In Character


After he had found a suitable place,  he went back to where Kage and Malekith should have been. "I've found somewhere if you wish to talk. "
Keres was in town with her son, Lucian. The little boy was dragging his mother to many different shops, having the time of his life. So was Keres, watching him have fun. 

That was, until she sensed other dragons. Her midnight blue eyes went draconic and slim, growling. She picked Lucian up, holding him to her protectively. 

She he followed the scents until she came across other dragons, who seemed to be talking. She couldn't get a good image of any of their faces. 

@Inheritance  @FireMaiden
"what happened in the air? ... no? did something happen?" Suo asked with genuine confusion.

Angelina just stared. not really expressing almost nothing. Her's was just a blank look. She didn't really know why they were all suddenly staring at Darmani's face.

"Anyway..... Shall we get some fish?" Darmani asked he children as alistair nodded enthusiastically, followed with a growling stomach. "Will you try a bite of fish? If you do not want to, that is fine." the an said, looking at angelina.
On 10/28/2016 at 4:49 PM, Drumonkey said:

Dru sighed "I was scared because you were injured.  Asura said I should get you close to yor element so used your power and mine to create a small storm. In the midst of it a woman made of electricity healed you and she tried to tell me something. You don't remember that do you?" @Shiro Kurogane


"... uuuhhh, no?" Suo half lied. Or at least thought he was half lying. He had a rough idea who the elemental woman might have been. but nothing was certain.

24 minutes ago, Emperor Of Embers said:

"Anyway..... Shall we get some fish?" Darmani asked he children as alistair nodded enthusiastically, followed with a growling stomach. "Will you try a bite of fish? If you do not want to, that is fine." the an said, looking at angelina.


"i'll try some." Angelina answered immediately. 
Dru frowned and held Suo's hand up and put his hand over his wrist "I'm sorry care to repeat that answer? " Dru felt something powerful cause his heart to flutter his eyes shifted away from him and his voice pitched slightly. The chakra ges were minor so it couldn't be an out and out lie but there was something that had made Suö think and the fact that he didn't say it bothered Dru. @Shiro Kurogane
"We should go..." He stopped, and glanced around. He saw another person, a mother it looked like, giving them a glare. He ignored it, but kept it in the back of his mind. "Come" he growled softly, and turned to leave. He would have to change out of the armor soon-it was too revealing, and too noticeable. 

@FireMaiden @AllTheFangirlThings @Shiro Kurogane
Keres hugged Lucian to her as the male dragon glared at her. The female growled and bared her teeth at him. Even in human form, they were still very pointy. 

"Well I see someone isn't very welcoming of their own kind" she said into his spirit and mind. "Especially those of the opposite gender. Honestly, I'm a female with a kid. A little respect would be a blessing after taking care of peoples' bullshit all day." She mentally sighed. 

Shrugging, she put Lucian down and walked out of the shadows. She had her flattering, short yet elegant dress of armor of dragon scales on, and her midnight blue hair and eyes caught the light. 

A spirit dragon. A dragon of myth, one that was said to be extinct. That's what she was. An elder dragon. 

"Come, Lucian" she said to her son sweetly, continuing on her way with the little red-headed boy following her. 

"Okay mommy." He said as he bounded along after his mother. Keres laughed and picked her son back up, tickling his stomach. The little boy squealed with laughter before hugging his mother and putting his head on her shoulder, quickly falling asleep. 

Keres laughed slightly and put a hand on the back of his head. It was obvious that she loved the child. 

"Sweet dreams, my child." She said, blessing his mind and spirit. With that, she started walking again, choosing to ignore the male dragon that had given her a glare. She had other things to worry about. 


He was a bit shocked, and almost leapt into the air, drawing his sword and calling for his magic. He spun, ready for Yogig's inherent attack...nobody had spoken directly to his mind...only the Old Gods had...and that was...well he couldn't remember. All he knew was he was panicked. HOW the hell did that just happen? Did she do that?! He thought frantically. He sheathed his weapon and quickened his pace, eyes darting around.  @FireMaiden @AllTheFangirlThings
Keres chuckled lightly at seeing the male's reaction. She was now leaning on a tree that was in the middle of the town in a lawn of a building, near him. How did she get there that close to him? 

"I'm taking it you didn't expect me to be able to do that?" She asked. "I apologize. But that is how I communicate when I don't know if anyone is of the same species as me." 

She approached Malekith, having made sure her son was safe in the cover of the tree, as well as comfortable. She still kept an eye on him however. 

Eyeing Malekuth up and down to get an idea of how he worked, she carefully extended one arm. "Easy there big guy. I'm not a threat." She laughed. "At least, not unless you piss me off." 

She looked directly into his eyes with her own dark blue ones, which were shining with the light. "Come on" she said, her voice light and alluring. "Put the sword down please." 

When he did, she nodded. "Thank you." 

Noticing that hat he wasn't stopping, she just kept appearing near him. One place one second, another the next. Many questioned how she did this, but never received a direct answer.

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He had become increasingly startled as she kept appearing near him, until finally. .. "BY THE GODS HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?!" He yelled, not so much angry as confused. He didn't know what kind of magic this was...and he couldn't tell if he liked it. There was a strange aura to it that he liked, but the strangeness of it made him distrusting. @FireMaiden @AllTheFangirlThings

Oromis sped around, making loops gracefully in the sky. He had been off adventuring for a while, and was having great deals of fun just doing nothing. He had felt something...calling...calling...but he could ignore it, however the closer it got to a full moon the more hypnotic the voice got...he could make it out as a voice when he was asleep. It called to him in his dreams...but for now, he sped around in the sky, showing off his silver hide. He thought he saw movement down below, but it wasn't anything worth noticing...probably. @Betweengoodandevil

(Hopping this is okay? Sorry if it is not, i can always change something)

Ash’s scales glistened and glittered in the pale moonlight, sunlight starts to shift over the silver horizon, she yawned stretching her limbs and her wings. Her sisters and her den was behind her; a cave, thick bushes hide the opening along with vines that wrap around the rocks. Her belly rumbling slightly, she spread her wings and took flight, soaring above the treetops. She could feel the wind beneath her wings, she shifted her cranium to gaze downward, in search for food. The scent of an animal wafted to her nose. She followed the scent, descending downwards and soon she landed, her paws touching the softness of grass, crunching ever so slightly under her feet. After following the scent for several miles she soon caught a glimpse of a deer. She curled her lip, she could almost tastes the flesh on it. It’s head is down, jaw chomping away at the fallen leaves and grass. Prowling behind it, she flexed her talents, waiting for the perfect time to slaughter it.

The deer halted, its head lifting, gazing around the forest, its jaw still working on the patch of grass and leaves between its jaw a few slip from its mouth and land soundlessly on the forest floor. It was growing suspicious its eyes were about to scan the forest in her direction, she cannot allow that. She snarled, leaping on top of the deer, she dug her talons into its flank, it cries out. The scent of blood fills her nostrils, her sisters would not go hungry tonight. The deer struggles, desperately trying to escape the dragon's wrath. She simply tightens her grip, sinking her fangs into the deer's neck, snapping its throat. It’s body twitches, making no more sound, is shakes once, twice, before falling limp under the dragon's weight, withering onto the forest floor. The dragon grinned satisfied her kill, time to take it home to the sisters.

She looks up, sniffing just slightly to get the smell of her kind, it wasn't her sisters, they never got up this early. She shrugged, her huge form shaking. She eyes her kill, blood still fresh, she shifts. Her dark scale unnoticable in the darkness, sometimes gleaming with the moon, and the now rising sun. She grunts and groans, popping sounds come from her bones as she shifts. Her wings retract, her eyes narrow, her senses become less than they were. She stood there finally, over the large body of a buck, her jeans still ripped from the years she has worn them. Never able to buy new ones, her dark hair slung across her back as she bends down next to the dead thing.

[SIZE= 18.6667px]It's still warm, she stiffens, the wind whistles at her dark curls wrapping them around her face. She lifts her head a few drops of sunlight peek through the thick foliage of trees. The grass is damp, folding under her weight, something shifts over the trees shadows cast across the ground before being swallowed by the sun. 'It's a bird,' she tells herself, but deep down she knows it isn't. She pulls out her bag, tieing up the deer she begins to take it home. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18.6667px]@Inheritance[/SIZE]
"The female is right," she said. "It is part of my powers. And you should be quiet. The humans will think you're going insane." 

Moshe took a step forward, towards him. "My name is Keres. I'm a Spirit dragon. I can do things many of you can not." With that, she disappeared, and appeared behind him.

She put her hands on his shoulders. "Hm" she said. "I can read your soul now. Malekith, huh? An interesting name." She released him. 

"I see that you're a golden dragon. I've never met one. Mind telling me about the species sometime?" 

She he laughed and walked back in front of him, her steps elegant and graceful. 

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On 10/29/2016 at 8:41 PM, Drumonkey said:

Dru frowned and held Suo's hand up and put his hand over his wrist "I'm sorry care to repeat that answer? " Dru felt something powerful cause his heart to flutter his eyes shifted away from him and his voice pitched slightly. The chakra ges were minor so it couldn't be an out and out lie but there was something that had made Suö think and the fact that he didn't say it bothered Dru. @Shiro Kurogane


Suo tried to calm himself but with little success. "i said no. i don't know who the elemental was.... Or i think i do. But Elementals all look exactly alike. So i can't say for certain it's who i think." He hurriedly mumbled. 
"... uuuhhh, no?" Suo half lied. Or at least thought he was half lying. He had a rough idea who the elemental woman might have been. but nothing was certain.

"i'll try some." Angelina answered immediately. 

"Excellent. Follow me then." Darmani said as he walked to a fish vendor, and ordered 3 orders of Smoked Salmon drenched in butter and drizzled with lemon squeezings. Darmani gave the children their food, and alistair began to slowly eat, and enjoy the smokey, salty, and citrus taste of the dish. "How do you like it?" Darmani asked Angelina.
Dru squinted slightly then let go of his wrist "they seemed to know you so there can't be too many of them right?" Dru turned away from Suö and continued walong looking at the shops and homes. 

"I am uh..." He had never heard of a spirit dragon, nor did he know of their power. He felt almost violated that she had seen into his soul without his consent, and developed a sort of bitterness. "I'm busy as it were. Another time. Kage, if you would follow me." He hurried into the bar, wanting to get away from the one who could see into his soul...yet something about it intrigued him, and almost captivated him. She was a beauty, but he was slightly unnerved by her power.
@FireMaiden @AllTheFangirlThings


He thought he had heard a fight of some sort, but he couldn't be certain, as he could see very little. He slowly spiraled downward though, as he was tired and wanted to spend a bit of time as a human before he set off again, and eventually landed. He began to sing a bit,

" When light from the lost land shall return,
Six Sleepers shall ride, six Signs shall burn,
And where the midsummer tree grows tall
By Pendragon’s sword the Dark shall fall"

He stopped after that, and set up a small camp. He loved this life, yet on occasion a shadow passed into his heart. He had no idea why, and it sometimes aggravated him, but for now he was content to just sit and wait. He pulled out his sword and began to polish it. He loved the carvings on it, his parents had given it to him as a gift. He had in return sent thousands of gold pieces back to them as his fame for the family name spread. However this past year he had done little of that, and had detached himself more and more from the world, simply because little tethered him to reality.



He awoke again, he couldn't tell how long he was out, but he knew this was unacceptable. He really couldn't be out this long...he needed servants, that would follow him...forever...though he knew exactly what he needed. He extended his wicked consciousness out....and tried to see who he could find...


@Shiro Kurogane


@Emperor Of Embers


Keres laughed, her eyes going into gold slits. "Yes, go on, Malekith" she said. "Although I doubt it'll be the last time we see each other." With that, she turned and left, going to the tree where Lucian was and taking him into her arms. 

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Kage followed after Malekith quickly, "That was weird," She muttered quietly. The girl stayed close to Malekith though she didn't know him to well; some of the men in the tavern were giving her weird looks which she knew all to well, and it was making her very uncomfortable.

(Do yout hunk you could get rid of the coding you have on this post? I know that some people are on moblie, and it disrupts the script on the page.)

What do you mean? And ya I can when I figure out what you mean, sorry...!!!

wait i think i figured it out nvm, ya i will do it when ihave time
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Ash was shifted into half dragon form, her thick wings folded against her back, her vision becomes clearer and she can smell the deer a little more. Her ears strain to listen, a few cherps from the insects. She ties a rope around the deer, she would do this in full dragon but it has been awhile since she has had any enery. She wraps the rope around her stomach as well and begins pulling it. After walking for a few she hears a low voice, singing a sweet melody. When the voice stops something scraping agiant metal takes its place, Ash stiffens creeping slowly towards the noise. She pulls back a few leaves and stares. Its a boy, a man? She thinks its a boy, she sits there watching for a few, she turns and tries to go around him, crunching a few sticks on her way, she tenses hoping he/it didn't notice her. 

[COLOR= rgb(136, 91, 33)]@Inheritance[/COLOR]

(Sorry if it is not that good in a hurry, also do you know if it is dark or light)
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Asura followed Kage, Malekith and now to new woman and her child. He'd not actually left when he'd stormed off due to second guessing himself over Kage's safety. So now he had ended up tailing Kage and the three new people like some kind of stalker.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings

"Excellent. Follow me then." Darmani said as he walked to a fish vendor, and ordered 3 orders of Smoked Salmon drenched in butter and drizzled with lemon squeezings. Darmani gave the children their food, and alistair began to slowly eat, and enjoy the smokey, salty, and citrus taste of the dish. "How do you like it?" Darmani asked Angelina.

Angelina bit into the salmon, her first ever taste of actual food. the fishy taste along with the smoky, citrus tastes exploded on her tongue. leaving Angelina in pure bliss. "Mmmmmm" 

Dru squinted slightly then let go of his wrist "they seemed to know you so there can't be too many of them right?" Dru turned away from Suö and continued walong looking at the shops and homes. 

"Well that's not quite true. but yeah, there shouldn't be a lot of elementals who know me... out of the forest around me village." Suo replied, catching up and walking next to Dry with a bit of space between them.

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