In Character

"Yeah but think about our group's size. If we leave town without having the expected amount of supplies for a traveling group of our size. Then it could make people weary of us." 

Angelina heard Alistair's giggling and stared down at her feet, blushing hard. 

"Too late now. And don't aplogize." Asura said simply.

"No matter what you are, we still see you as Angelina." Proxi said as she swirled around her head, and floated in front of the girl. "And besides, it will make Alistair like you even more, because you are unique." She added with fast flapping wings, and then calm flittering. 

"Alright then. Who are you guys? And why do you neglect your duties here?" He knew he shouldn't be asking first, but he was curious. How could these dragons....half dragons... be so casual about speaking out in the street?! Do they not understand...?

Oromis sped around, making loops gracefully in the sky. He had been off adventuring for a while, and was having great deals of fun just doing nothing. He had felt something...calling...calling...but he could ignore it, however the closer it got to a full moon the more hypnotic the voice got...he could make it out as a voice when he was asleep. It called to him in his dreams...but for now, he sped around in the sky, showing off his silver hide. He thought he saw movement down below, but it wasn't anything worth noticing...probably. @Betweengoodandevil
"Asura." He answered Malekith simply. He refused to talk more than he had too. "your turn. who are you?" He countered, ignoring Malekith's other question for now.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance

6 hours ago, Drumonkey said:

Dru shrugged "with a group our size we could say we have 2-3 hunters and that wouldn't bother anyone really. Besides that's sort of the reason we split up so that we would have to explain less. If we bought supplies for 2 people it wouldn't raise alarm if we were buying for 6 or so people that would draw attention. Besides between 3 of us I can shape things with sand and one of us can use ice." @Shiro Kurogane





"wait there was an actual plan behind splitting up??!" Suo questioned a little louder than necessary. His face held a look of genuine surprise. "why wasn't i told?"

5 hours ago, Emperor Of Embers said:

"No matter what you are, we still see you as Angelina." Proxi said as she swirled around her head, and floated in front of the girl. "And besides, it will make Alistair like you even more, because you are unique." She added with fast flapping wings, and then calm flittering. 


Angelina's blush deepened and she tried to hid her face again.

"Malekith is what I am called. I may be known as Conflux however." He wasn't sure why he said that last part...he had never gone by Conflux...ever... "Now what are you doing here, O silent one?" He made a note of how the male wasn't talking, and acting...passive aggressive, putting it lightly.

@Shiro Kurogane @FireMaiden  (above)
Asura cocked an eye now at Malekith, for the 'silent one' remark. "i dunno," he answered with a shrug, "your guess is as good as mine." Asura lied. He glanced around the street again, seeing some villagers looking at them curiously. But that wasn't the reason he had avoided the question via a lie.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance

"You don't know why you are here, or what you are doing?" In his broken state, he couldn't tell what that meant. "Were you summoned here as I?" He kept the last part a bit lower, to keep the gathering villagers from hearing. He didn't take notice of the silent girl, but continued a stare from under his helm. "Because if so, I think I can shed some light on that. I could be wrong though, I have walked many years across the dark to find this place. @Shiro Kurogane @FireMaiden
Asura merely shrugged in answer to everything but the last bit Malekith had said about being summoned. "well we definitely weren't 'summoned' here. like Kage said, this town is just a pit stop."

@Inheritance @FireMaiden

He was quite confused at this point...the two didn't care about Yogig, nor did they have any purpose. He knew they had a purpose...but he couldn't remember what it was. In the Dark he knew...he knew a lot of things...but he didn't know them now...he couldn't remember them... He couldn't respond for a bit... then, "So you know nothing? You are neglecting your duties here. You know there is a reason we are here?" Once again, the last part was hushed, so nobody could see it. There seemed to be more and more people. He could feel his memory slipping...He could feel his corruption growing. It was slow, but it was happening. @Shiro Kurogane @FireMaiden
Dru smiled and stroked Suo's cheek. "It's a good thing you're so pretry and talented with your hands. The reason I didn't say anything is because I was hoping someone from each team would figure it out." Dru shrugged. @Shiro Kurogane
"N-No, we have a purpose. We're going somewhere, but we needed more supplies," Kage said, noticing the change in his odd behavior. How about we go somewhere there's not alot of people and talk?" She asked, looking around  nervously.

@Inheritance @Shiro Kurogane
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Asura stood completely silent. He was done talking and made no attempts to hide it either. Sure he's being a little rude. But believe it or not, Asura didn't make a habit of talking to someone he just met. Let alone tell them anything about the group. He wasn't as trusting of people/dragons as Kage. The others were an exception since they'd joined him in freeing Kage. Bit Malekith has just shown up randomly and started questioning them as if he had a right to know their business. 

@FireMaiden @Inheritance
58 minutes ago, Drumonkey said:

Dru smiled and stroked Suo's cheek. "It's a good thing you're so pretry and talented with your hands. The reason I didn't say anything is because I was hoping someone from each team would figure it out." Dru shrugged. @Shiro Kurogane


Suo cocked an eye. "good with my hands? that sounds dirty." Suo commented, trying and failing to keep a straight face. He couldn't help but wiggle his eyebrows. 

He saw that the man stopped speaking, so he took a step farther  (so Asura may feel s bit uncomfortable unless he moved) and stared past him at Kage. "Of course. Do you have a place? I have...some money. Not too much though. " He took off his helm now,  and shot Asura a challenging look before returning his gaze to Kage. 

"Alright-I'll follow you. Apologies for the is...necessary where I come from." He glanced around towards the gatherers. "Do you all not have somewhere to be?" He growled. Most of them cleared out, but the more ballsy ones stayed around. "Or I can go find one?" @FireMaiden
Asura shot the same challenging look back at Malekith. When he felt Kage move out from behind him, Asura pushed past Malekith. Purposefully slamming his shoulder forcefully against Malekith's as he passed, using a little of his power over gravity to give his shoulder the force of a speeding truck. After that Asura just continued to walk off, seeing as he no longer was needed.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance
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He took the hit with little complaint, just silently turned around to look for somewhere to stay. He would keep an eye on the Asura fellow. He seemed too aggressive...and he would have no problem dispatching him if wasn't a good thought...foolish... Other powers were taking hold on him...he could feel it...

He continued on to look for somewhere, until he found a small inn. This would do, for now. He turned back to find where Kage was... or at least, when he left she was there. @FireMaiden

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