In Character

Kage nodded, "Y-yeah, I think so," She said quickly. 

Blake looked at the man as she dodged, "Woah! Hey! I'm not attacking you guys, I was dragged here!" She pointed at Alas, "He's fair game though."

Kage looked at Asura, her heart racing as she looked at him. She was scared. Not for him, but of him. She had never seen this before, and now, for the moment at least, saw Asura as a monster. She took a few steps backwards, but then asked, "Violet, would you like me to close your wounds? It won't take long."

@Shiro kurogane @Baku @Drumonkey

The leader wasn't paying attention to Alas, but was now getting the hunters to focus on the berserker mode Aura. Blake however was still near him. @Dutchmann @Shiro kurogane

@DarknessSpirit @Safety Hammer @Mistory @Flareshield @Ellieroan @Lady_Luck

"Oi, you hunter piece of shit!" Baldur said, coming from behind. He had been busy with a couple others, but now he was going after the leader. This was his redemption. For Fall. For his sister.

He readied his blade and cracked his neck. "Come at me, boy."
"Oi, you hunter piece of shit!" Baldur said, coming from behind. He had been busy with a couple others, but now he was going after the leader. This was his redemption. For Fall. For his sister.

He readied his blade and cracked his neck. "Come at me, boy."

(Yay! You're back!) 

The leader scoffed, drawing his sword. A silver broadsword with an ebony hilt, and a dragon scale pommel. "You dragon, have picked the wrong person to fight," He said with a sneer. He then charged at Baldur, his sword aimed for a swipe at the dragons feet.
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Dru touched Suö's chest and said "he is important to me. If you don't understand anything else understand that. I need you to heal him so we can help the dragons." Dru frowned as he felt a little hopeless. @Shiro kurogane
(Yay! You're back!) 

The leader scoffed, drawing his sword. A silver broadsword with an ebony hilt, and a dragon scale pommel. "You dragon, have picked the wrong person to fight," He said with a sneer. He then charged at Baldur, his sword aimed for a swipe at the dragons feet.

Baldur jumped back away from the sword, and gave the leader a boot to the forehead. "I've picked the wrong person? You've picked the wrong person to piss off."
The man roared in anger "You humans know nothing but to lie and Murder. I lost my wife and two children because of you! And to add on your kind tortured me! And yet you profess innocence? I'll send you to hell for your transgressions! And don't think that doesn't include you boy!"

@DarknessSpirit @Dutchmann @FireMaiden

Violet began to slow down stumbling while she gripped her head in pain. "Are we in the right area for me to lose consciousness? I can't do this much longer. Damned... Shield hunters." Violet fell to the ground gasping in pain

(Firemaiden double mention)
Baldur jumped back away from the sword, and gave the leader a boot to the forehead. "I've picked the wrong person? You've picked the wrong person to piss off."

The man growled, "One of us is nothing going to leave alive. And I am not going to die this day," He snarled, charging again.
Blake graoned an dawned her sheild, but her sword styled sheathed. She wasn't going to fight, but she wasn't going to die. "Attack all you like, I refuse to attack you."

Kage looked around, they seemed to be a safe distance from the fight to where they couldn't see it anymore. Kage nodded down at Violet. "I-I think so."

Dru touched Suö's chest and said "he is important to me. If you don't understand anything else understand that. I need you to heal him so we can help the dragons." Dru frowned as he felt a little hopeless. @Shiro kurogane

This time the lightning form being seemed to look Dru directly in the eyes. it then turned back to Suo and lifted its hand from covering the wound to show it had healed. Next it looked back at Dru and spoke for the first time with a static voice.  "...protect..." Then it disappeared back into the sea of clouds.

Asura's growing blackhole reached a size where it could no longer go unnoticed by everyone. At this point Asura didn't care if he hit friends as along with the hunters. He'd told Animal to gather the group and they had all been warned. Everything else was of no concern to him in his current form. Aside from knowing Violet had taken Kage away from here.
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Dru nodded his head before she disappeared and he used the sand to move them away from the black hole. Dru pulled Suö into his lap and held him close "Suö dear wake up." @Shiro kurogane
Disappointed Alas responded to Blake with 

"Blake, this is a live or death situation over here! Don't you see that these are dragons!" he wanted to look at her and shout some more, his blood was boiling with what's going on and how Blake refused her aid.

"D-" before Alas could say anything a figure appeared, looked evil. Sounds evil, give a swing, so that's what Alas did. Alas first response to the new.... thing was a swing with his mace, the voice sounds... something disturbing, if it's evil kill it. Is all Alas thought as he tried to swing down onto the dragon, humanoid, demon, something evil.

@FireMaiden @DarknessSpirit

Thorn blocked his attack with a mace, using a dead hunters sword, still smiling demonically, it was amazing how a 16 year old could look so close to a demon. Thorn expertly attempted to slice at his waist with a quick swipe of her sword. 
Phaius saw the root and pulled it back under the earth, walking up to what he assumed was the leader. "Can I have this dance, or should I go and kill the man I allowed to escape?" Phaius looked over at Alas and had on him an evil grin. "I'll show him us dragons aren't merciful especially the second time."

@Safety Hammer


Hilda in her dragon form flew up into the air at the call of a dragon retreat she slowly circled in the air following the dragons while occasionally shooting a fireball at the advancing army. 
The leader made quick work, stabbing at Baldur while sending a dagger to the dragons leg. Behind the dragon, was an up stuck root that if he went backwards, he would trip over.

@Safety Hammer

Baldur cried out in pain as he was stabbed between the shoulder blades, before grabbing the leader by the throat and punching his face with all of the strength he had left, causing him to die of blunt force trauma.
Baldur cried out in pain as he was stabbed between the shoulder blades, before grabbing the leader by the throat and punching his face with all of the strength he had left, causing him to die of blunt force trauma.

(Oml I can't stop laughing.)

And die he did. Just, right there, and un epic death.
Alas put up his shield just in time for the sword to slash across it, which did stagger Alas. This strength! And now there's more than one dragon...human...demon? Whatever it is, it's not good. Alas gritted his teeth as he tried to focus on what to do. But first thing is first.  

"Ag haalvut"   Alas whispered to himself as the mace he hold starts to glow intently rather than before, there are many dragons, the rusty mace thirsts.

Alas puts up a defensive position, shield up and ready, mace at the ready for counter.

"Come at me!" Alas shouts. 

@Baku @DarknessSpirit
The man looked at her mystified "Odd time to grow a soul don't you think? No I have a better idea." the man approached Blake "What should sway me from not killing you?" With this question he struck the shield that Blake was holding with inhuman strength.

Violet was still in horrible pain "Hey Kage can you do anything about head trauma? That shield has really caused some pain for me in the head."

Blake graoned as she slid a few inches. "Maybe because my blade has not been drawn this entire battle, or maybe the fact your friend over there," She nodded over at Baldur, "Needs assistance, and a lowly human is not worth your time."

Kage though for a moment, "I don't think so. With yout other wounds, I could've frozen them, or used shadows to keep them shut until we could treat them properly," She said quietly. "I could try to use the shadows to relive some of the pain."


Mentioned: @Safety Hammer
Thorn turned serious, her anger taking over and she began attacking him in a flurry of rapid slices and slashing. "You wanna see evil?! I'll show an evil dragon!" Thorn screamed as she continued to attack him. @Dutchmann
Not only strength but speed as well? Dragons, demons? Who gives a damn anymore! This creature must go down! Alas tries his best to defend himself against the woman's rapid attacks. Managing to defend himself against some of it, however, most do manage to hit him. Nothing major expect some slices, and a nice little cut against his chest. He continues to fend himself until he gets really pissed. 

"Enough!" Alas shouts as he swings the mace at the woman, this time he charges at her while he does with his shield up.

Phaius approached the man and put a hand on his shoulder, saying, "If this hunter is telling the truth, then he won't betray your trust. If they do though, you have full permission to kill this hunter and whatever other human you want to kill."

Dru nodded his head before she disappeared and he used the sand to move them away from the black hole. Dru pulled Suö into his lap and held him close "Suö dear wake up." @Shiro kurogane

Suo didn't stir but did give a groan. 

Asura's still growing blackhole reached a size where it towered above the treetops. Trees, animals, earth everything was being sucked in. The blackhole aided by Asura continued its growth even more.


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