In Character

"Rest sounds nice" Alas responded as he stretches, walking for hours isn't his style and he's pretty tired. 

"Where?" Alas asked as he thought about a comfortable place to rest.

"Oh, alright." Alas said as he sat down the metal clanks as he sits. He starts to peel away some of his armor and stretch out his arms. He needs a new suit  of armor someday. 

"So Blake," Alas said "Why are you going for this temple? You seem to want to see the temple that has treasure. What's your story?" 

"Poooooooke," Kage said as she poked both Asura and her uncle. "Let's go explore!" She smiled at both of them, her eyes sparkling. "I really wanna look around."

@Shiro Kurogane @Safety Hammer

Asura looked down at his feet, hiding his raising blush. "Sure." He answered back.

Darmani's mouth started to water as he saw many fish dishes being made. The seasonings, the sizzle, and the looks all made him hungry. "Who's hungry? I will by with what I have left." darmani said as Alistair eagerly nodded, and set angelina down. His stomach growled with anticipation, for the boy had never had fsh ever since his 5th birthday, and longed to revive the taste of seafoof in his life. 

Angelina cocked her head sideways slightly. She'd never eaten let alone smelled fish before.
"Short and simple, but everyone likes money. Tell me why you're willing to risk your life for treasure. You don't seem to be the greedy type. Then again, you are a dragon lover." Alas said, he started to get curious. No one really speaks to him simple and short unless it's in his town, but this isn't his town.

5 minutes ago, FireMaiden said:

Kage took his hand, and began to lead him to some random shop. She looked over her shoulder and smiled up at him. 

@Shiro Kurogane


Asura blush returned lightly as he smiled back at her. "where to first?"
"It's more, I respect them, not love," She said. "And I'm not greedy, but I'm short on coin and kinda need it to buy more food. There's no story. Plus, I'm not risking my life for some low level temple that probably doent have much," She said with a shrug.  @Dutchmann

Kage shrugged, "I...I don't really know." She hadn't actually thought about that. "Can we just walk around?"

@Shiro Kurogane
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"It's more, I respect them, not love," She said. "And I'm not greedy, but I'm short on coin and kinda need it to buy more food. There's no story. Plus, I'm not risking my life for some low level temple that probably doent have much," She said with a shrug.  @Dutchmann

Kage shrugged, "I...I don't really know." She hadn't actually thought about that. "Can we just walk around?"

@Shiro Kurogane


"sure," Asura said, giving Kage's hand an unintentional gentle squeeze. "lead the way." He smiled at her, enjoying how cute Kage was being. 
"sure," Asura said, giving Kage's hand an unintentional gentle squeeze. "lead the way." He smiled at her, enjoying how cute Kage was being. 

Kage walked around with Asura, still holding his hand, and talking about random things she saw. She was also easily distracted by one of the jewelry stands, and one that sold sweets. But she didn't ask for anything, she just liked to look.
"Money isn't going to be the topic now Blake, you say that not all dragons are good. How many "good" dragons have you seen?" Alas asked, his tone was a little stern, but curiosity is still there. He's never actually seen a "good" dragon ever. Well, he's never seen a true dragon. Whatever those things were, they were like dragon humanoids, but not a full dragon. He goes with the crowd of the people who tells what a dragon is. 

"Out of the dozens of dragons I've been sent to handle, maybe 1 of them were actual threats," Blake said, her voice just as stern. "The most dangerous one I've ever encountered was Yuma. And he's over 400 years old, and feral." 

"Bah, you speak of threatening dragons, you wouldn't survive in my city. People claiming such malfeasance fictions will be lynched!" Alas exclaimed, remembering the times during his life where that occurred, it  was people he never met before. Once was when he was a child and another when he was in adulthood. Never understood those people. 

"Listen Blake, you might of been lucky here if you really think all those dragons are good," Alas' tone crescendos  "but one day you'll see what it's like living m-." Alas stops, knowing he's speaking too much.

"Sorry, didn't mean to act out that much." Alas said, his tone softer than the usual.

"Bah, you speak of threatening dragons, you wouldn't survive in my city. People claiming such malfeasance fictions will be lynched!" Alas exclaimed, remembering the times during his life where that occurred, it  was people he never met before. Once was when he was a child and another when he was in adulthood. Never understood those people. 

"Listen Blake, you might of been lucky here if you really think all those dragons are good," Alas' tone crescendos  "but one day you'll see what it's like living m-." Alas stops, knowing he's speaking too much.

"Sorry, didn't mean to act out that much." Alas said, his tone softer than the usual.


"And your closed mindedness will be your downfall," She said bitterly. "You highlanders are always feeling like you know everything,  but you know nothing. How do you expect to even wound a dragon if you have no respect for them?" Blake then sighed, "But do finish what you were saying. I would like to know."
"Listen, I don't know what you're from but trust me on this, don't ever speak to me about respect for dragons." Alas stated as he tries his best not to remember, but his memories fade in.

"When the dragons were the dominate species, some of the most vial ones lived right where I was born and raised, they weren't really feral. They were just the most manipulative dragons of all time. Playing games like it was there past time to do. We suffered for their entertainment. But when that god helped us, we made that vow to that god. To slay every dragon there is, so from that year to here. We still follow that tradition, even though they're scarce now. We won't dare break a promise to a god." Alas' expression was dead, he went from the historic lessons to present day, it wasn't a pretty picture. He couldn't help but chuckle in dead humor. 

"Who knows, maybe we're afraid what'll happen if we break that vow?" 

"So you're just a mindless follower?" Blake sighed. "Of the god Yogig? Do you know what he's the god of?" She asked. "He doent seem like someone to pledge yourself to." She popped her neck, and then looked him dead in eh face. It wouldn't seem as intemidating if both her eyes were good. But one was milky white, a long scar a reminder of what happened, and the other, bright forest green that burned with some unread emotion. "You can't kill a dragon if you don't respect it as a foe. If you believe you are better than them, they will win, if you believe them better than you, you will die. You must respect them as a foe on the same plane as you to truly win."

An odd smile appears on Alas' face, staring right back at her. He's a bit curious of the scar on her face, but his statement must be stated first.

"Oh, but that's were you're wrong. You should've seen what we do to dragons. No respect and death on each end." Alas remembers the public executions now.

"Dragons can be killed with the right equipment, and that god gave us that. Now of course, I can't take it here, against law and I couldn't handle it just by myself. So that's your flaw miss, dragons can be killed with no respect, no remorse." Alas said, the grin fades as he looks down at the floor, he wants to state that he doesn't follow gods, but that's a lie.

"Compared to what we do to what they did, it's nothing." Alas said, he wasn't as tired anymore, adrenaline from the argument and anger flows within his body. Yet, he knows he needs rest.

"Listen, we can yap all day, but nothing's going to be done unless we rest now." He stated, trying to act all like the better one, but he has a rage burning, acing to fight here and now. Also another emotion holding him back, a familiar one.

Asura looked down at his feet, hiding his raising blush. "Sure." He answered back.

Angelina cocked her head sideways slightly. She'd never eaten let alone smelled fish before.

"Something tells me you don't know what Fish is. Am I correct to assume that?" darmani asked angelina, though his face was never seen by anyone, he spoke a gentle tone, then tookna knee, and looked her in the eyes. "Tell me, what have you ever had in terms of food?" he asked her, again being as gentle as he could. 
"Where should we spend some of our precious alone time and what supplies should we get for a long trip?" Dru asked as he held onto Suo's arm. @Shiro Kurogane
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Kage walked around with Asura, still holding his hand, and talking about random things she saw. She was also easily distracted by one of the jewelry stands, and one that sold sweets. But she didn't ask for anything, she just liked to look.





Asura followed Kage around the town happily. He enjoyed watching her eyes sparkle when she saw certain things.

2 hours ago, Emperor Of Embers said:

"Something tells me you don't know what Fish is. Am I correct to assume that?" darmani asked angelina, though his face was never seen by anyone, he spoke a gentle tone, then tookna knee, and looked her in the eyes. "Tell me, what have you ever had in terms of food?" he asked her, again being as gentle as he could. 



Angelina thought for a moment. She thought about how she'd been born... from a tree. but not just any tree. The tree of life itself. "nothing really. i've never eaten before." She answered honestly instead of sticking to the story Suo and Asura had always told her to use.

46 minutes ago, Drumonkey said:

"Where should we spend some of our precious alone time and what supplies should we get for a long trip?" Dru asked as he held onto Suo's arm. @Shiro Kurogane

"well i could think of a few places to spend our time ~" Suo chuckled at his own innuendo. "im guessing we'd need the normal supplies that anyone would want for traveling. food, water, tents, outdoor cookware." Suo listed off then paused. "wait... we are in a port town... we should all go to a beach! before we leave."
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