Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

The retractable wall rolled up, revealing a ramp in an upwards direction with sunlight at the other end.


"Kick a-- but." Ant-Man commented. "Oh and the truck turns invisible." He added still in his office his voice was still a big muffled but they'd be able to hear it. "Good luck, Jocasta has bird eye view on you, anything goes wrong? We know." He informed.

Virian sighed, and walked down to the room of Dr. Bradley, hoping that maybe Nikolai still liked him.

Nikolai followed behind Virian with his usual striding steps, taking in the surroundings of the school. He felt ever so slightly relieved, because he didn't want to go on the mission; he didn't want to go on any missions for that matter.
"yea let kick some" he old the van to turn on  "every one ready!"

god i hope this things goes fast he throught to him self


She chuckled at Makayla's joke as they sat in the vehicle, looking up to Lucas she sat there impatiently. "Gonna step on it or what?" She asked sternly. "New York needs us." She added for more 'flare'.
"OK ok just trying to see if we where ready." the van peeled off at its max speed 


Raymond's body rocked backwards as the car went in motion, wasn't as fast as his but it was a decent speed to cause him to lose balance. The flames on his head twirled as the car moved, a grin growing onto his face. This kid can drive. He thought with a rebellious expression, not meaning much but still.
"oh i didnt catch the part as to where we are meant to go" he said quickly "just say where i have to GPS turned on" he added
Nikolai followed behind Virian with his usual striding steps, taking in the surroundings of the school. He felt ever so slightly relieved, because he didn't want to go on the mission; he didn't want to go on any missions for that matter.

"I... I'm sorry if I made you feel weird.." Virian said softly, now walking next to Nikolai. "I can understand if you don't wanna go get coffee with me anymore.." He felt like an idiot. Not only did he almost get him in trouble, but he kissed him. Hell, for all he knew, Nikolai could probably have a girlfriend. 

"I'm.. I'm kinda used to it."
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A series of bullets began to swarm on the van as Electro and his mysterious companion's goons began firing at them. The car shook but it.s advanced durability kept it in tact.


"I can take out the thugs, you guys find the MGH and skadoddle. Okay?" She clarified for the plan, it was obvious that she was ecstatic. "Just bear with me, I'll take 'em out easy." She added, looking to Raymond's worried face.


"She can do it guys.." He said in a soft tone. He really didn't want her out there. "We'll protect Techno since he's our main form of calculation. Remember you sniff out any electronic bombs or EMPs." He informed. "And we only call each other by our aliases." He added.


A series of bullets began to swarm on the van as Electro and his mysterious companion's goons began firing at them. The car shook but it.s advanced durability kept it in tact.


"I can take out the thugs, you guys find the MGH and skadoddle. Okay?" She clarified for the plan, it was obvious that she was ecstatic. "Just bear with me, I'll take 'em out easy." She added, looking to Raymond's worried face.


"She can do it guys.." He said in a soft tone. He really didn't want her out there. "We'll protect Techno since he's our main form of calculation. Remember you sniff out any electronic bombs or EMPs." He informed. "And we only call each other by our aliases." He added.

Techno nodded and stopped the van 

(you gonna tell me if there bombs or do i deicde?


"Welp, time to shine!" Cassidy exclaimed, pushing the door open she sent multiple webs to the guns, dodging the bullets with immense speed she kicked on each of the thugs heads as if she were running and they were the platform before wrapping them in web cocoons and flinging them into the lake. She then looked to the warehouse, a large grin on her face. "What're you guys waiting for. Raymond rushed up behind her with a smirk through his skull. "Nice one, Tiger." He complemented.
Makayla nodded at the plan, wondered if she should go ahead and turn her skin. She decided against it for the moment as she got out of the van with the others. "Now I see why he says you could he the next Spider dweeb." She chuckled.

@Nicholas Waldorth
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She heard what Makayla had said, frowning before she had kicked ass. She then returned to the van, pulling Makayla out she frowned. "I'm Spider-Girl, you're just a knock off from that show.... That's so Random!" She informed with a slight chuckle before looking back to the warehouse. "Let's go in."


"That's what they all say!" Cassie said with a slight chuckle before remembering they had a mission to do. "Oh yeah, so how're we gonna get in there again? Anyone have any night vision powers or anything? Anything at all would be best at this point." She spoke rather quickly.
Tanya awkwardly followed the group on the mission and laughed when one of the girls got called spider dweeb. Tanya was never one for conversation but she liked hanging in the back it suited her better, Cassidy asked if anyone had night visions. Tanya had night vision but it wouldn't help them see through the wall so she spoke up "I have a long range X-ray vision, will that help?" She questioned awkwardly while raising her hand.

@Nicholas Waldorth
Makayla glared at the girl, the Spider-Girl telling her she's a knock off. "Depends on how you wanna get in," She muttered. 
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