In Character

"So uhh... nice day...isn't it?" Alas said, he wanted to pop up a conversation. He needed some moral support in this situation. A friendly conversation should do the trick. @FireMaiden
"Yeah...." Alas mumbled as he started to look up at the sky, it's not that bad. 

"So, what should we do at this place we're going to?" Alas asked 

"Yeah...." Alas mumbled as he started to look up at the sky, it's not that bad. 

"So, what should we do at this place we're going to?" Alas asked 


"Well, I don't really know. I was gonna figure that out when we got there. And to be honset, I'm not very good at planning ahead more than like, one or two steps."
"How about we go and see what was going on in that dragon's cave. Something they must be guarding, don't you think?" Alas said as he now thinks about the cave, something about it gives him an ominous vibe. 

"How about we go and see what was going on in that dragon's cave. Something they must be guarding, don't you think?" Alas said as he now thinks about the cave, something about it gives him an ominous vibe. 


"Or, they were just camping there before you convinced everyone to attack them," Blake said, with a matter of fact tone. "Seriously, I don't think those dragons were there to cause trouble. "
"Now, I still don't think any dragons are good. Maybe you think they are, but from where I was from. There was no such thing as a good dragon." Alas said, his memory thinking of all of the dark times at home.

"Now, I still don't think any dragons are good. Maybe you think they are, but from where I was from. There was no such thing as a good dragon." Alas said, his memory thinking of all of the dark times at home.


"I guess I'm just use to mainly non hostile. But think about it, if they wanted to kill us, they could easily have done so. Plus, that one could've killed you before you even told the guild."
"Because they toy with you! They play cat and mouse! It's disgusting!" Alas says in frustration, his mind now set at his old home. The people and dragons, and how dragons are the most evil things in the world. 

Dru tilted his head "of course. It took me a little while to understand and work with my dragon side and then it took me a little longer to master my second ability. Now that I have though I am using it fully." Dru chuckled weakly clearly thinking about different things. @Shiro Kurogane

"Hmmm." Was all Suo replied with before staring at Dru intently.
"Because they toy with you! They play cat and mouse! It's disgusting!" Alas says in frustration, his mind now set at his old home. The people and dragons, and how dragons are the most evil things in the world. 


"Ok, you know what, I'll stop. You and your close mindedness is gonna get you hurt someday. For all we know, we may need to team up with the dragons to save ourselves, maybe many more."

( ;)  *cheeky wink*)
Angelina peeked at Alistair after hearing his giggles. Her face turning an impossibly deeper red as she wondered why he was laughing. Did she do something weird?

(yep, so cute)

"wait what? back up a second. did you just say there was a time when you wouldn't have been able to lift me?"

Proxi then woke up, and yawned as she flew out of Alistair's pouch. "Morning guys...... Wait.... Did he just kiss you?" the fairy asked in a curious manner, since she never saw Alisair look as if he ate some mushrooms before, and kisses tend to have that effect on him first time around. 
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Alas didn't respond, he felt that he was passing a line, and he doesn't want to see what'll happen if he goes any further. 

"Alright then Blake, let's get to this barn." Alas responded, he wanted to sound smug, but the fear of Blake getting a good swing of her weapon on him stops him from doing so, but he can't hold the smile on his face. 

Alas didn't respond, he felt that he was passing a line, and he doesn't want to see what'll happen if he goes any further. 

"Alright then Blake, let's get to this barn." Alas responded, he wanted to sound smug, but the fear of Blake getting a good swing of her weapon on him stops him from doing so, but he can't hold the smile on his face. 


"Wipe the smug look off yer face," Blake said. "And nah, we can just as the people running it for directions and move on."
"Sorry." Alas said quickly, as he continued to listen on, his mind still set on that cave,

"How do you know anything about that cave? You'll never know until you see it for yourself." Alas suggested as he tried to give a questioning look at her.

"Sorry." Alas said quickly, as he continued to listen on, his mind still set on that cave,

"How do you know anything about that cave? You'll never know until you see it for yourself." Alas suggested as he tried to give a questioning look at her.


"I have very good eyesight," She said sarcasticly. Cause ya know, she's blind in one eye. "Dragons are very protective of their treasures, and if there was anything worth anything in the cave, they wouldn't have let us get close enough to attack. Besides, that black hole probably wiped out their stuff."
"They wouldn't destroy anything they see valuable, and knowing dragons it wasn't any treasure in there." Alas said, his knowledge of dragons were taught from teachers and warriors at his home land. All if it being plain propaganda of the stereotypical dragon big, bad, and evil. He scratches his chin as he tries to think about those dragons. 

"Maybe they're off to something, maybe they're being protective of a plan. Dragons are way smarter than the average beast, they could be up to something... They wouldn't of flee unless they had to." Alas mumbled to himself.

"If they were protecting young, or injured,  th eyes would flee with minimal attack. If they were feral, they would have changed to dragon form and taken us all out," Blake said. "Who knows. Maybe they just want to travel around be ultimately getting killed for every part of their body."

( @FireMaiden @Dutchmann mind if I semi- intro Raven? I wanted to kinda foreshadow eventsfor later in the rp, and since Blake and Alas are in the cave, i figured they could find her imorisoned in stone as a statue of her dragon form.)
Dru smiled "you seem like you want to ask me something. Is there some thought on your mind you want to get into the air?" @Shiro Kurogane

"I thought i did. But i think i just lost it." Suo mumbled as the look on his face twisted to a mix of confusion and searching. He grasped around in his mind for what he had wanted to ask but the question that had been in his throat moments ago was nowhere to be found. "i can't remember.."

Proxi then woke up, and yawned as she flew out of Alistair's pouch. "Morning guys...... Wait.... Did he just kiss you?" the fairy asked in a curious manner, since she never saw Alisair look as if he ate some mushrooms before, and kisses tend to have that effect on him first time around. 

Angelina could hardly look anyone in the eyes right then with her impossibly red face. But she did nod in answer to Proxi's question.
"I guess we'll find out later, for now, let's talk about where to go after we find shelter. All I have is debt that town, it's not home to me. I'm just trying to find a place to reclaim myself." Alas says, his thoughts now set to how to reclaim glory to his family. A small smile can be seen as he thinks about the day he does exactly that.


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