In Character

"Well it caused some discomfort. But nothing too painful. It is certainly much better than freezing them so no blood is loss." Violet decided to lay her head down so she could ease her headache. "How are you holding up?"

"Hold off on that sorry because I'm about to be rude." Dru held a hand out and a strong breeze blew in Asura's face to slow him down and a dense body of sand formed before him holding up its hand as if pleading for him to stop. Dru spoke up for Asura "so what? I wasn't standing next to you so your bezerker form didn't faze me butnif I was standing next to thay I would probably freak out too. You scared her, man up and apologize not puss out and run because you're afraid. Don't be selfish." Dru had seen people swallow their feelings for years and was tired of it he wasn't going to let it happen to someone else which was part of why he was so forthcoming with Suö. @Shiro kurogane
Kage shrugged, "Fine I guess. I'm just happy we got out of there," She ssid this as she looked back towards where she smelled the others.  "I wonder what's taking them so long, I'm starting to worry," She said her blue eyes scanning the darkness. Sunrise was in a few hours, and she wanted to go back to sleep, but she knew that she couldn't until someone showed up with some medical supplies, if there was any. Kage turned back to Violet, "Do you know what Asura did? When he....looked like that?" Kage askes, wondering if the other dragon knew. She hoped she understood what she was asking too cause she really didn't want to elaborate.

Alas took out two, fairy bruised apples and what seems to be remains of what used to be an orange.

"So that's why..." Alas muttered to himself as he took a sniff of the parted orange, didn't smell that bad.

"Ah well," Alas tosses the crushed orange away as he puts the apples aside, after that, Alas attempts to clean out his backpack from any of the bits of orange remaining in his backpack. Alas noted to himself not to carry much food on in while in combat, for most of it will be a waste of space. After a couple of minutes, Alas puts his backpack back onto his back and takes one of the apples, offering it to Blake. The apple wasn't that large nor did it look clean.

"Here, it's not much, but i'm pretty sure it'll do something."

Well, more for Alas he thought to himself as he sat down next to the woman, snacking on the apples. It didn't taste great, but food's food. Alas didn't feel safe in the woods with no guard. He tries his best to stay up, keeping guard. It's pretty difficult for how worn out he was from the fight. So he started to do something to keep him up, Alas started hum a tune to keep him up. It was a slow tempo, calming song he remembered it to be. Anything helps, even a good memory, it's relaxing to him.

Even though she was alseep, she spoke, to Alas. " noise....shut the fuck up.....bitch."  She then groaned, kinda fell to one side, and continued to snore. Charming.

"Hold off on that sorry because I'm about to be rude." Dru held a hand out and a strong breeze blew in Asura's face to slow him down and a dense body of sand formed before him holding up its hand as if pleading for him to stop. Dru spoke up for Asura "so what? I wasn't standing next to you so your bezerker form didn't faze me butnif I was standing next to thay I would probably freak out too. You scared her, man up and apologize not puss out and run because you're afraid. Don't be selfish." Dru had seen people swallow their feelings for years and was tired of it he wasn't going to let it happen to someone else which was part of why he was so forthcoming with Suö. @Shiro kurogane

Asura stared at Dru, listening. He didn't seem fazed by the fact he was being held by a giant hand made from sand. "......"
Alas was a bit surprised at the response and how she seemingly can sleep talk... hear? Something around the lines of that. Alas stops his humming and continues to watch guard, nothing is safe here... Alas ponders on what to do next, thinking that trying to come up with multiple plans will keep him up. Alas' eyes starts to get baggy as he fights sleep, but at least he knows what to do next... It's what must be done.

Lance sighed deciding to get the older dragon up. But trying to lift keep him up and run was another story. "Oh god you are a lot heavier than you look. Well here

I was thinking you were light. Now attempt two!" Lance picked up Baldur using every muscle in his body. "Don't worry big guy. We'll get you to the others."

@Safety Hammer

Violet decided to converse with Kage. "So now that you're free and have a mate along with being reunited with your uncle what's next?"


(When are they getting to the others?)
Asura already a good twenty feet away finally paused and looked at Dru. "...... she was scared of me, my berserker form. i saw it." He said the words with a grim finality. Nothing would stop him from going and nothing would bring him back to the group before he thought it was okay for him to return.

Suo stubbornly help on with his arms wrapped around Dru's neck. ".... sorry...." He mumbled just barely above a whisper. He hadn't meant to snap at Dru. 

Angelina stared at Alistair for a moment before nodding silently. She still stayed close to Proxi and Alistair.

Alistair took her hand, and gave her a reassuring look as they walked to Darmani. "We would like to get back to our group..... But we don't know where we are...." proxi said as Darmani turned, and kneeled, and looked at the children in their eyes. He saw Angelina's shyness, "You have no need to shy from me, lass. I am as friendly as one could possibly be." The man with red armor said as he extends his hand out to her, to shake her hand, and to build a foundation for trust. "I am Darmani Alandair, and everyone knows me as the Emperor of Embers." he added, speaking as gently as possible.
"Just agreeto come with me. I'm sure you can break free of my sand and I don't want to have to fight you. Look we have the common goal of saving Midnight." @Shiro kurogane
Alistair took her hand, and gave her a reassuring look as they walked to Darmani. "We would like to get back to our group..... But we don't know where we are...." proxi said as Darmani turned, and kneeled, and looked at the children in their eyes. He saw Angelina's shyness, "You have no need to shy from me, lass. I am as friendly as one could possibly be." The man with red armor said as he extends his hand out to her, to shake her hand, and to build a foundation for trust. "I am Darmani Alandair, and everyone knows me as the Emperor of Embers." he added, speaking as gently as possible.

Angelina relaxed a little with Alistair's hand on her own. She looked back at Damani and gave a slight nod and shook his hand with her free one. "A-Angelina."

"Just agreeto come with me. I'm sure you can break free of my sand and I don't want to have to fight you. Look we have the common goal of saving Midnight." @Shiro kurogane

"........... fine." He finally spoke after a long minute of silence.
(Well I thought it was on your go but I guess I can do it now.)

Lance walked out of the darkness carrying Baldur over his shoulder. "Sorry you two hope I'm not interrupting anything. I just had to save this guy right here and get him to safety." Lance put down an unconscious (correct me if I'm wrong) Baldur. Then his gaze fixed on Violet. His face was one of surprise and guilt.

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer
(Well I thought it was on your go but I guess I can do it now.)

Lance walked out of the darkness carrying Baldur over his shoulder. "Sorry you two hope I'm not interrupting anything. I just had to save this guy right here and get him to safety." Lance put down an unconscious (correct me if I'm wrong) Baldur. Then his gaze fixed on Violet. His face was one of surprise and guilt.

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer

(Well, what is an unconscious guy going to do?)
The sand set him down and was scattered in the wind and Dru said "lets go." Dru picked up Suö and carried him towards the others hoping that Asura would follow him. Dru was getting a little tired from what happened and the little sleep he had gotten. @Shiro kurogane 
Angelina relaxed a little with Alistair's hand on her own. She looked back at Damani and gave a slight nod and shook his hand with her free one. "A-Angelina."

"........... fine." He finally spoke after a long minute of silence.

"This is Alistair, and I am Proxi!" the little fairy said with enthusiasm, with darmani shaking Angelina's hand with a chuckle. "Now that Formalities are done. Angelina..... Do you have anything that belongs to a member of your group? I need a scent to find your friends." The man asked in a genuine tone as he stood up.
(This post will be when it's time to move/morning? @FireMaiden )

Alas' was sleeping face first onto the floor, a mace in his hand and some sort of small book that has a a quill and what seems to be spilled ink on the ground. It seems that Alas was doing some writing, but sleep finally took him. The book is small in size, but it appears to be some sort of journal of logs Alas has been writing. Currently with the words poorly written on the page.

"And the lady Blake claims th-" with a ink spill on the page as well. Other pages seems to be about how he started this journey and how it is his sworn duty to bring honor to the family name by slaying a dragon. Nothing really dark in the book from what it sees, it seems to be just logs of what happened, not many opinions were in the book. Which seems odd for a man like Alas. Due to the books size, it seems that it's almost complete, only containing few blank pages.
There was a high pitched scream that echoed throughout the night sky, Klari was running through the woods avoiding the many trees and trying to get away from her attackers. Klari ran full speed to a tree and kicked her way up to one of the higher branches sitting on the cover of the leaves as she waited in silence looking down at the base of the tree. After a couple of seconds, a dog slammed into the base of the tree trunk barking up at Klari she had never seen a dog before and was scared of what it could do it looked extremely violent. Then two hunters came to the dog and told it to be silent as they looked up and saw Klari hiding in the tree, They both laughed and one started to climb the tree to try and bring her down Klari kicked the hunter in the face causing him to fall down and land on the dog. Klari didn't know what to do and called out for help she didn't know why these people were chasing her but something told her people were nearby that would help her Klari held her right knee as it was covered in blood from when she started climbing the tree. 
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The sand set him down and was scattered in the wind and Dru said "lets go." Dru picked up Suö and carried him towards the others hoping that Asura would follow him. Dru was getting a little tired from what happened and the little sleep he had gotten. @Shiro kurogane 

Asura followed after a moment of pause. He both wanted to see Kage, make sure she was safe. But at the same time he didn't wanna see how she would react to him now. 

Suo stayed silent while Dru carried him. His eyes were closed as he concentrated on looking for any internal injuries.

"This is Alistair, and I am Proxi!" the little fairy said with enthusiasm, with darmani shaking Angelina's hand with a chuckle. "Now that Formalities are done. Angelina..... Do you have anything that belongs to a member of your group? I need a scent to find your friends." The man asked in a genuine tone as he stood up.

"........ no... but." Angelina mumbled and created a layer of purple unburning flames on the ground beneath their feet. Below them now was an image of the forest from a bird's eye view. Angelina pointed to a section of forest a little ways off from where she'd seen Asura's blackhole disappear. "the group should be around this area." 

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