In Character

Alas starts to think about what a cave or spooky part of a forest would look like. All kinds of monsters, he could team up with Blake and slay them. More glory, better respect, more honor. That's all he wants to clear his name. Dragons being slayed would've been better. But this'll do he supposes.

"So, why are you so keen on fund treasure, and slaying dragons?" Blake asked, figuring since they were stuck together for a while, she might as well know what baggage this guy has.
Dru listened to his story and hugged Suö close seeing the emotions play across his face. "When we decide where to go I'll tell you my story and how I got here." Dru then spoke up "I agree with... Violet." It took Dru a few seconds to cycle through his memory and pick up what her name was from what he had heard and seen of her interactions. @Shiro Kurogane  @Baku @FireMaiden

Suo hugged back and then pulled away to look at everyone else.  

Alistair nodded as he stood up, and held out his hand to her. He was wanting to get there quick as Darmani gets up. "I can take you to them, unless you both prefer walking." The man in red armor said as he cracked his neck. Alistair nodded, and looked at angelina for her say in this situation. 

Angelina took Alistair's hand and nodded once at him. 
Suo hugged back and then pulled away to look at everyone else.  

Angelina took Alistair's hand and nodded once at him. 

Alistair walked up to Darmani, who was in Dragon form, and nodded as the Lion-like dragon lowered his wing for them, to be used as a ramp to his back. He then took off as soon as they got comfy. About a minute later, he lands behind the group, smelling fish from the port town nearby. 
"As long as it's not too far out of the way I'm fine with that. Plus wherever Suö goes I go." Dru put an arm around Suö's waist. @Shiro Kurogane 
Asura had taken up a spot standing just behind Kage a little to her right. He was nodding his head in silent agreement.

Suo also nodded, but to Kage. "sounds good to me."

Angelina jumped off Darmani's back as he landed and grasped Alistair's hand and walked over to the group.

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Emperor Of Embers @Baku @Safety Hammer

Alistair held her hand tightly as he followed her to the group. He also began to smell fish, and scrunched his nose at the smell. (i wonder how asura and Suo are going to react to Angelina being engaged.) 
"Oh, it's my town's job to slay dragons!" Alas exclaims as he grips onto the mace, 

"I'm not going to be the one that fails my family, my town of this duty, many other families of my homeland has already slayed dragons or have done something equal to that." Alas says as his smile starts to show a flaw of sorrow for any keen eye that can notice. 

"That's why I have to do this."

'Nice, I guess," Blake said, "So you want to kill dragons for honor? Why don't you kill a leviathan? Like, those giant water beast people see all the time?" She asked this as a genuine question.

"You have no clue Blake." Alas rubs his template, almost hitting himself with the handle of the mace as he does so. 

"From where I come from, we have a general hatred for dragons. It started back when they ruled us. And the tradition of us slaying dragons continued on, for revenge that can never be quenched." Alas said, he doesn't know why his people continue the tradition of slaying a dragon, but he follows the people.

"That just sounds kinda...I don't know," Blake muttered. To her, senseless killing of dragons was morally wrong. Sure they ruled over humans, but that was 200 years ago. And they killed off all the dragons when they revolted with the help of those old gods.

"Let's not get into dark tongue now, how about that treasure?" Alas suggested, he felt good about this journey, this one might be way easier than the one from before.



After a few hours of walking, the dragons reached the port town of Hargeon. For the most part, the town was small, with a large port and main plaza being the center. The plaza was set up just off the piers, with many shops and a few restaurants. There were lots of people too, walking around, getting their ships ready, and other actives you would normally see. 

Kage walked with her Uncle and Asura, happily pointing put an talking about pretty thing she saw on the side of the road, or cute animals she saw. And she. They got to town, her face lit up, as she really wanted to look around around it before they left. 

@Baku @Shiro Kurogane @Emperor Of Embers @Safety Hammer @Inheritance @Drumonkey




In the same time it took the dragons to get to Hargeon, Blake and Alas arrives at the temples entrance. "How about we rest up a bit before heading in?"

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Dru smiled wide then said "Suö and I are going to go explore and look for a few items we need everyone buy some food for yourself and a little for one other person hopefully we will have more than enough for our trip. While you're exploring the city see if you can figure out where to go and see if anyone knows about our kind." Dru smiled at the group then grabbed Suo's arm and began pulling him away from the group. @Shiro Kurogane
"I will take the children to look around, Shall we arrange a meeting time? Or group up as we find each other?" Darmani said to Kage and Asura as alistair looked around, and gasped. "This reminds me of the Great Bay..... Remember that adventure?" proxi asked the boy. He remembered indeed, and enjoyed every moment. He looked at angelina and smiled. @FireMaiden @Shiro Kurogane
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"Sure that will give us enough time to get what we need. I'll go and see if there's any news that could reveal us as you- know-whats." Violet took off intent on finding anything she could out.

Darmani nodded at Kage. "Sounds reasonable. I will return then, and the we will go from there." he said as he turned to walk off to the shops. "Come along children, we have some shopping to do." darmani said as alistair carried Angelina Bridal style, and ran to Darmani to catch up. @Shiro Kurogane 
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Asura just stood next to Kage silently. His outward expression had remained stony but he'd been enjoying seeing Kage's excitement as she told him and Baldur about different things.  

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer

13 hours ago, Drumonkey said:

Dru smiled wide then said "Suö and I are going to go explore and look for a few items we need everyone buy some food for yourself and a little for one other person hopefully we will have more than enough for our trip. While you're exploring the city see if you can figure out where to go and see if anyone knows about our kind." Dru smiled at the group then grabbed Suo's arm and began pulling him away from the group. @Shiro Kurogane


Suo gave Kage a thumbs up as he was being dragged off by Dru. Not that he was putting up any sort of resistance. 

3 hours ago, Emperor Of Embers said:

Darmani nodded at Kage. "Sounds reasonable. I will return then, and the we will go from there." he said as he turned to walk off to the shops. "Come along children, we have some shopping to do." darmani said as alistair carried Angelina Bridal style, and ran to Darmani to catch up. @Shiro Kurogane 


Angelina was lost in thought, staring at the nearby ocean. For a split second, it seemed like a touch of longing entered her eyes. But just as quickly as it'd come, she squashed the feeling back down. Suddenly feeling herself being moved, Angelina blushed after realizing Alistair was carrying her.
Asura just stood next to Kage silently. His outward expression had remained stony but he'd been enjoying seeing Kage's excitement as she told him and Baldur about different things.  

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer

Suo gave Kage a thumbs up as he was being dragged off by Dru. Not that he was putting up any sort of resistance. 

Angelina was lost in thought, staring at the nearby ocean. For a split second, it seemed like a touch of longing entered her eyes. But just as quickly as it'd come, she squashed the feeling back down. Suddenly feeling herself being moved, Angelina blushed after realizing Alistair was carrying her.

Darmani's mouth started to water as he saw many fish dishes being made. The seasonings, the sizzle, and the looks all made him hungry. "Who's hungry? I will by with what I have left." darmani said as Alistair eagerly nodded, and set angelina down. His stomach growled with anticipation, for the boy had never had fsh ever since his 5th birthday, and longed to revive the taste of seafoof in his life. 

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