In Character

"Well, I'm going. I respect your homeland so you can do what you want with the bodies, hope if there is any survivors." Alas said as he started to walk back into the previous battle field, for once there was a part of a forest full of life, there is broken, burnt trees, blood, and a whole lot of grotesque corpses.

"You're an Ice and Shadow hybrid. Not powerful but both have uses. For example did you know that blood has water in it? And what can Ice dragons do to water?" Violet had this sly grin on her face knowing that it should be common knowledge among Ice dragons.

@Shiro Kurogane @FireMaiden
"you know the little girl with us? Angelina? she isn't strong either. but it was her illusion that showed the image of other dragons in the sky. its doesn't really matter how strong you are since someone with less power could beat you just by outsmarting you." Asura chimed in.

@Baku @FireMaiden
"We can freeze it, and use the blood to kill our enimes from the inside. Its actually useful for assisantions." Kage said. "Water dragons can boil blood, and if the person is injured, Shadow dragons can have a feild day severing muscles or stopping organs." After answering Violet, shet looked up at Asura, "I'm not very smart either."

@Baku @Shiro Kurogane
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"Well, I'm going. I respect your homeland so you can do what you want with the bodies, hope if there is any survivors." Alas said as he started to walk back into the previous battle field, for once there was a part of a forest full of life, there is broken, burnt trees, blood, and a whole lot of grotesque corpses.


"Why dont we stick together for a bit? I sont think the guild metmbers want to see the person who led them to a death trap or the one who did nothing."
"being scary is necessary sometimes. scaring off someone who wants to hurt you, for example. Or getting information. just know when to stop is key" Asura listed off uses for intimidation tactics.

Angelina felt Alistair's hand and looked at him with confusion. She momentarily didn't recognize him before she threw her arms around him, hugging tightly. Soft, near inaudible crying came from her.

Suo saw the sand words and huffed. He pouted for a moment, then burst into a cloud of lights that all went in different directions, looking for Dru.

Alistair was in shock with what was happening, and then hugged angelina back, and wished he had his ocarina of time with him, so he could play a calming song for Angelina. He did not know why she was afraid, but all he did was comfort her.

Darmani then woke up, feeling as he always had, angry, and vengeful. He had a dream of the memories of the past. He had also heard tell that Dracon was now known as Gorod Krovi, or The City of Blood. He also heard rumors of feral dragons and undead constantly battle for territory, with few healthy humans and dragons standing. 
"Gold medals to both of you. A common stereotype I've heard about Ice dragons is that they are the weakest type of dragon. That might be true but where we lack in strength we make up for in strategy and teamwork. People will often tell you Strength is the win all end all for dragons but that's only true to brutes who think everything else is pointless. My dad taught me that a good strategy is always needed if you want to succeed."

@FireMaiden @Shiro Kurogane
"That stereotype is bullshit. My mom was an ice dragon, and she lead an entire army, won countless dragon arena contest, and a bunch of other stuff." Kage said. "I'm not very strong because....well, you guys saved me just yesterday." She said this quietly.

@Baku @Shiro Kurogane
Asura stayed silent at Violet and Kage's mention of parents. Of which he had none. 

@Baku @FireMaiden

Alistair was in shock with what was happening, and then hugged angelina back, and wished he had his ocarina of time with him, so he could play a calming song for Angelina. He did not know why she was afraid, but all he did was comfort her.

Darmani then woke up, feeling as he always had, angry, and vengeful. He had a dream of the memories of the past. He had also heard tell that Dracon was now known as Gorod Krovi, or The City of Blood. He also heard rumors of feral dragons and undead constantly battle for territory, with few healthy humans and dragons standing. 

Angelina's cries softened to an eventual stop while still clinging to Alistair. "sorry.." She apologized for what she assumed to be weird behavior from Alistair's perspective.
"Well Kage I'm not too sure about where we go now. Truth be told I was hoping for my cave to last a little longer. I mean that wasn't your fault I was just too laid back to realize that humans could attack at any moment. You got any ideas Asura?" Violet yawned due to the whole battle from last night. It took a lot of energy and a good nights rest from her.

@Shiro Kurogane @FireMaiden
Dru watched the light that was his boyfriend and quickly dropped through the branches making a fair amount of noise on purpose. Then he stopped and waited for Suö to catch up. @Shiro Kurogane
Ouch, Alas takes the insult and continues to move forward, guilt wont stop him now. He continues his march onto the death field, 

"Look for anything really. Any sign of life." Alas said.

Asura stayed silent at Violet and Kage's mention of parents. Of which he had none. 

@Baku @FireMaiden

Angelina's cries softened to an eventual stop while still clinging to Alistair. "sorry.." She apologized for what she assumed to be weird behavior from Alistair's perspective.

Alistair Pats angelina's back, reassuring that she is ok in his arms. He embraced her in as much love as he could. 

Darmani then spoke, "I think we should get some new gear. We need to be prepared if anything happens." He then gets up, and sighed as he regained his bearings, and cracked his neck. @FireMaiden
"Alright." Alas said while nodding, his expression looked dead, the guilt was there but he had to do this. Alas started looking around for any sign of life (I guess if you don't find any I wont as well.)

As is her people's coustom, she began to check the fallen corpses, and to make sure that the dead, we're dead, she slit their throats. While she did this, she muttered soemthing in a foreign language.

Baldur climbed to his feet while the others were talking, and sighed. He had been nothing but a burden to Kage. The sharp pain in his ribs warned him that his ribs had not finished healing, but he didn't care. His job was done. Kage was safe with these dragons. And although he didn't trust them, much like how he did not trust many other dragons, he felt like they were more or less an exception. Plus, he knew when he was wanted and when he wasn't. But, he might as well let Kage know he was leaving. 

As is her people's coustom, she began to check the fallen corpses, and to make sure that the dead, we're dead, she slit their throats. While she did this, she muttered soemthing in a foreign language.


"Hey Kage," Baldur said, walking over to her and laying a hand on her shoulder, "I'm gonna be leaving.."
Baldur climbed to his feet while the others were talking, and sighed. He had been nothing but a burden to Kage. The sharp pain in his ribs warned him that his ribs had not finished healing, but he didn't care. His job was done. Kage was safe with these dragons. And although he didn't trust them, much like how he did not trust many other dragons, he felt like they were more or less an exception. Plus, he knew when he was wanted and when he wasn't. But, he might as well let Kage know he was leaving. 

"Hey Kage," Baldur said, walking over to her and laying a hand on her shoulder, "I'm gonna be leaving.."

"Wh-what?" Her voice cracked.
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Dru watched the light that was his boyfriend and quickly dropped through the branches making a fair amount of noise on purpose. Then he stopped and waited for Suö to catch up. @Shiro Kurogane

Suo who was a mass of orbs of light, gathered around the tree that had made noise.he then spread back out as each orb of light searched the tree.

Alistair Pats angelina's back, reassuring that she is ok in his arms. He embraced her in as much love as he could. 

Darmani then spoke, "I think we should get some new gear. We need to be prepared if anything happens." He then gets up, and sighed as he regained his bearings, and cracked his neck. @FireMaiden

Angelina smiled softly "thanks." she said knowing what Alistair was doing, making her feel loved. And she selfishly liked it.
Alas was a bit disturbed by how Blake was treating the corpses, maybe some tradition he should bother with. He just starts to follow Blake, not wanting to mess with anything. He still stays alert for anything odd, don't want a jump on them yet.

"What do you want to do with them?" Blake asked, "Burn, bury, or leave them for the animals?" She asked this because depending on his answer she would start looting them. Bury, or leave them, their gold was hers. Burn, and they would have a warriors funeral.

Dru chuckled slightly and decided to stretch.  Dru jumped and kicked off the trunk breaking free from the branches and beginning to fall towards the ground headfirst.  Dru looked completely relaxed and at ease as he fell towards the group of dragons below. @Shiro Kurogane
"I'm just here to see something happen to them, it's your place, not mine, your tradition, not mine, do as you think is best for this." Alas said as he didn't really know how to respond, he just wants today to end.


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