In Character

Dru smelled Suo's blood and simply drew his arm back before tossing a concentrated spear of sand and wind and tossed it through the knight before he pulled him and Suö into the safety of a sand dome "baby are you ok? What happened?" @Shiro kurogane
Du threw a spear of sand at the knight tearing a hole through him then a sand dome covered the two of them and Dru began to check out his wound clearly freaking out and acting different from his normal collected self. "Baby what haopened?! Are you ok, does it hurt?" @Shiro kurogane
The man walked to the until stopping in front of the horse. "You running from something? And if so point me in the right direction. I'll take care of them." If the case was hunters than he would enjoy this.

Violet got up silently thanking the dragon as she ran to the main group. "Animal we are leaving come on!"

@Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Mistory @Emperor Of Embers @Flareshield @DarknessSpirit

Alistair sheathed his blade, seeing as the man had no ill intentions. "We are.... It's a bunch of hunters who rained arrows on our group.... We don't know how many there are now..." Proxi the fairy said with slight apprehension as alistair looked at Angelina, and back at the man.
Du threw a spear of sand at the knight tearing a hole through him then a sand dome covered the two of them and Dru began to check out his wound clearly freaking out and acting different from his normal collected self. "Baby what haopened?! Are you ok, does it hurt?" @Shiro kurogane

Suo didn't respond. He eyes were faded to a dull brown rather than his normal honey color. He had already fainted and his body moved in reaction to anyone who got close with the intent to harm. The arroe still stuck out from where it had embedded itself, blood still flowing out from the wound.
Dru checked the wound best as he could then he pulled the arrow out and slowed the bleeding with his power as he tore off his shirt tearing it into strips and then he wrapped them around the wound then he used some of the sand to created a breathable vest to keep pressure on the wound. Dru shifted to his half dragon form as scales grew on his back chest outer arms and legs and on his forehead and cheeks while small horns grew from his head. Dru then scooped up Suö gently and jumped out of the dome heading towards Kage and Asura "help Suö has been wounded I slowed the bleeding hut it'll resume normal speed in a minute but I have it roughly bandaged." @Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden
"should be, yes." He had responded immediately after Kage finished the question. "and im not putting you down. as much as i'd like to help, i can't. my power is not one for fighting alongside others. so i'd likely end up doing more harm then good. plus with you being left alone i'd be too worried about you to even protect myself. so right now, getting you to safety is my priority. besides, i trust the others enough to come back alive." He finished just as Dru brought an injured Suo to them. Asura looked at the wound with a face that suggested this happened a lot with Suo. "Dru, you need to either get lightning to strike Suos body or find a fairy with the light attribute to heal him. Suo was originally a lightning dragon so he is loved by lightning. His power over light was a blessing from the queen of fairies, Titania. i'll let Suo reveal that part of his past to you when he wakes."

@Drumonkey @FireMaiden
"You two kids stay safe. I've got some trash to take care of." The man ran past them and was heading in the direction that they came from. He was going to kill them in this form. They would get no satisfaction dying to an evil dragon. They will pay for all they had done to the many dragons in the Vault.

Violet was Limping as she tried to get away from the fight. "Kage, Asura we have to get away and fast! I'm able to kill a couple but 5 more take their place. If we don't run they will overwhelm us!" Violet grabbed her head in pain from the beating she took. "I never want to see a shield again."

@Shiro kurogane @Drumonkey @FireMaiden @Emperor Of Embers 
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Dru closed his eyes and began to let his new half dargon senses overwhelm him he could sense that there was an excess of electricity in the air and from what he had seen earlier he could probably force Suö to shoot lightning although he would hurt himself in the process. Dru took several moments to consider the option before deciding it was worth it. Dru jumped high into the air and then said quietly to Suö "someone is trying to kill me discharge electricity now." Dru then touched several spots where Suo's power might reside in his body hoping to activate something. @Shiro kurogane
Asura looked back at Kage, anger bubbling up at her words of 'who cares if im safe'. His eyes darkened until his eyes just looked like an endless pool of black. His body stiffened and his half dragon form's usual coloring of purplish red faded to pitch black. Glowing tendrils of of a deadly black circled his arms, legs, torso and face until his entire form looked as if he were the embodiment of endless darkness itself. Aside from the hardly noticeable tint of purple mixed in. "violet, take Kage." Those three words seemed to echo from their soundings rather than Asura mouth. Next Asura turned and simply walked towards Suo after seeing Dru's attempt fail. 

Suo's body reacted to Asura's approach like a scared animal. Instead of lashing out and attacking, lightning rained down on him as he turned and got as far away as possible. The lighting itself instead of leaving Suo changed into the form of a human and laid a hand over Suo's wound after he'd stopped running. The look at the lightning humanoid figure's face was like a mother worried for her child.

Asura in his new form, a trait only those of his race possessed... berserker form. A hidden form/trait possessed exclusively by his bred of dragons. Unlike normal berserkers who stay as they are when they lose control, Asura's berserker form frees him from the limits of a dragon to exert power that even gods would not approach lightly. But unlike the dragons of old, Asura can't freely control this power and it only manifests when his emotions reach a certain point. There are other ways form this form to be activated but this is the most commonly known way.  The most dangerous aspect is the fact that Asura retains his ability to think. "shall we end this?" He asked no one in particular as he eyes scanned the battle for their friends. He would quickly round them up even if he had to do so forcibly.

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Baku (@everyone else)

(note to self: never let Kage ask Asura "who cares about her safety" again) 
(Sorry, I had school.)

Alas responded holding his shield up to guard, making sure he's surroundings had no tree root or vines.

 "Yes, it's the one." He said as he still faced the direction of where he heard Phaius. 

Kage looked at Asura, her heart racing as she looked at him. She was scared. Not for him, but of him. She had never seen this before, and now, for the moment at least, saw Asura as a monster. She took a few steps backwards, but then asked, "Violet, would you like me to close your wounds? It won't take long."

@Shiro kurogane @Baku @Drumonkey

The leader wasn't paying attention to Alas, but was now getting the hunters to focus on the berserker mode Aura. Blake however was still near him. @Dutchmann @Shiro kurogane

@DarknessSpirit @Safety Hammer @Mistory @Flareshield @Ellieroan @Lady_Luck
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Dru used sand to keep him and Suö in the air as he watched the electric woman "please save him so I can continue in life. I need him... I don't know what I would do without him." Dru said quietly. @Shiro kurogane
he had been defending who he could from arrows, but this was out of hand. He snarled, and marched forward, saliva dripping from his jaw. 

 Asura had the right idea. they needed to end this. now.

 taking his place above the two girls, beside the berserker hybrid, the massive Dragon gave him a nod. he would help end this here, if it was the last thing he did.

 inside his fire was lit. the crystals over his form began to shine and glow, signifying he was getting ready to fight for real. and listening to the rumble in his chest, he was going to let the true animal out now...

@Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden @Baku

(sorry. been having trouble figuring out where to post...)
As Alas was keeping up his guard, looking for the slightest change from the trees. As he was looking around, he noticed the familiar face, Blake.

"I thought you liked these poor b-" Alas stopped as he saw now the more "important" dragons in the matter of hand. The ones that the guild members are dealing with. These dragons are... overwhelming, Phaius wasn't lying. Size and strength, truly powerful beasts. Alas raised his shield up towards the dragons in his sight, he starts to head to them. Heading in a slower past than others were, trying to make sure nothing would sneak up on him.

"Blake, I need your assistance in this!" Alas shouts, thinking of a plan to counter these monstrosities. 
@FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane @Mistory
Thorn took off, landing straight in front of Alas, her teeth large and pointed, and her eyes glowing a bright orange yellow, with large red wings sprouting out of her back, she tilted her head with a sick, demonic smile. "Where you going buddy?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice, she sounded like a demon. 

Hilda flew down the line of attackers landing on the other side were the dragons were running, She looked around observing how she could help them escape with her wings flexed up ready to swoop off into the air if the attackers got too close.
Disappointed Alas responded to Blake with 

"Blake, this is a live or death situation over here! Don't you see that these are dragons!" he wanted to look at her and shout some more, his blood was boiling with what's going on and how Blake refused her aid.

"D-" before Alas could say anything a figure appeared, looked evil. Sounds evil, give a swing, so that's what Alas did. Alas first response to the new.... thing was a swing with his mace, the voice sounds... something disturbing, if it's evil kill it. Is all Alas thought as he tried to swing down onto the dragon, humanoid, demon, something evil.

@FireMaiden @DarknessSpirit
The human form lighting looked at Dru while still pressing it's hand to Suo's wound. It gave no answer or indecation of having hear Dru. But what it did seem to be doing was stidying Dru closely whilst pouring lightning into Suo's wound. 

Asura looked at animal. "gather the others and take Kage, then run as far away as you can so as to not get caught up in what im about to do." He looked at Kage and seemed unfazed by her look of fear at him. But he felt as if a hole opened in his chest. Turning back Asura watched the hunters know being directed at him and simply repulsed them all with a wave of altered gravity. Next Asura balled his fist as he formed a black hole and kept growing it larger by the minute. 

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Baku @Emperor Of Embers @Mistory @(everyone)
the Dragon gave a growl, but nodded. this wasn't something he could help in the end.

 He reared his head back, and released a roar that seemed to shake the earth, catching the ear of all in the area.

 "Dragons! MOVE"
"Kage you can close them up where it's safe! I have them frozen for now, Now come on!" Violet started to bring Kage with her making a small shield of ice intent on protecting them while Violet was fighting just to stay conscious from the damage caused by the shield beating. "Just a warning I might not be awake for much longer so if I lose consciousness could you help me?"

@FireMaiden (Twice for the second part as Blake)

The man jumped from the woods and tried a surprise attack on the two humans "You aren't even fit to take on a dragon so I will kill you in this form!"

@DarknessSpirit @Dutchmann

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