In Character

"Asura." He answered Malekith simply. He refused to talk more than he had too. "your turn. who are you?" He countered, ignoring Malekith's other question for now.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance

"wait there was an actual plan behind splitting up??!" Suo questioned a little louder than necessary. His face held a look of genuine surprise. "why wasn't i told?"

Angelina's blush deepened and she tried to hid her face again.

Alistair then proceeded to hug angelina from behind. Darmani watched, and chuckled. "Young love...." he said with a smile as he took off his helmet, and his face was visible. His red hair and beard shine in the sunlight as he looked at them. 
Violet was looking for some water flask for the group when she heard some shouting "Stop that thief!" Suddenly a man bumped into Violet and fell to the ground as three guards showed up. The guards looked at the scene and came to the wrong conclusion "This woman stopped that thief. Thank you for assisting in his capture. If not for you he would've gotten away." Violet had no idea what had just happened as the guards took the man away. "I was just looking for some water flasks."
Dru smiled at Suö and after a few moments said "one of my powers is a perfect memory. I can recall everything I've ever seen since my second birthday." @Shiro Kurogane
Alistair then proceeded to hug angelina from behind. Darmani watched, and chuckled. "Young love...." he said with a smile as he took off his helmet, and his face was visible. His red hair and beard shine in the sunlight as he looked at them. 

Angelina relaxed herself into Alistair's surprise embrace from behind. Hearing his giggle brought a smile to her face.

Dru smiled at Suö and after a few moments said "one of my powers is a perfect memory. I can recall everything I've ever seen since my second birthday." @Shiro Kurogane

"...." Suo stared at Dru with his jaw dropped. "That just adds to wrong that sounds"
"That sounds cool, so it'll do some magic or what-not?" Alas asked as he thought about having is magical item, he was always fond of magic as a child. Still enjoys the thought of it now.

"If it can do magic, it's normally a helpful enchantment. Mine, one some occasions, can set it'sit's self on fire. I gotta say this weird spell, bit it's cool." She said this, drawing her sword. It shined and was sharp, showing she took great care of it.

"The reason I said that is because as many times as I've seen your face your striking good looks catch me off guard yet again." Dru faintly blushed and looked away "come on charmer we need supplies." @Shiro Kurogane
"Neat," Alas said as he looked at her, observing her features. She looks like she can organize a party of warriors well. He looks down at himself, the weapon his holds is a bit rusty and the armor isn't well at all. He speaks as he looks down at his mace."Well, you seem like a organized warrior, claiming that dragons raised you is a wee-bit superstitious, but I know one thing. They don't teach you to stay organized," Alas said, looking at her now, 

"So who did?"

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"Me mum and Da," Blake answered. "Of course they died before I learned much, so Havoc taught me much of that I know. Believe it or not he taught me even how to sew." She chuckled. "Plus, me and him spent a lot of time on the road, so I was kinda taught by many we met along the way."

Violet shook off what had happened and continued her shopping. And just as quickly as she started there were more shouts and she decided to step out of the way. But that seemed to stop another thief and a woman quickly took back her stuff and shook Violets hand. "Thank you for stopping him." And the woman took off. Violets eyes widened when she realized what was going on. "Oh no I'm bringing attention to myself. Uh I have to find the others and warn them. Tell them to abandon me if need be."
"I see, sorry, I never lost any family. Well, I never physically lost any family." Alas said as he rubbed the back of his head, 

"I'll try to be good for once, I'll trust you on the whole "raised by dragon thing" but that's just because you seem like you where." Alas states as he get up and stretches as always. 

"Heh.." Alas gave a small chuckle, he thinks about his life. It makes him flinch a little as he shakes in head.

"It was a boring life really, nothing much changed," Alas said, giving that same flaw smile.

"The reason I said that is because as many times as I've seen your face your striking good looks catch me off guard yet again." Dru faintly blushed and looked away "come on charmer we need supplies." @Shiro Kurogane

Suo looked at Dru in stunned silence. "Y-yeah..." He answered somewhat quietly, taking Dru's hand in his.
Suo looked at Dru in stunned silence. "Y-yeah..." He answered somewhat quietly, taking Dru's hand in his. we never talked about what happened during that fight with the hunters. Firstly you are starlingly bad at fighting secondly do you remember what happened in the air?"
"Well, I'm not lying when I say if you were from where I was from, you wouldn't really like it. Not at all." Alas looks at his mace, his rusty mace gives him a flashback.

His hometown wasn't a happy place, what holds the town is it's military. Harsh is the rules, and how it holds it's tradition. Tradition, another word Alas hates, his family wasn't really there with Alas all the time. Only there to tell him stories and tell him what to do next. Not until he failed them, that's when he never saw them much. He was angry at his town, for being so ruthless to their own people, but he couldn't do anything. He saw what happened to those who rebelled. It wasn't a pretty sight to see. Propaganda everywhere, dragons are pure evil, and humans are the greatest things of all time. That's what the people higher in power claim, as those under power struggle for survival. Alas had a choice to follow the line or rebel against the unfairness of those who don't look out for their own people. What do those in higher power do? Claim something about dragons and how they're on some god sent mission to save us all. It's a law to not interfere with any dragon related business. That's when corruption hits. Alas could say something, yet fear tells him what to do and he obeys. Poverty was common, corruption everywhere, but he can't do anything. The worst part is Alas' lack of fighting ability compared to most of what others can do. One of the major things to survive in this town was to show how strong you are. His family was suppose to be one of the strongest in the town, Stonne-feld was a noble title to have. Not anymore, after what Alas did...

Alas nods for a second and then sighs,

"Yeah, knowing you for what I see, it's too just not your think, really. It'll bore you and you just find another place." Alas said as he looks up in the sky. His eyes looked somewhat hurt, but he struggles to keep a positive face.

"So how about we get ourselves some treasure?"

"Will do," Valle responded, leaning back on her hands. She had a somewhat odd feeling g about this place, but shoved it off. But she swore she heard some deep rumbling comming from inside the temple, though it be faint. She shrugged, just her imagination.

Angelina relaxed herself into Alistair's surprise embrace from behind. Hearing his giggle brought a smile to her face.

"...." Suo stared at Dru with his jaw dropped. "That just adds to wrong that sounds"

Alistair  looked at Darmani, then looked on in awe as he studied his face. "Who knew that Darmani could be handsome? I thought he was a grizzly warrior at first." proxi said as darmani chuckled. we never talked about what happened during that fight with the hunters. Firstly you are starlingly bad at fighting secondly do you remember what happened in the air?"

"what happened in the air? ... no? did something happen?" Suo asked with genuine confusion.

On 10/27/2016 at 10:31 AM, Emperor Of Embers said:

Alistair  looked at Darmani, then looked on in awe as he studied his face. "Who knew that Darmani could be handsome? I thought he was a grizzly warrior at first." proxi said as darmani chuckled. 


Angelina just stared. not really expressing almost nothing. Her's was just a blank look. She didn't really know why they were all suddenly staring at Darmani's face.
Dru sighed "I was scared because you were injured.  Asura said I should get you close to yor element so used your power and mine to create a small storm. In the midst of it a woman made of electricity healed you and she tried to tell me something. You don't remember that do you?" @Shiro Kurogane

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