In Character

"You're the little girl that was with Sup and Asura, right?" Kage asked, now moving to sit in between Baldur and Violet.  "Don't worry, I think they'll be here soon."

@Safety Hammer @Baku

(when did kage get there, and did she hear any music being played with an ocarina? I am a little confused at this point. I am not meaning to be a jerk, really i am not.) 
(when did kage get there, and did she hear any music being played with an ocarina? I am a little confused at this point. I am not meaning to be a jerk, really i am not.) 

(Shiro tagged me. I thought you guys had rejoined with Kage, Violet, Baldur, and Lance.)

(We joined up where lage and violet were before Alistair started playing the orcarina. So darmani, kage, violet and Angelina are all together that I know of)
Kage, though still worried, nodded. "I hope so," she said quietly. She was rather tired, and it probably showed through her voice, but she needed to stay awake in order to hold Baldur's and Violet's wounds shut.

@Baku @Safety Hammer 
Alistair heard no sign of movement, so he decides to try again, but with a song that a friend of his once taught him at his village, before it was burned down. The song was called Saria's song, which sounded child-like and playful in nature, originally, it was used to talk to the person the song was named after, Saria, but this time it was a call to their location for anyone in the area.  

"You're the little girl that was with Sup and Asura, right?" Kage asked, now moving to sit in between Baldur and Violet.  "Don't worry, I think they'll be here soon."

@Safety Hammer @Baku

(What do I need to reply to?)

(These two I think.)
(Ok, I know not everyone is gonna like this, but I really don't want this rp to die.)

Around 6:30 am 

The sun peaked through the trees, shinning down on most of the sleeping dragons, who were reunited. Baldur and Violet were bandaged up, and Kage fell alseep promptly after that, before Suo, Dru and Asura joined the others. Today, they would have to decide on what to do. And of course, find so where to replenish their lost supplies.

Curled up not to far from her uncle or the dying embers of the fire from a fee hours ago, Kage slept lightly. Tossing and turning, sometimes muttering something in her sleep, but never fully waking. 

@Baku @Emperor Of Embers @Safety Hammer @Shiro Kurogane @Mistory @Drumonkey

Blake awoke only to laugh at Alas, before finding something to eat. @Dutchmann

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(Ok, I know not everyone is gonna like this, but I really don't want this rp to die.)

Around 6:30 am 

The sun peaked through the trees, shinning down on most of the sleeping dragons, who were reunited. Baldur and Violet were bandaged up, and Kage fell alseep promptly after that, before Sup and Asura joined the others. Today, they would have to decide on what to do. And of course, find so where to replenish their lost supplies.

Curled up not to far from her uncle or the dying embers of the fire from a fee hours ago, Kage slept lightly. Tossing and turning, sometimes muttering something in her sleep, but never fully waking. 

@Baku @Emperor Of Embers @Safety Hammer @Shiro Kurogane @Mistory 

Blake awoke only to laugh at Alas, before finding something to eat. @Dutchmann


(it is cool.) Alistair was awake the entire time, since nightmares filled his mind with the events from earlier, with the death of his horse, to the Frenzied wolves attacking. He sat at the firepit, restless, but awake. He missed Epona, and will always remember her. 

Darmani slept peacefully, and had dreams where he and his family were reunited, since they had fled their deaths. But he knew that was not the case. 
Angelina slept nestled next to a small tree near Alistair. She was quiet aside from the constant look of pain on her sleeping face. Her dreams a mystery to everyone but herself.

Suo slept nuzzled into Dru.

Asura sat distanced from Kage. But was still near enough to keep a protective eye on her. 

(tags are broken)
Kage sat up, and yawned, slowly blinking as she woke up. She half expected to wake up in a bed huddled with two other girls, with the cheif already up and drinking. She rubbed her eyes, looking around camp. When she saw Asura, she got up and walked over to him, then sat down next to him. "Morning." She mumbled.

@Shiro Kurogane
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Dru woke up suddenly at the sound of movement but he realexed when he saw it was Kage. Once she sat with Asura Dru gently slipped from Suö's grasp leaving a sand body in his place for Suö to lean against. Dru then used a spiral of wind to launch him into the nearest tree and he quickly climbed to the top. He then stood on a branch and watched the sun rising. @Shiro Kurogane 
Kage sat up, and yawned, slowly blinking as she woke up. She half expected to wake up in a bed huddled with two other girls, with the cheif already up and drinking. She rubbed her eyes, looking around camp. When she saw Asura, she got up and walked over to him, then sat down next to him. "Morning." She mumbled.

@Shiro Kurogane

"Morning..." Asura returned, half surprised Kage was speaking to him after she'd looked at him blackened form with fear yesterday. 

Dru woke up suddenly at the sound of movement but he realexed when he saw it was Kage. Once she sat with Asura Dru gently slipped from Suö's grasp leaving a sand body in his place for Suö to lean against. Dru then used a spiral of wind to launch him into the nearest tree and he quickly climbed to the top. He then stood on a branch and watched the sun rising. @Shiro Kurogane 

Suo shifted onto his other side and groaned. He suddenly felt no warmth from Dru and reached up half asleep and patted at what he was laying against. He opened his eye to confirm that it was a sand pile in the form of Dru. He grumbled a little and sat up, brushing sand from his hair.
"Morning..." Asura returned, half surprised Kage was speaking to him after she'd looked at him blackened form with fear yesterday. 

Kage didn't speak for a few minutes, still looking rather tired and somewhat out of it. "You're a meanie." She finally said. "Warn someone next time you do soemthing like that."
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Angelina slept nestled next to a small tree near Alistair. She was quiet aside from the constant look of pain on her sleeping face. Her dreams a mystery to everyone but herself.

Suo slept nuzzled into Dru.

Asura sat distanced from Kage. But was still near enough to keep a protective eye on her. 

(tags are broken)

Alistair sat up, and looked at Angelina, who was still sleeping beside him. She looked pained, and the boy grew concerned for his significant other as he watched her. 

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