In Character

Alas rubbed his shoulder, he probably pulled something while hauling all the logs over here. 

"So Blake, where do you want all of this wood to go to?" Alas asked as he stared at the pile of wood he arranged to. A small admire in his work as he smiles from doing a basic job.

Alas rubbed his shoulder, he probably pulled something while hauling all the logs over here. 

"So Blake, where do you want all of this wood to go to?" Alas asked as he stared at the pile of wood he arranged to. A small admire in his work as he smiles from doing a basic job.


Blake had moved all the bodies into one spot. "It would take forever to fo this the correct way, you just hang back," She said, bow moving the wood a certain way around the bodies and some in between, before she took out a red crystal like subtasks in a vial. She poured it evenly over the bodies and wood, before lighting it. Flames licked the sky, the small of burning flesh already taking over. "Moc téi lei un.
Alas stands there and watches her preform this ceremony like it's some sort of ritual. It's a odd one for Alas as he has never saw this happen before. The dead is buried to where they requested it to be from where he was taught to do. He only had to witness it a couple of times. The idea of all this death around him still gnaws at the back of his head. He shakes his head for a moment, 

"Stupid bloody..." Alas mutters under his breath as he can't help but get angry at himself and the dragons. He never knew dragons would be so powerful before and just a few can do this...  Alas gritted his teeth at the idea of dragons ruling over humans again, not again. He's at the verge of a mental breakdown of what to do. The mixture of emotions are overwhelming him. He just stands there, staring at the fire.

"Say it too. The phrase, Moc téi lei un is something that basically  means may your journey not end here, but begin anew. It's also a sign of respect." Blake said this staring at the fire, a somber expression adoring her face, but she glanced at the shorter man. "Believe it or not, vikings do have morals."

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Alas looked at Blake and gave her a nod, and then tried his best at saying the phrase Moc téi lei un. However, it ends up with a stuttered 

"Moc ta lui un." Alas mumbled as he just wanted all of this to be over. He never realized how horrible a real fight can be until now, but this isn't any ordinary fight. It's a war between who has the freedom. Humans, or dragons. 

Blake kinda snickered, "Wow, you butchered that." She took a deep breath, "Alright, let's go. I'm pretty sure there's a small farm around somewhere, we can ask to borrow a map or something."

"I-I... I" Alas was still speechless, he didn't know what to do. He wants to avenge all of these people who died so fast. Yet again, this fear is holding him back. 

"I want to kill every single one of those bloody dragons..." Alas muttered as he stands still his grip around his mace is so tight it's starting to hurt. Yet Alas continues to stand there and look at the burning fire. It hurts to think, he doesn't know if he should go emotional, cold, or both. 

"Alright..." Alas mumbled, he just can't understand how this works. It all happens so fast, the war is just... He stops staring at the fire and looks up to Blake, his grip lightens around the mace handle. However his expression is still there dead and emotionless. 

"Lead the way." he says, his tone of voice seems to be dead and sullen. 

Alas simply nodes and follows Blake, his mind pondering all the events that happened in the past two days. Obvious regrets of even coming to this place, he should of started west on his journey, not this one.

Dru smiled at Kage and her heat felt reunion and at Suö crashing into him. Dru took a moment to understand how strong he had become over the years. He remembered a time when slavers attempted to kidnapp him. The men jumped on him and held him down then dragged him away with him helpless to do anything about it but now he could catch and hold Suö easily although sup felt light as air for some reason. Dru then began to test out his limits by grabbing Suö by a leg and the torso and holding him arms length apart. @Shiro Kurogane @FireMaiden
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"Alas, you can be angry later. But for right now, it's a good idea to get out of here." Blake said. "Also, it's not a good idea to hold a weapon that tightly, you can hurt something."


"Oh great," Kage giggled. 

"She was the most amazing friend I have ever had."
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Alas simply nodes and follows Blake, his mind pondering all the events that happened in the past two days. Obvious regrets of even coming to this place, he should of started west on his journey, not this one.


Às they walked, Blake started to hum a song she heard alot as a kid.

"She was the most amazing friend I have ever had."

"Well, she was your sister," Kage said.
Suo gasped and looked at Dru sternly. "i know your strong. but do you have to show it off?" He asked squirming a bit. Being uncomfortable with being held in such a way with others around.

Angelina was frozen in shock. Alistair kissed her, KISSED HER. Her face quickly turned red to match Alistair as she fumbled around for words inside her head.  When nothing came to her Angelina settled for blushing more deeply and kissing Alistair's lips back quickly. She would then hide her face.

@Drumonkey @FireMaiden @Emperor Of Embers @Baku @Safety Hammer
Suo gasped and looked at Dru sternly. "i know your strong. but do you have to show it off?" He asked squirming a bit. Being uncomfortable with being held in such a way with others around.

Angelina was frozen in shock. Alistair kissed her, KISSED HER. Her face quickly turned red to match Alistair as she fumbled around for words inside her head.  When nothing came to her Angelina settled for blushing more deeply and kissing Alistair's lips back quickly. She would then hide her face.

@Drumonkey @FireMaiden @Emperor Of Embers @Baku @Safety Hammer

Alistair did not know what to do, so he giggled as if he were trippin', and fell back with a sill smile on his face. He was feeling great this morning, and feeling like a champion. (ah, young love.) 
"Actually I would like to because I remember a time when I couldn't even lift half your weight. Now though you seem light as air although I suspect that might be a result of my strong feelings for you." Dru held Suö close before setting him down next to him. "No need to be worried about apperance worry about us." Dru chuckled and kissed Suo. 
Alas hears Blake humming a song, the pitches and beat was familiar, but the tempo was different. He just follows her, trying to think of the noise Blake was making. 

Alistair did not know what to do, so he giggled as if he were trippin', and fell back with a sill smile on his face. He was feeling great this morning, and feeling like a champion. (ah, young love.) 

Angelina peeked at Alistair after hearing his giggles. Her face turning an impossibly deeper red as she wondered why he was laughing. Did she do something weird?

(yep, so cute)

"Actually I would like to because I remember a time when I couldn't even lift half your weight. Now though you seem light as air although I suspect that might be a result of my strong feelings for you." Dru held Suö close before setting him down next to him. "No need to be worried about apperance worry about us." Dru chuckled and kissed Suo. 

"wait what? back up a second. did you just say there was a time when you wouldn't have been able to lift me?"
Dru tilted his head "of course. It took me a little while to understand and work with my dragon side and then it took me a little longer to master my second ability. Now that I have though I am using it fully." Dru chuckled weakly clearly thinking about different things. @Shiro Kurogane

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