Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

Tanya got up and walked back to the van where she saw the two people that followed her so she decided to go and talk to them, Tanya went up to Kairi and chuckled "Good fighting out there" Trying to spark up a conversation and a friendship.

"He wants to study them. Learn how the X-Gene came into existence." Virian said, before walking over to Nikolai.

"Besides that, I think you owe me something after dodging my kiss." The mutant gave a cheeky smile, and wrapped his arms around the Russian's neck.

Nikolai smiled shyly, his cheeks turning a soft shade of red. "You're right," he breathed, wrapping long, muscled arms around Virian's waist, tugging his body closer. Then, far too delicate for a super soldier, he pressed a kiss onto Virian's lips. 
Kairi looked over to Tanya as she spoke to her "Oh, thank you. You did a great job as well" she said putting the shipment in the Van.
Tanya looked over Kairi's shoulder getting a little bit too close to see what she was putting in the van "So, wanna be friends?" Tanya blurted out trying to make her first friend while invading Kairi's personal space. 
Kairi didn't seem bothered as to how close the other got. Well this was a surprise. Kairi made two friends in one day without trying. "sure we could be friends"
[SIZE= 16px]Overing this he laughed. Then he remember something "hey guys. We are probably gonna get roommate's after this" he said to them[/SIZE]

Kairi didn't seem bothered as to how close the other got. Well this was a surprise. Kairi made two friends in one day without trying. "sure we could be friends"

Tanya looked over Kairi's shoulder getting a little bit too close to see what she was putting in the van "So, wanna be friends?" Tanya blurted out trying to make her first friend while invading Kairi's personal space. 
Logan sat in the back of the van, pissed he got no real action in, "so have fun at our first failure, Cassie?" He quipped to the girl as they drove. He took off his helmet and leaned back. @sitanomoto
Kairi looked back at @LoneSniper87 "our mission was to get the shipment, not to fight the green goblin and electro. So it was not a failure." She pointed out in a calm tone of voice
"Well... It would've been nice to have two less villains on the street... And I feel that is more of a technicality at least." He shot back

She took off her mask looking back at him "You're right, it would have been nice to have two peas villains on the street, but things won't always go according to what we want. Stop groveling over what was out of your control and focus on the success we had." She shot back
"If you want respect shown then prove you deserve it." She said before looking forward at the road. She sat beside lucas
Tanya was sitting next to Kairi in the van while listening to music she uploaded into her data base not really listening to the people arguing. The music was barely audible to the people in the van since they were all talking.
He grumbled to himself. "Kinda family you grow up in? Treat others how you wanna be treated miss..." He leaned forward and tilted his head down.

Raymond & Cassie

Cassie sat in the middle area of the van beside Raymond, she wasn't leaning on him like she usually did. "I'm sorry." She said softly. "Save it." He replied bluntly, staring down at his shoes. She kissed another guy. I ain't no saint but ain,t that bade, ese? Hybrid said to Raymond telepathically. It's kinda the worst thing you can do to a guy. Raymond replied in thought. Then dump the chick! Hybrid yelled in Raymond's head, the boy flinched. I still like her, H. Really bad. He thought. Cassidy just fiddled with her fingers as they drove in silence. "I'm sorry R--" He put a finger on her lip as his face morphed back to normal. "It's okay. Just... Not again right?" He questioned. "Not again." She said with a smile, pecking his cheek as they continued down the road.
Nikolai smiled shyly, his cheeks turning a soft shade of red. "You're right," he breathed, wrapping long, muscled arms around Virian's waist, tugging his body closer. Then, far too delicate for a super soldier, he pressed a kiss onto Virian's lips. 

"I was expecting for you to kiss me like a man, not like a wimp." Virian teased, his cheeks also a light shade of red. He then pulled Nikolai's head down a bit more, and kissed him a bit longer, and a bit more passionately.
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Logan sat in the back of the van, pissed he got no real action in, "so have fun at our first failure, Cassie?" He quipped to the girl as they drove. He took off his helmet and leaned back. @sitanomoto

Cassie made a little swirly motion with her hand. "Woo hoo." She muttered. "Dad's gonna be real proud of me now."  She looked at Logan and sighed. "Do you know what it's like being the offspring of a successful business woman and a billionaire philanthropist who's possibly the smartest man on the planet and a superhero to boot?" She asked. "I have so much to live up to. I mean, my dad is best friends with Captain America. I don't think I could ever even surpass that. I made my own AI and my own suit and everything but.... I feel like it's still not enough." 
Tanya looked up at the iron girl when she was talking about her parent while Tanya was searching the web for other information, she decided to try and make a joke "My father was a toaster" Tanya chuckled at Cassie.

"Guess your ready" he made the thing so so fsst a tire burned out. It is still manged to stay up and driving

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