In Character

"i kinda can't warn people when it happens. it just does." Asura answered, blushing unnoticeably. Kage saying meanie had been sorta cute. 

@FireMaiden @Baku

Alistair sat up, and looked at Angelina, who was still sleeping beside him. She looked pained, and the boy grew concerned for his significant other as he watched her. 

A small whine escaped Angelina as she awoke with fear clouding her eyes and covered in a cold sweat.
"Hey so long as we're alive I couldn't care how scary you look. We have those moments where our powers reach a fever pitch. We can't feel guilty about taking advantage of those surges of power." Violet casually strode around as she said this.

@FireMaiden @Shiro Kurogane
Asura blushed visibly now but used the fading. But still present shadows to hide his face. "sorry.." He mumbled to Kage like a kicked puppy. "except when those powers could destroy the planet had my focus or control of that blackhole had slipped." Asura said under his breath to Violet. 

@Baku @FireMaiden
"Ok maybe not your powers. But someone like me or Baldur could have destructive powers that are not so Cataclysmic. I mean you can help but I'd suggest not making anymore black holes for the sake of well all of us."

@Shiro Kurogane
Asura wrapped his arm around Kage, pulling her into a sorta of hug. The action having happened before Asura could think about it. "do i look like i make a habit of making blackholes?" He asked in monotone to Violet and then looked at Kage and blinked, wondering when he'd put an arm around her. "i-im glad your safe too." He replied with a softened tone.

@Baku @FireMaiden
Waking up is always a annoying one for Alas, but it's what he must do at some point. Alas feels sore, very sore. He still lays on the floor, trying to comprehend everything. It's was a rough day, let's guess this one will be a rough day as well. What was he doing again? Alas ponders on his thoughts...

His eyes widen as he realizes what he was doing. He gets up in a rush to see that his opened book had a ink spill on it. Damn it all! 

"Oh no no no!" Alas says repetitively as he tries to clean the mess up. Getting ink on his hands. Already on a good start. Alas grumbles in anger as he has to deal with his ink and book kit. 
Waking up is always a annoying one for Alas, but it's what he must do at some point. Alas feels sore, very sore. He still lays on the floor, trying to comprehend everything. It's was a rough day, let's guess this one will be a rough day as well. What was he doing again? Alas ponders on his thoughts...

His eyes widen as he realizes what he was doing. He gets up in a rush to see that his opened book had a ink spill on it. Damn it all! 

"Oh no no no!" Alas says repetitively as he tries to clean the mess up. Getting ink on his hands. Already on a good start. Alas grumbles in anger as he has to deal with his ink and book kit. 

"Morning," Blake said, much in on an apple while tossing small twigs and acorns into the fire.
"Morning," Blake said, much in on an apple while tossing small twigs and acorns into the fire.

Alas looked up to see Blake alive and awake, he finishes cleaning up the mess and then sits down to get a little comfortable. It's hard to be comfortable these days.

"Oh, you're still here." Alas said in a surprising tone. He thought she would have left by now, but then he looks up realizing what's next to come.

"You do know what we have to do next right?" Alas asked as his eyes fell slightly, now knowing the grim reality of what a dragon can do.
Alas looked up to see Blake alive and awake, he finishes cleaning up the mess and then sits down to get a little comfortable. It's hard to be comfortable these days.

"Oh, you're still here." Alas said in a surprising tone. He thought she would have left by now, but then he looks up realizing what's next to come.

"You do know what we have to do next right?" Alas asked as his eyes fell slightly, now knowing the grim reality of what a dragon can do.

"I don't." Blake answered. She finished her apple and tossed the core to the flames. "Do fill me in."
"I don't." Blake answered. She finished her apple and tossed the core to the flames. "Do fill me in."

"We have to go back, see what remains and take it back to their home." Alas says grimly, he doesn't like the thought of having to be the one to do this, but somebody has to. 
"i kinda can't warn people when it happens. it just does." Asura answered, blushing unnoticeably. Kage saying meanie had been sorta cute. 

@FireMaiden @Baku

A small whine escaped Angelina as she awoke with fear clouding her eyes and covered in a cold sweat.

Alistair leapt into action, and set his hand on hers, he then looked at her eyes, seeing the fear in them. He figured she was having a nightmare, much like he was in a sense. 
"Well, I don't think I can do anything like that. Be all scary or whatever," She said, actually feeling rather comfortable in Asura's arms. 

"being scary is necessary sometimes. scaring off someone who wants to hurt you, for example. Or getting information. just know when to stop is key" Asura listed off uses for intimidation tactics.

Alistair leapt into action, and set his hand on hers, he then looked at her eyes, seeing the fear in them. He figured she was having a nightmare, much like he was in a sense. 

Angelina felt Alistair's hand and looked at him with confusion. She momentarily didn't recognize him before she threw her arms around him, hugging tightly. Soft, near inaudible crying came from her.

Dru could tell Suö woke up and the sand changed shape from a body to the words 'catch me if you can.' @Shiro Kurogane

Suo saw the sand words and huffed. He pouted for a moment, then burst into a cloud of lights that all went in different directions, looking for Dru.
"being scary is necessary sometimes. scaring off someone who wants to hurt you, for example. Or getting information. just know when to stop is key" Asura listed off uses for intimidation tactics.

Kahe held up her hands to make "claws" with her fingers, much like what a child would do pretending to me a monster. "Rawr, I'm scary."
"You need to do more than that to be scary Kage. Appearance is only a factor in being scary. How powerful you are is the biggest factor. You got power weaker opponents won't go after you. You can look so scary that you'll chase off demons but the moment someone figures out your weak they'll go after you. I'm really more about intelligence than anything else. I don't look to be the scariest dragon on the planet but being an Ice dragon can provide you with... Advantages."

@FireMaiden @Shiro Kurogane
"Well, we didn't win that fight, if you didn't see anything that went down, a lot of people died. Respect the dead by taking them to their homeland. Warriors code, I thought you would know that." Alas said as he got up and started to stretch.

Asura chuckled at Kage's child-like action and resisted the urge to boop her nose and kiss her. "Violet's right." Was all he managed to say while trying to hold back more chuckles.

@Baku @FireMaiden
"Well, we didn't win that fight, if you didn't see anything that went down, a lot of people died. Respect the dead by taking them to their homeland. Warriors code, I thought you would know that." Alas said as he got up and started to stretch.


"Yoi highlanders are weird. We burn our dead," Blake said. "And then speadf their ash in the wind to carry them to Jardin."

Baldur grumbled,  and wiped the snow from hiscreaming face. It was too early for this.

"Uncle Baldur, wake up!"

Asura chuckled at Kage's child-like action and resisted the urge to boop her nose and kiss her. "Violet's right." Was all he managed to say while trying to hold back more chuckles.

@Baku @FireMaiden

Kage crosse her arms and shrugged, "Im not very powerful. "


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