In Character

Asura followed Kage around the town happily. He enjoyed watching her eyes sparkle when she saw certain things.

Angelina thought for a moment. She thought about how she'd been born... from a tree. but not just any tree. The tree of life itself. "nothing really. i've never eaten before." She answered honestly instead of sticking to the story Suo and Asura had always told her to use.

"well i could think of a few places to spend our time ~" Suo chuckled at his own innuendo. "im guessing we'd need the normal supplies that anyone would want for traveling. food, water, tents, outdoor cookware." Suo listed off then paused. "wait... we are in a port town... we should all go to a beach! before we leave."

"I.... Am not sure I understand....." Darmani said, not understanding how she survived to age 10 without eating. "How did you survive 10 years of starvation?" he added, really curious now. 

With a great roar, the Golden dragon spiraled down towards the town. He had been flying for a long time, awakened out of his meditation...for some strange reason...he heard whispers where silence should ring. He saw Shadows where light should be shining. He knew the Old God's whispers, their shadows, their evil...he felt it, and so only a year into his five year slumber/meditation, he awoke, and took off. His knowledge was already much greater then it once was, and his dragon form became more natural (though he still preferred his human form). This spiral however, was really just a new basic trick he learned that looked cool, but required little talent, as any good flier would see. He landed with a great thud, as dust rose around him. When it settled, the man in his late twenties walked out, armor on.

He glanced around, seeing faces he had once a dream? Visions? His memory had been shattered as part of a price he had to pay to beat his corruption, though it still dwelt deep within his heart...however, he was now more powerful then ever, yet still remembered very little. Some nights shards of memory would come to him, only to slip away when he awoke. He had paid a great cost, but he could hardly remembered what he lost...

"Well met" He growled as he stalked towards a young woman. Did he know her? He couldn't remember. Under his helmet he had a hard expression, but waited to see what the others would do. @FireMaiden
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5 minutes ago, Inheritance said:


With a great roar, the Golden dragon spiraled down towards the group. He had been flying for a long time, awakened out of his meditation...for some strange reason...he heard whispers where silence should ring. He saw Shadows where light should be shining. He knew the Old God's whispers, their shadows, their evil...he felt it, and so only a year into his five year slumber/meditation, he awoke, and took off. His knowledge was already much greater then it once was, and his dragon form became more natural (though he still preferred his human form). This spiral however, was really just a new basic trick he learned that looked cool, but required little talent, as any good flier would see. He landed with a great thud, as dust rose around him. When it settled, the man in his late twenties walked out, armor on.

He glanced around, seeing faces he had once a dream? Visions? His memory had been shattered as part of a price he had to pay to beat his corruption, though it still dwelt deep within his heart...however, he was now more powerful then ever, yet still remembered very little. Some nights shards of memory would come to him, only to slip away when he awoke. He had paid a great cost, but he could hardly remembered what he lost...

"Well met" He growled as he stalked towards the group. Did he know these people? He couldn't remember. Under his helmet he had a hard expression, but waited to see what the others would do. @FireMaiden @Emperor Of Embers @AllTheFangirlThings @Shiro Kurogane


(everyone split up. we're all doing different things in the port town)

With a great roar, the Golden dragon spiraled down towards the group. He had been flying for a long time, awakened out of his meditation...for some strange reason...he heard whispers where silence should ring. He saw Shadows where light should be shining. He knew the Old God's whispers, their shadows, their evil...he felt it, and so only a year into his five year slumber/meditation, he awoke, and took off. His knowledge was already much greater then it once was, and his dragon form became more natural (though he still preferred his human form). This spiral however, was really just a new basic trick he learned that looked cool, but required little talent, as any good flier would see. He landed with a great thud, as dust rose around him. When it settled, the man in his late twenties walked out, armor on.

He glanced around, seeing faces he had once a dream? Visions? His memory had been shattered as part of a price he had to pay to beat his corruption, though it still dwelt deep within his heart...however, he was now more powerful then ever, yet still remembered very little. Some nights shards of memory would come to him, only to slip away when he awoke. He had paid a great cost, but he could hardly remembered what he lost...

"Well met" He growled as he stalked towards the group. Did he know these people? He couldn't remember. Under his helmet he had a hard expression, but waited to see what the others would do. @FireMaiden @Emperor Of Embers @AllTheFangirlThings @Shiro Kurogane

(they are in a town)
8 minutes ago, Inheritance said:


With a great roar, the Golden dragon spiraled down towards the town. He had been flying for a long time, awakened out of his meditation...for some strange reason...he heard whispers where silence should ring. He saw Shadows where light should be shining. He knew the Old God's whispers, their shadows, their evil...he felt it, and so only a year into his five year slumber/meditation, he awoke, and took off. His knowledge was already much greater then it once was, and his dragon form became more natural (though he still preferred his human form). This spiral however, was really just a new basic trick he learned that looked cool, but required little talent, as any good flier would see. He landed with a great thud, as dust rose around him. When it settled, the man in his late twenties walked out, armor on.

He glanced around, seeing faces he had once a dream? Visions? His memory had been shattered as part of a price he had to pay to beat his corruption, though it still dwelt deep within his heart...however, he was now more powerful then ever, yet still remembered very little. Some nights shards of memory would come to him, only to slip away when he awoke. He had paid a great cost, but he could hardly remembered what he lost...

"Well met" He growled as he stalked towards a young woman. Did he know her? He couldn't remember. Under his helmet he had a hard expression, but waited to see what the others would do. @FireMaiden



(Asura is with Kage too. and you just landed in the middle of a town)
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"well, one reason was because i don't like seeing other people enslaved. another reason was--" Asura paused, grabbing Kage protectively via wrapping a single arm behind him and around her. 

@FireMaiden @Inheritance

"I.... Am not sure I understand....." Darmani said, not understanding how she survived to age 10 without eating. "How did you survive 10 years of starvation?" he added, really curious now. 

"starvation?" Angelina questioned, confused. "Ohh," She said, eyes lighting with understanding. "no, i've never starved. although i've never needed to eat either." 
(Nono he's right, however as of now Malekith knows little about civilization)


He saw the girl shrink back behind some man, who he stood up, chest out, and took a few steps toward, not in an aggressive way, but almost challenging. It occurred to him he had no idea what to say. "Hello have you seen any giant monsters raising undead armies?" He almost snickered, though kept the thought hidden. "Who are you guys?" He asked lamely. He had began putting together fractures of to communicate without seeming foolish, or giving too much away. He had already failed that for the most part.... "You don't seem to frightened by me, so I assume you are...a special sort." He added a bit more confidently. Had he really become this detached from his Human side? If that was the case, this was good for him. He really needed this. @Shiro Kurogane @FireMaiden


From deep within the ancient halls of Deathold, Yogig awoke. He had been asleep for a long time...a long, long time...but he was starting to wake up now...starting to see the world again. He began to draw upon his power, and slowly sent his dark influence across the empty city....he saw, he felt, he knew.... but he was tired...still too tired...
"nothing just thought that maybe we shouldn't be having this talk in the middle of a public street." He commented, shaking his head. "but too late now. besides, this street is surprisingly empty." He said looking around quickly. 

@FireMaiden @Inheritance
"well, one reason was because i don't like seeing other people enslaved. another reason was--" Asura paused, grabbing Kage protectively via wrapping a single arm behind him and around her. 

@FireMaiden @Inheritance

"starvation?" Angelina questioned, confused. "Ohh," She said, eyes lighting with understanding. "no, i've never starved. although i've never needed to eat either." 

"Could you explain? I am not following at all. Are you some sort of.... Plant Dragon?" he whispered, making sure no one heard him but her. "Forgive me for being nosey, it's just curious about your answer right now." 

He watched their exchange very silently, with no hints of movement while they did. He was learning how to be a human again, and it would take some time. "Do you wish to go inside somewhere? I mean obviously secrecy has been eliminated but if you wish to try and find a safe place inside that would probably be best." He had already began to re-familiarize himself with the human form, remembering now how much he liked it.  @Shiro Kurogane @FireMaiden
"Could you explain? I am not following at all. Are you some sort of.... Plant Dragon?" he whispered, making sure no one heard him but her. "Forgive me for being nosey, it's just curious about your answer right now." 

"I guess you could say that. But at the same time, no. I wasn't born like you were. My mother is a tree. I was birthed from the tree of life." Angelina explained quietly. "So I'm able to to live without eating as I'm basically a life essence dragon."
"Sure let's go to the beach and I don't think we'll need tends but we might need cookware. Probably blankets too but we will need some dry foods along with some water although I can hunt well and in half form I can eat raw meat easily. Also fun fact my half form can go 2 months without water and a month and a half without food. That is also with me going all out all the time." @Shiro Kurogane
"I guess you could say that. But at the same time, no. I wasn't born like you were. My mother is a tree. I was birthed from the tree of life." Angelina explained quietly. "So I'm able to to live without eating as I'm basically a life essence dragon."

"That actually explains a lot." Darmani said with a chuckle. "That is the first i have heard of a tree giving life to anyone. My empire worshipped those trees, but I never knew they could make dragons." he added as the news shocked alistair, and then he realized that she really was pure in a sense. He found someone unique, and now blushed with a giggle. 
"Sure let's go to the beach and I don't think we'll need tends but we might need cookware. Probably blankets too but we will need some dry foods along with some water although I can hunt well and in half form I can eat raw meat easily. Also fun fact my half form can go 2 months without water and a month and a half without food. That is also with me going all out all the time." @Shiro Kurogane

"Yeah but think about our group's size. If we leave town without having the expected amount of supplies for a traveling group of our size. Then it could make people weary of us." 

"That actually explains a lot." Darmani said with a chuckle. "That is the first i have heard of a tree giving life to anyone. My empire worshipped those trees, but I never knew they could make dragons." he added as the news shocked alistair, and then he realized that she really was pure in a sense. He found someone unique, and now blushed with a giggle. 

Angelina heard Alistair's giggling and stared down at her feet, blushing hard. 

"Yeah, nobody is around, I thought it would be ok...Sorry" Kage said softly.  She shrunk a little more behind Asura, but still peeking out to look at Malekith. "I don't think we would have to go inside..."

@Shiro Kurogane @Inheritance

"Too late now. And don't aplogize." Asura said simply.
"Great... But hey, knowing this is a dragon temple, there's bound to be lots of treasure in here." Alas responded, he didn't view dragons and gods having some sort of relationship, Alas never saw the power of a god. Yet, at his home everyone high in power talks about that one god... Yog something or like that, he's never been around most of those high power things. 

"Dibs on the magical weapon." Alas claims as he gives a child like grin, he thinks about what all kinds of treasure there could be now, from gold to magic to secrets unanswered. Now he's excited to venture this cave. Alas feels a bit more relaxed from sitting down as he starts to daydream of all the treasures in the temple.

Dru shrugged "with a group our size we could say we have 2-3 hunters and that wouldn't bother anyone really. Besides that's sort of the reason we split up so that we would have to explain less. If we bought supplies for 2 people it wouldn't raise alarm if we were buying for 6 or so people that would draw attention. Besides between 3 of us I can shape things with sand and one of us can use ice." @Shiro Kurogane

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