Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

There was a quiet metallic sound, as Makayla's skin turned to a somewhat dull, and shiny metal. "So I'm bulletproof," She explained, before silently after the other two who already went in.
Tanya paced around the scaffolding finding the two patrolling guards Tanya sneaked over to the first one and kicked his legs out from underneath him while choking him until he passed out, Tanya slowly laid his body on the scaffolding and crouch-walked to the next one when she was about half way to him he turned around and saw Tanya in her combat gear he was about to call alerting the warehouse to her presence when she charged forward pulling out a dagger stabbing him in the chest repeatably while covering his mouth with her other hand. 
This made Virian feel better. Knowing that he didn't mess up. And also that Nikolai was as nervous as he was. But now, he knew to take it slow. 

"Oh.. thank you.." He said, with a smile he hoped would calm him down. "Can I, uh.. can I hold your hand?" Virian felt slightly childish asking him that, but it felt good. Even though he had just met him about two hours ago, Nikolai made Virian feel safe.

Nikolai nodded shyly, tentatively wrapping a calloused hand around Virian's hand. Virian's soft and calm voice calmed the anxiety that knotted tightly in Nikolai's chest.
Kairi watched Tanya with a calm look as she waited patiently for the signal to do ahead and attack the others.
Makayla looked at a few thugs with ear pieces so she knew which ones to short out when or if they were spotted. That would hopefully take care of the calling back up move a lot of bad guys did.
"oh no. is this a bad time to say im a pacifist?" he said looking around  
Nikolai nodded shyly, tentatively wrapping a calloused hand around Virian's hand. Virian's soft and calm voice calmed the anxiety that knotted tightly in Nikolai's chest.

"So you two finally made it. Good. Good good good." Doctor Nemesis said, as the two made it to the room. "Mr. Weingott, please steady your heartrate. Your BPM is two beats faster than normal and it is pissing me off."

"Nice to see you too, bud."


"Let's get this over with, I can melt our way in from up here." He said, giving his opinion. "We go in, get the MGH and get out. If we're caught we take out the baddies. Electro might be there too but he's almost and omega class villain, don't get caught with him either. Silent." He informed.
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"Let's get this over with, I can melt our way in from up here." He said, giving his opinion. "We go in, get the MGH and get out. If we're caught we take out the baddies. Electro might be there too but he's almost and omega class villain, don't get caught with him either. Silent." He informed.

Lucas nodded and sclienece  his phone to look for more bombs
Kairi looked over her shoulder at Raymond. He would start to deep cold as she spoke "That would be an unwise coarse of action. They have guns and if you had not realized that not all of us are bullet proof. We will wait for Tanya's signal before we strike"
After Tayna killed the other guard she stood up looking behind her at the two Tanya held the small metal ball in her hand and dropped it off the top while turning around closing her eyes and covering Kairi's eyes making sure she wouldn't be harmed by the bright flash. The small metal ball hit the ground and bounced into the air exploding a bright flash stunning the people down below. Tanya jumped off the edge landing on one of the bad guys and flicking a throwing knife into one of the legs of the bad guy while diving back into cover as the other bad guys regained there vision.
"I could jam some the guns. Not all them though. Would that make it easier?" He asked without looking up
"So you two finally made it. Good. Good good good." Doctor Nemesis said, as the two made it to the room. "Mr. Weingott, please steady your heartrate. Your BPM is two beats faster than normal and it is pissing me off."

"Nice to see you too, bud."

Nikolai gave Virian a quick, wide-eyed glance, face full of shock and wonder. He didn't so much as peep, but his expression all but said how the hell does he know your heart rate?

He turned to Doctor Nemesis, "Sir," he said, stiff and yielding.
After the flash, Makayla saw the ones she saw with ear peices move to call for back up. As they did this, they suddenly screamed as an electrical current shorted out the mics, leaving them black and smoldering.
Lucas gasped and looked away tears in his eyes. 

After the flash, Makayla saw the ones she saw with ear peices move to call for back up. As they did this, they suddenly screamed as an electrical current shorted out the mics, leaving them black and smoldering.
Once the ball was dropped and Tanya uncovered Kairi eyes, Kairi looked at the stun men below I've formed into the shape of a throwing star forked in her hand as she whipped them into the hands of a few gun holders, makijgthem drop their weapons before she jumped down. Ice now formed into a blade the floor freezing brethren her feet increasing her speed while making the thugs fall back on their butts. She took the ice blade to attack those standing. Before the ice left on the floor froze into spikes, going through the legs and arms of the thugs that had the unfortunate fate of falling back, now in pain and unable to move as she made her assault
[FONT= 'Courier New']Raymond[/FONT]

Raymond leaped down through the hole created, shipping his chains around, fiery at the moment the unlucky thugs who got caught howled in pain as their bodies caught fire and were thrown into the coming steel wall. He looked to the rest, holding his palms to face them he began firing orbs of hell-fire towards the men, a strike coming down on his skull he fumbled forward to see another thug. He then punched the man's club, grabbing his head he stare into the man's eyes as he dropped there dead. "Oops." He said as he looked back to the others.


Cassidy followed Rsy into the hole, dodging the incoming bullets she fired her webs and stuck some of the thugs onto the wall. She then did many flips and kicks, knocking out a small portion of the baddies.
Nikolai gave Virian a quick, wide-eyed glance, face full of shock and wonder. He didn't so much as peep, but his expression all but said how the hell does he know your heart rate?

He turned to Doctor Nemesis, "Sir," he said, stiff and yielding.

"Mr. Volkov, you are not in boot camp neither are you on a battlefield. Addressing me as 'sir' will not be granting you many favors, if not less. So please try and get into the habit of acting like a normal person." Nemesis snapped, as he began operating on a cadaver.
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Lucas jammed the guns of the tugs that went near him then had the gun and while they where distracted, hide 
Kairi glanced over at the guys going after Lucas. While she did one of the thugs shot her in the shoulder. it seemed like her mood changed from being calm and level headed to filled with rage. The ice blade melted as fire formed in her hand. She shot the fire at the gunman that shot her. He yelled in agonizing pain before she moved her hand towards the guys going after Lucas. The fire seemed to follow as it pushed them back, giving them third degree burns and shoving them into the wall hard to knock them out

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