In Character

(I don't know how to properly respond to you without putting a simple sentence, @FireMaiden , but I'll give it a try.)

Alas nodded to the man acknowledging that he is ready for the battle. He gripped tightly on his weapon, having mixed feelings of what will happen next. Fear of death, but happy to finally claim glory for his family.
"We should either hurry and get out stuff ready, or leave it here and run already," Kage said, now actually standing up. She looked over at Asura, and gently smiled. But she was scared.

@Baku @Shiro kurogane @Safety Hammer @Mistory @Drumonkey @DarknessSpirit @Ellieroan @Flareshield

Soon, the guild leader h it he signal his archers were in place. With the moon high, he looked around an nodded, before raising his hands to his mouth. He would then make a fairly common bird call, not a moment after, arrows began to fly into the mouth of the cave. @Dutchmann

( @Emperor Of Embers The Hunters guild is attacking the dragons after the goddess Midnight made a deal with them.)
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Rhona looked at Kage and nodded. "We should gather what is important. I think we may be able to at least grab that." Rhona had already gotten her stuff together when she heard the warning roar. She didn't have much, just her satchel and weapons, all of which were on her back already, ready for running or shapeshifting. When she heard the arrows whizzing through the air, Rhona closed her eyes and quickly opened them again. "Well, I guess not." 

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Alas didn't have any ranged weapons, but he stayed close to the nearest soldier whose equipment looked similar to his, a shield and a weapon. Seems easy enough to find. The guild here seems to know what they're doing which surprises Alas, he's never seen the guild communicate before like this. That's just because he's never been in this situation before. It's excites Alas knowing that this preparation seems professional. @FireMaiden
"Do we have we have everything?" Thorn asked, to nobody in particular, tapping her foot impatiently. Suddenly, a rain of arrows started to fly towards them, Thorn ran deeper into the cave, attempting to dodge the arrows. 
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"We should either hurry and get out stuff ready, or leave it here and run already," Kage said, now actually standing up. She looked over at Asura, and gently smiled. But she was scared.

@Baku @Shiro kurogane @Safety Hammer @Mistory @Drumonkey @DarknessSpirit @Ellieroan @Flareshield

Soon, the guild leader h it he signal his archers were in place. With the moon high, he looked around an nodded, before raising his hands to his mouth. He would then make a fairly common bird call, not a moment after, arrows began to fly at the dragons. @Dutchmann

( @Emperor Of Embers The Hunters guild is attacking the dragons after the goddess Midnight made a deal with them.)

(I see. Was there a skip in time? Because my last post was with Alistair and Angelina just getting back.) 
(I don't know, I just got here and I'm waiting for a good point to jump in, probably when they are all running or something)
Dru clapped and all the arrows slowed down noticeably then sand tendrils rose out of the dirt and in mass knocked the arrows to the dirt. "EVERYONE RUN!" next to Dru a small cyclone of air began to form slowly spinning faster and faster. @FireMaiden 
A chorus of shouts and cheers as the other god members began charging the dragons, more arrows flying at them to provide extra protection from their comrades. The only one who didn't charge with them, was Blake, who was only brought along cause of her sword. She stayed behind. @Dutchmann 

 Kage was now terrified, and resisted the urge to cover her ears as Dru screamed. She had no idea what to do as her heart and mind raced.

@Shiro kurogane @Drumonkey @DarknessSpirit @Ellieroan @Baku @Mistory @Safety Hammer  
(Joy to the world)

Violet felt an arrow whiz by her face. "They're here guys! We have to get out and fast!" Violet was quick to manipulate the frost on the ground into a portable shield holding it in the direction of the arrows.

@FireMaiden @Flareshield @Mistory 
the sound of yelling men made animal freeze.

 this was not the time to lose his cool. maybe later, but now they were in trouble. animal snarled, putting his massive form between the group and the hunters, arrows bouncing of his rock hard hide as he gestured for them to move.  he could at least cover them here...
Thorn flinched as an arrow grazed by her arm. Thorn would wait for the arrows to stop raining before making a beeline out the cave, Thorn dunked under Violets ice shield, waiting for the arrows to stop. 

Hilda was flying through the night sky her dragon hide almost near invisible with the backdrop of the vast empty sky when she saw what looked like a small army charging towards other dragons. Hilda stared at the dragons for a second she thought she was the only one and felt a yearning to help them, it was obvious they were running and under heavy arrow fire she couldn't do much to help but it was a plus the army didn't know she was high above in the air. Hilda dove down into a dive bomb and opened her mouth a pitch black fire starting in her mouth and smoke pouring out the sides when she got close to the ground Hilda let fire pour from her mouth down on the small army and pulled up flying away while a few arrows were flying back towards her. 
With the yelling and arrow fire, Alistair awakens and grabbed Angelina. He sets the sleeping girl on Epona, who stood, ready to run. He grabbed his sword, and a couple rocks, and Proxi woke up minutes after. "What's happening?!" She shouted as the boy mounted his horse, with angelina laying limp like a ragdoll, her body as close to alistair as possible. He then positions her to where she was laying on his back, her head resting on his shoulder, so she does not fall off, all done as quicly as possible. @Shiro kurogane
Phaius sighed as he walked out to the area Alas was. He said, "Alas, you had my trust and you betrayed it. I guess all humans are evil creatures after all, not of their word.Well, should I be merciful again, or should I show you what an earth dragon can really do? It's your choice."

Suo tried to stay mad at Dru for daring to suggest he would fight the hunters alone. Without him. But that charming smile paired with the touch to his cheek. All of Suo's momentary anger faded and he released his mate just as Dru suddenly clapped. At first Suo had jumped, startled and confused. It was only when he turned around after Dru yelled to run that he saw torrent of arrows about to rain down. A fierce growl ripped from his throat at the small army of hunters. Electricity pulsed to life around Suo's body, forming into ten balls. The ten eletro-balls shot into the slowed down arrows and detonated like bombs, sending bolts of lighting in all directions.

Asura was suddenly at Kage's side, moving her behind him protectively. He held up his hand as if to use his power. But seemed to reconsider and just used his bare hand to take the few bolts of lighting that strayed his and Kage's way. He used his body to redirect the lighting via his bare foot touching the ground.  Even so, Asura still was hurt pretty badly. Although no one would know that just from looking at him. "we. are. leaving." He said as he turned at brought Kage into his arms and dashed out of the cave in his half dragon form. He realized he hadn't needed to pick Kage up since she would have ran anyways. But at the moment he liked having her close so he just stayed quiet while he pretended to not have realized what he'd done.

Angelina felt herself being moved but couldn't seem to wake up. At first she started shaking in silent panic that someone was taking her away again. But then a familiar scent filled her nose, Alistair. Next came her other senses seeming to be working in slow motion as now she heard Dru's yell, Suo's growl and the sounds of lighning and finally, Asura talking to someone. She felt the trees quivering in fear. Her eyes shot open looking right into Alistair's face. She was too over whelmed with the feelings of the trees at that second to realize how close her face was to Alistair's. Now Angelina was looking around as she quickly pieced together what was happening.

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Emperor Of Embers (@everyone else)

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