In Character

"I thought i did. But i think i just lost it." Suo mumbled as the look on his face twisted to a mix of confusion and searching. He grasped around in his mind for what he had wanted to ask but the question that had been in his throat moments ago was nowhere to be found. "i can't remember.."

Angelina could hardly look anyone in the eyes right then with her impossibly red face. But she did nod in answer to Proxi's question.

Proxi chuckled, then spoke. "That is a big step for you two..... You guys get closer every day." Proxi said as she swirled around Alistair, who got up. "I am so proud of you two..... I think Mother Dierdre would be too." she added as alistair nodded sadly, since the mentionef person is his currently deceased mother. 
Dru frowned "I'm worried about you just forgetting something just like that but I'll let it slide for now. Is there anything you would like to know about my powers in general?" @Shiro Kurogane
Proxi chuckled, then spoke. "That is a big step for you two..... You guys get closer every day." Proxi said as she swirled around Alistair, who got up. "I am so proud of you two..... I think Mother Dierdre would be too." she added as alistair nodded sadly, since the mentionef person is his currently deceased mother. 

Angelina Peeked from behind her hands blocking her face to look at Proxi and Alistair. She seemed to perk up, becoming suddenly more alert. Seeing Alistair sad made an feeling of unknown origin bubble. Angelina did not very much like seeing such a look on Alistair. Smiles suit him much better. the though absently crossed her mind, making her blush again.

Dru frowned "I'm worried about you just forgetting something just like that but I'll let it slide for now. Is there anything you would like to know about my powers in general?" @Shiro Kurogane

"Honestly?..  no. my powers were active since i was four. and is partially the reason my life was screwed up at such a young age. so i don't reason care for them.. i'd get rid of them if i could." Suo's voice steeled and his eyes hardened slightly. After two-three minutes he was back to normal and met Dru's eyes. "sorry, nearly went on a rant."
"I would stop you." Dru  said suddenly after Suö apologized. "My powers manifested from age 2 to age 4. By age 4 I had all my skills available to me and at this point they are a crucial part of myself. What powers do you have that could mess up your life so badly?" @Shiro Kurogane
"I guess we'll find out later, for now, let's talk about where to go after we find shelter. All I have is debt that town, it's not home to me. I'm just trying to find a place to reclaim myself." Alas says, his thoughts now set to how to reclaim glory to his family. A small smile can be seen as he thinks about the day he does exactly that.


"Hmm. I actual know of a really cool temple like place we could go hunting for treasure. It's maybe 7 hours from here,"Blake suggested. "Built by the Dwarves before they took the mountians." 
"What kind of treasure?" Alas said questioningly. The last time Alas heard treasure was when those pirates came from a ship near his home and started shouting about some treasure nearby, just to be some recipe book on cooking sweet rolls. Let's hope it's not that treasure. 

"What kind of treasure?" Alas said questioningly. The last time Alas heard treasure was when those pirates came from a ship near his home and started shouting about some treasure nearby, just to be some recipe book on cooking sweet rolls. Let's hope it's not that treasure. 


"Gold, maps, weapons like mine here," She pointed to her sword. "Mithril and void dragon scales. Other stuff too like artifacts and paintings."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Alas says with glee. He's never been on this kind of adventure before. Maybe he doesn't have to slay a dragon to regain his family's honor. Maybe this temple will have something.

"Right. It's gonna take a while, I hope you know that," Blake said the a small chuckle. "I here there'ssome dragon stuff in there too. Bones and such. Maybe even Heart Stone."

She brings a pendant up from underneath her armor. "This is a Fire Heart Stone. Really, it's a fancy name for the stones dragons used a long time ago that were charged with magic energy. This one had fore properties."

Angelina Peeked from behind her hands blocking her face to look at Proxi and Alistair. She seemed to perk up, becoming suddenly more alert. Seeing Alistair sad made an feeling of unknown origin bubble. Angelina did not very much like seeing such a look on Alistair. Smiles suit him much better. the though absently crossed her mind, making her blush again.

"Honestly?..  no. my powers were active since i was four. and is partially the reason my life was screwed up at such a young age. so i don't reason care for them.. i'd get rid of them if i could." Suo's voice steeled and his eyes hardened slightly. After two-three minutes he was back to normal and met Dru's eyes. "sorry, nearly went on a rant."

Alistair then looked at Angelina, and then smiled at her, the sadness melting away. his mother would be proud of her son as he slowly seals his destiny in Angelina's hands. 
Violet waited for the whole thing between Kage and Baldur to be done. She wasn't the kind of person to interrupt these kind of things. "So Kage you said something about a place that smells fishy. I'd bet that's a port town. From there we can figure out the best route to whatever that city was called."

@FireMaiden @Shiro Kurogane @Emperor Of Embers (And whoever else)
"I would stop you." Dru  said suddenly after Suö apologized. "My powers manifested from age 2 to age 4. By age 4 I had all my skills available to me and at this point they are a crucial part of myself. What powers do you have that could mess up your life so badly?" @Shiro Kurogane

"im a dual element type like you are. except i was raised in a village. A hidden village isolated deep in a forest thats existed even before the first ancestors of the tribe had settled there. That same forest is home to many fairies, elementals and nearly every other creature that were around before the ancient dragon's fall. another reason the forest or my village hasn't been discovered is largely part of the beings who live there keeping humans out with illusions. The other part is because none from my village is allowed to go near the edges of the forest or leave." Suo started, eyes clouding with memories he'd thought forgotten. "my powers awoke one day when i was four. i was out in the forest watching other kids from the village play while i sat alone because they and the village elders knew i was different. i wasn't human like them. the closest things to friends were the elementals who rarely ever showed emotion and the faeries who did talk but they sometimes weren't the best listeners."

Suo paused, breathing in deeply and releasing a burdened sigh. "next thing i know, the other kids are screaming and running away. One of the creatures had become a darkling. its what we used to call the creatures who became evil through any means. The darklings are like ghosts, no definite form. The darkling caught and drained life essence from three or four kids before some pushed me towards it, using me as a means to buy time for escape. i just gave up. thought i was gonna die and just was gonna let it happen. But even the other beings of the forest do not allow darklings to roam free for long. A group of faeries and some elementals showed up, along with a few adults from the village."

Suo paused again, drawing a shaky breath.  "my life was already half drained when they had arrived. after a fleeting glimpse everything went black for me. i either dunno or dont remember what happened.. But when i woke up, i was in the care of an elder, a fairy and a lightning elemental. The elder, who i later started calling old man explained that my dormant dragon side was forced awake and that i had not only killed the darkling but that i had near killed everyone around me. If the lightning elemental and that light based fairy hadn't been there... i hate to think what would have happened.... Long story short, me and the elder caring for me were kicked out, the elder died because humans found us and my powers have killed many people up until i was 16." Suo finished quickly, not wanting to relive the entire story of his past again.

Alistair then looked at Angelina, and then smiled at her, the sadness melting away. his mother would be proud of her son as he slowly seals his destiny in Angelina's hands. 

"W-we should go see what the others are doing." Angelina suddenly said quickly, avoiding Alistair's eyes. She didn't trust herself to look at him without blushing madly again.
Dru listened to his story and hugged Suö close seeing the emotions play across his face. "When we decide where to go I'll tell you my story and how I got here." Dru then spoke up "I agree with... Violet." It took Dru a few seconds to cycle through his memory and pick up what her name was from what he had heard and seen of her interactions. @Shiro Kurogane  @Baku @FireMaiden
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She brings a pendant up from underneath her armor. "This is a Fire Heart Stone. Really, it's a fancy name for the stones dragons used a long time ago that were charged with magic energy. This one had fore properties."

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Alas looks at the gem and gives a hard inspection. 

"It looks fancy, but magic?" Alas asks as he gives her a questioning look.

"What kind of magic?" He says.
Alas looks at the gem and gives a hard inspection. 

"It looks fancy, but magic?" Alas asks as he gives her a questioning look.

"What kind of magic?" He says.

"Well, the magic is long gone. But from what Havor told me, this necklace let a fire dragon use her powers in human form. Of course, she had to store half her magical energy in he necklace for that to work, and by the time she mastered it, she was dead anyway. So it was just tucked away in some crypt and I came along and grabbed it."
"So some dragon stuff? Cool I guess..." Alas said as he gave a shrug, Alas did like all kinds of magical things, but dragon magic is the line he doesn't want to cross at all. He doesn't like it nor he does want any of it near him. 

"So what about that temple, you must know more than what treasure it has?" Alas asks as he tries to stretch out his arms. 
"Not really. I mean, it can't be real differnt from other temples. Though this one may be in a cave, or a really dense part of the forest. Use your imagination," Blake said with a shug, moving some low hanging branches.

"im a dual element type like you are. except i was raised in a village. A hidden village isolated deep in a forest thats existed even before the first ancestors of the tribe had settled there. That same forest is home to many fairies, elementals and nearly every other creature that were around before the ancient dragon's fall. another reason the forest or my village hasn't been discovered is largely part of the beings who live there keeping humans out with illusions. The other part is because none from my village is allowed to go near the edges of the forest or leave." Suo started, eyes clouding with memories he'd thought forgotten. "my powers awoke one day when i was four. i was out in the forest watching other kids from the village play while i sat alone because they and the village elders knew i was different. i wasn't human like them. the closest things to friends were the elementals who rarely ever showed emotion and the faeries who did talk but they sometimes weren't the best listeners."

Suo paused, breathing in deeply and releasing a burdened sigh. "next thing i know, the other kids are screaming and running away. One of the creatures had become a darkling. its what we used to call the creatures who became evil through any means. The darklings are like ghosts, no definite form. The darkling caught and drained life essence from three or four kids before some pushed me towards it, using me as a means to buy time for escape. i just gave up. thought i was gonna die and just was gonna let it happen. But even the other beings of the forest do not allow darklings to roam free for long. A group of faeries and some elementals showed up, along with a few adults from the village."

Suo paused again, drawing a shaky breath.  "my life was already half drained when they had arrived. after a fleeting glimpse everything went black for me. i either dunno or dont remember what happened.. But when i woke up, i was in the care of an elder, a fairy and a lightning elemental. The elder, who i later started calling old man explained that my dormant dragon side was forced awake and that i had not only killed the darkling but that i had near killed everyone around me. If the lightning elemental and that light based fairy hadn't been there... i hate to think what would have happened.... Long story short, me and the elder caring for me were kicked out, the elder died because humans found us and my powers have killed many people up until i was 16." Suo finished quickly, not wanting to relive the entire story of his past again.

"W-we should go see what the others are doing." Angelina suddenly said quickly, avoiding Alistair's eyes. She didn't trust herself to look at him without blushing madly again.

Alistair nodded as he stood up, and held out his hand to her. He was wanting to get there quick as Darmani gets up. "I can take you to them, unless you both prefer walking." The man in red armor said as he cracked his neck. Alistair nodded, and looked at angelina for her say in this situation. 
"Not really. I mean, it can't be real differnt from other temples. Though this one may be in a cave, or a really dense part of the forest. Use your imagination," Blake said with a shug, moving some low hanging branches.


Alas starts to think about what a cave or spooky part of a forest would look like. All kinds of monsters, he could team up with Blake and slay them. More glory, better respect, more honor. That's all he wants to clear his name. Dragons being slayed would've been better. But this'll do he supposes.

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