanted to see Kage, make sure she was safe. But at the same time he didn't wanna see how she would react to him now. 

Suo stayed silent while Dru carried him. His eyes were closed as he concentrated on looking for any internal injuries.

"........ no... but." Angelina mumbled and created a layer of purple unburning flames on the ground beneath their feet. Below them now was an image of the forest from a bird's eye view. Angelina pointed to a section of forest a little ways off from where she'd seen Asura's blackhole disappear. "the group should be around this area." 

Darmani nodded, and wing sprouted from his back, the opened up as an explosion transformed him into his dragon form, a Teostra. "Wow...... He looks like a Lion!" proxi shouted as the dragon gestured for the kids to get on his back, and flapped his wings. 
There was a high pitched scream that echoed throughout the night sky, Klari was running through the woods avoiding the many trees and trying to get away from her attackers. Klari ran full speed to a tree and kicked her way up to one of the higher branches sitting on the cover of the leaves as she waited in silence looking down at the base of the tree. After a couple of seconds, a dog slammed into the base of the tree trunk barking up at Klari she had never seen a dog before and was scared of what it could do it looked extremely violent. Then two hunters came to the dog and told it to be silent as they looked up and saw Klari hiding in the tree, They both laughed and one started to climb the tree to try and bring her down Klari kicked the hunter in the face causing him to fall down and land on the dog. Klari didn't know what to do and called out for help she didn't know why these people were chasing her but something told her people were nearby that would help her Klari held her right knee as it was covered in blood from when she started climbing the tree. 

Phaius ran over to where he had heard the scream, seeing two hunters and a dog trying, and failing to climb the tree. He said, "What a shame. Two hunters that haven't run away yet. Looks like I'm going to have to get my hands dirty." Phaius turned the dog on its owners, and it suddenly became vicious and attacked the hunters, causing them to run away in pain and confusion. Phaius went closer to the tree and looked up, saying, "You must be the dragon I heard screaming earlier. There's no need to worry, I'm a dragon also. I'm just wondering how you are also here in this forest." Phaius leaned against a tree as he waited for a response.
Klari watched in horror as the dog attacked the hunters then they all ran away, There was a silence of the forest a peaceful calming to it. Klari was about to jump down from the tree when someone came over to the tree Klari didn't trust this new person at first there was no way to trust he was a dragon based on the fact that he saved her and told her he was a dragon. Klari pulled out her dagger and dove out of the tree falling towards the stranger below her shouting "I'm an Eternal Flame-Baby!" intending to show him she wasn't a defenseless girl and to question his status as a dragon.

(She likes anarchy XD, sorry forgot im trying to make it were she cant fully control her powers but learns throught the adventure.)
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Darmani nodded, and wing sprouted from his back, the opened up as an explosion transformed him into his dragon form, a Teostra. "Wow...... He looks like a Lion!" proxi shouted as the dragon gestured for the kids to get on his back, and flapped his wings. 

Angelina's fear disappeared completely with Darmani in dragon form. Her fear of people applied to dragons in human form. But animals and everything else was calming to her. It was one of the reasons she avoided places that felt dead. She was on the elder dragon's back before Alistair could get on.
Angelina's fear disappeared completely with Darmani in dragon form. Her fear of people applied to dragons in human form. But animals and everything else was calming to her. It was one of the reasons she avoided places that felt dead. She was on the elder dragon's back before Alistair could get on.

Alistair got on Darmani's back, and held onto Angelina as Darmani took to the skies, and flew to where angelina showed where the group was. It took 2 minutes to get to them, loud flapping was heard as he decsended to the ground. (can you tag everyone else? I would, but tagging on moblie is not fun whatsoever.) 
Klari watched in horror as the dog attacked the hunters then they all ran away, There was a silence of the forest a peaceful calming to it. Klari was about to jump down from the tree when someone came over to the tree Klari didn't trust this new person at first there was no way to trust he was a dragon based on the fact that he saved her and told her he was a dragon. Klari pulled out her dagger and dove out of the tree falling towards the stranger below her shouting "I'm an Eternal Flame-Baby!" intending to show him she wasn't a defenseless girl and to question his status as a dragon.


Phaius easily dodged, expecting her not to trust he was a dragon and prepared for an attack. He smiled slightly, saying, "Eternal flame, like a phoenix? And if you need any proof, here it is." Phaius grew a rose bush and picked one of the roses, presenting it to the Eternal Flame dragon. "Now if this isn't proof enough, then how about a duel? Or do you actually want me to show you my dragon form? You can choose." Phaius waited for her response, looking around to see if anything had to be managed, like a dead tree or plant that was wasting valuable space for the rest of the plant life in the forest.
Alistair got on Darmani's back, and held onto Angelina as Darmani took to the skies, and flew to where angelina showed where the group was. It took 2 minutes to get to them, loud flapping was heard as he decsended to the ground. (can you tag everyone else? I would, but tagging on moblie is not fun whatsoever.) 

Angelina hopped off of Darmni as he landed at looked around. She was looking for Suo or Asura but couldn't seem to find them anywhere. Her gaze skipped over the others that had regrouped so far. A look of panic, worry and fear settling into her eyes.

@FireMaiden @Baku (i dunno who else is with you two)
Angelina hopped off of Darmni as he landed at looked around. She was looking for Suo or Asura but couldn't seem to find them anywhere. Her gaze skipped over the others that had regrouped so far. A look of panic, worry and fear settling into her eyes.

@FireMaiden @Baku (i dunno who else is with you two)

"Everyone is not here....." Proxi said as Alistair looked around. "I think we should find Asura and Suo, then go from there." the fairy suggested as darmani sniffed the air, and then he shook off some loose scales and groomed his mane, for he had to keep himself groomed to keep healthy. "Can you ask the trees where the are?" proxi asked angelina, with alistair facepalming at the question. 
"Find anything interesting while you evaluate yourself." Dru asked quietly. He was a little hurt by Suo's outburst but he knew better than to dwell on it. Dru cared deeply for Suö and one outburst wouldn't stop him. @Shiro kurogane
"Everyone is not here....." Proxi said as Alistair looked around. "I think we should find Asura and Suo, then go from there." the fairy suggested as darmani sniffed the air, and then he shook off some loose scales and groomed his mane, for he had to keep himself groomed to keep healthy. "Can you ask the trees where the are?" proxi asked angelina, with alistair facepalming at the question. 

"i could.... but most of the trees are shaken by the fight from earlier. so until they calm down i can't ask anything." Angelina responded sadly. 

"Find anything interesting while you evaluate yourself." Dru asked quietly. He was a little hurt by Suo's outburst but he knew better than to dwell on it. Dru cared deeply for Suö and one outburst wouldn't stop him. @Shiro kurogane

(who are you talking to? Asura or Suo?)
"i could.... but most of the trees are shaken by the fight from earlier. so until they calm down i can't ask anything." Angelina responded sadly. 

(who are you talking to? Asura or Suo?)

"Oh.... Well maybe you can call them, to see if they can hear you?" Proxi added, for she was running out of ideas at this point. Alistair began to think about something. He had an Idea, if he could play his ocarina, then the others might hear them, so heblooks through his pouch, and found that itbwas missing. 
"Find anything interesting while you evaluate yourself." Dru asked quietly. He was a little hurt by Suo's outburst but he knew better than to dwell on it. Dru cared deeply for Suö and one outburst wouldn't stop him. @Shiro kurogane

Suö gave Dru a guilt ridden look of regret. He felt awful for having snapped at his mate. "sorry... i dunno why i snapped at you like that." Suo lied. He knew why it had happened but he really hadn't meant for the outburst of anger to have been directed at Dru.

"Oh.... Well maybe you can call them, to see if they can hear you?" Proxi added, for she was running out of ideas at this point. Alistair began to think about something. He had an Idea, if he could play his ocarina, then the others might hear them, so heblooks through his pouch, and found that itbwas missing. 

Angelina thought about it but ended up shaking her head no. "no, if i yell for them then both Suo and Asura might think something happened. i don't want them smashing their was through the forest... again." She looked at Alistair with a questioning look. "whats wrong?"
Suö gave Dru a guilt ridden look of regret. He felt awful for having snapped at his mate. "sorry... i dunno why i snapped at you like that." Suo lied. He knew why it had happened but he really hadn't meant for the outburst of anger to have been directed at Dru.

Angelina thought about it but ended up shaking her head no. "no, if i yell for them then both Suo and Asura might think something happened. i don't want them smashing their was through the forest... again." She looked at Alistair with a questioning look. "whats wrong?"

"He lost his ocarina a while back, and i guess he was thinking of playing a song to bring everyone here...." Proxi said as darmani got out an ocarina that his daughter made a month before she was slaughtered by yogig's undead army. "Use this. We might find yours some day, but you can use mine to call the others forth." Confused with this gesture, alistair took the ocarina, and began to play a song, known as Oath to Order. The song echoed throughout the forest, hitting the ears of everyonen in the group. @FireMaiden 
Dru shrugged causing Suö to rise up and drop a little at the action "it's ok as long as you remember to be straightforward with me." Dru turned his head to look at Suö and said "I can feel your heat beat remember?" @Shiro kurogane
(Hopping this is okay? Sorry if it is not, i can always change something)

Ash’s scales glistened and glittered in the pale moonlight, sunlight starts to shift over the silver horizon, Ash yawned stretching her limbs and her wings. Her’s and her sisters den was behind her-a cave. Her belly rumbling slightly, she spread her wings and took flight, soaring above the treetops. She could feel the wind beneath her wings, she shifted her cranium to gaze downward, in search for food. The scent of an animal wafted to her nose. She followed the scent, descending downwards and soon she landed, her paws touching the softness of grass, crunching ever so slightly under her feet. After following the scent for several miles she soon caught a glimpse of a deer. She curled her lip, she could almost tastes the flesh on it. It’s head is down, jaw chomping away at the fallen leaves and grass. Prowling behind it, she flexed her talents, waiting for the perfect time to slaughter it. The deer halted, its head lifting, gazing around the forest, its jaw still working on the patch of grass and leaves between its jaw a few slip from its mouth and land soundlessly on the forest floor. It was growing suspicious its eyes were about to scan the forest in her direction, she cannot allow that. She snarled, leaping on top of the deer, she dug her talons into its flank, it cries out. The scent of blood fills her nostrils, her sisters would not go hungry tonight. The deer struggles, desperately trying to escape the dragon's wrath. She simply tightens her grip, sinking her fangs into the deer's neck, snapping its throat. It’s body twitches, making no more sound, is shakes once, twice, before falling limp under the dragon's weight, withering onto the forest floor. The dragon grinned satisfied her kill, time to take it home to the sisters.

[SIZE= 18.6667px]She looks up, sniffing just slightly to get the smell of her kind, it wasn't her sisters, they never got up this early. She shrugged, her huge form shaking. She eyes her kill, blood still fresh, she shifts. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18.6667px]Her dark scale unnoticable in the darkness, sometimes gleaming with the moon, and the now rising sun. She grunts and groans, popping sounds come from her bones, blood litters the ground now. Her wings retract, her eyes narrow, her senses become less than they were. She stood there finally, over the large body of a buck, her jeans still ripped from the years she has worn them. Never able to buy new ones, her dark hair slung across her back as she bends down next to the dead thing. She knew it was dead, but even so she whispered to it, singing a sad song to the animal who now lays with the dead. [/SIZE]
"He lost his ocarina a while back, and i guess he was thinking of playing a song to bring everyone here...." Proxi said as darmani got out an ocarina that his daughter made a month before she was slaughtered by yogig's undead army. "Use this. We might find yours some day, but you can use mine to call the others forth." Confused with this gesture, alistair took the ocarina, and began to play a song, known as Oath to Order. The song echoed throughout the forest, hitting the ears of everyonen in the group. @FireMaiden 

Angelina felt the trees also calming along with Alistair's song.  @FireMaiden

Dru shrugged causing Suö to rise up and drop a little at the action "it's ok as long as you remember to be straightforward with me." Dru turned his head to look at Suö and said "I can feel your heat beat remember?" @Shiro kurogane

Suo went quiet with his mouth slightly ajar. After two full minutes he finally blinked and closed his mouth. ".... i really didn't mean to snap at you. but its just whenever someone has asked me if i was okay before... it was always more of a sneer of disappointment rather than genuine concern. and hearing the words from you brought back the feelings i always buried when those people would ask me that."
Dru was about to say something when he heard the faint sound of music. "I think the others or at least some of them are over there. Let's go." Dru said the last part for both Aura and Suö to hear and picked up the pace heading in the direction of the music. @Shiro kurogane @Emperor Of Embers
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Angelina felt the trees also calming along with Alistair's song.  @FireMaiden

Suo went quiet with his mouth slightly ajar. After two full minutes he finally blinked and closed his mouth. ".... i really didn't mean to snap at you. but its just whenever someone has asked me if i was okay before... it was always more of a sneer of disappointment rather than genuine concern. and hearing the words from you brought back the feelings i always buried when those people would ask me that."

Dru was about to say something when he heard the faint sound of music. "I think the others or at least some of them are over there. Let's go." Dru said the last part for both Aura and Suö to hear and picked up the pace heading in the direction of the music. @Shiro kurogane @Emperor Of Embers

Alistair heard no sign of movement, so he decides to try again, but with a song that a friend of his once taught him at his village, before it was burned down. The song was called Saria's song, which sounded child-like and playful in nature, originally, it was used to talk to the person the song was named after, Saria, but this time it was a call to their location for anyone in the area.  
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Angelina hopped off of Darmni as he landed at looked around. She was looking for Suo or Asura but couldn't seem to find them anywhere. Her gaze skipped over the others that had regrouped so far. A look of panic, worry and fear settling into her eyes.

@FireMaiden @Baku (i dunno who else is with you two)

"You're the little girl that was with Sup and Asura, right?" Kage asked, now moving to sit in between Baldur and Violet.  "Don't worry, I think they'll be here soon."

@Safety Hammer @Baku
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