In Character

"Wh-what?" Her voice cracked.

"I... I'm just dragging you guys down.." Baldur admitted, his pride being crushed. "I mean, I was incapacitated after only one fight. You seem to be in good hands with these others. I hate to admit it, but I'm more of a burden than a protector."

Baldur took a deep breath, and looked down at his feet, before looking back at his niece. "So, I am going to leave...."
"I... I'm just dragging you guys down.." Baldur admitted, his pride being crushed. "I mean, I was incapacitated after only one fight. You seem to be in good hands with these others. I hate to admit it, but I'm more of a burden than a protector."

Baldur took a deep breath, and looked down at his feet, before looking back at his niece. "So, I am going to leave...."

Kage stood up, "Please, no. You can't leave me again, please," Her voice cracked, "I don't wanna loose you again."
Phaius woke up in a tree near the cave and walked in to hear them talking of what to do. He leaned silently against the cave wall listening to what they had to say. (Notify me when something interesting happens please.)
"You mean the wood all the way back or those burned and destroyed pieces of wood?" Alas asked as looked around to observed the trees, a lot of them are torn down and destroyed, some are burned, others seem to have dissipated. There are some healthy trees around, but not many. 

"You mean the wood all the way back or those burned and destroyed pieces of wood?" Alas asked as looked around to observed the trees, a lot of them are torn down and destroyed, some are burned, others seem to have dissipated. There are some healthy trees around, but not many. 


"Just go get some," Blake said with a slightly annoyed tone.
Kage stood up, "Please, no. You can't leave me again, please," Her voice cracked, "I don't wanna loose you again."

"Kage, you don't need me anymore. I'm just an old warrior. It's either I leave, or I end up dying next to you."
"Alright." Is all Alas said as he started to walk over to pick up anything that is large. After almost 30 minutes of foraging, Alas managed to bring to a place four large clean logs and a lot of sticks, bark, and destroyed pieces of wood.

"Kage, you don't need me anymore. I'm just an old warrior. It's either I leave, or I end up dying next to you."

"But," Kage went silent for a second. "If your leaving, I'm going with you. I'll be damned if after 11 years, a few hours is all we spend together before you go and get yourself killed."
"But," Kage went silent for a second. "If your leaving, I'm going with you. I'll be damned if after 11 years, a few hours is all we spend together before you go and get yourself killed."

"Kage, you are staying here." Baldur said with a gruff tone.

"I've already failed my oath to your mother to not let any harm come to you. Death is what I deserve for not being there when you were captured.."
Suo gathered himself and turned back to normal seconds before purposefully crashing into Dru and wrapping him in a hug. "whats this talk about leaving?" Suo asked, craning his neck around to look at the others.

Asura stood but remained silent. He wanted to say if Kage left, he was going with her. But he felt it wasn't his place to intervene. 

@Safety Hammer @FireMaiden @Drumonkey
"Kage, you are staying here." Baldur said with a gruff tone.

"I've already failed my oath to your mother to not let any harm come to you. Death is what I deserve for not being there when you were captured.."

"No, I'm not staying here." Kage retorted. "When I was younger, I didn't get to see you to often, you're my only family left, and I refuse to watch you leave!" Baldur would probably remeber something very familiar. Kage's mother did the exact same thing to him when they were teens.
"No, I'm not staying here." Kage retorted. "When I was younger, I didn't get to see you to often, you're my only family left, and I refuse to watch you leave!" Baldur would probably remeber something very familiar. Kage's mother did the exact same thing to him when they were teens.

"I promised your mother that I would protect you with my life! And I failed!" Baldur started to shout.

"I failed you when I left you, and I failed your mother when I couldn't save her!"
"I promised your mother that I would protect you with my life! And I failed!" Baldur started to shout.

"I failed you when I left you, and I failed your mother when I couldn't save her!"

"You think I care about that? What I care about is not loosing what family I have left!" Tears started to form. She hated shouting, and fighting, but she was terrified to loose him again. All those night that's he prayed for some way they could be reunited, only to have it happen, and him ruin it? No, she was determined to not have that happen. "And no, you haven't failed anyone yet. You can still keep those promises as long as we're both alive."
Suo who was a mass of orbs of light, gathered around the tree that had made noise.he then spread back out as each orb of light searched the tree.

Angelina smiled softly "thanks." she said knowing what Alistair was doing, making her feel loved. And she selfishly liked it.

Alistair chuckled as she thanked him. He knew she enjoyed it, and then stole a kiss from her lips. He then turned as red as a tomato. 
"You think I care about that? What I care about is not loosing what family I have left!" Tears started to form. She hated shouting, and fighting, but she was terrified to loose him again. All those night that's he prayed for some way they could be reunited, only to have it happen, and him ruin it? No, she was determined to not have that happen. "And no, you haven't failed anyone yet. You can still keep those promises as long as we're both alive."

Baldur held her face, and bent down to her level.

 "Listen to me, Kage.. I love you... I love you more than life itself. But if I stay, I would only drag you down.. So, I will only stay on one condition."

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